HomeMy WebLinkAbout4/1/1985 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING April 1, 1985 Council members present: Fred Ross, Paul Cassel, Ray Duncan, Ed Rich and Les Young. Attorney, Neil Fuller and Peggy McArthur, City Clerk. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor, Don Crain. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Ray Ducan, seconded by Paul Cassel and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Ed Rich, seconded by Ray Duncan and passed unanimously. Authorization was given by the Council, granting Bob Goodman, permission to purchase 150 gallons of paint and 1000 lbs of reflective beads. Motion was made by Fred Ross, seconded by Les Young and passed unanimously. There was more discussion concerning the project on Hamilton Street by the Water District. Bob Goodman said it was determined that the Water District cannot place a 2 inch overlay on Hamilton as it would put the street, in many places, higher than the existing sidewalk. Bob said their plans now, are to patch the crossings and put in a fire hydrant. Bob suggested that the City might want to replace the sidewalk at this time. The cost would be approximately 19,000.00. Fred Ross and Paul Cassel referred to the minutes of Feb. 20, 1985 which stated the Water District would overlay the entire street and the work would have to meet the satisfaction of the Street Supervisor. Both Council Members felt it is the Water District's responsibility to do the job to the satisfaction of the City and if they can't perform the work as they proposed before the Council, they should share the cost of any changes that have to be made. Bob said it was determined that the District will not have to make any openings on French Street. The matter was tabled until the next meeting. Bob will talk again with the Water District Manager and get wome quotes for replacement of the sidewalk. Bob Goodman said he got another quote to install a drain pipe across Valley Mall Parkway and it was about the same as the last quote. He stated if they run into cement or large boulders, they would have to charge an extra hourly rate for removal. The Council agreed that core samples should be taken and if a contractor will not take the job for $2,000.00 or less, the City will have to call for bids for the project. Bob advised the Council that starting Monday, April 8th, the street department will begin 10 hr. days. Monday through Thursday - 7:30 to 5:30. Fred Ross asked Sargeant Kirby if he was spending any time in a patrol c r. Sargeant Kirby stated, he spends 2 to 3 hours each day in a patrol car and as it �as been ra her `pau,AnoCpt •A'LsnowLueun passed pup ueoun0 Red Rq papuooas Pew Lasse9 Lned `ssauLsnq Aagganj ou 6uLaq aaagl k—1 •panowaa uaaq seq Looyos ayq aaq;e agep aageL a qe aaggpw gegq ssnosLp pup ZLPm og pagsa66ns sem qI •Loogos ayq puL4aq panoadwL pup paA'eLaano s4.Ano3 sLuuag a44 aas og 9AI L pLnom aq pLps go La P3 •,CLsnowLuuun passed pup upoun0 kea kq papuooas `L8sse9 Lned kq apew seM UOL40W •guawdLnba ayq }o LLe anowaa Maao siq pup qo8 8ne4 oq LLouno9 ayq kq uanL6 seM uoLgezL.Aog4ny •anowaa aq pLnogs Looyos PLO aqg puLgaq quawdLnba punoa6 keLd ayq pLes aagsnCpy aoue.Ansul s,A'gL9 ayq gpgq pagegs uewpoog qo8 •aLgLssod se uoos sp auop gaaags ge4g 6uL44a6 uo agpaquaouoo pLnogs klQ a4g gLal a4 pue goaCoad gaaags 46 a44 uegj a9440 uoLquagge ageLpaunuL papaau gegl k4Q ayq uLgjLM gaaags a44 Jo Rue uo swaLgoad aoCpw ou puno4 qo8 pue aq pLes ueoun0 kea •guawgaedap leaags ayq Ao; uoLgdLaosap qoC a uo Iaom pLnoo uewpoog qo8 pue a4 pLes Lned ' •uagm pue �aom og uangaa ueo ag 6uL4e4s saogoo0 s,LLLB woa} 6ULw0O q;.aol aq pLnom s.Aa43aL pLes Lasse9 Lned •A'LsnowLueun passed pup 4oLb P3 Rq papuooas `Lassp9 Lned Fq apew SUM uoLgoW (aagogeuaM gse3 10 X4q 3 041 ao; aoLLod }o daL49 aqq ao; 44q jog4np pup sa4inp `uoLgdLaosap qoC agg 41a0} 6uLggas) LSE *ON aoueuLPJO gdope 01 LLouno9 ayq Rq u9nL6 seM uoLgezLaoggny •sgLwLL R4q 3 ayq uL uo 6UL06 sL uoLgonagsuoo 3LL4m auop gaa.Ags ayq ;o LLe 406 04 awLq pooh p aq pLnom qL se guow4se3 og,Aa3e8 woa} 6uLpea6-dn uL pagsaaaquL aq pLnom A'a44 }L aas oq A'guno9 ayq 41Lm 10a43 oq goLa P3 paNse LLouno9 a41 •ssaa6oad sjL oq pasLnpe LLouno9 aqj dael pup A'em aapun goaCoad a44 qa6 oq A9LLnj LLaN pue ueoun0 kpb `uewpoog qo8 paquLoddp uLea9 aoA'eW •pagaegs 4a6 pLnogs goaCoad ayq Laa} Ra4g aaojaaaq; pue aeag a se gonw se a)eq pLnoo ssaooad ayq gpgq poaAbp LLouno9 aql •goaCoad Leaapaj •q$ q46 ayq uo pagapgs qa6 pLnogs X40 agq Laa} Ra4g pup uewpoog qo8 pue ueoun0 A'ea g4LM qaw aq pies uLea9 aoReW •A'LsnowLupun passed pup 6unoA sal Fq papuooas `ssoa paaj A'q apew SUM uoLgoW •agLs a68LLoo ssauLsnq /aoLIlo up sp A'gaadoad ayq doLanap oq •03 uoLn9 a44 40 uotquaquL ayq sL qL •03 uoLn9 agq A'q ao} paLLdde sp gaaagS uowLS }o apLS 44noS ayq uo pageooL A'gaadoad uo 86up4o auoz e ao; 4uU4Lnsuo3 6uLuueLd 44 Q agq pue uoLssLwwo9 6uLuueLd ayq ;o uoLgepuawwooaa ayq gdaooe og LLouno9 ayq A'q uanL6 seM uoLgezLao4gne `uoLgoaCgo oLLgnd ou 6uLaq aaa4l •A'LsnowLueun passed pup ssob paaj A'q papuooas `6unoA sal Sq apew seM uoLgoW neaan8 uoLguanuo9 pue saogLsLA eaay aagogeuaM ayq og 00.000`L ageuop og LL3uno9 ayq A'q uanL6 seM uoLgezLaogqny kLsnowLueun passed pup 6unoA sal ,Cq papuooas `sso8 paaj A'q apew SUM uoLgoW 'b86L uL •ussy agq og pagpuop gunowp awes ayq sem lPgj •ussy dool apeose9 ayq 01 L9.9bb`Z ageuop 04 LLouno9 ayq Rq uanL6 SUM uoLgpzLaogqny •saLgnp Aag4o sL4 g4Lm do 6utdaal 40O L4;Lp uaaq qou seq qL `aeaR a4g 3o awLg moLs BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT APRIL 1, 1985 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Ed Rich March Per -diem 55.77 2. Ray Duncan 55.77 3. Fred Ross 55.77 4. Leslie Young 55.77 5. Paul Cassel 55.77 6. W. V. Humane Society April Dog Control 191.00 7. James Dart 31st Payment Copier 113.20 8. Joel Goplin Probation Fees Collected 130.00 9. Petty Cash Petty Cash Expenditures 180.28 10. In Print Office Supplies 58.46 11. Wenatchee World Notice of Hearings 30.69 12. Grant Road Hardware Supplies 19.31 13. Chelan Co. Treasurer 1st Quarter Liquor Tax 94.71 14. Emp. Security Dept. March Social Security 2 789.84 15. Wells & Wade Supplies 3.97 3 890.31 STREET 1. Grant Road Hardware Knee Pads & Dust Pan 10.09 2. WA. ST. Treasurer Feb. Traffic Signal Maint. 28.51 3. Piston Service of Wenatchee 4 Oil Filters 16.37 4. N. Central Petroleum Bulk Oil & Solvent 233.54 5. Redland Prismo Corp. Parts for Paint Machine 137.91 6. Grange Supply Gasoline 196.97 7. Emp. Security Dept. March Social Security 612.22 8. Cascade Gas 1 Months Service 93.25 9. Wells & Wade Hardware Portable Air Tank 48.44 1 377.30 POLICE 1. Robert Hale March Wages 74.36 2. Gary Thomas 302.03 3. David Corn 111.54 4. James Harum 185.90 5. Kayo's Car Wash March Police Car Washes 70.00 6. Piston Service of Wen. 12 Oil Filters 46.11 7. N. Central Petroleum Bulk Oil 113.52 8. Dennis Automotive Rectifier Car #6 21.77 9. Kits Cameras Film & Photofinishing 7.00 10. Grange Supply Gasoline 371.51 11. Blumenthal Uniforms Uniforms 136.93 12. Nutshell Training Concepts Training Course (Michael Cattin) 25.00 13. Ted Finkbeiner Repairs Car #6 134.16 14. Sears, Roebuck & Co. Battery Car #3 13.98 15. Libke, Jones & Mitchel Insurance 3 750.38 5 364.19