HomeMy WebLinkAbout5/20/1985 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCouncil Meeting May 20, 1985 Council Members present: Ray Duncan, Ed Rich, Les Young and Paul Cassel. City Attorney, Neil Fuller and City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor Don Crain. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Les Young and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Les Young and passed unanimously. The Council gave Bob Goodman permission to have the park sprayed for approximately 180.00. Authorization was given by the Council to call for bids for paving of the following streets: Anne, Aurora, 4th St. and 13th St. Said bids to be opened June 17th. Motion was made by Ed Rich, seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously. Bob Goodman said he would like to push a line across 9th Street by the old A. & W. to get irrigation water for the park. There is now a metal 2" pipe in and he thinks he can push a smaller P.V.C. pipe through the existing pipe. He said he would look into the matter further. Bob said he would like to call for bids to put in a drain pipe across Valley Mall 'Parkway by the Drugstore. The quotes he received were all above the 2,000.00 bid limit. Authorization was given by the Council to set the date of June 17th for a Public Hearing on the Six Year Road Program. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Les Young and passed unanimously. Bob Goodman said he borrowed a backhoe to dig by Texaco Station to repair a leak in the irrigation line. Mayor Crain said he felt there might be a need for the City to purchase a backhoe. Ray Duncan said the cost would be at leapt 35,000.00 and made a motion to call for bids. Seconded by Ed Rich. Paul Cassel..asked if it wouldn't be cheaper to rent a backhoe for the few times the City needs one. Bob said he hated to borrow one each time and that he can't always get it when he needs it. Paul said he would like to look into it further. Ray Duncan withdrew his motion and the matter was tabled until the next meeting. Authorization was given by the Council to declare the following equipment surplus and participate in an auction at the Chelan County Shop June 29th. 1967 CMC Van, 1975 'Matadore and a 1980 Chevrolet Malibu. Motion was made by Paul Cassel, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Mayor Crain said the sale of these vehicles has nothing to do with the purchase of new police vehicles. Fire Chief Ron Combs said his department would have use for the van during the summer for a youth program they have. The Council said the police department has no use for the van and therefore want to sell it. 0 kl-/ •FLsnowLueun passed put? ueouna Fed Fq papuooas pau.AnoCpe aq 43 4P44 uOL40w a apew Lasse3 Lned °SsauLsnq ,Aa44.Anj ou 6ULaq a,Aa41 •UOL4P0L}I.Ae Lo jag4,An3 ,Aoj 6u L4aaw a pua44e 04 wL4 ASP pue LLa4o4LW qo8 4oe4uoo AaaL3 F4LD a44 4P44 LLounoo aq; Fq pa4sa66ns seM 41 •sLPL.Aa4ew a4SPM snopAezze4 10 LesodsLP pue SLeL.Aa4ew snop.Aezze4 }o Lo.A4uoo 9q4 04 I6uLULe4,aad LLago4IW pup sauop `algll WOJJ panLaoa.A FILE a44 ,Aa44aL a o4 Pa.Aaa;aa LIaN 4ue4Lnsuoo a44 g4IM 1,AoM o4 aal4Lwwoo apLs4no ue 4ULodde o4 alIL PLnoM a4 `4ue4Lnsuoo a ULe4aJ Saop F4Io a44 aI PIPS uLPJ3 JO,FPW •4aF se 9413 a44 MaLna.A 04 4ue4Lnsuoo a BULUJ93UOD SOL4ID -PM 40 •ussy a44 wo,A3 paea4 4,use4 a4 PIPS JaLLn3 LION •wL4 4oe4uoo pLnoM aq PIPS LLaN •Loo40s a44 ;o uOL4ILowap sueLd a4 ua4M Ono puL} 04 sLnH pal 6uL4oP4uoo UL ssaoons pe4_4ou 4ou aneq ,An44.AV3W 966ad Pup ,AaLLnJ LLaN PaLAueo uoL4oW •,Ao; pa4on ueouna Fed •Lasse3 Lned Fq papuooes •uo14e3LLdde a44 4daooe 04 gOLd P3 Fq apew seM uoL40W •4S uonaa ZLOL 4e Pa4POOL 44,Aadoid uo 6unok Sal Fq pa44Lwgns S6ULPa000.Ad UOL4exauuy aouawwOO 04 UOL4ua4UI ;o aoL40N a pa4d933e LLounoo a41 •FLsnowLueun passed pup ueouna Fed Fq papuooas `4oLd P3 Fq apew seM uoL4oW •S4IwLL 9413 944 uL44IM pue4s SIAOMa.AL; a do 4as o4 gnL3 Ja4Soo9 4ROPLIM 4uow4se3 044 MoLLP 04 LLounoo a44 Fq uanL6 seM UOL4ezL,Ao44ny (sai4unoo seL6noa pue MaU JOJ wPJ6OJd 4uawa6eueW a6pnLS a44 }o UOL4doPe) 58-L 'ON UOL4nLosad u6Ls 04 A.A8L3 F4Io pup aoFeW ago pazLAo44ne LIounoo agl •wa44 4daooe o4 6ULLLIM SL 44unoo seL6noa pup s4PLd 4JO4S S,F4Io a44 6uLuaaouoo 30 DJeo Uaje4 uaaq peq 6ULg4RJana PIPS Lassen Lned •sapoo a44 a3JOJU L 04 sueLd a4 pue }alga aJL3 SE a,ae S0L4ILIglsuodsa.A SL4 4e4M MOul 04 LInnoo a44 pa4ueM 4snC aq PIPS sgwoo ;aLgo •4I 4noge aLzuaNOW •.AW .44IM ALP; pLnoM a4 PIPS ULPJ3 JOkPW •.Ao4oadSUL 6ULPLInq aq4 g4IM waLgo.Ad D M IL e 6ULne4 MIS SL a4 4nq a4e.Aadoo3 o4 6uLLLLM uaaq se4 auLL.AadS a.A6oaq pies sgwoo daL40 •panssL SL Fouedn000 ;o 4Lwied a a.Aolaq SUOL4oadsuL 6ULIew pup sueLd 6uLMaLnaJ uL Ao4odasuj 6uLpLing Pup .AauueLd 44Lo a44 wo,A} UOL4e.Aad000 palse a4 pup PIPS a4 s4u8wauLnba,A F4a4es a}IL ago 4aaw 4ou op s6ULPLInq a44 }o awoS 'F4I3 ago ULg4IM pa43adSUL se4 4uaw4.Aedap sL4 s6uLPLInq ago do awos 44IM SUJaouoo SLq 4noge LIounoo aq4 04 PaILP4 sgwoo ;aL4o BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT MAY 20, 1985 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Wm. McKenzie May Salary 325.32 2. Schmidt & Clem May Public Defender Retainer 450.00 3. Don Crain May Salary 308.27 4. Peggy McArthur May Salary 1 229.54 5. Virginia Kinzel May Salary 964.94 6. De Forest N. Fuller May Legal Retainer 1 660.00 7. Ronald Lannoye May Salary 485.38 8. Lenueal Breckenridge May Salary 486.49 9. George Sperline May Salary 325.32 10. Do. Co. District Court May Payment 2 092.75 11. Security Bank of WA. May Withholding Deposit 2 774.30 12. Pedco Credit Union May Payment 375.00 13. Trusteed Plans Service Corp. June Medical Insurance 1 041.00 14. WA. Finance Officers Assn. 1985 Dues 40.00 15. Do. Co. Sewer District 2 Months Service 14.00 16. General Telephone 1 Months Service 281.40 17. Columbia River Services 2 Stumps removed in Park 85.60 18. Libke, Jones & Mitchell, Inc. Insurance 18 974.88 31 914.19 STREET DEPARTMENT 1. Ronald Lannoye May Salary 832.25 2. Lenueal Breckenridge May Salary 973.37 3. Robert Goodman May Salary 1 268.68 ' 4. Pedco Credit Union May Payment 275.00 5. Security Bank of WA. May Withholding Deposit 533.70 6. Trusteed Plans Service Corp. June Medical Insurance 325.45 7. Southpark Industries 22 Gutterbroom Segments 231.50 8. Grange Supply Gasoline 449.65 9. Do. Co. Sewer District 2 Months Service 14.00 10. General Telephone 1 Months Service 48.36 11. Mac Tools Distributor Tools for Shop 237.52 12. Libke, Jones & Mitchell, Inc. Insurance 4 768.17 9 957.65 POLICE 1. Wm. Brooks May Salary 1 725.84 2. Harold Kirby May Salary 1 470.63 3. Michael Cattin May Salary 1 516.47 4. Hiram Thomas May Salary 1 372.07 5. Chet Virnig May Salary 1 292.52 6. John Harrison May Salary 1 478.52 7. Kelli Keefe May Salary 874.51 8. Mobilefone Northwest May Mobilephone Service 40.85 9. Do. Co. Sheriff's Dept. May Dispatching 722.50 10. Dept. of Retirement May Retirement Payment 1 359.81 11. Central Communications May Maintenance Agreement 116.10 Nelson Office Machines Typewriter ribbons & lift-off tape 41.66 '12. 13. The Keyhole Lock rekeyed 24.73 14. Grange Supply Gasoline 449.30 15. Blumenthal Uniforms Supplies & Uniform Cap 97.05 12 582.56 I 1 1 EL'L6b saOLA.AaS Le681 JaUnd 'N 4swOJ@a '6L 3SN3dX3 1N32RM