HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/2/1991 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesF'"- 17n ' CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR RICHARD MCGRAW PRESIDING DECEMBER 2, 1991 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Collings, Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Cassel, Councilmember McKee, Mayor McGraw. Staff Present: Gini Oestreich, Gil Sparks, Charles Zimmerman, Bob Goodman, Ray Yarnell, Bruce Nash, Lenny Breckenridge, Nick Wiltz. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES: Regular Session, December 2, 1991. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember McArthur to approve the minutes as read. The motion carried, 5-0. CONSIDERATION OF BILLS ' Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to Council. As of this date, December 2, 1991, the Council does approve for payment voucher numbers 12292 through 12318 in the amount of $20,706.79. There were no payroll vouchers. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Cassel to approve the bills as presented subject to proper audit. The motion carried, 5-0. DEPARTMENT REPORTS Street Maintenance Mayor McGraw requested Superintendent Goodman to determine if there was a surplus of Christmas banners from past years. If so the Wenatchee Valley Mall may be interested in purchasing some of them from the City. - 1 - -z- L Siva 3AIS03d33 NV ONI1139 aNV 'MVZ AS aSH IIMH SV HV3A ONIIISN3 3HS *dOa AbIO aIVS 30 3SN3HlHVdHa 'IVHaA3S alu NO AHHV0 OS SlINHASH IN3IJI33IIS 9NIAVd 30 3SOd*ifld 3HS IdOa NOIZVXVZ OS IDMIIIS SI HOIHM ASIO aIVS NI 7VNOSHNd aNV 'IVZH HS08 'A,LHRdO'dd 'I'IV NO 'Z66T 'T AHVIINVf 9NIJNaNHOJ HV3A 'IVOSI3 3HS HOa 351HOSVN3M ZSV3 30 AZIO 3HZ HOd SZXVI 'IV2i3N39 3HZ JNIAAaa 'NOSJNIHSVM '33HOZVN3M LSV3 30 ASIO 3HS d0 30NVNIa'dO NV ZT-T6 'ON 30NVNIaHO '0-5 'PaFaieo UOT40m aqy 'Z661 JO; satAaj xag Aw adoid buTggas aaueutp.O ay-4 anoadde og sbuilTOD .zagmamTTounoO Aq puooas 'TasseO sagmawTiouno0 Aq apew seM uotgom V :uoigoV IFounoO Z661 so; 9990ZVUDM ;sea ;o AITO ayg 30; AAaT xeq Aliadoid aqq buiggas aaueuTPJO UV 80-TT-T6 90UPUTPJO aqq ;o buipeaa gsaT; peas mvif)oH 3oAeH ' 0-S ' paTjavo uoigom ayy •aouauipjO ayq ;o buipaa-1 gszF; aneg pue abuego dew BUtu02 aqq anoidde og S%0TJpu9H iagmamTtaunoo Aq puooas 'TassaO-TagmamlTouno0 Aq apem SLIM uoTgow V :uo;goV ITounoO •suoiga.zapTsuoo aqq ;o laed e qou saM stgq se Agio aqq oq gsoo ou aq pinoM a.zayy 5uiKied TeuOTgTppa 30; MoiTe oq panomaJ aq pTnoM Agiadoad aqq uo abe3eB agy spjepuegs AgFa oq do seM uoFgaOipap gaa.igs ,Tadozd pue sxTeMapts aqg TTegsui pinoM AlTo aqq pTes asegO 'aH •AgTO aqq aO iaumO aqg 30 AITTTgtsuodsai a aq pTnoM sXTeMapis ;t pue 'papnTaui seM uoigeoTpap gaaigs sadozd ;T paxse sXDT.xpuaH-TagmamTTounoO •anoidde oq osTe saM uOTIepuammooaJ stq buippe 'peg TTounoo AgTD aq-4 suoigdo ayq pagsTT aseg0 'JH •Tenoidde buipuammooas asaM Aogq pue uoissimwoO buiuueid ayq glTm buTseaq oTTgnd a gbnoagg uaaq peq ssaooid aqq pagou aH •auozaz auaTeM ayq panaTAas 'sauueTd AgFO 'asega bnoa ,dam butuoz aqq buipuame aoueutpio aq-4 ;o buTpaas ISJT; pue auoza.T auaTeM TO-ZT-T6 HONVNIGHO aNV 9NIIHSH 0I'IHIId 081 181 91-12-02 First reading of an ordinance adopting the final budget for the City of East Wenatchee for 1992 Clerk/Treasurer Oestreich said the budget meetings had been held and the changes had been made for the final budget. Mayor McGraw read first reading of the budget ordinance. 91-12-03 First reading of an ordinance adopting the salaries for employees and officials for 1992 Councilmember Hendricks said six and one half percent increase was too much for city employees; and that some employees were receiving more than that amount. He thought it should be no more than three or four percent, like the county or other cities in the area were giving. He expressed concern that nothing was being given to the police officers. City Attorney Zimmerman said the officers salary was not an issue since the city was in negotiations. Councilmember Collings said she understood that some employees were receiving more to bring them to like positions in the area. Clerk Oestreich said that was correct; the clerk position in her department and the two in the Police Department were higher to obtain a level to keep good, qualified employees. She added one of the goals of her department was to have a pay and compensation step plan for employees. Mayor McGraw read first reading of the salary ordinance 91-12-04 First reading of an ordinance setting the fees for animal control for East Wenatchee Councilmember Cassel asked if these fees were part of the amount allocated in the budget for animal control. Clerk Oestreich said these fees were for licenses, vaccinations and administrative costs for animal control. Ordinance 342 was the last time the fees had been set. Mayor McGraw read first reading of the animal control fees ordinance. RESOLUTION 91-12-05 A resolution authorizing transferring of property tax funds to the City Hall Building Fund for 1992 ' Councilmember Hendricks moved to approve the resolution and have one half of the monies carried over into 1992 deposited in the City Hall Building Fund. - 3 - •buTuueid TevoTbaH quawabeueH ggMosO pue '(OV)4S) aaggTmmoO A3osTApV agseM PTIOS I(SSVM) ApngS uoTlEjJodsue3y eaaV aagogeuaM 939M uT paATOAuT uaaq peg aq asogg pTes aH •uoTgequasaidea ' panuT2uoO s,AgTO aqq JO; paau aqq ;o TTounoO puTma-T oq paqueM aq puE saaggTwmOO TE,zanas uo uaaq peq aq pTes aagoH aagmawTTounoO S3SVQdn QNV SiXOdau ZI0Nn00 '166T 'T£ sagwaoa0 Aq TTounoo og uTebE g,zoda3 pTnoM aqs pTes uasTO •sH •ST z9gwaoa(j Aq apew aq pinogs uoTgeuTwzagap V •zageT awoo pTnoM saT;Toads ;)JOW gegg 'TEngdaouoo seM quTod sTgq qe veld agq pauTeTdxa llo=0 'SH ssaooe deoTpueq pue Aqa;es seM pauoTquam magT au0 •saoanosag TeznjuN ;o quamgzeda0 agq Aq pagenTena aq pTnoM Mou uOTgeaTTdde aqy Aqunoo pue AgTo aqq so; uoTgequasazd agq aNem oq 4uTT3agwEgO pue sbuTITTNS 'TToja qos ggTM ETdmA10 uT uaaq peg aqs pTes aqS •uoTgeOTTdde que'5 ITPaq aqq uo pagiodea uaslo sH 'oTlgnd aqq oq uoTgngTsgsTp zo; AgTquenb a N3alo aq1 aneb puE TTounoO oq a.Tngoo.Tq sized AqunoO seTbnoO agg pagngT.zgsTp 'AqunoO seTbnoO 'vas10 za;Tuuar 'm'd OO:s qe aq PTnoM %zed aqq uT 6utgg6TT aa.Tq aqy Hied aqq oq paaooid puE m•d OO:L qE AEMNzed TIEH AaTTEA uo qOT queOEA aqq qe g3egs pTnoM apezed aqq pTes aqS •buTggbTZ aaay puE 8pE3Ed sEmgsTigO agg uo paq.xodaz saj:xaH •sH •m•d oO:T qe aq pTnoM .Taquao uoTguanuoa aqq qe saTuomazao aqg pue aTzznd E ;o aoaTd TeToads a uaATb aq pTnoM soAeH aqq !saTuoma.zao ;o zagsem aq pTnoM TasseO Tned !TIEH AalleA aagogeuaM aqq qe w•E 00:TT qe uTbaq pTnoM saTuoma=aa aqq pTes aqS *XNII uO P9:ZJOda.T '9oz9wwo0 ;o J9gmeg0 'sa.zzaH Tgged 6Y� VIO0*1w: • ZNn000V 3AHasa 3 QNn3 JNIQ'IIns UUVH AZIO 3HS oS inn000V xVS uuaaoua Z661 aHs HOHJ 000'OSS d0 HaJSNVHI 3HZ JNIZIHOHZnV 33H0ZVN3M ZSV3 30 ASIO 3HS 30 'IIONn00 ASIO 3HS 3o NOISngoszu V ST-I6 'ON NOIMMOSSH '0-9 'paTIaeo UOTgow aqS 'Z66T uT pun3 buTPTTns ITEH AgTO aqq oq paJ39Jsue.zq aq saTuom xeq Aliadoad 6uTZTsoggne uOTgnTosaa aqq anoidde oq antilivoH iagmamU ounoo Aq puooas 's%aTJpuaH .TagmamlTounoo Aq apew seM UOTgow V :uoTgoV ITounoo •paATaaaz sanuanai aqq uo paseq 'zEaA gxau uTe6E pabuego aq pinoo IT pTEs aqS 'ATuO Z66T so; seM uOTgsOOTTe aqg pTes goT9igs90 N=aTO •puooas a ;o Noel ao; ' palTe; uoTgow s,NoTzpuaH .zagwamlTounoo •paATaoa.z aae sanuaA9J ITqun zeaA aq-4 ;o buTuuTbaq aqq jo; sasuadxa s,AgTo aqq spun; pzeMzo; aoueTeq gseo pagemTgsa aqq pauTeldxa 14oT93gs90 N3910 68 183 Councilmember McKee asked Council's consensus to allow him to represent the city as a citizen at large on the Resource Lands Advisory Committee. He requested a letter from the city stating their agreement. Hr. McKee will not be on the Council in 1992. Council agreed by consensus. ADJOURNMENT - 7:10 p.m. Virginia L'. Oestreich City Clerk/Treasurer - 5 -