HomeMy WebLinkAbout5/7/1990 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes7 EAST WENATCHEE, DOUGLAS COUNTY, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR PRO TEM MCKEE PRESIDING May 7, 1990 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Collings, Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Cassel, Councilmember McKee. Mayor McGraw was excused as ill. Staff Present: Gini Oestreich, John Flinner, Charles Zimmerman, Nick Wiltz, Randy Webley, Bruce Nash. Randy Morrell. ' CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES: Regular Session, April 16, 1990. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember McArthur, second by Councilmember Collings to approve the minutes as read. The motion carried, 5-0. CONSIDERATION OF BILLS Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to Council. As of this date, May 7, 1990, the Council does approve for payment voucher numbers 10668 through 10734, and voucher numbers 3015 through 3028, in the amount of $54,786.19. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Cassel, second by Councilmember Hendricks to approve the bills as presented. The motion carried, 5-0. DEPARTMENT REPORTS ' Police Department Police Chief Flinner reviewed the service calls for the month, noting the significant accomplishments and public relations activity of the different police officers. - 1 - I -z- I JauMo aTos agg seM uoTTTQ zH se sgT..jad buTpTTnq buTnssT wajgoid ' ou sum aiagg pue sIaumO se uoTTTQ 'JH uegl aJOW ;o uoTleJapTsuoo JO uoTluaw Aue .zanau seM alagq sbuT.zeag agl buTanp pies zITTM •iH •Iuawdojanaa ITun pauueTd e Jog polgTmgns sueTd aqq oq se uOTsn;uoo seM asagl pue apoo uo paseq qou a.TaM suoTgeaTjdde TeuTbTzo agl paivadde qT 'pey ay uoigemso;uT aqg glTM pTes 'uoTTT(3 iH buTluasaadai osTe 'pieMTAV led Aauz011y •suoTgTpuoo uTeliaO uo paseq Isenbaz gegg panozdde peq jTounoo AgTo agl pup quawdoTanaQ uegzn pauueTd a Jo; uOTlepuawwooaz s,uoTssTwwoo buTuuejd agl peq queoiTdde agy •uoTTTQ ps 'uH Aq apew seM goTgM L86T UT uoTgeOTjdde TeuTbTzo ue paOuaza;ai uewzawwTZ Aausolly AITO -law uaaq qou peq suoTgTpuoo agq asneoaq gsanbaj agl paTuap TTz)unoo aq-4 pTes zITTM •.TH •punoze u.Tnl aqenbape pue sXjPmapTs 'szaggnb 'sq.Tno se Bons 'suoTlTpuoo uTeliao uo paseq seM 74OT14M a0Tlepuawwooai s,uOTssTwwoo buTuueTd aql paMaTna.T zITTM 'SH 'zITTM =aoT;;O aoueTTdwoo apoo wos; uOTle0T;T3eT0 Jog paXse aaxoH way OJd JOAeH •uoTlepuawwooaz aql paTuap peq TTounoo 'Janam0q 'Tenozdde papuawwooaz pey uoTssTmwoo buTuuejd aql pTes aH •panozdde luamdOTanaa gTun pauueTd agg lab of auop aq pTnoa le4m passe 'uoTTTQ ps '=H buTluasaidai 'auTjzads ITaMoj Aausoggy TTounoo AITo aql ;O uOTIOe aql ;o uOTleiapTsuo0a3 e Jog luamdoTanaa ITun pauueTd uoTTTQ ps mo.T; isanbai y 1-9-06 .LSsn siT •paubTs uaaq pey sluawaalbe aqq jaijv sabuego ou aq pTnoM aaagq pappe aH 'X=aTo AITo agl of 4uawaaTbv szawooage7 spoo3 doL aq-4 Jog squawagabe TeuTbTio agq buTggTwqns seM ag pTes uewiawmTZ Aau.iogly AgTo Aauiolly AIT0 •sabuego aTgTssod pue slsoo quawaainbai ITwzad buTpTTnq wnwTuTw aqq aq pTnoM sloa[gns agl ;o auo Ti AeH uo aueXodS UT aouaja;uoo apoo buipTTne agelg uolbuTgseM aql buTpuagge aq pTnoM ag pTes zITTM •zH 'VT AeH uo buTieaq OTTgnd e le ueTd anTsuaga.zdwoo aqq ;o quampuawe gsiuT; pTnoM uoTssTwwoo buTuaejd agl pTes zITTM saaT;30 aOueTTdwoo apoo aDueTTdmoo apoo 39� Mr. Ed Dillon, the applicant, said he had first applied for a Planned Unit Development which had been approved, all utilities were in, and he did not understand why Council would not approve his present request for a Major Subdivision. Mayor Pro Tem McKee said the original application was to be a one owner project and now Mr. Dillon was asking for the change to individual ownership of each unit. City Attorney Zimmerman advised Council not to discuss or make a decision on the issue until tapes from the meetings in question could be heard. Councilmember Cassel explained the Planned Unit Development and suggested the attorneys listen to the tapes before any further action. Council Action: None was taken. 90-5-2 First reading of an ordinance prohibiting loitering for ' the purposes of drug related activity Chief Flinner said the ordinance was necessary to give the department control over drug activity that may occur with loitering. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Cassel to approve first reading of the ordinance. The motion carried unanimously, 5-0. 90-5-3 First reading of an ordinance prohibiting skateboards, scooters and rollerskates in certain areas of the city limits Chief Flinner withdrew the ordinance for further review before submitting to Council. Council Action: None was taken. 90-4-10 Second reading of an ordinance expanding membership of the Planning Commission Councilmember Hendricks said expansion of the commission would give residents in the new annexed areas an opportunity to become involved in the City. I Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Collings to approve the ordinance. The motion carried, 4-1 (McArthur). - 3 - - 4 - iainspaiy/NiaTo Agto 43Taigsa0 •N UTBJTA ' w*d ZE'L - SNSHKHnoruv •uoTgPgsodsuP.zy aTTgnd uo dnoio Aiostnpy uaZTITo p jog pagTn.zoas buzaq aiaM sJaagunlon pees aH-101Tpq TTe3 aqq uo ansst aqq 5uigga6 pup 'xPI saTPs buTg34ew 'sdnoib UTPgiao zo; dT4s.iapiz aa1; 'wagsAs a4g zo; aweu a papnToui uoissnosTp pTes aH •TT3dy ut ieg guaosaio ge pTa4 6uTlaaw easy gZ;auag uoTgpg.zodsups,L oTTgnd a4g uo pagzodas Tasseo sagwamlTounoo •guava Tenuup up awooaq pTnoo sTgq ATTn;ado4 pue Aep a4g io; pauupTd buiaq azaM sbuTgq poo0 •Alaoiu 6uTss936ozd aiaM xspd Agto a4q uT 6T APR jog palnpagos ,AeU weaaa in0 UT asegS, aqq jog sueld aqq pies sbuTTTOo sagwawTTounoO GRIVUda Umv sluodaH 'TIONf105 •agPp anigoa;;a UP 6uT44as pup !asnplo AgTTTgp.zanas P buTutequoo !AgTpuad e jog butptnosd !astou aouegsngsip oiTgnd buTut;ap „:sasloN aoupq.zngsTU OTTgnd.. PaTlilua apoo IpdTaTunH aa4ogPuaM gsPS a4g oq SZ'6 .zagde4o Mau a buTppe 'u0g6uT4seM ' 'aa40gpuaM gseS ;o AITO a4g 90 SONKNI(FdO NH L-06 'ON 30NV'NIGHO 'O-S 'ATsnowTueun PeTJJPo ❑otgow a4I •aouPuTpzo a4g anoadde oq Tasseo sagwawTTounoo Aq puooas 'sbUTTToo zagwawTTounoo Aq appw sum uotgow y :uotgoy TTounoo •pasn aq pTnoM uoilazosip aaoi;;o pappp aH •saTlied g4biu TIP se 4ons astou pnoT TOJIuoo og AgtTTgp a41 szaoT;;o antb pTnoM aoueuTpso a4q paps sauuiTg ;aTgo 'swalgo.zd quasasd Aue buTPaPbai sbUTTToo sagwewTiounoo utoi; uotgsanb P oq asuodsa.z uI sgTMIT AgTO aqq UTgITM Toiguoa asiou og butgelaa aouPoTpio UP ;o buipPai puooas TT-6-06 •agPp aATgoa;;a up bui4STTgegsa pup 'szagwaw uanas oq ani; wo.z; uoTssTwwoo buTuueld ay-4 ;o di4ssagwaw a44 butpuPdxa 'apoo TedtotunH aagogpuaM Iseg a44 30 OTO'OE'Z uotgoas buTpuawe 'uog6uT4seM 'aagogpuaM gsPS ;o AgTO a4q ;o SJNHNICIHO Nit 9-06 'ON SONVNIGdO