HomeMy WebLinkAbout2/20/1990 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesI EAST WENATCHEE, DOUGLAS COUNTY, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR MCGRAW PRESIDING February 20, 1990 6:30 p.m. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Collings, Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Cassel, Councilmember McKee, Mayor McGraw. Staff Present: Bruce Nash, Gini Oestreich, John Flinner, Charles Zimmerman, Nick Wiltz, Bob Goodman, Randy Harrison, Randy Webley. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES: Regular Session, February 5, 1990 Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, ' second by Councilmember Cassel to approve the minutes as read. The motion carried, 5-0. CONSIDERATION OF BILLS Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to Council. As of this date, February 20, 1990, the Council does approve for payment voucher numbers 10314 through 10441, and voucher numbers 2931 through 2960, in the amount of $72,255.15. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember McKee, second by Councilmember Hendricks to approve the bills as presented. The motion carried, 5-0. DEPARTMENT REPORTS Code Compliance Code Compliance Officer Wiltz said the Board of Adjustment had denied the McIntyre request to construct a four-plex on a substandard lot. Street Department Street Department Supervisor Goodman said the 1976 sander at the shops would be surplused, and requests for bids would be published within the next two weeks. - 1 - - Z - aagogeuaM ;sea 'ginoo AsstzzoH 609 'uaxiy A.zsp7 •zH •aagogeuaM gspS 'gizT 's•m - S08 'alas K3e1q 'jH :votgexauue aqq gsuiebe axods suaztgTo buTMoTTo; aqy ' •voTssiwwoD buiuueTd aqq gbnoigq ssaoosd sadoid aqq uo paspq Aqunoo aqq uT Mou si IT se awes aqq aq pTnoo buTuoz aqq gegq paalf)P Tiouno;) dgTD agq 'snsuasuoo AS •ssaoo,zd uoigpxauue uotgTgad aqq gbnozgq ease STgq ui aKpq og aTdoad aqq Rq paxsp uaaq ppq TTounOD gegg buFppe 'ueTd anTsuaga,zdmo0 s,AlTo aqg glTm noTgoun(uoo uz aq pTnoM buTuoz aqq pees aaxoH aagwawlTounoz) •pagsanbas 3T buTuoz aqg abuego pTnoo uotssTwwoO buivapTd aqg 'zanaMoq 'ATTwp; aTbuts se uT ggbnosq aq pTnoM ease Mau aqq gegg pauteTdxa uewsammTZ Aau.zoggy lgTa •buTuoz aTdigTnm aq og anpq pTnoM Ali adoid aqq stgq op oq pup abegs buiuueTd aqq uT azaM xaTdwoo guawastgai a pup goaCoid mniviwopuoo p pagou uTgseH •iH •sigq op oq paiTnba.z aq pTnoM ssaoosd gegM pup 'aTdtgTnw se padoTanap aq pTnoo Ag3adoid aqq ;T paxSe suanagg •JH •uotgexauup agq ggtM ATTme; aTbuTs pauoz aq pTnoM pup amTq quasaid aqg ge aTdigTnw pauoz sT Kgiadoid JT9gq 'zanaMoq 'uoTgexauup aqg og pasoddo qou azaM dagq pies 'aagogeuaM gseS 'quomgseS 066T 'utgieH wif •1H Pup suanagS •M sawef 'JH •fq.Tadoid agenT.Td uo saszoq MoTTe oq anuiquoo pTnoM buTuoz aqq aoueansspaz paqueM aqs qnq 'uoTgtgad aqg paubts ppq pup 'uotgexavue agg gSUTebe qou ' SLIM aqs paps 'aagogevaM gspH 'anted aPTsTTTH 008 'apeM uaaex •sH m•d Oq=9 qe butseaq DTlgnd aqq peuedo mRjOoH sodeH •sauupw AlamTq LI ut aoT;;o s,x.z810 ALTO agq uT paTT; pup PagaTdmoo uaaq peg AoaaToi;;ns ;o ❑oTgeutw.zagap aqq pup suoigigad aqg butgou 'ssaoosd uotgpxauue agq paMaTna.z zg1TM saoT;;O aoupiTdwoS apo0 aoveuTPJO aqq buissed pup ease aoigexavuy uoigTgad gseN aqq buzp.Tebai baTieaq oTTgnd y 9-Z-06 ONIUVEH OI'I8[ld '0-S 'PaTJIPO uoFgow aqy paquasaid se LIpuabLI quaSuoo aqq anozddLI oq sxoTjpuaH .zagwamTTounoO hq puooas 'aaxoH .zagmawTTouno0 Aq apew SLIM uoTgow y :uozgoy TzounoD TeMaua.z asigoup.T; •ovI 'uogbutgspM ;o uotsTnaTgeO I31 10; 066T IS go.zeH jog buTieaq oTTgnd p buTggaS S-Z-06 YOK20V IMHSK05 r Ll The following citizens spoke in favor of the annexation: Mr. Tim Arens, 10th Street NE, East Wenatchee. Mr. Monte Olson, 915 No. Gayle, East Wenatchee. Mr. Jim Feigle, 801 - 10th Street, East Wenatchee. Mr. Bruce Nash, 909 North Gayle, East Wenatchee. Mayor McGraw closed the public hearing at 7:20 p.m. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Cassel, second by Councilmember Hendricks to approve the ordinance for the Nash Petition Annexation area. The motion carried, 5-0. ORDINANCE NO. 90-3 AN ORDINANCE of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington, annexing certain real property to said City pursuant to the petition method, said area being legally described as set forth in Exhibit "A" to this ordinance, and depicted in the map, Exhibit ' "B" to this ordinance, setting an effective date of this ordinance and the annexation of February 28, 1990, designating the zoning of the area as "R-L" Residential District Zoning, and approving this title and Exhibits "A" and "B" as a summary of the ordinance. RESOLUTION 90-2-7 A latecomers agreement with Briar Development Company (commonly called TOP Foods) and the City of East Wenatchee Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Cassel, second by Councilmember Collings to approve the resolution. The motion carried, 5-0. RESOLUTION NO. 90-3 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of East Wenatchee, Washington of preliminary determination concerning the petition of Briar Development Company for a latecomers agreement for development improvements at the intersection of SR 28 and Grant Road, establishing a reimbursement ' area, providing for a method of assessment for assessment area property, providing for notification to assessment area property owners, providing for a method of appeal for assessment area property owners, and providing notice that the City may contract with Briar Development Company to carry out the provisions of this preliminary determination resolution. - 3 - F- -v- iajnsealy/XJaTJ AITD 4019Jgsa0 •3 e, ZbitA w•d Sb'L - lK3HKHflOfOH •awiq quasasd ayq le p9MUTA9J buTaq seM apoo Tedioiunw agq ;o UOT109s asuaOTT ssauTsnq aqq Uouno0 pawio;ui Me30oH .zoXeH •aTgegtnba pawaes asuaDTI ssautsnq Tenuue aqq uegq asow ou ;o aa; Tenuue aMTq auo a butppe '=te;un seM aoueuip.zo aqq qTa; aq pies Jouuo0 •iH •aAissaoxa se saa; saOTAap quawasnwe aqq iapTsuoo oq TTounoD aqq paxse 'quawgsijgegsa saweb 09PTA pue aDTAap quawasnwe ue •ouI 'sawe0 74q.ze3 ;o sabeuew pue .zauMo '.7ouuo0 O Iiagod aH SINHHH00 N3ZIII0