HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/4/1991 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesF-2 —41 ?e CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON , REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR RICHARD MCGRAW PRESIDING NOVEMBER 4, 1991 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Cassel, Councilmember Collings, Councilmember McArthur, Mayor McGraw. Councilmember McKee excused as absent. Staff Present: Gini Oestreich, Nick Wiltz, Gil Sparks, Charles Zimmerman, John Flinner, Bob Goodman, Linda Countryman, Jerry Litt, Doug Chase. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES: Regular Session, October 21, 1991. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Collings to approve the minutes as read. The motion carried, 4-0. CONSIDERATION OF BILLS ' Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to Council. As of this date, November 4, 1991, the Council does approve for payment voucher numbers 12193 through 12244 in the amount of $35.714.02. Voucher number 12208 was voided. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Cassel, second by Councilmember McArthur to approve the bills as presented subject to proper audit. The motion carried, 4-0. DEPARTMENT REPORTS Finance Department Clerk/Treasurer Oestreich reminded Council the first budget workshop would be November 12 at 6 p.m. She also said the preliminary budgets were ready. - 1 - J F'"_ Z r` `� IRESOLUTION 91-11-02 A resolution adopting the Chelan -Douglas Moderate Risk Waste Plan Clerk Oestreich said the Council had approved the resolution adopting the interlocal with the county for the solid waste program, however, a resolution needed to be approved adopting the actual plan. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Cassel to approve the resolution adopting the solid waste plan with Chelan -Douglas County. The motion carried 4-0. RESOLUTION 91-14 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON ADOPTING THE CHELAN-DOUGLAS MODERATE RISK WASTE PLAN. Police Department ' Chief Flinner said the department had distributed over 130 Halloween bags to youth in the community. He said the bags included donated items of apple juice, apples, popcorn balls and drug and D.A.R.E. information. Chief Flinner said a stop sign had been placed at SR 28 and 5th Street. He said since it had been placed at the location, there had been no accidents and the state was monitoring the area. The state also would be trimming back the trees at the entrance. SUBDIVISION 91-10-04 Approval of the final subdivision for Hale Plat City Planner Litt said the county had approved the subdivision prior to annexation into the city. He said all the conditions and considerations had been met. Mr. Litt added that the plat had been upgraded to city standards to include street lighting and 40 foot wide streets. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Collings to approve the Hale Plat as recommended by Planning. The motion carried 4-0. Planning Department ' Doug Chase, City Planner, gave a report on the Planning Commission meeting of October 28, 1991. He said Gary Walene's request for a rezone was recommended by the commission and it needed to be on the next council agenda as an ordinance. - 2 - r _ •waag STq ;o pua aqg aao;aq 'Ajjn;edoq pup 'bUTads qxau oI aoTad 'aaEo UaXeI aq pjnoM aaggew aq-4 pTes MeaE)ox aoAex •pagdope aq AOTjod E 'AJPss9D9u ;T 'Uagl pup paaejd aq subTs papuamwooaa aH AITjTgeTj s,AITO aqI og buTIpjaa OOD-ZZ-D MOE Pup OjD-ZZ-S MOH PagTs 'jasunoO jebaq 'uewaammTZ saTJLtIO •SjemTUe aqg MaTA PUP paa; og amea sgsTanol Auem pup ssaUTsnq pooh seM IT pTes aH •peddogs bUTpaa; IUEM Iou PTp SUTXUaf 'aii 119AUMOH •subTs BUTU3EM PUP joaquoo gITM uOTloaaTp ggbTa aqq UT buTob aq oq paapadde TTounoo pTes 'uui suoseas ano3 'SUTXuar aAEa •aseasTp Oq paj joagUOO aogepaad jeangeu gnogqTM 'uoTgEjndod gbTg puE sanjaswagl ao; pua; oq papaau sjEmTup agg :jeTquassa seM meaboad quawabeuem e pies uosaagad •ax •pagajdmoo aq oI papaau sbuTuaeM puE UOTgeonpe 'subTs paaabe ggoq Aagy •sjewTue agg oq buTIROojaa ;o suaaoUOo aqq uo aXods 'a;TjpjTM ;o quawgaedea 'saTag uog puE uosaagad NOTE •Xaed aqq qE paaejd aq oI papaau subTs paaabe aH •sXaed jeUOTIeU UT se buTMaTn AoCua Inq 'paa; IOU oI 'ajdoad agg ageanpa oq ssaooad agq uTbaq oq amTq jeapT up seM UOTgemejooad aqq pTes aH •gowaem aqq gqTM an000 pjnoo gegq saseasTp ;o sadAg guaaa;;Tp agq uo ITounoo oq gaodaa a aneb 'AaeUTaagan 'uTaH Apued ,•aa •buTpaoM aadoad aqq pup subTs aqq bUTpaebaa SAauaogge aqq pup guamgaedap gaaags agq gqTM buTXaoM seM ag pup Mou uoTgEoTjdde aqg ;o wed IOU seM IuTodnaTA peog quea!) aqq 'aanaMog ' 'UOTgeoTTddE queab agg ;o gaed uaaq aneq oq aaaM Aagq asneoaq agTS agg qe paoejd uaaq qou peg subTs agq pTes MEaEJOx aoAex •auop uaaq qou pEq STgq agep Oq Pup ggbTs aqq Ie paopjd uaaq aneq oq aaaM subTs pTes anggayox sx •Xaed aqq ge AITO aqI ;o AgTTTgeTT aqq PUP saseasTp 'bUTpaa;aano 'buTPmOaoaano 'sbogpunoab aqq ;o sngegs agI Uo Pauaaauoo SLIM aqs aouaaAoB aqq Aq buTMaTn bogpunoab se PamTejooad ATTRTaT;;o uaaq peq Xapd agI MouX q,upTp aqs pTes anggayox aagwamUounoo sbogpunoab aqq ;o sngpgs buTpapbaa uoTssnosTa I0-II-T6 HOId,VESUISNOO •PamaOjUT aq pjnogs saaaaH TIgEd 'smalT asagq uo papToap peg Uounoo UagM pTes ags 'saTuowaaao ;o aagsem UP PUP sjpTDT;30 'saaXeads 'gemao; a Uo apTaaP 'saTuowaaao aagolEUaM gseg agq aO; uOTIRDOT E uo apTaaP og TTounoo paXsE ueTaapn9 •sx •meaboid agq UT Iaed s,aagageuaM Iseg ao; uosaadaTego aq-4 aq pjnoM 'aOloaaTP aagmego 'saaaaH TgIEd pTes agS 'T66I 'DT aagmaoa(j aq pjnoM saTuowaaao bUTuado aqq pTes aqg •magsAs ITsueaq Mau aqq uo gaodaa sngegs E aneb 'magsAs ITsueal XNI'I agg bUTluasaadaa 'UETaapnf) Aeulanoo nvadn VLi 175 ADJOURNMENT - 7.26 P.M. Virgini E. Oestreich City Clerk/Treasurer 1 - 4 -