HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/3/1985 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING June 3, 1985 Council members present: Les Young, Ed Rich, Ray Duncan, Fred Ross and Paul Cassel. Attorneys, Robert Kiesz, Chuck Zimmerman, John Wallace and Rosemary Bordlemay and City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor, Don Crain. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Paul Cassel. Fred Ross questionsed two vouchers for Psychotherapy treatment submitted by Chief Brooks. It was determined that it was the responsibility of the City to cover any expense not paid by insurance as Chief Brooks is covered under LEOFF I. All bills and accounts were passed unanimously. Mayor Crain stateed that Neil Fuller had resigned and thanked Neil for his 10 years of devotion to the City. Mayor Crain appointed Robert Kiesz, Ogden, Ogden & Murphy as legal advisors for the City and staed that they are the largest Municipal Law Firm in the State of Washington. Attorney John Wallace handed out a brochure describing their firm and its services. He said they now have 25 attorneys in the firm and represent eight Puget Sound cities. ' Bob Kiesz and John Wallace will primarily be representing the City of East Wenatchee. Mayor Crain appointed Bob Kiesz to serve on the committee for the 9th Street FAUS Street project. Bob Goodman said he would like to wait until the next meeting to discuss the need for a backhoe. Mayor Crain said the fee to Northwest Auction Services to auction off the police vehicles will be 12 1/2 percent of what the vehicles sell for. Mayor Crain said he saw Ted Huls at the school last Thursday and hopefully he will be starting the demolition project soon. Bob Goodman gave a rough draft of the Six Year Street Program to the Council for their review and input. Bob said the irrigation line across 9th street by the old A & W was successful. Fred Ross said he looked into the request for 5,000.00 from the Chamber to sponsor the 1985 fun festival to take place Aug. 17th and 18th. Fred asked Don Sollom, Chairman of the fun festival how much money the merchants of ' East Wenatchee were putting up. Mr. Sollom said "no money" they are giving their time. He said they are asking the full amount from the City. Fred said there is also a serious liability for the City to participate in the festival. Mr. Sollom said they carry Ins. with Bill Dodge Insurance and at the suggestion of John Wallace, Bill Dodge said they could increase the liability insurance to one million IaaLO (4LO ALsn Iueun passed pup ssob paa3 Aq papuooas °pauanoCpe aq 6UL489w ayq ge44 ftQ.LPeP apew LasSPO Lned °ssauLsnq Aa44anj ou 6ULaq aaa41 •Aaessaoau aq pLnom goeaqu n a PIES a3PLLPM U40C •apew aq gsanbaa uagglam P geyq palsp qnq gsanbaa ay; 44Lm waLgo.ad ou aas pLnoo ay PIPS ULeao JOSeW •sano4 80LJJO aeLn6aa Ou anP4 Aa44 asneoaq aagwp40 a44 40equ03 04 OLLgnd ayq aol gLnOI;;Ip seM qt PIPS aH •LLPH 4410 uL saagaenbppa4 aagwPgj a do qas pLnoo A944 ;I palse ddeayl 44laj •eLpaw a44 04 I M oq quem Aayq dI uPw LLOunoo 4opa oq do sum II °PLpaw ayq 0; 101 oq auORuP AaPJO qou pLnoo ay PIPS ULPaO AORPW •uo 6ULo6 sL gPyM MOUJ oq 446La a44 aney Aa4q SLaa} a4 PUP puagge q,UPO aLdoad }o 40L P PIPS aH •Plpaw 944 oq ILPq 04 6ULga8w 402a to pua a44 qe awLq apISP qas pLnoo LLOunoo ay; dL pa�sp NSAN 4glm ApooW uoo •ALsnowLueun passed pup 6unoA sal Aq papuooas `43Lb P3 Aq apPw SPM UOL40W •00.000`3 aa44oup oq do OSLPa upo aagwp40 ayq 6ULg4RUP yOgew LLIm AgIO ayq pup 00.000`Z aagwe40 ayq anL6 44 Q ayq geyq Pa9a6P SPM qI 'UOLssnDSLp WOW aag3tl •pagPa;ap SPM Uolgow ayq 'PJC a }o JOeL aoj •ueouno Sub Aq papuooaS •aaow gsanbaa pup �Oeq awoo ueo Aayq 'papaau qunowP LLn; ayq asLea q,ueO Aayq dL pup 00.000`Z aagwe40 ayq anL6 k4IO ayq geyq UOLgow P apew LasseO Lned gaoddns S,AgIO ayq paeu pup „sageq gsnC a.a,am„ PIPS °aagwp40 ayq yglm dde.ayl 44Ia)l squawaounouup aOLnaas OLLgnd eeil laas pLnoys aagweg0 ayq pup LenLgsa_4 un3 ayq puaggP oq SaapuLwaa 44IM „SPP umo A[ag4 6eq„ pLnoys uawSSaULsnq ayq PIPS aH •6ULSL4aanpP uo Auuad P puads oq anP4 qou pLnoys aagwPgo ayq PIPS ssoa paa3 AOLLod sqI oq AgLO ayq ppp pup BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT JUNE 3, 1985 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Ed Rich 2. Ray Duncan 3. Fred Ross 4. Les Young 5. Paul Cassel 6. James Dart 7. W. V. Humane Society 8. Emp. Security Dept. 9. Doug's Vacuum Center 10. Wenatchee World 11. Wells & Wade 12. Grant Road Hardware 13. Petty Cash 14. Reid Pump & Supply STREET 1. WA. St. Treasurer 2. Emp. Security Dept 3. Seco Construction 4. Cascade Gas POLICE 1. Kayo's Car Wash 2. Sears, Roebuck & Co. 3. Grange Supply 4. City of East Wenatchee 5. Apply Valley 1 Hour Photo 6. Kit's Cameras 7. Clifford Hahn 8. Glen Frese, Psy. D. 9. John P. Berberich, Ph. D.,P 10. In Print 11. United States Post Office 1 May Per -diem 55.77 " 55.77 " 27.89 " 55.77 " 55.77 33rd Payment Copier 113.20 June Dog Control 191.00 May Social Security 2 750.09 Vacuum repairs 19.35 Publication 15.35 Supplies for Park 29.92 Supplies for Police Cars & Park 73.10 Cash Expenditures 165.04 Parts & Supplies for Park 133.00 3 741.02 April Traffic Signal Maintenance 170.94 May Social Security 612.20 Rolo Tape 105.66 1 Months Service 17.57 906.37 May Police Car Washes 70.00 2 Batteries for Police Cars 105.10 Gasoline 353.86 Street Labor on Police Cars 118.14 Film,Batteries & Photo Finishing 44.10 Film 6.05 Medication 8.78 Wm. B. Brooks Psychotherapy 325.00 S. " " 220.00 Office Supplies Police & City Clerk 63.07 6 Months Post Office Box Rental 26.50 1 340.60