HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/21/1985 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING Jan. 21, 1985 Council Members present: Ed Rich, Les Young, Paul Cassel and Ray Duncan. Attorney, Neil Fuller and Peggy McArthur, City Clerk. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor, Don Crain. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Paul Cassel and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved by the Council with the exception of a voucher to Douglas County P.U.D. in the amount of $297.00 for Christmas lighting 27 fixtures. The Council felt the bill was too costly and Mayor Crain said he would check into the billing. All other bills were approved. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Authorization was given by the Council to allow Eastmont Swim Team to operate a fireworks stand within the City limits. Motion was made by Ed Rich, seconded by Les Young and passed unanimously. Bob Goodman said there was a small leak in the shop roof and he had contacted the Contractor. Mayor Crain said Dick McGraw ordered a ballast for the City of East Wenatchee ' sign and after it is ready, he would like to have it placed on an area, where it can be seen when you come into East Wenatchee. It was determined that the area is on State right-of-way and Bob Goodman was asked to check with the Department of Transportation for permission to place it there. Mike Cattin gave the Council a fact sheet concerning car washes at Kayo's Service Station. The Council budgeted 42.00 a month for car washes and Kayo is asking 70.00 per month with unlimited service or 3.50 per wash. After some discussion, the Council agreed to pay 70.00 per month as Mike said there was enough money in the line item to accomodate this additional expenditure. Officer Cattin also asked for additional monies to pay the reserves as he said the 3,000.00 budgeted would probably run out about the end of March. The Council agreed to address this issue at a later date. The Council authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to sign contracts between the City and Sheriff's office for communication services and the Humane Society for animal control. The expenditures were approved in the 1985 final budget. Bob Goodman said the Department of Transportation is still waiting for word from thier Headquarters concerning the speed limit of 40 miles per hour speed zone on S.R. 28. Mayor Crain read a letter from the Community Resource Center in reference to a ' February Task Force Meeting to discuss entering into a lease/option agreement for the lower level and second floor of the Peoples Building for a Senior Center. Mayor Crain said he would attend the meeting and bring back information on their plans. The Council discussed a letter they received from the Community Resource Center. The Center received a request from the East Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce to sponsor a community forum addressing the annexation issue in East Wenatchee and assed pup ueouno LPa L'q papuooas 'pauanoCpp 3Sse3 LnPd 'ssauLsnq An44an4 ou 6uLaq a.a941 •awL4 SL44 4P uaAPZ sPM UOL43e ON •swaLgoad XUPw pP4 4OU Se4 XIQ a44 'SUOL4PLOLA 3L}}Pa4 UP44 aa440 PLeS UL44eo @JI W aaoLjjo -pane ano uL uOL4PLndod OLuedsLH a44 Sq awLa3 6ULUaaouO3 RLLL1 LaP3 'aAL424uasaadaa a4p4s wo.Aj paALaoaa 9044 a94481 a passnosLP LLOunoo a41 -passed UOL40W •Sak p040A ueouno A'ea *Lassen Lned A'q papuooas •586L 'aeaA' 941 a0} AOkeW a44 jo aouasge aq4 uL wa1 oad JORPW se 40e 04 6unoA sal 4ULodde o4 43La P3 kq apew seM UOL40W •s3,aed jo UOL4eaado pup UOLSLA.aadns 'LOa4000 '3uawU,aanO6 'aaeO 04 6uL4e0a 'LZL 'ON aoueuLpao OSLP pup a4Pp a94eL P 4P papuawp aq pLno4s sgP3 LXP1 44LM op 04 6uLAe4 'OL 'ON aoueULpao pies aaLLnj LLaN •A'LsnowLuPun passed pue 4oLa P3 Rq papuooas 'ueouno Red Rq apew SLIM UOL40W ('LL'89 'M'3'a 10 SUOL4aod aso44 44LM 44Lw,aO;uoo 04UL 46 6uLaq o4 Z83 'ON aoueuLpap 6ULpu8Wy ) b8E 'ON aouPULPao •L'LsnowLUPun passed pup 6unoA Sal Fq papuooas '4oLa P3 A'q apew seM UOL40W (•saL4LLL4n 30 6uLpunoa6aapun 6UL3u9aajaa 'E9L 'ON aouPULPao 6ULpuawy) £8E *ON aoueuLpao •L'LsnowLueun passed pup ueouno Red A'q papuooas '40La P3 Rq ' apew seM UOL40W (•4uawaaLnbaa dL4SuaZ14L3 a44 6UL4eULmLLa 'aoLAaaS LLAL3 AOJ SaLna a44 44aoj s4aS g0L4M b£Z 'ON aoueuLpao 6uLpuawe aoUPULpao up) Z8E 'ON aoueuLpao •A'LsnowLueun passed pup 4OLa P3 Xq papuooas 'ueouno Rea L'q apew sem UOL40W (•99L 'ON aoueuLpao 6uLpuawe pup saamod 4uaw4snCpy 3o paeo8 a44 o4 6UL4PL8a aoueuLpao UP) L8£ •ON aoueuLpap •L'LsnowLueun passed pue ueouno Red Rq papuooas '4oLa P3 Rq apew seM UOL40W (uLaaa43 S40LL}u0o Pup s43a}ap aano of Pup meL a4e4$ ;o s4u0waLnbaa a44 441M aouPLLdwoo 04uL wa44 6uLaq 04 69E 'ON aoueuLpao 6uLpuawe) 08E *ON aoueuLpao 'RLsnowLueun passed pup ueouno Red A'q papuooas 66unoA sal L'q apew seM UOL4011 (-R'4 Q a43 10 SaOUPULpao 10 SUOL4V LJLPOo aoLad ao 'saoueuLpao }o suoL439s 'SaoueuLpao aOLad 6uLLeadaa) 6L£ 'ON aoueuLpap •A'LsnowLueun passed pue 43La P3 fiq papuooas 'ueouno L'ea Rq apew seM UOL40W •F413 a44 10 apoo a43 pup aa434puaM 4SP3 Jo A'4L3 a44 3O S90URULpap 04 aLgeOLLddP UOL4ona4suoo pue SUOL4LUL}ap 6uLULP4Uoo SUOLSLAoad LPaaua6 Lapow 6uL4dope) 8LE 'ON aoueuLpao •a4n4e4S agp4S 44LM waojuoo 04 saoueuLpao 04 s4Uaw -puawe PUP S93UPULPJO 6ULmOLLOd a44 4dope 04 LLouno3 a44 Rq UaAL6 SPM UOL4eZLa044ny •UOL4Pwao;UL aaow 4a6 PUP 'ao4eULpa000 'SL4ano auaLaeW 4OP4uoo pLnom a4 PCPs uLPa3 JOXPW ssnOSLP 04 s4uem aa4uao aoanosaa a44 jPgm Ono pULI pue aPaLO uoL4Lsod s,L'4Lo a44 94ew o4 speau LLounoo a44 'wnaoj a saaLnbaa uOL4Pxauue dL PCPs Lasse3 Lned uOL4pn4Ls UOL4exauUP 4SULP6e SaauOLSSLwwoo Sq unoo PUP UOL4Pxauue ao; LLounoo L'4Lo P 4uem 4ou seop 4nq swoLgoad k4unoo a44 jo awos aALOs pLnom 4L dL UOL4PxauUP sawooLam a4 PCPs uLPa3 aoRPW •L'aenagaj 3o 4aed aa44PL a44 aq 6UL4aaw a44 pa4sa66ns ka41 •A'4unoo SPL6noo 1 BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT JAN. 21, 1985 1984 Bills CURRENT EXPENSE 1. P. U. D. 2. Neil Fuller STREET 1. Columbia Valley Bank 1985 Bills CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Wm. McKenzie 2. Schmidt & Clem 3. Don Crain 4. Peggy McArthur 5. Virginia Kinzel 6. Neil Fuller 7. Ron Lannoye 8. Lennie Breckenridge 9. George Sperline 10. General Telephone 11. Security Bank 12. Robert Crawford 13. Do. Co. Dist. Court 14. Trusteed Plans Service 15. Do. Co. Sewer Dist. 16. WA. Courthouse Supply 17. Petty Cash STREET 1. Ron Lannoye 2. Lennie Breckenridge 3. Robert Goodman 4. Pedco Credit Union 5. Grange Supply 6. Do. Co. Sewer Dist. 7. Trusteed Plans Service 8. Security Bank 9. Pete Savage 10. Eastside Paint & Glass 11. Wells & Wade 12. Petty Cash POLICE 1. Wm. Brooks 2. Harold Kirby 3. Michael Cattin 4. Hiram Thomas 5. Chet Virnig 6. John Harrison 7. Kelli Keefe 27 Fixtures Christmas Lighting 297.00 Legal Services 60.00 357.00 25% due on Third St., 1 175.00 Jan. Salary 325.32 Jan. Public Defender Retainer 450.00 Jan. Salary 308.27 " 1 429.54 " 964.94 " Legal Retainer 1 660.00 " Salary 485.38 " 486.49 " 325.32 1 Months Service 362.11 Jan. Withholding Deposit 2 774.30 Probation Fee 5.00 Jan. Court Payment 2 092.75 Feb. Medical Insurance Payment 1 041.00 2 Months Service 14.00 Forms for City Clerk 124.05 Cash Expenditures 151.39 12 999.86 Jan. Salary 832.25 " 973.37 " 1 268.68 " Credit Union Payment 275.00 Gasoline 436.15 2 Months Service 14.00 Feb. Medical Insurance Payment 325.45 Jan. Withholding Deposit 533.70 Tools 37.03 Paint & Supplies 68.27 Parts, Supplies & Oxygen 104.54 Cash Expenditures 19.35 :lEI:3d� Jan. Salary 1 725.84 " 1 470.63 " 1 516.47 " 1 372.07 " 1 292.52 " 1 478.52 " 874.51 1 !J LS'SOZ EL 00.9E 00' ON E9'bb LO'8£ 08'6 LL'E L 09'ZZL 98'0V 00'9LL L8'6SE Zb'Zbs OL'9LL 9b' LL L (sloou8) san0 986L S86L a6uea 6uLALJ }o asq saLLddnS DOLJ40 9 6uL4eaad0 Sped Iea.a8 saLl Z 6uL4sLuL4040gd B wLH 6uL4o4edsLO •uep aoLn,aaS auo4dOMOW •uep 4uawL'ed uoLun i[pwo •ue0 }uawaaL}aa •uep allLLOseD 3uawaa.a6V a3ueu84uLeW 'ueC (RquL)l 4 sJoo.a8) •suI AMgesLO s4}uoW 9 s3aLgo aoLLod B s,ddLa94S do 'ussV 'VM 'OZ 'ussV s,aaoLjjo asead '00 seL6noO-ueLa43 •6L 4uL,ad uI -81 •00 ;aLo.ana4O apeaseO 'LL sw.aosm La44uawnLe '9L se,aaweO s,401 'SL 4da0 s,};L,aa4S •o0 •o0 'bL 'M 'N auojaMo6J 'EL uoLun ;LP@JO ooPad 'ZL 3uaLUW L;aa 10 '3daO ' L L FLddnS a6ue,ag •OL suoL4e3Lunwwo0 Le.a4ua0 •6 •suI adLl ueLpaenq •8 4,uoO aoLLod