HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/4/1990 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes1/e r_ EAST WENATCHEE, DOUGLAS COUNTY, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR RICHARD MCGRAW PRESIDING June 4, 1990 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Collings, Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Cassel, Councilmember McKee. Staff Present: Gini Oestreich, Charles Zimmerman, Nick Wiltz, John Flinner, Bruce Nash, Chet Virnig, Bob Goodman. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES: Regular Session, May 21, 1990. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Collings, second by Councilmember McKee to approve the minutes as read. The motion carried, 5-0. CONSIDERATION OF BILLS Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to Council. As of this date, June 4, 1990, the Council does approve for payment voucher numbers 10808 through 10851, and voucher numbers 3041 through 3045, in the amount of $24,852.76. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember McArthur to approve the bills as presented. The motion carried, 5-0. DEPARTMENT REPORTS Police Department Police Chief Flinner said been completed and an auction an inventory would be of surplus property had held June 23, 1990. He reviewed the list of items the City was taking to the auction. Council approved surplusing the property by consensus. - 1 - -z- 1 0-S 'ATsnowTupun paT3zeo uoTgow aqy •food guawgsanul agegg aqg uT buTgsanuT io; uoTgnTosai aqg anoidde og sxoTzpuaH sagmamjTounoo Aq puooas 'sbuTTToo jagwawTTounoo Aq apew seM uoTgow y :uoTgoy TTounoz) •ssaooid aqg gjags og paiTnbai seM TTounoo woi; uoTgnTosaJ e gegg buTppe Tood agegS aqg uT buTgsanuT Jo; ssaooid aq-4 paMainaz goTazgsao iaznspajy/NJaTo hgTo Tood guamgsanul agegg aqg uT pagsanuT aq saTuom dgTo buTzTioggne uoigniosai y Z-9-06 NOISnaossu '0-5 'ATsnowTueun paTJzea uoTgow aqy •ppuaby guasuoo aqg anosddp og sbuTTToo xagwawTTounoo Aq puooas 'sxoTipuaH iagwawTTounoo Aq apem seM uoTgow y :uoTgoy TTounoO 'ATnr uT uoTgaTdmoo jo; panoidda aq og pay goTgM 'ueTd Jean xTS aqg gdope og pazTnbai seM buTseag aqg pTes upwp000 guapuaguTaadng gaaagS ueTd gaaigg 3paA xTg s,aagogeuay gses ;o AgTJ aqg gdope o1 buTaeaq oTTgnd p io; agep aqg se O661 'ST aunr buTggaS T-9-06 VQNs9v INSSNOo •ST aunr buTgsegs aq pTnoM pup uoTgTsod aqg pagdaooe ppq zapuag uTzeO -I saNJOM aoueuaguTPH 90 uoTgTsod aqg zo; pagaTdmoo uaaq pay ssaooad MaTnsaguT aqg gegg pappe upwp000 •3H •anuany 4uomgse9 pup gaaJ4S gguTN ;o guawubTTaai aq-4 uo; Agunoo seTbno(I ggTM goalo3d guTol e zo; paggTmgns buTaq seM Tesodo-Td e pup aTgpTTpne aJRM saTuow pTes aH (Suva) wagsAS uagjn TPTsagiy Tplapa3 aqg woi; buTpun; so; Tesodosd e buTggTmgns seM ail pTes upwp000 guapuaguTzadnS guamgiedaa aoueuagnrpH 'uoTsTnTpgnS Ta;TaoM aqg buTpipbaJ TTounoo ;o buTipaq p pagsanbaz aq pup 0£ AeH uo gaw ppq uoTssTwwoo buTuuaTd aqg pTes zgTTM saoT;;o aoueTTdwoo apoo aoueTTdmoo apoo 05 51 RESOLUTION NO. 90-6 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington, authorizing investment of the City of East Wenatchee monies in the Local Government Investment Pool. ORDINANCE 90-5-5 An ordinance providing for keeping of horses within the City limits Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember McKee, second by Councilmember Hendricks to approve the ordinance as presented. The motion carried unanimously, 5-0. ORDINANCE NO. 90-10 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of Wenatchee, Washington, providing that the City of horses may be East kept ' as accessory uses in the R-L Zone upon obtaining a Conditional Use Permit, establishing the requirements for obtaining a Conditional Use Permit, and setting an effective date. COUNCIL MEASURES AND UPDATES Councilmember Collings said that May 19, the day in the park had been a success and she wanted Council's approval to make it an annual event. Council agreed by consensus. Councilmember McKee reviewed the Surface Water Management. He said surface water management had to be given consideration and meetings with the County and involved organizations should begin. He gave options on implementing a surface water utility, such as the city doing it, the Sewer District could do it, and the P.U. D. also has the authority. The utility could be done by election or resolution. Councilmember McKee asked Council to give the subject consideration and to allow him to approach the agencies involved in an official capacity to begin gathering information. Council agreed, by consensus, for Councilmember McKee to gather information and keep Council informed. ' Councilmember McKee asked Council to consider purchasing a banner with 'Welcome to East Wenatchee' lettering and place it in an area to welcome visitors to the City. It was questioned whether the placing of a banner by the City would begin conflict with the ordinance regarding banners approved by Council in 1989. Councilmember Cassel asked how the banners would be funded. - 3 - -v- ' zaznseaiy/Xsaia Agta goiajgsao •a iu;bsin w•d 55'L - ixaKKanorav •gunowe aiiqua aqq lied oq Ziaunoo hq paeabe seM qi •ajggeas ut pjaq aq oq aouasa;uoo quawabeueH ggMozo e puagge oq aa; aqq ;teq auo buiAed .zapisuoa oq I?ounoa paxse oste jassea jagwauwtiaunoa •uotgew.zo;ut aqq MaTA9J speaq quawgiedap aqq paqsabbns aH •qugwabeUew Xsts butpzebDJ dgtszantun agegs uogbutgseM wo3; paniaoai uotgequawnoop paggiwqns jassea jagwawjtounoo snsuasuoo Aq paaibe jtounoo •aoueuipio aqq ggiM goij;uoo ou aq pjnoM aiagq pautw.zagap seM IT ;t saauueq aqq buioetd oq aajbe oq Ttounoo paXse aaxoH zagwawtiounoa •spuna wntpegs woz; pasegoznd aq pinoo Aagg pies aaxoH iagwawtiounoa Zs