HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/7/1985 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCOUNCIL MEETING January 7, 1985 Council Members present: Ed Rich, Les Young, Paul Cassel, Fred Ross and Ray Duncan. Attorney, Neil Fuller and City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor, Don Crain. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Ray Duncan, seconded by Fred Ross and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted with the motion to withhold 25 percent from a warrant to Columbia Valley Bank until the City receives a letter from the Bank stating they will pay for the necessary patching on 3rd St. in the Spring. Motion was made by Paul Cassel, seconded by Ed Rich and passed unanimously. Hartley Beeler, Chairman of the City Planning Commission was present and recommended to the Council that they consider annexation from 19th to Eastmont, down to the river and over to Grant Road. Mr. Beeler said John Baker pointed out that the City has access to Federal Funds with a population of 5,000 or more. Mayor Crain played a tape of an editorial from K.P.Q. by Dan Funk concerning annexation. He said it appears the City and the County are in agreements as far as annexation. 'Fred Ross cautioned that the City should only annex at one time, what the City can afford, as the first year the City would not receive any revenue from annexation. Fred also said the people should be informed that with annexation everything would fall under the grandfather clause. Zoning would remain the same and nothing would be changed and they should also know that a large percentage of their taxes are being spent outside the local area. Fred also said, annexation plans should include up Grant Road to Georgia and back to 4th St. as some of those people have petitioned to come into the City. Hartley Beeler was asked to take this information back before the planning commission and discuss this proposal with the Douglas County Commissioners for their input. Neil Fuller said he contacted Ted Huls and he plans to start demolition of the school in February. Mayor Crain said the repair on the shop roof appears to be fine and discussed the year end quarterly report. Ed Rich said he would appreciate in the future, reviewing any reports before they are sent out if they include the names of the Council members. Mayor Crain said he would remember that in the future. There was some discussion about expanding the Christmas decorations to include Grant Road and supporting a City float in the Apple Blossom Parade and other festivals. Mayor Crain said the Chamber of Commerce, School and Service Clubs might be interested in this project. / •A'LsnOWLueun passed pup upouna Rea Aq papuooaS Lauuosaad ao•1od ssnosLp og uoLssas anLgnoaxa 04UL o6 pup pauanoCpp aq 6UL40aw ayg gpyg UOL40W p apew Lassen Lned 'ssaULsnq aayq.an} ou BULaq aaayl •syguow ;o aLdnoo gxau ayq UL44lM paapdaad RaoguaAUL UP anpy og A'ag pLnoM ay plus ULggeg aalW •aaaLO A'glg ayl pup quawq,aedaa gaaAIS ayq woa} A'aoguanuL ue panLaoaa pey ay geyq pagegs aH •A'aoquaAUL guaaano a aney oq eap� pooh a aq gg6iw ql gy6no4g ay geyq pue saeaA Lpaanas ao; A'aoquanuL up uaIeg qou ppy speay quawgapdap A'gi3 ayq geyq paULPLdxa ssoa paa3 •uoLsLoap a 6ULaew aao}aq 6ULjaaw gxaU ayq Llqun glpM oq paaa6e L[ounog aq; 'uoLssnosLp aaow aaq;y •wag-oad JORPW pagULodde aq og 6unoA sal pagpuLwou ssoa paaj •aokeW ayq ueyq aaygea as La auoawos oq 6uLaLeq aLgegao}woo aaow aq XPW aOLLod aq; sLaa; pue suoLgpoiunwwoo awos aq og sey aaayg Laag ay pies Uieao JORPW •quawgaedap aOLLod pue JORPW ayg uaaMgaq uosLeLL se goe Lassen Lnpd geyq pa4sa66ns ay `osLV •paJULoddp aq wag-oad aokpw a pa4sa66ns pue S86L uL aaow auo6 6ULaq pagpdLoLgue ay plus ULea3 AOXPW kLsnOWLupun passed pup LassRO Lned A'q papuooas 'yo[a P3 Rq aIpw sum UOL40W •sgtwLL A'4l3 ayg ULygLM giwaad sIaoMaai} a uLeggo oq RDIOOH ygnoA aayogeuaM 6UL4uasaadaa 'wey6quun3 Mg MoLLP oq Ljounoo ayg Xq u9nL6 seM uoLgezLaoygny Overtime Motion submitted by Paul Cassel. 1. All City employees will be paid overtime for any actual hours worked over 40 hours for any established 7 day work period at the rate of 1 1/2 times regular hourly rate. 2. Holiday Pay Differential: All City employees would be paid twice their regular hourly rate for an holiday worked. If the holiday worked would cause the employee 1 work more than 40 hours per week then they would be paid for that holiday at the rate of 2 1/2 times regular hourly rate. benefits, 3. For purposes of overtime and call outT department heads are not con- sidered employees. Department heads do work overtime and in the past have taken comp time. Since they can no longer do this we should take a look at their salaries when fixing the 1986 budget. 4. Emergency Call Out Employees called out for emergency, unscheduled duty would be paid for a minimum of 2 hours at 1 1/2 times regular hourly rate. They will also be paid at this same rate for actual hours worked. On call out over 2 hours call out hours worked will not be considered actual hours :,orked for determining weekly over time. Supervisors will need to specifically designate call out hours on time sheets. 5. On Call Time: Defined as perioJs of time during which employees shall be available to be called to work during time thay are not regularly scheduled to work. If an employee is on call and not called to work they will be paid for 2 hours regular pay for each 24 hours on call period. If they are called in they will be paid the same as emegency call out pay as set forth in paragraph (4). 6. Training Time: Any employee who participates in non -voluntary manditory job training will be paid for hours spent in training at their regular hourly rate up to a maximum of 40 hours per year. Any compensation time accrued on the payroll record up to April 15, 1985 must be used by December 31, 1985 or lost. a BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT JAN. 7, 1985 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Ed Rich Dec. Per -diem 55.98 2. Ray Duncan 55.98 3. Fred Ross 55.98 4. Les Young 55.98 5. Paul Cassel 27.99 6. E. W. Water District 2 Months Service City Hall 14.00 7. Do. Co. P.U.D. 2 Months Service City Hall 228.00 8. Libke, Jones & Mitchell Money & Securities Insurance 55.20 9. Grant Road Hardware Breakers for Christmas Decorations 13.63 10. Wenatchee World Fed. Shared Rev. & Final Budget 38.93 11. Chelan Co. Treasurer 4th Quarter Liquor Payment 89.63 12. In Print Office Supplies Police & City Clerk 168.85 13. Dept. of Labor & Ind. 4th Quarter Industrial Ins. 1 316.66 14. Emp. Security Dept. Dec. Social Security 2 561.62 15. Emp. Security Dept. 4th Quarter Unemployment Comp. 544.71 16. P. U. D. No. 1 Repair Circuits to outlets 53.54 5 336.68 STREET 1. Emp. Security Dept. 4th Quarter Unemployment Comp. 139.50 2. Emp. Security Dept. Dec. Social Security 530.88 3. Harrison Auto Parts Parts & Supplies 263.92 4. Dept. of Labor & Ind. 4th Quarter Ind. Insurance 544.06 5. Grant Road Hardware Vacuum, Keys, Paint & Supplies 113.91 6. Do. Co. P.U.D. 2 Months Service 1 812.00 ' 7. Pete Savage Mac Tool Dist. Tools for Shop 35.80 8. WA. St. Treasurer Nov. Traffic Signal Maint. 18.20 9. Do. Co. Road Dept. Sand & Traffic Sign 885.60 10. E. W. Water Dist. 2 Months Service 14.00 11. Cascade Gas Corp. 1 Months Service 279.62 12. Standard Steel Steel for Snow Plow Brace 9.26 13. Columbia Valley Bank Agreement Third St. 4 700.00 14. Moses Lake Truck & Auto Power Steering Unit for GMC Truck 107.00 9 453.75 POLICE 1. Gary Thomas Dec. Salary 223.92 2. Robert Hale It 11 223.92 3. David Corn it 11 664.76 4. Do. Co. Sheriff's Dept. it Dispatching 667.00 5. Kit's Cameras Film & Photofinishing 13.54 6. Farwest Sports Ammunition 598.97 7. Kayo's Car Wash Dec. Police Car Washes 40.00 8. Grange Supply Gasoline 499.16 9. Harrison Auto Parts Parts & Supplies 22.36 10. Blumenthal Uniforms Jacket & Balistic Vest 11. Chelan Co. Treasurer Dec. Prisoner Housing Fee 2 193:70 5 774.17 4, 41� 00'SZL S86L sanO Lenuuy Ltounoo SOL4tLt;n seL6no0-ueLa40 'Z Sb'SZ£ aoueansul LeoLPaW S86L 'ue£ •d.ao0 aOLA.aaS sueLd Paa4snal 'L 133a1S 99'LOS £ 00'L£L L S86L .ao; 4uaw9au6y ,aad 6ui6y uo LLouno3 seL61100-Ula40 'L 00'SL S86L san0 Lenuuy sLeLOLSSO •6PL8 �o •ussy 'VM '9 OZ'£LL Qtdo0 }uawRed 448Z 3ae0 •y sawe0 •S 00'6 uo��dLaosgns saea� L ssaad a,aLdw3 aLLtA.aa4eM •V Sb'£6£ aaj aaLAJaS S86L saL4 to yM 40 ussy £ 00'66L LOA4uo3 600 'ue£ 448LoOS auewnH RaLLeA 'M 'Z 00'Lb0 L aoue.ansul LeobPaW 186L •ue£ •d.ao0 aoLA.aaS sueLd Paa3snal 'L 3SN3dX3 1N3aan3 sLLt9 S86L