HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/18/1991 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes176
NOVEMBER 18, 1991
6:30 P.M.
(This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for
a period of six years from the date of the meeting.)
Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember
Collings, Councilmember McArthur, Mayor McGraw. Councilmember
Cassel arrived at 6:37 p.m. Councilmember McKee excused as
Staff Present: Gini Oestreich, Gil Sparks, Charles Zimmerman,
Bob Goodman, Linda Countryman, Jerry Litt, Randy Harrison, Ray
Yarnell, Chet Virnig, Lenny Breckenridge.
CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES: Regular Session, November 4, 1991,
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks,
second by Councilmember Collings to approve the minutes as read. '
The motion carried, 3-0.
Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as
required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims
certified as required by RCW 42.24.090. have been recorded on a
listing which has been made available to Council.
As of this date. November 18, 1991. the Council does approve for
payment voucher numbers 12145 through 12291 in the amount of
$75,725.02. Voucher number 12276 was voided.
Council does approve payroll voucher numbers 10665 through 10706
in the total amount of $66,203.85, paid November 5, 1991, for the
month of October, 1991.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks,
second by Councilmember Collings to approve the bills as
presented subject to proper audit. The motion carried, 3-0.
Councilmember Cassel arrived at 6:37 p.m.
Finance Department '
Clerk/Treasurer Oestreich asked Council to set the December 2
meeting to begin at 6:00 p.m. to complete the budget process and
then follow with the regular meeting. Council agreed by
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Clerk/Treasurer Oestreich gave a status report on the city hall
process. She said six architect proposals had been received and
a panel of qualified persons would review them and do the
interview process for selection. She added a feasibility study
should be given top priority along with the architect selection
process to move the project forward.
Street/Maintenance Department
Superintendent Goodman said he was requesting a traffic study on
Valley Mall Parkway between Fifth and Sixth Street. He said Ed
Lonigrehn with the Department of Transportation would be doing
the study at no cost to the city.
Mr. Goodman added updating of the traffic signal at Grant and
Eastmont would be an additional project for 1992. He said this
would improve the arterial for traffic flow, serviceability and
fire traffic especially since the fire department would be
located at Fourth and Eastmont.
CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - Stadium Fund Request
' The East Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce presented their proposal
for the chamber's budget for 1992. The promotions, tourism,
economic development, Classy Chassis Parade, Christmas Tree
lighting in the park and the brochure were all reviewed.
Councilmember Cassel asked how many new members were added in
1991. Ms. Herres said about fifteen members had joined this
year, however some members had also resigned.
Councilmember Cassel asked how much the membership fees would be
increased for chamber members. Mr. Minkel said the chamber
anticipated an increase of twenty-five percent.
After much discussion regarding the chamber's plans; how the
Finance Committee had determined their recommendations; and what
the other requesting entities were doing for the City of East
Wenatchee regarding tourism; Councilmember Cassel made the
following recommendations for the allocation of Stadium
(Hotel/Motel Tax) Funds as follows:
East Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce
Visitor and Convention Bureau
The Cascade Loop
North Central Washington Museum
(one time)
This would be a total of $51,100,
leaving approximately
in reserves. Councilmember Cassel
reminded the
applicants not to
depend on these amounts in the future
for their
budgets, as this
amount of monies may not be available again.
Council agreed 3-1 (Hendricks), to the recommended figures, and
these changes will be noted in the 1992 budget for approval at
the December 2, 1991 meeting.
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