HomeMy WebLinkAbout5/6/1985 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCouncil Meeting
May 6, 1985
Members present: Fred Ross, Ray Duncan, Ed Rich, Les Young, Paul Cassel. Attorney,
Neil Fuller and City Clerk, Peggy McArthur.
In the absence of Mayor Crain, Les Young, Mayor Pro-tem called the meeting to Order.
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by
Ray Duncan, seconded by Fred Ross and passed unanimously.
Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded
by Ed Rich and passed unanimously.
Bob Goodman said he would like to make plans to pave some of the streets included in
the six year road program for 1985. Anne, Aurora and possibly 4th Streets. He said he
would have some suggestions and plans drawn up for the Council's review and present them
at the next meeting.
Bob also stated that the six year road program is again due the latter part of June.
He said he would have a drafted copy ready for review at the next meeting.
Ed Rich said Chelan County is having an Auction June 19 and if the street department
or police department has any surplus equipment, they may want to take part in the auction.
Ray Duncan said the Committee has been working on the 9th street FAUS project with the
Dept. of Transportation. He advised the Council of some of the requirements and stated
'the committee is pushing as fast as they can.
Charlie Johnston, Manager of the East Wenatchee Water District again discussed with the
Council, their proposed project on Hamilton. Mr. Johnston said he had first agreed to
overlay the entire street. However, he stated, he and Bob Goodman found this would not be
feasible as in some places, a two inch overlay would put the street above the sidewalk
and cause a drainage problem. He said it would also cost the Dist. 6,400.00 for an entire
Mr. Johnston asked that the Council allow him to made the necessary cuts and patch the
cuts. He said the District would restore the street to its present condition.
Bob Goodman said he did not think Mr. Johnston's request was out of line. He said, if
the Dist does a good patch, he felt it would be adequate.
After some discussion, Paul Cassel made a motion to allow the Water District to patch
the cuts in the street and sidewalks to keep the costs down as long as the work met the
acceptance of Bob Goodman. Motion was seconded by Fred Ross and passed unanimously.
Mr. Johnston said it is possible that they may run into problems with rocks and might
have to take up the whole street but will have to face those problems at the time of
construction. He assured the Council that the Dist. will repair the street to its present
condition and to the satisfaction of the Council if such problems do arise.
'Mr. Johnson said they also have to make two cuts on French Street and will do a good
patch job on those cuts.
Authorization was given by the Council to adopt Ordinance No. 388 (amending Ordinance
No. 280 - to bring its ordinance into compliance with the current requirements of the
National Flood Ins. Program) Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Ed Rich and
passed unanimously.
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The Council appointed Fred Ross to get together with Mr. Spears and go over the plans
with him and what the expenditures will be and bring that information back to the
next Council meeting May 20th.
There being no further business, Paul Cassel made a motion that the meeting be adjourned,
seconded by Fred Ross and passed unanimously.
1. Ed Rich
2. Ray Duncan
3. Fred Ross
4. Leslie V. Young
5. Paul Cassel
6. W. V. Humane Sociery
7. General Telephone
8. P. U. D.
9. James A. Dart
10. E. W. Water District
11. Libke, Jones & Mitchell
12. R. L. Polk & Co.
13. Emp. Security Dept.
14. Grant Road Hardware
15. In Print
16. Wells & Wade
1. Piston Service, Inc.
2. Emp. Security Dept.
3. General Telephone Co.
' 4. Norris Paint Co.
5. Grant Road Hardware
6. P. U. D.
7. Cascade Natural Gas
8. E. W. Water District
9. In Print
10. Chet Butler Co.
11. Morrill Asphalt Paving C
12. Harrison Auto Parts
1. David Corn
2. Gary Thomas
3. Robert Hale
4. James Harum
5. The Keyhole
6. N. Central Petroleum
7. Kayo's Car Wash
8. Kit's Cameras
9. Apple V. 1 Hour Photo
10. Blumenthal Uniforms
11. McArthur Fire Equip.
12. Grange Supply
' 13. Chelan Co. Treasurer
14. Multnomah County
15. Harrison Auto Parts
April Per -diem
It to 41
May Dog Control Payment
1 Months Service
2 Months Service
32nd Payment Copier
2 Months Service
Public Employees Bond
City Directory
April Social Security
Supplies for Park
Current Expense Vouchers
Parts for Chain Saw
2 862.97
& Police Office Supplies 113.23
4 493.16
Spark Plugs, Lamps & Battery Terminals
April Social Security
4 Months Service
Paint & Glass Beads for striping
1 427.60
Staple Gun, Staples & Chain
2 Months Service
1 792.00
1 Months Service to Shop & Garage
2 Months Service
1 000 Street Vouchers
Inc.Cold Mix & 4 Gals. Solvent
Parts for Paint Machine & Supplies for Shop
4 321.93
April Wages
" It
Rekey back door & repair lock on Monte Carlo
15-40 Oil for Police Cars
April Police Car Washes
Film & Photofinishing
" to
Operating Supplies, Shirt & Accessories
Fire extinguisher recharged & repaired
350 Gals. premium unleaded gasoline
April billing for housing of prisoners
3 504.70
Operating Supplies
Parts for Car #1 & 7
4 503.36