HomeMy WebLinkAbout4/15/1985 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCouncil Meeting
April 15, 1985
Council members present: Fred Ross, Paul Cassel, Ray Duncan, Les Young and Ed Rich.
Attorney, Neil Fuller and City Clerk, Peggy McArthur.
Meeting was called to Order by Mayor, Don Crain.
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan,
Seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously.
Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded
by Ed Rich and passed unanimously.
Ray Duncan said the 9th Street FAUS project was advertised and by 5:00 P.M., April 15th
any engineer interested, was to have their Letters of Interest and General Statements of
Qualifications submitted to City Hall.
Mayor Crain noted that a contract for Stadium Fund money uses was received from the
Cascade Loop Assn. Authorization was given by the Council to expend 2,446.61 at the
previous Council meeting.
Neil Fuller said he had prepared two Ordinances. It was agreed by the Council to put
those matters on the May 6th agenda.
Chief Bill Brooks thanked everyone for attending the meeting. He stated his Attorney,
Jim Freeley would be speaking in his behalf, as he felt he might be able to be disciplined
for what he had to say.
Mr. Freeley said one of Bill's first requests by the Mayor, was to paint the police cars
pink. He was then asked not to issue any DWI. His department was to give any one caught
drunk, a ride home. The Mayor denied both of these accusations. Fred Ross told him to
stay away from Kennedy's Tavern, stating Fred accused the police Dept. of harassing them.
Mr. Freeley then told of a fight between Mayor Crain and Fred Ross which took place at
the 5'T's. Mr. Logan tried to break up the fight and then his Mother came to assist
and Mayor Crain pushed her against a wall.
Mayor Crain's DWI was then discussed and that the Mayor had been trying to get rid of
the Chief every since because the Chief wouldn't get him out of it.
Mr. Freeley said Chief Brooks could not work under all of the tension and after taking
off several months sick leave due to a heart condition brought on by stress, returned to
work after clearance from his Doctors.
At that point, Mayor Crain assured Cheif Brooks that he would not be fired for insubordina-
tion if he spoke for himself.
Chief Brooks stated the first direct order from the Mayor after his return to work, was to
prepare a duty roster. The second order was that the 1985 budget was frozen at its present
level and not to use or assign any reserve officers to any duty without signed written
'Chief Brooks stated he had pressure from both the Mayor and Fred Ross. Chief Brooks
stated Mayor Crain said "he (Brooks) would pay for it if he couldn't get him out of the
DWI. Mayor Crain denied that statement.
A waitress at the 5'T's started talking again about the incident between Mayor Crain and
Fred Ross. At that point, Mayor Crain asked if that type of thing could be stopped.
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Bob Finley stated that perhaps Chief Brooks should be examined out of the office.
Les Young said when a person is out of the office, they are still in front of the public.
Heber Kennedy said it might be advantageous to hire a consultant to study the City's
needs. This he stated, might get personalities out of it. He stated, it shoud be someone
out of the area.
Mary Justice asked why the Mayor offered the reserves to Wenatchee if the City can't
afford to pay them.
Bob Hale said he felt reserves should be handled strictly through Chief Brooks.
Dave Corn said money should not be an issue as far as the reserves go. He said he was
available to help people, not for the money. He stated he had offered to work without pay
while Sargeant Kirby was ill.
Fred Ross said the money issue was because,$4,000.00 was budgeted at the first of the year
for reserves and it has been expended. If reserves are willing to work for nothing, he
stated, there is no problem.
Fred also stated, the problems between Mayor Crain, Chief Brooks and himself started
when the Chief was requested to decrease his previous budget by 20%. Chief Brooks
increased it instead and asked for a 7th officer and additional vehicles. Fred Also
added, "The Chief is a bright and good officer but lacks dollars and cents". The purchase
of 80.00 hats, bullet proof vests and gas masks in his opinion, was not necessary and he
did not feel a 7th officer was needed. He said the police department has an additional car
they do not want to use and Ron Lannoye said there is nothing wrong with it. He said Ron
said he would not be afraid to drive it to New York and back. Fred also stated, that
during the budget preperation, Chief Brooks said he would never get into a squad car again.
Paul Cassel said he tried to work as a liaison between the Chief and the Mayor and that
didn't work. Paul said he felt the Mayor should stay out of the operations of the police
department and after a few months if Chief Brooks cannot handle his budget and his job
description, Chief Brooks should then be fired. Ray Duncan concurred with what Paul had
to say.
Ed Rich said the Mayor should let Chief Brooks do his job. Its up to the Council he said,
if they allow any additional police expenditures.
Les Young said he was not after the Mayor's job but does feel his personal life style
does affect the City.
Mayor Crain said hFelt it was his obligation to the tax payer in holding down the
expenditures of the police department. He said his social life should not be judged..
He should be judged on his accomplishments and if the City residents feel he is not
doing a good job, they could recall him. He said if people object to what he does
after business hours, they shouldn't frequent the same restaurants and lounges.
Carol Hall stated any elected official is always in tp�ublic eye while in office.
Mayor Crain said he would try to meet those obligoti
There being no further business, Paul Cassel m ffo ' n to , seconded by
' Ray Duncan and passed unanimously.
1. Wm. McKenzie
2. Don Crain
3. Peggy McArthur
4. Virginia Kinzel
5. De Forest Fuller
6. Ronald Lannoye
7. Lennie Breckenridge
8. George Sperline
9. Emp. Security Dept.
10. Robert Crawford
11. Schmidt & Clem
12. Joel Goplin
13. Do. Co. District Court
14. Pedco Credit Union
15. Trusteed Plans Service
16. Dept. of Labor & Industries
17. Security Bank of WA.
18. ICBO
19. De Forest Fuller
20. In Print
21. Wells & Wade
1. Ronald Lannoye
2. Lennie Breckenridge
3. Robert Goodman
4. Harrison Auto Parts
5. Emp. Security Dept.
6. Trusted Plans Service
7. Security Bank of WA.
8. Dept. of Labor & Industries
9. Redland Prisom Corp.
10. Pedco Credit Union
1. Wm. Brooks
2. Harold Kirby
3. Michael Cattin
4. Hiram Thomas
5. Hiram Thomas
6. Chet Virnig,
7. John Harrison
8. Kelli Keefe
9. Harrison Auto Parts
10. Mobilfone NW
11. Do. Co. Sheriff's Dept.
12. Pioneer Business Forms
April Salary
" Salary
1st Quarter Unemployment Comp.
Probation Fees Collected
April Public Defender Retainer
Probation Fees Collected
April Payment
April Payment
May Medical Insurance
1st Quarter Industrial Insurance
April Withholding Deposit
1985 Code Publications
Legal Services
Office Supplies & Copier Paper
Part for Park Equipment
April Salary
11 11
Parts & Supplies
1st Quarter Unemployment Comp.
May Medical Insurance
April Withholding Deposit
1st Quarter Industrial Insurance
Gun Spray
Credit Union Payment
April Salary
Parts & Supplies
April Service
April Dispatching
1 229.54
1 660.00
2 092.75
1 041.00
1 102.04
2 891.30
15 149.34
1 268.68
5 271.73
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