HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/2/1990 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesEAST WENATCHEE, DOUGLAS COUNTY, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR HCGRAW PRESIDING January 2, 1990 6:30 p.m. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Collings, Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Cassel, Councilmember McKee, Mayor McGraw. Staff Present: Bruce Nash, John Flinner, Gini Oestreich, Bob Goodwin, Nick Wiltz, Chet Virnig, Charles Zimmerman. OATHS OF OFFICE Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember McArthur and Councilmember Collings were sworn into their newly elected positions by Mayor McGraw and welcomed to the City of East Wenatchee as new Councilmembers. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES Regular Session, December 18, 1989. Councilmember McKee noted an omission in the minutes regarding the Stadium Fund requests as recommended by the Promotions Committee and approved by Council as part of the 1990 budget. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Cassel to approve motion carried, 4-1 (Hendricks). CONSIDERATION OF BILLS by Councilmember McKee, second the minutes as amended. The Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to Council. As of this date, January 2, 1990, the Council does approve for payment those vouchers included in this list. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Cassel, second by Councilmember Hendricks, to approve the bills as presented. The motion carried unanimously, 5-0. - 1 - ' DEPARTMENT REPORTS Police Department: Police Chief Flinner said complaints increased during the month of December, however he noted this was not unusual for the time of year. Chief Flinner welcomed Virginia Oestreich, City Clerk and Peggy McArthur, Councilmember to the City of East Wenatchee. Chief Flinner said his officers had been patrolling the newly annexed area and had been talking to the residents. He added the Police Department would be open seven days a week starting January 16, 1990. Code Compliance: Code Compliance Officer Wiltz said two complaints had been received regarding the timing of the crosswalk light at SR 28, however in checking with the State there had been no timing changes made. Mr. Wiltz said Bob Burke, of McConnell/Burke was planning a workshop on January 29, 1990 at 6.30 p.m. regarding the future and direction the City is taking. It was agreed Council would . attend as well as the Board of Adjustment and the Planning Commission. Street Department: Street Department Supervisor Bob Goodman said the department had been burning weeds and patching streets in the new annexed area. He added the Christmas decorations had been removed; and the engine for the shop truck was ready to be installed. Mr. Goodman said there had been a meeting with AM -PM Mini Mart regarding a new store proposed on Grant Road. Mr. Goodman said on December 12, 1989, there had been a burglary in the shops and the loss was approximately $1,000. COUNCIL AGENDA ITEMS Considerations and Requests 90-1-1 A request to discuss fees relating to Amusement Devices in the City of East Wenatchee Mr. Leon R. Schamens, owner of the Electric Fun Company, East Wenatchee, asked Council to consider the amusement devices fees ' to businesses as excessive. Mr. Schamens said his license fees for 1990 were $1095. He read a letter sent to Mayor McGraw, stating he was not aware of the fees the City charged at the time - 2 - r -E- saoTgoN Tebaq pue sa0ueuTpi0 buTgsTTgn3 ;o asodxnd ayq ao; aagoqeuaM gseg ;o AITO ayq ;0 3adedsMaN TeToT;;O aqq se ssazd a3Tdma Aqunoo seT6n00 aqq buT4eu6Tsap 'uogbuTgseM 'aagoqeuaM gseg ;o AgTO aqg ;o TTounoa AgTO aqg 30 NOIln'IOSaH V T-06 'ON NOIInIOSSH '0-S 'ATsnowTueun passed uoTgow aqy •uoTgnTosaj aq-4 anozdde oq sxoT.zpuaH iagwawTTounoO Aq puooas 'aaxoH iagwawTTounoO Aq uoTgow y :uoTgoy ITouno0 •uoTgnTosaJ Aq aq uoTgeu6Tsap sTgq saiTnbai 'f4DH 'SE aTITJ, •buTgaaH TTounoO 066T '8T zagwa3a0 aq-4 qe jadedsMau s,aagogeuaM gseg ;o AITO aqg se pagoaTas seM ssaia ejidwg AgunoO seTbno0 aqy iadedsMau TEToT;;o aqq ssaid 9iTde3 Aquno0 seTbno0 buTgeu6Tsap uoTgnTosag y Z-1-06 •aouenTpio s93TnaO quawasnwy aqg ;o quawaozo;ua aqg MaTnas oq MejooH ToAe;q pagsanbai ITounoO :uoTgoy jTouno0 •pabuego buTaq ATquegsuoo ajaM sauTgaew aqq aouTs quawgsTTgeqsa aqq uTggTM pasuaoII sauTgoew ;o je gwnu Tegoq agq uo paseq aq sabaego agq papuawwooaz uew.zawwTZ Aausoggy AITO •awTq sTgq le auop buTaq seM sTgq Tag; qou pTp aq pTes pue saa3 awes ayq Aed oq paiTnbai aq saoTAap quawasnwy glTM sassauTsnq Ile gegq passe suawegDs JH •panuTquoo peg 6uTTTo.zged aOTTod Pup szeaA oMq uT uoTgeooT ssauTsnq aq-4 oq sTTeo aoTTod gg6Ta uaaq peq ajagq pTes JauuTIa ;aTg0 aoTTod 'L96T UT papuawe azaM saa; aqq Pup anssT sTgg buTp.zebaj uoTssnosTp uaaq peq a.zagq pTes TasseO iagwawTTounoO 'TTounoO aqq azo;aq ggbnozq uaaq peq aoueuTpio saaTna0 quawasnwy ayq pappe aH apoD TedToTunN aagoqeuaM gseN aq-4 uo paseq aiaM pue aATssaOxa zeadde qou pTp saa; agg pTes MesOoH zoAeyl ' •sgTwjad paJTnbai pup saxeq AgTinoas TeToos 'saxeg uoTgedn000 pue ssauTsnq oq uoTgTppe uT aJgm saa; asagg pTes aH uado oq Apeas seM ssauTsnq sTq IPUBLIC HEARING Agenda Item !3 Continuation of Public Hearing regarding L. E. Dillon Subdivision Application Mayor McGraw reopened the public hearing at 7:12 p.m. noting L. E. Dillon, the applicant, was in attendance. Code Compliance Officer Wiltz reviewed the request and read the recommendation of Robert Burke, Planning Consultant for the City. The recommendation of Mr. Burke was to approve the request based on the following conditions: 1. Curbs will be required along the private road and turn- around. 2. A drainage system be installed to adequately handle the drainage from the street and turn -around, and that it include an oil -silt separator to reduce pollution potential from off -site run-off. (The irrigation canal is adjacent.) 3. Require the improvements to be installed within one year or a performance bond be required by the City's Code Compliance Officer. ' 4. The Community Association Covenant regarding street maintenance be approved by the City Attorney. 5. The plat drawing be modified to indicate the above conditions and to include an approved signature block for the City Code Compliance Officer. City Attorney Zimmerman reviewed Chapter 16.16 of the Subdivision Code listing the requirements. Mr. Zimmerman explained the different options the Council could take to approve changing the zoning from Planned Unit Development to Major Subdivision. (7:12 p.m. Councilmember Cassel was excused from the meeting due to another commitment.) Mr. L. E. Dillon, East Wenatchee, the owner and applicant of the subdivision, reviewed the plat for the Council and explained what had been done up to this time. Mr. Dillon said selling the present units would enable completion of the plat; a homeowners association would be formed; and City maintenance would not be required as it is not a city street. Mayor McGraw closed the public hearing at 7:46 p.m. ' Councilmember McKee said he. could not support the plat as it is substandard in relation to street widths, required curbs, gutters, and parking. Councilmember Hendricks said the application should be denied and returned to the Planning Commission as it did not appear ready for final plat approval. - 4 - - S - NaaTo AITo 'goTaJlsao •g eTUTBJTA H•a oz's - iNaKNunorav ATzalienb pagsTTgnd aq pTnoM 066T uT buTlIPIS pue ATge.TapTsuoo pasea.zOUT peq JaIIDTsMaU ATgluow aql ;o Isoo aqq pies Mej!)OH JOAeyy •qls pue qlL Asen.Tgaa uo eTdmATO uT aouasa;uoo uoTlay aATIeTsT597 AITo 066T aqq buTpualle aq pTnoM aq pTes Me.TooH JoAeH •pualle of ueTd szagmam TTounoa Mau aql papuemwooai aq !STeToT33o paloaTa ATMau Jo3 uoTlequaTio ue buTluasa.zd seM SaT1To uOgbuTgseM 30 UOTgeiOOSSfj aql paounouue Me.zoow joAeH lHod3v SHOAVR '0-S 'ATsnowTueun paTs.Teo uOTlow aql •UOTSSTwmoo bUTuueTd aql 3o uoTlepuawwooas aql Auap of SXoT.zpuaH lagwawTTounoo Aq puooas 'aaxoH aagwamTTounoo Aq apem seM uoTIOw y •uOTssTwwoo buTuueTd aql OI pallTwgnsai aq pTnoo sueTd TeuTbTio aql se papuTOsas seM uOTlow STU •UOTSSTmmoo bUTUUeTd aql of UOTIeOTTdde aqq u.Tnlai of 'sbuTTTOo-TagmamTTounoo Aq puooas 'SXoTzpuaH iagwamTTounoo Aq apem seM UOTlow y :UOTg0V TTounoo