HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/21/1991 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes' CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR RICHARD MCGRAW PRESIDING OCTOBER 21, 1991 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Cassel, Councilmember McKee, Councilmember Collings, Mayor McGraw. Councilmember McArthur excused as absent. Staff Present: Gini Oestreich, Nick Wiltz, Gil Sparks, Charles Zimmerman, John Flinner, Ray Yarnell, Bob Goodman, Jeanne Bryant, Nancy Lynn, Linda Countryman, Renee Ainardi, Bruce Nash. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES: Regular Session, October 7, 1991. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Cassel, second by Councilmember Hendricks to approve the minutes as read. The motion carried, 4-0. ' CONSIDERATION OF BILLS Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to Council. As of this date, October 21, 1991, the Council does approve for payment voucher numbers 12164 through 12192 in the amount of $43,805.50. Voucher number 12163 replaces 12071 which was lost. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember McKee to approve the bills as presented subject to proper audit. The motion carried, 4-0. DEPARTMENT REPORTS Finance Department Clerk/Treasurer Oestreich asked Council where to fund the city's portion of the Solid Waste agreement since it was an unbudgeted item. Council agreed to charge it to Legislative miscellaneous. Ms. Oestreich asked Council to set the first budget workshop date and time. She asked that it be a separate night from a regular ' council meeting. Council agreed to hold the first budget meeting on November 12 at 6:00 p.m. - 1 - r -Z ayg ;o TTe se aingewald seM TeAo3dde geTd ayq paUTutlagap uaaq peq qT '19naMOH •AgTo ayq oguT UOTgexauue oq 1oT1d UOTsTATpgns ayq Panoldde peq Agunoo aqq pies 4,Tl aauueTd AITO geld aTeH aO; UOTsTATpgns TeuT; ayq ;o Tenolddy bO-OT-16 xOISiAMEMS ,AlTo ayq quesazdal oq uazTgTo a quzodde oq Alenuer TFqun gTeM og papToap TFounoO •aagmamTTounoo Agin a aq aabuoT ou pTnoM ay aOUTs 'aaggTmmoo aqq uo aq oq 9XTT pTnoM aq pup sanssT quamabeuem ygMolb ayg buTplebal paquTodde aq pTnoM aaglTmmoo aolnosaa suazTITo a geqg pTes aaxoH lagwawTTounoo 'saTlepunoq ygMoab uegan aqq ssedmooua pTnoM sTyy •epuabe T66T '6 lagmanox ayg uo pagdope aq pTnoys uoTgnTosal pasodold ayg Pup LT lagwagdaS paF;Tge1 xioMawea; aqq ;o uoTgdope aqq ggTM 'SZOT SHS buTplebal squamaaTnbal Mau aq pTnoM asagq pies ggFI '1H 'sTgq uo l9gg9504 bUTXIOM 919m AITO pup Aqunoo ail-4 pup 'samTg 1no; gam peq quamabeuem ggnolb uo bUTK1014 aaggTwwoo ayq pTes ggTT •1H •lagogo0 pup lagwagdaS uT AITO ayg 10; AgTATgoe aqq p9M9TA91 4gT7 lavueTd lauueid AITO •panssT uaaq pay sgFmlad buFpTTnq TaTqu9PTs91 Mau Oml Pappe aH •ssed aTmTenbouS qe aouala;uoo Aep oMg s,guamaOlo;us apo0 ;o UOTgeToossy uogbuTgseM ayg papuagge peg ay pTes zgTFM 190T;;O aoueTTdmoo apo0 azuaTTdsoO apo0 •msFTeuOTssa;old buFnuTluoo 1o; MOTTe pup aoeds alow aney og ;;egs quamgledap aqq aTgeua oq '1eTnpow A1eaodwaq ayq ;o gloddns uT 'quamgledap alTgua all-4Aq pavbTs uaaq pey geqg l9119T a Peal 'quamgledaQ aoTTod aqq ;o aaAOTdma 'uuAZ Aouex •slaglenb quamgledap laggaq PaT;Tgsn[ quamgledap aqq ;o abemT pooh aqq pTes aH •pagsTTdm000e aq PTnoo TTeq AgTz Mau a TTgun 1eTnpom A1elodmaq aqq ;o uOTgelapTsuoa 1Tag4 10; buTKse TTounoO oq quamagags a peal 1auuTTa ;aTgO quamgledaa aOTiod •p1eM1o; anom og AITO ayg MOTTe oq aATgeulagTe ue aATb uagq 'uoTgengTs Alezodmaq ayg anoldde qou PTP TTounoO ;T paKse ayg •aTgeTTene sUOTgdo TeTOueUF; Auew pagou 1an914oy :saAlasal 1T9yg uo sTTeg AITO PTTnq ATTensn you pTp saTITO geqg :zeTnpom A1elodwag ayg anoldde og TTounoo paxsa ayg •squawanoldmT pup aoeds 10; paau ayq ygTM sul90uoo TTeq AITO buTpzebal ;eqs Pup 1oAem 'TTounoo ayq oq quamagegs a peal yoTalgsaO x19TO 1 issues had not been resolved, such as drainage. Council Action: City Council decided by consensus to table the agenda item until November 4 to make certain the final plat was to city code standards prior to its' approval. ORDINANCE 91-10-02 Second reading of an ordinance amending the zoning map designating the Stimac Planned Unit Development Mayor McGraw read second reading. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Cassel, second by Councilmember Hendricks to approve ordinance amending the zoning code for the Stimac Planned Unit Development. The motion carried 4-0. ORDINANCE NO. 91-10 A ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY TO CHANGE ' THE ZONING DESIGNATION ON CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY LOCATED SOUTH OF NINTH STREET, COMMONLY KNOWN AS THE STIMAC PROPERTY, GENERALLY DESCRIBED AS BEING BETWEEN NORTH BAKER AVENUE AND COLBY COURT WITHIN THE CITY "R-L RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT" TO A "PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT" AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 91-10-04 First reading of an ordinance clarifying the city's payroll procedure Mayor McGraw said this was a housekeeping issue and he would like both readings to pass the ordinance. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Cassel, second by Councilmember Hendricks to approve the first reading of the ordinance clarifying the payroll procedure, elevate to second reading and pass the ordinance. The motion carried 4-0. ORDINANCE NO. 91-11 A ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON CLARIFYING THE APPLICABILITY OF THE CITY'S PAYROLL WARRANT PROCEDURE AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. - 3 - -v- '0-b PaTjzeo aotgom a4s 'TTeq A4TO Mau 2 paeMoq ssaoo.zd aqq uibaq pue saoTAias TeingoegTqoie ao; aSTIJanpe oq sXOTaPuaH iagmawTTouno0 Bq puooas 'TasseO iagmamTFounoo Aq apem seM uOTgom y-uOTgoy TTauno0 '0-D paiiieo uotgow aq! •siagjenb aoFTod Aj ejodmaq zo; uoTgepuamwooaa pzq aqq goa[ai oq sXot.zpuaH iagmamTTounoo dq puoaas 'sbuiTTOO zagmamTTouno0 dq apew seM uoFgom V :uoFgoy TTounoo 'paATOAUT oFTgnd aqq aneg Og papaau quamuzanob aTgisuodsaa pue TTe4 ALTO Mau a pui4aq aq gsnw DTTgnd agq pappe 94 '.xanaMOH •usaouoo 944 pus qe RJDM Ragg speo.zsso3O agq PDZTTeaJ aH •emmaTTP s.TTounoo poogszapun ag piss 'd9u30ggs aagogeuaM gseg 'Aaoel snags •saead A4U Mq gxau aqq JO; gTTnq aq oq papaau IT 'pauueTd aq Oq seM AITTTOe; Mau a ;t pTes 39uuTT3 39TW -IOU aO dauom ;o qOT a ATTeas 000'OSTS seM pue uaXeq uaaq qou peq dags gxau aqq A4M aas oq MT4 3o; gjnoT;;Tp seM IT pTes Mez9oH .iodeH •gaw buTaq seM Teob a bUTMOUX JP aA iaggoue aATAins pTnoo ;;eqs 'unbaq 939m TTe4 AITO Mau a so; sueTd ;I •UOTSToap a aXew og amiq seM IT iegA gsvI stgq buiaueTd pue dpngs aqq TTe .zaq;e pies aH gas uaaq aneq pTnogs Teob a obe isaR a p9ztTe9J pue apTid geazb qja; aq TTounoo uo sjeaA auiu siq iaq;e pTes TasssO .zagmamTTounoO •q aagmanOH dq agdem 'RTageipammi bUTPTTnq Mau a g.zegs pue Asnq gab oq sJaaUTbaa aqq aaTq pTnogs AgTO agq pappe aH •gTTnq TTeq IgTo Mau a aas oq pagSTM ag uagM szagzenb dsezodwaq ;o anssi aqg buTApngs ;o pajTq seM aq pTes sXDTJPuaH jagm8mTtouno0 •p3eM3o; aAOm pue Ob oq AeM a44 seM goigM auimzagap !UOTsFoap a aXem og amT4 seM IT pappe aH •pasodoid seM xi; Aj e30dmaq a os 'TTeq Al To Mau a 30; uOTsFoap e aXem oq pa3edaad q,useM ALTO aqg pTes aaxoH •SH •obe s3ead OMq geaigai agq ;o goelgns a uaaq ATTeuTbzao peg gI •goa[oid sigg uo quads uaaq peq amtq ;o goT a pTes aaxoH jagmawTFounoO •xT; Aiviodwaq a uo pun; buiplTnq TTeH AITO aqq moz; quads aq pTnogs dauom ;o qunome gegq %utgq qou PTP pue uOTIebTgsanut ue auop peg a4s piss sbuTTToo ,TagmawTTounoo •auTT ;o gno maas qou ptp squnome aqq 'M9TA9a jaggin; iaq;e pappe aq 'J9A9mOH '000'OSTS ;o qunome pagebpnq aqg le pasTjdjns seM aq pTes TesseO aagwamlTounoo quamlaedaa aoTTOd aqq zo; avTnpom aqq ao; aOigepuammooaa PTS SO-OT-T6 moiivOmgHHO33H QI6 177 CITIZEN COMMENTS Jennifer Olsen, Douglas County, asked Council for their financial support toward a brochure covering parks and recreation. She said she had met with Patti Herres from the chamber, however due to timing and subject matter, it did not appear to be an economic development or tourism promotion item. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Cassel, second by Councilmember McKee to contribute five hundred dollars toward the brochure project. The money would come from the Park Fund and Legislative budget. The motion carried 4-0. Patti Herres, East Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce, distributed brochures for the chamber's computer fair. COUNCIL REPORTS AND UPDATES Councilmember McKee said Council needed to decide on the cable franchise situation. Issues to be resolved were fees, monthly charges and legislation for flexibility. EXECUTIVE SESSION - Litigation - Negotiations - Convened - 8:10 P.M. - Reconvened - 8:21 p.m. ADJOURNMENT - 8:22 p.m. Virginia fr. Oestreich City Clerk/Treasurer - 5 -