HomeMy WebLinkAbout4/16/1990 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesEAST WENATCHEE, DOUGLAS COUNTY, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR MCGRAW PRESIDING April 16, 1990 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Collings, Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Cassel, Councilmember McKee, Mayor McGraw. Staff Present: Gini Oestreich, John Flinner, Charles Zimmerman, Nick Wiltz, Bob Goodman, Randy Webley, Bruce Nash. PROCLAMATION Mayor McGraw read a proclamation for April 21, 1990 to be the ' Week of the Young Child. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES: Regular Session, April 2, 1990. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Collings, second by Councilmember Hendricks to approve the minutes as read. The motion carried, 5-0. CONSIDERATION OF BILLS Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to Council. As of this date, April 16, 1990, the Council does approve for payment voucher numbers 10608 through 10667, and voucher numbers 2999 through 3014, in the amount of $63,562.20. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Cassel, second by Councilmember McArthur to approve the bills as presented. The motion carried, 5-0. ' DEPARTMENT REPORTS Police Department Police Chief Flinner said the new cars had been marked and the other cars would be changed so they would all be the same. He added the Civil Service test for a new officer would be April 28 and the new officer should be hired by May 15, 1990. - 1 - - Z - 0-S 'paTilea UOTlow aql •UOTleoTjdde puels sXsoMaiT; gazng0 jelsoaalUad palTun agl anoadde 01 tasse0 iagwamTTounoO Aq puooas 's6uTTToo jagwawTTaunoO Aq apew seM UOTIow 'd :UOTlay TTounoo gaing0 Telsoaaluad p01TUn Jo; uOTIuDlTdde puels sXiomaiTT S-6-06 '0-S 'paTaJeO uoTlow aql •UOTIeaTTdde paels sXsoMaiT; ❑OTleToossy AaXaoH snalewy aagaleuaM aql anoidde o1 sbuTTTon iagwawTTaunoo Aq puooas 'TasseO uagwawTTaunoO Aq apew seM UOTIow y :uOT13H TTounoo u011UTao99V AaXaoH inalemV aagoleuaM so; uOTIRDITdde puels 93(iomaiT3 6-4-06 '0-S 'paTzzea uoTlow aql •UOTleoTTddle puels sXzoMajT; weal wTMS epnoeiseg aq1 anozdde 01 TassvD sagwamTTounoO Aq puooas 'aaxoH jagwawiTounoO Aq apew seM uoTlow y :UOTIaV TTounoo meal mTMS epnaei3es jog uoTqu3Tldde puels sXionali3 £-6-06 �auuew AlamTl e uT aaT;;o s,XiaTZ) ag1 01 pallTwgns uaaq aneq saa; pule aouleinsui 'XaoMsaded iadoid •spuels ITagl I zo; Tenoldde palsanbaj UOTlezTuebio gaea moi; sanTlelUasaidad YUN30V INZSN00 •uoos palsanbas aq pTnoM spTq sanaMoq 'sXoeglas awos uaaq peq ajagl pies ulewpoo0 1H 'loaCozd peod pueTsi Xoog a741 LUTpaebas aaMoH jagwawTTounoo woz; UOTlsanb le of asuodsaz ui •Ueid Ja1sleH laailS aq1 gITM buTnUTIUoo seM X1oM pue •uoos pagsTUT; aq pTnogs Seale Mau aql UT slgbTi 1aazls IO; ISOO palewTlsa uoos paTnpagos aq pTnoM sMaTnlaluT I saXioM aaueualuTeH !TT heH eq pTnoM zagsnT; 1aazls aq1 so; sbuTuado pTq !slaajls aq1 bUTdTzls uaaq peq luawlzledap aq-4 pies uewpoo0 luapualuTzadnS Iuamliedad aaueualuTeH •ueTd aql 3o MaTnaJ aq1 aleldwoo of 0£ iTidy laaw pue UeTd anTsuagasdwon aql ;o lxal agl alaTdmoo of LT TTzdy laaw pTnoM uoissTwwoO buTuueTd aql pies ZITTM JaaT;;O aouuildmoa apo0 aaueTTdmoo apoo APPEALS HEARING 90-4-6 An appeals hearing regarding the TOP Foods Latecomers Agreement Mayor McGraw opened the hearing at 6:45 p.m. Mr. David Whitmore, attorney representing Nendel's Four Seasons Inns, spoke against the agreement. He asked that Nendel's be exempt from the agreement, since the inn had been located at it's present location prior to TOP Foods. Mr. Whitmore said there were continual traffic flow problems in and out of the inn's parking lot since TOP Foods had been constructed. He added the method of assessment, when building permits were issued, should be changed; the contract should be modified to exclude and restrict reimbursement to new development. Mr. Dave Gallatly, one of the land owners in the latecomers area, spoke against the agreement saying he felt it unfair to assess an owner for development. ' Mr. Jack Cornings, representing John's Real Estate, said he did not feel it was fair to be assessed to drive to an area. Mr. Joel Gordon, attorney representing Briar Development, the owners of TOP Foods, reviewed the process up to the present time. He said the latecomers agreement had been approved by Council, and clarified certain issues such as owners only paying in the event of an addition or expansion; interior remodeling, changes in occupancy or minor alterations which do not increase the daily trips generated, shall not be subject to the reimbursement requirements; any property owner who develops within the fifteen year period will be subject to reimbursement share on the basis of a 'trips per day impact formula' as a pro rata share. Mr. Gordon added the intersection improvements had been a direct benefit to the property owners in the area and Briar Development's reimbursement by the agreement would be $93,577.68. Councilmember Cassel said the intersection would not have been developed had it not been for TOP Foods coming into the area. Mr. Cassel said the studies had been done by traffic experts and if capacity needed to be expanded, then everyone would pay an additional share, over and above the TOP Foods agreement. He ' added it was a busy intersection, however based on the calculations, the assessed amounts would not be that much. In response to a question from Councilmember McKee regarding the traffic situation, Mr. David Markley, representing Transportation Solutions, Inc., suggested the timing at the intersection could be modified. - 3 - -v- ' buTgaaw aqg JP aq qou P1noM pup Azabzns peg aq 'zanaMoq 'uoTgeTOossy doo7 apPospO aqq ;o sngegs aqq uo ITOunob ws0;u2 oq AgTunlioddo aqq pagsanbaj peq uewagTgM AJauI pees Me10314 soAPH spung mnTpegs jog AgTO aqq ggTM l0eiguo0 JTagg uo uoTgeTOossy dooq app0spZ) aqq moi3 agPpdn uy 8-t-06 'puooas a ;o XOPI og anp pane; uotgow agl abuegoxg auogdalal IP0aua0 ;o gsanbai aqq anosdde oq aaxoH jagwawTTounoO Aq apew seM uotgow y :uoTgoy ITOunoO •AgTunlioddo aATgTgadwoa P SI0 aAtb sP T19m se aTlgnd aqq og sbUlAes PUP aaTAzas jaggaq apTAozd pinoM IT aOuTs uoTgnlosai aqg ;0 JOAP3 UT sPM aq pTes aaxoH iagwawlTounoo 'UOIIPJDPTsuoO so; 4uawusano0 IeJapa3 aqg og IT gTwgns pup uoTgnlosaz aqq 3o IPAo3ddP iepTsuoo oq ITounoO buTXsp uTPbe seM aH AgunoO selbnoQ pup glJOMuaAPa•j 'aagOgeuaM 'AqunOD uPlagO Aq panoidde uaaq peq uoignlosas aqq pTPs pup gsanbai snoTAaad aqq paMaTAai 'abuPgoxg auogdalal Teiaua0 zo; zabpupw 'AalMod uOH •sH goy suoTgPOTunmmo0 alge0 aqq ;o uoTsTAai buTpie6al abupgzxg auogdalal lesaua0 moi; gsanbai y L-6-06 ZssR su QNv NolivuadisNOJ 'O-s 'Palizeo uotgow aqy 'quawDa.Ibe iawoOagel agg so; (sPoo3 doll uo2ge:10d.700 JPTsg ggTM IOUJIu00 aqg gdaaaP Pup sTPadde aa.zgq aqq Auap og sxaTzpuaH sagwawTTounoo Aq puooas 'IassLD jagwawlTOunoO Aq appw seM uotgow y :uoTgOy U ounoo •pabupgo aq ptnoo PUP uoTsTAaz og goalgns seM goezquoo AuP pappP uPwsawwTZ Aau.zoggy AgTD •suoige.zauab dTzq aqg pasPaiauT ssauTsnq p buTpuedxa jo buTsPaiOuT ssalun gsTxa pinoM walgojd ou pTPs aaxOH JagwawlTounoO w•d 99:L P buTJPaq agg p990TO MvJf)DH soAeH •Paap aqq uo gopdwT aATgebau a seM spool dOl gia; pup Agzado.id sTq uo palgnop peq saxpq pies 'uul suoseas Jnog s,IapaaN ;0 39uMo 'suTXuar aAPQ •zH •Aep gad sdial pagpiauab se TTeM se azTs Aliadosd uo paseq a.IaM suoTgelnOTPO pup =azpgs zTagq Apd og anuTquoO PInOM Aagg !saa; asagg ;o Auu pazano0aq qou pPg sPoo3 d0l PTps MVjgOH zoAPH C yY� PUBLIC HEARING 90-4-9 A public hearing regarding the State Environmental Protection Act (SEPA) Ordinance Mayor McGraw opened the public hearing at B124 p.m. Councilmember Hendricks said he felt all the standards in the ordinance should read maximum instead of minimum. This would give better control of the requirements. Councilmember McKee said the check lists before permits were issued would resolve that issue. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Cassel, second by Councilmember McKee to approve first reading of the ordinance. A motion was made by Councilmember McKee, second by Councilmember Cassel to pass the ordinance with second reading. The motion carried, 4-1, (Hendricks). ' ORDINANCE NO. 90-5 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Est Wenatchee, Washington, repealing Chapter 18.04 in the East Wenatchee Municipal Code entitled "State Environmental Policy Act" and establishing a new Chapter 18.06 entitled "Environmental Review (SEPA); adopting policies as a basis for exercise of substantive authority under SEPA; providing for appeals; establishing fees, and establishing an effective date. ORDINANCE 90-4-10 First reading of an ordinance expanding membership of the Planning Commission Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Cassel, second by Councilmember Hendricks to approve first reading of the ordinance. The motion carried, 4-1, (McArthur). 90-4-11 First reading of an ordinance relating to noise control within the city limits ' Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember McKee, second by Councilmember Hendricks to approve first reading of the ordinance. The motion carried unanimously, 5-0. - 5 - r - 9 zaznspazy/KzaTO AITD gozazgsaO •3 tutbztA w•d 95'8 - ZNHHKunofaV aunt ui aayoleuaN ut pTay buiaq st yozyn aouaza;uo0 satgt0 uogbutyspM ;o uo2geToossy ayq It' agpbaTap bUTgOA e aq og paysim Aayq ;z wty goelu00 of zagwawTTounoD palsazalui Aup paxsp mpzOoH zoApH SNOd3H S,UOAVH uaNPI sem UOTIOU ou pup paTgeq spM wale ayy •szpTTop pupsnogg omq oq pazpunq uaaq;?; ;0 1soo agewzxozddp up qe way1 aspyoznd oq pasn aq pTnoo spun3 wntpegS pup bpT; s,Agto aqq ;o oboT p aq pTnoa IT palsabbns aH •AlTo aqq alowozd of 'aneq s921?o zaygo se apew aq uTd aayolpuaM gse3 ;o AITO p zapisuoo of Uouno0 paxsp aaxoH zagwawTTounoo s3ZHQdn QNH sluodau aiaKnOJ •Agio aqq zo; sazngoozq aq-4 ;o I aseyd seta styq pees aqs •aagogeuDm gse3 ;o AgTD aqq ;o azngoozq Teuoigewzo;ut aqq ;o aTdwes p pagngtzgsip 'aozawwo0 ;o zagweg0 aagogpuaM gspo ayg butquasazdaz 'zaussaTO uez3 •sH SSNHHHOD N3ZIZI0