HomeMy WebLinkAbout2/5/1990 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutesr� EAST WENATCHEE, DOUGLAS COUNTY, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR HCGRAW PRESIDING February 5, 1990 6:30 p.m. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Collings, Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Cassel, Councilmember McKee, Mayor McGraw. Staff Present: Bruce Nash, John Flinner, Gini Oestreich, Bob Goodman, Nick Wiltz, Charles Zimmerman, Randy Webley. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES Regular Session, January 16, 1990. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember McArthur, ' second by Councilmember Cassel to approve the minutes as read. The motion carried unanimously, 5-0. CONSIDERATION OF BILLS Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to Council. As of this date, February 5, 1990, the Council does approve for payment those vouchers included in this list. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember McArthur, to approve the bills as presented. The motion carried unanimously, 5-0. DEPARTMENT REPORTS Police Department Police Chief Flinner reported a series of arson fires had been solved with the arrest of an East Wenatchee man. He added this also solved the February, 1989 arson fire at Nendel's. Chief Flinner said there was an ongoing investigation at the mall involving credit cards, forgeries and merchandise in an amount of approximately forty thousand dollars. - 1 - F- •squeoTjddP asagq buTuaazos pup buTMaTnzaquT seM zagmPgO aqq awtq quasazd agg qe pue UOTgTsod zogoazTp aqq zo; panTaoaz uaaq peg SUOTgPOTjdde Agzo; pTPs 'aozawwo0 ;o zagwpg0 aagogpuaM gses aqq ;0 quapTsazd 'pzO;upS ;;al 'Tasuno0 jpbaq s,AgTO aqq pup gozeasag jedTaTunH 'aoT;;o s,zogTpny agegg aqq Aq panozdde Pulp paMaTnaz uaaq peq 3ozawwo0 go zagwegJ aqq ggTM goezquoo aqq pips aaxoH zagwamlTounoo quamdojanap OTMOUODR pue MSTznoq og baTgPjaz 90zammo0 ;o zagmeg0 aagOgevaM gsPH aqq gITM goPzquoO Z-Z-06 SHHII VQN30V ZIJNnOJ '0-5 'AlsnowTupun paTzzeo uoTgow agy •paggTwqns sP Ppuaby quasUOD agg anozdde oq sbuTjjoO zagwawjTounoO Aq puooas 'sxoTzpuaH zagmawjTounoO Aq apem seM uoTgow y :uOTgoV TTounOO eaIV UOTgexauuy UoTgTgaa aqq oq buTgplaz 0661 'OZ dzenzga3 zo; buTzeaq oTlgnd u buTggaS E-1-06 VUKHDV SNSSNOJ •gabpnq aqg UT panozddP uaaq ppq qT buTgou 'uoos pazedazd aq pjnoM zagsnj; gaazgs a zo; pTq a pTPs upmpoo0 •zH •sggbTT UOTgoaszaguT PUP subTS 'sggbTj gaazgs papaau oq buTgelaz pazP aqq UT anop buTaq SUM hzoquanUT UP pappP aH •znoq auo gnoqe UT pale paxauup hjMau aqq paMold ppq quawgzpdap aq-4 MODS gsej aqq bUTznp pTes U121Up000 zOsTnzadnS quamgzedaQ gaazgg quamgzPdaa gaazgg w'd OE'9 ge 'L hzenzgag 'AppsaupaM play aq og bUTgaaw quawgsn[py ;o pzpog agg paounouue aH •eall? uOTgTgad UOTgPxauUP agq uT paggTmqns Appazle sgTwzad buTpjTnq uo suoTgoadsuT TPuT; op og anuTquoo pjnoM Aquno0 aqq pips zglTM •zH •djjeoTpoTzad pjaq aq pjnogs dogsxzoM ;o adAq STgq pappe ZITTM 'zH '6Z Azenupr uo pagonpuoo dogsNaoM aq-4 gnoqe sbUTlaa; anTgTsod passazdxa ppq szagwam UOTssTmwoO bUTUUpja aqq pup guawlsnCpy ;o pzpog agq paps zgjTM zaOT;;p aoueTjdwoO apoa aouuijdmoO apo0 •zoAem agg Aq paubTs aq pjnoM quawaazbp aseaj aqq papToap seM IT pup 'uoTgoadsuT log uoos Apeaz aq pjnoM quamgzedap aqq Aq paseal buiaq szea aqg pappP zaUUTj3 ;aTgJ •aoTnzas zo; sjjpo ZEb ;0 jPgOq e Uaaq pPq azagq buTgou 'hzpnuer ;o gquow aqq zo; gzOdaz P aepb aH , I Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember McKee, second by Councilmember Cassel, to approve the contract with the East Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce and authorize payment after a new director is hired. The motion carried, 4-1 (Hendricks). 90-2-3 An Update on Public Transportation Benefit Area Councilmember Cassel,as a member of the Public Transportation Benefit Area, gave a report to keep the public advised on what the board was doing and proposing, such as a bus system to serve the area. Mr. Cassel said the board had recommended hiring a consultant to assist in determining costs, areas of service and financing. He added a Citizens Committee would be formed to help in determining needs, what kinds of service was desired what types of funding was available, such as taxes or grant monies. Council Action: None was taken. 90-2-4 Latecomers Agreement with TOP Foods ' City Attorney Zimmerman reviewed the agreement with TOP Foods and the process up to the present time. Mr. Zimmerman said that a reimbursement formula had been prepared; if property owners in the subject area developed within the time frame, they would reimburse based on that formula. Mr. Joel Gordon, attorney representing TOP Foods, listed what had been accomplished, such as additional lanes and intersection improvements, adding these were all benefits to the other property owners. In response to a question from Councilmember McKee regarding development of Fourth Street and giving additional access to Grant Road, Mr. Gordon said a method had been developed to determine the number of trips through the area, and if an alternate access was developed, the costs could be less. Mr. David Markley, representing Transportation Solutions, Inc., said his firm was employed by TOP Foods to assist in developing of public road improvement costs under a latecomers agreement. He said defining the cost of the improvement, the benefit associated with the agreement, and the benefit area were all items used in determining the reimbursement fee. Mr. Markley explained how the formula was computed, adding it was the generally accepted court approval method. In answer to Councilmember McKee's question, Mr. Markley said the ' administration of this type of latecomers agreement was controlled through the issuing of a building permit when property was being developed. Mayor McGraw said a pathway was being planned between Grant Road View Point and the walk bridge. He wanted reassurance the City - 3 - r-v xsaTO A1TO 'goT911990 •g p 'fir nL?,��c Tb.ITA w'd TS'L - imam noraY •PTdwATO uT 9 Ajpnjga3 uo aouasa;uOO s9T1TO uol6uTgseM ;o uoTleTOossy aq1 buTpualle aq pTnoM aq pTes mPJOOH i0AeH lHodau SHOLVH 0-S 'ATsnowTueun peT3.zpo uoTlow aql •saa; lawOOaleT Aue mOJJ aagaleuaM lseg ;o A1T0 agl 6uTldwaxa uOTsTAoid e apntauT of pup 'spoO3 d0l g1TM 1uaw9azbp slawooalpT aql anoidde 01 'aaxoH zagwawTTounoO Aq puooas 'TasseO aagwawTTounoO Aq appw sea, uoTlow y 'uoT1oY iTounoO •easy luawaaj6p ssawooalet spool dol aql UT siauMo A1aadosd luasaid aql of luas pup paiedaid aq pTnogs ssaao.zd 9q1 buTuTeTdxa uoTlnTosai a pappp uewlawwTZ AauJOq-4V AITO •luawaajbp aq1 ;o lipd su paldwaxa aq pTnoo A1TO aql pTes uop=o0 •iH luawaaa6v ;o adAl sTgl wojj ldwaxa aq pTnogs pup ssauTsnq p 1ou seM AlTO aq1 sp passasse aq 1ou pTnoM