HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/17/1990 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR RICHARD MCGRAW PRESIDING DECEMBER 17, 1990 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) Councilmembers Present: Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Collings, Councilmember Cassel and Councilmember McKee, Mayor McGraw. Staff Present: Gini Oestreich, Charles Zimmerman, John Flinner, Bob Goodman, Nick Wiltz. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES: Regular Session, December 3, 1990. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember McArthur to approve the minutes as read. The motion carried, 5-0. CONSIDERATION OF BILLS ' Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to Council. As of this date, December 17, 1990, the Council does approve for payment voucher numbers 11240 through 11290, and voucher numbers 3196 through 3208 in the amount of $40,311.30. Council does approve payroll voucher numbers 10158 through 10199 in the total amount of $61,405.31 paid December 3, 1990 for the month of November, 1990. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Cassel, second by Councilmember Collings to approve the bills as presented subject to proper audit. The motion carried, 5-0. DEPARTMENT REPORTS Street Maintenance Superintendent Goodman reported the signal system for the Rock Island Road project had passed inspection by the state and should be in by December 22, depending on the weather. He said all the ' other lights in the area were working and looked very good. - 1 - r- - z - ' •NoIZKJIZand Hod AHVHHnS 3ONVNIQHO NV ONIAOHddV QNV '166T 'T AHVRNVf 5NION3HHOO HV3A IVOSI3 3HZ Hod AIIO 3HZ 30 S30Qn0 gVNI3 3HS oNISdOQV 'NOZONIHSVM '33HOZVNSM ISV3 30 ASIO 3HS 30 7IONn0O AIIO 3HS 30 3JNVNIQHO NV ST-06 'ON 3ONVNIQHO '0-S 'paTzieo UOTlow aqy •T66T uo; Alto all io; labpnq all bUTllas 'pallTwgns se aoueuipjo all anoidde of TasseO zagwawTTounoO Aq puooas 'aaxoN 3agwawTTounoO Aq apew seM uoTlow V :uoiloV ITauno0 T66T Jo; aagaleuaµ 4se3 ;O AITO ayl ;o labpnq TeuT; all bUTldope aoueuTpio ue ;o bUTpeas puooaS ZO-TO-ZT 33NVNIQH0 •S3JIION 7Vo3q QNV S3ONVNIQHO DNIHSI79nd 30 3SOdHnd 3HS Hod 33HOSVN3M ISV3 30 AZIO 3HZ 30 H3dVdSM3N gVIOI330 3HS SV SS3Hd 3HIdN3 AZNnOO SVgOnOQ 3HZ 9NIIVNDIS3Q 'NOSONIHSVM '33HOZVN3M ISV3 30 AIIO 3HS 30 gIJNnOO AZIO 3HZ d0 NOIingOS3H V ' OT-06 'ON NOIingOSSH '0-S 'PaTaieo UOTIow aql 'OT-06 -OR uoTlnTosaH anoidde pue 'ssasd ajTdw3 Alunoo seTbnoQ all of pTq all paeMe of aaxoN iagwawTTounoO Aq puooas 's�oTzpuaH sagwawTTOunoO Aq apew seM uoTlow V :uoilOV TTDUnOD •sadedsMau TeTOT;;O s,AITO aql se wags gITM buTnuTluoo papuawwooaj aqs pue 'ieaA snoTAasd aql se awes aql buTAels aq pTnoM salei zTagl 'ieaA eql lnogbnosgl jauuew ATawTI e UT saOTlou TebaT pagsTTgnd peq ssasd 93jdw3 aql pTes aqS •ssasd a3Tdw3 AlunoO seTbnoQ aql pue pTiOµ aagoleuaµ aql wos; paATaoaz uaaq peq spTq legl pTes gOTazlsa0 jajnse93y/3j:xaTo AITO T-06 'ON uoTlnTosad buTpuawe pue iadedsMau TeTOT;;o s,AITO aql se ssasd aUTdw3 AlunoO seTbnoQ 6uTleu6TsaQ £0-Z0-ZT MOIL SHH/NOIIVQNHHH003H QIH •sbUTAes aTgezapTsuOD e le pTq AlunoO seTbnoQ Uapun pasegoand aq pTnoo legl luawdTnba paleaoT peq aq pTes aH •luawdTnba TeAOwa3 MOUs JO; pTq a UO bUTx3OM SeM aq legl pappe Uewpoo0 'xH I 12-02-04 Adopting the salary ordinance and setting salaries for the City of East Wenatchee for 1991 Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember McKee, second by Councilmember Collings to approve first and second reading of the ordinance as submitted. The motion carried, 5-0. ORDINANCE NO. 90-16 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 89-13 AND FIXING AND CONFIRMING THE SALARIES AND COMPENSATION TO BE PAID TO CERTAIN OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE DURING THE YEAR 1991. COUNCIL DISCUSSION 12-02-05 Public Transportation Benefit Area proposed bus routes Councilmember Cassel said that consultants were doing local studies on the proposed bus routes. He asked for input from Council and the department heads as to suggestions for location of the routes, transfer stations and scheduling. Mr. Cassel suggested that safety of these locations is very important, such as pull -offs on Sunset Highway. Councilmember McKee asked that routes be planned in conjunction with shifts and scheduling to major locations such as Alcoa and Rocky Reach Dam. No Council action was taken. COUNCIL REPORTS AND UPDATES Councilmember McArthur gave a report on the Promotions Committee meeting, held on December 11 at Nendel's. She said it was recommended that the funds be allocated as requested. This would be $2,000 for the Cascade Loop, $7,500 for the Wenatchee Visitor and Convention Bureau, and $20,500 for the East Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce. Councilmember Collings said that the different organizations requesting monies should be allowed to speak to the Committee in justifying their requests. She said the Convention Bureau had asked to speak to the Committee and had not been given the opportunity. Ms. Collings added the committee should not be circumvented and the bureau was in attendance to speak to the Council. - 3 - F- -T,- .zainspaiy/xiaTp AgTp yOTasgsap 3 p, Tb=TA w'd SZ:L - Sx3HmunoraH gsanbaz s,Mp.zpoH .zoAeH oq snsuasuoo Aq paa.xbe TTounop •ga6pnq buTzaauT6u3 gaazgS aq-4 wo.x; papun; aq pTnoo qunowe aq-3 pies upwpoog quapuaguTiadnS gaazgS 'T66T JO; 00S'LS aq pTnoM azeys s,aayogPuaM gsP3 ;o AgTp ayg pies ay 'sae; buTITnsuoo .zo; AgTgua ' TeooT goea woi; pagsanbai 6uTaq seM buTpun; 'ApngS uoTgPg30dsupil Pa.zy aayogpuaM aqq ;O uPw.x'CPy0 Se 'pTPs Me.I'p0H .TOAeH sxodau S,xoAVH (pauTPgsgp sbuTTTop) •O-V 'paTzzea uoTgow aqy 'T66T To; spun3 wnTppgS wo.T; neazng uoTguanuop PUP O-4TsTA Pa.zy aagOlPuaM aqj 04 000'OTS Pup ao.iawwop ;o .zagweyp aayogpuaM gspg 3o A,4TD a4g oq 000'0ZS piPMe oq aagow zagwawTTounop Aq puoaas 'Tassep .zagwawTTounop Aq apew sPM uoTgow y :uoTgoy TTounop •ao.xawwop ;o s.zagwpgp aqq 3o ygoq ygTM panTonuT AzaA spM neaing aqq gpyq pappp aqs 'ease oT;Toads a pagab.zeq ATuo dooq apposep ayg 'uoTgPToossy doo7 apeosPp ayq ygTM aoP;.zaquT pTp npasng ayq ybnoygTp pTPs aaxapg sH 'Tassep sagwawTTounop wo.T; uoTgsanb e oq asuodsai uI pauupld a.zaM sbuTxooq Moy pup sTagow pup sTagoq TeooT ayq 5uTg0u TTounop og TPpuaTPo P pauTeTdxa -Taxseg •syy 'T66T =03 suPTd pup saOua.xa;uoo TeooT 'wsEinog ggTM guawanTonuT 'saoTAias 'sTPOb ayq pauTeTdxa ayS •pate ay-4 pup aayogpuaM gse3 ;o AgTp ayq og sapTAoid neaing ayq gpgm uo giodaz e aneb 'anTgpguasa.zdai I npaing uoTguanuop pup JOgTsTA easy aayOgPuaM 'Jaxieg upsns SSN3HHOp N3ZISIp