HomeMy WebLinkAbout3/4/1985 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING March 4, 1985 Members present: Les Young, Ed Rich, Ray Duncan, Paul Cassel and Fred Ross. Attorney, Neil Fuller and City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor, Don Crain. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Paul Cassel and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Bob Goodman said they are busy picking up sand and will be stripping within the next week, weather permitting. Mayor Crain said he would like Ray Duncan and Bob Goodman to give the Council a list of streets needing repair and present it at the next Council meeting. Fred asked Bob why snow is plowed to the middle on certain streets. Bob said they plow to the middle on streets that are wide. Otherwise, they would be piling snow on sidewalks and parking areas. He said it was a problem on Baker Street this year because of the parking ordinance and after realizing the problem, they made several cuts along the street so people could get cross to their homes and to pick up their mail. Bob also said there appeared to be adequate lighting on all streets within the City limits. ' Mayor Crain asked Pual Cassel if he had any information to give the Council on Chief Brooks return to work and if he had a copy of the lastest letter from Bill's Doctor. Paul said he had a copy of the letter and will prepare a response to the letter. After some discussion, the Council voted to have Neil Fuller draft an amended Ordinance changing the time of regular meetings from 7:30 to 6:30 P.M. affective April 1st. First and Third Mondays will remain the same. Motion was made by Fred Ross, seconded by Paul Cassel and passed unanimously. Mayor Crain stated Ted Huls would start demolition of the school the first part of March. A Public Hearing was held before the Council concerning the annexation of Curwood and Betty Gackstetter and Thomas Kincaid to have their property located West of Georgia Street, East of the Highline Canal and South of Grant Road zoned C-M. The Recommendations of the Planning Commission was to annex the area in with its present zoning R-L (light residential). The Attorney for the Gackstetters and Kincaid said Mr. Kincaid is raising livestock on the property at this time and would like it grandfathered in. Many people concerned about the zone change were in attendance. The public was ' assured if at a later date, Gackstetter and Kincaid requested a zone change, a public hearing would again be held and they would be notified of the hearing. After more discussion, Fred Ross made a motion to accept the Planning Commission's recommendation to leave the zone R-L at this time and allow Mr. Kincaid to keep his livestock on said property. Seconded by Les Young and passed unanimously. >aa ��W4�U � RLassP3 eun passed pup ue3unO Rea Rq papuoaas pauanoCpe a aw a uoL w e spew Lasse3 Lned `ssauLsnq aaygan; ou 6uLaq aaayl buL aw gxa ayg a,aolaq aa4ga6og saan6L} awns gab og pa3se seM 3aaLO RgL3 ayl •saxeg Rg,aad ad se ins saxeg awos aonpaa pLnoo R1L3 ayg sdeyaad pLes y3La P3 •pageLn6aa aq Woo gL Jo awos pLes A@LLn3 LM •RgLO ayg ULy}LM Rgaadoad uo s.ae3 PLO Pup spasm 'yseag ge VOL pup punoae anLap s.aagwaW LL3uno3 ay; pagsa66ns Rea •puoweLP LLeq a agRew pup jaed a 04UL padOLanap aq pLno3 Loo43s PLO ayg puLyaq spunoa6 ayg geyg pagsa66ns 43La P3 •WLy 43e4UO3 01 'UOLguagge paau Laa} Rayg sgaaags Rue aney saagwaw LL3uno3 ayg So Rue dL pLes Reb -spun} •8•tl•fl ao} ULe6e paggLwgns uaaq sey pe0b pueLsj 100a geyg LL3uno3 ayg pasLnpe uewpoog qo8 ' •agegS ayg JOS 6uL4LeM you pue Mou gL 6uLop Rq aadeayo auop qoC ayg gab pLnoo RgL3 ayg 446no44 ay pLes Rea •ReM46LH guoa3 aanLb ayg uo 6uLo6 goaCoad aLayg pey agegS ayg aao;aq saeaR SO aLdno3 a aq aLgegoad pLnom gL pLes ygoq ueouna kea pue 6unoA sag 'IS 446 uo pagaegs gab pLnoys RgL3 aq; pLes yaLb P3 •RgL3 ayg anoadwL pup Rauow snLd.ans sgL aJeg pue antgaasse se agLnb aq you pLnoys LLouno3 ayg 'sdeyaad pLes aH •spaa3 se aLgeaone} se agLnb you aaaM uoLgexauue SpaeMOg suaa3uo3 sLy pLes Lasse3 Lned mou 44uno3 ayg og do sgL S)ULyg ay pLes ULea3 U04PW •Rg13 aqg So gaed awooaq og 6uLgueM LLLgs aLdoad ;o goL a aae aaayg se wLy aaygoq g,upLp uoLgexauue 4y6LS og gno 6ULuang aLdoad '6au m@J a pLes aH •wnao; 3LLgnd ayg aag}e Uana uoLgexauue gnoge anL4Lsod LLLgs sem ay pLes paaj anssL ayg 6uLnsand uL pagsaaaguL LLLgs aaam saagwaw LL3uno3 dL palse 6unoA sag •6UL4a9W gxau ayg ge gL uo gaodaa ay pue aaggaL s,go8 og asuodsaa uL aaggaL a guas RgLsaanLun ayg pLes paaj •R3L3 ayg Rq uoLgexauue aLe3s 86JPL a 10 SUOLge3LLdWL pup sg3edWL ayg 6ULM04s Rpngs a 6uLop uL pagsaaaguL aq 446LW RgLsaaM un ayg 6uLpuagge sguepngs geyg 6UL4sa66ns RgLsaanLun agegs uog6ULgSeM uaagse3 Og agOaM 33La4ed qo8 AaggaL a 'LLouno3 ayg ygLm passnosLp ssoa paa3 •spLq JOS LLe3 og aney pLnom 94L3 ayg geyg pauLwaagap seM gL se paddoap seM goaCgns ay,L •gunODSLp COL e 196 pLno3 41L3 ayg se wayg aapao 04 awLg ayg aq pLnom mou 'peon gueag JOS SUOLgeaoOap sewgsLa43 6ULsey3,and uL pagsaaguL aaam Rayg 4L geyg LL3uno0 ayg pasLnpe ULea3 aoReW •6uLaeaH ayg 30 paL;Lgou aq pLnom Rgaadoad ayg go gaa; 00£ ULygLM 6ULnLL suosaad 'ULe6e pue guawgsnCpy So paeo8 ayg aaojaq ob og aney pLnom gsanbaa OWoy aLLgow y •sawOH 3LLgoW apnL3uL you saop 1-b geyg 3LLgnd ayg pasLnpe LL3uno0 ayl I 1 1 BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT MARCH 4> 1985 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Ed Rich Feb. Per -diem 55.77 2. Ray Duncan 55.77 3. Fred Ross 27.89 4. Les Young 55.77 5. Paul Cassel 27.89 6. James Dart 30th Payment Copier 113.20 7. E. W. Water District 2 Months Service 14.00 8. W. V. Humane Society March Dog Controll 191.00 9. Wenatchee World Publications 29.99 10. Employment Security Dept. Feb. Social Security 2 921.03 11. Petty Cash Cash expenditures (Postage & Supplies) 104.71 3 597.02 STREET 1. Employment Security Dept. Feb. Social Security 612.22 2. WA. St. Treasurer Jan. Traffic Signal Maintenance 49.40 3. Pete Savage Mac Tools Tools for Shop 44.83 4. P. U. D. 2 Months Service 41.00 5. Grange Supply Gasoline 282.26 6. Grant Road Hardware Parts & Supplies 112.73 7. Cascade Natural Gas 1 Months Service 247.72 8. Petty Cash Cash Expenditures 17.05 9. Harrison Auto Parts Supplies & Parts 35.54 1 442.75 POLICE 1. In Print Envelopes 57.51 2. Kayo's Car Wash Feb. Police Car Washes 70.00 3. Central Communications 2 Batteries 166.09 4. Grange Supply Gasoline 403.96 5. Kits Cameras Film 2.56 6. David Corn Feb. Wages 508.70 7. Gary Thomas 280.73 8. Robert Hale 148.72 9. James Harum 141.75 10. Ted Finkbeiner Motors Part Front End Police Car 103.20 11. Michael D. Cattin Food & Mileage (Seattle) 84.50 12. Harrison Auto Parts Parts for Cars #6 & 7 24.20 1 991.92 Current Expense 11. Sign's Such Signs Lamps & Freight 64.56