HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/7/1991 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR RICHARD MCGRAW PRESIDING OCTOBER 7, 1991 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Cassel, Councilmember McKee, Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Collings, Mayor McGraw. Staff Present: Gini Oestreich, Nick WiltZ, Gil Sparks, Charles Zimmerman, John Flinner, Chet Virnig, Jeanne Bryant, Nancy Lynn, Ray Yarnell. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES: Regular Session, September 16, 1991. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember McKee to approve the minutes as read. The motion carried, 3-0. CONSIDERATION OF BILLS Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to Council. As of this date, October 7, 1991, the Council does approve for payment voucher numbers 12124 through 12162 in the amount of $50,609.52. Council does approve payroll voucher numbers 10621 through 10664, in the total amount of $67,276.57 paid October 2, 1991 for the month of September, 1991. Payroll voucher number 10645 voided. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Collings, second by Councilmember Cassel to approve the bills as presented subject to proper audit. The motion carried, 3-0. DEPARTMENT REPORTS Finance Department Clerk/Treasurer Oestreich reported on the status of the modular; the bid process; and presented a budget to Council to accomplish the task. The budget was for $150,000, which would include the modular, setup of the modular, improvements in the present city hall for staff, permits, furniture and other needed items. - 1 - - z - 'Io=quoa PooTI bu?pzpbaz sNJOM a?Tgnd lqunoo aqg glTM bu?gaaw p buTpuaggp aq pinOm ay PTLs uewp000 quapuaquTladn3 ' quamgiedaQ aoueuaqu?eH •suo?gdo agpb?gsanu? og lasunoo Ieba7 paxsp T?ouno0 'Aliado,zd aqq bu?uopupgp .To buTgeaen ATq?ssod 'Kupq Tang aqq se qons 'wRTgojd aqg bu?nTosa•z u? uo?goaz?p zog T?ounoo paxse pup panowaz uaaq Peq APmJipgs aqq pappe zqI?M 'uH !u?ebp passnos?p sPm Al gsTJj oq gxau ,Sgsadosd dq?a ayy •I.pngs ayq bu?Pzpbas EZ .zagogoo gaaw pinoM aagg?wwoo suazTq?a e pup Apngs o?IIe.Tq aqq pagaldwoa peq sgueglnsuoo aq-4 pTes aH •burgaaw ApngS uoTgpgsodsup,zy easy aagogeuaM gspT ayg oq uaaq peq all P?es zgl?M 1ao?330 aoup?IdwoD apoo a0up?TdM0D apoD saTq?o Ja 's?qq alpueq y10 Moy oq sp uo?gpwzolui zaggpb og 33egs paxse ITounoo sasuao?I zadoid gnogq?M bu?gp.a'do sassauTsnq buTaq Allengae saTes abezeb asaqq go awos 30 AgTlTq?ssod ayq pappe Me.zoaH ioleH 'sub?s gaa.zgs hg?o uo paopTd a.iaM saoTgou ayq 'Llm llTe?oadsa st?Ilpzq bu?gaalle ATgoa=?P subTs go quawaoeld ayq spM uzaouoo y Pup 's?yg ssazppp you pTP apoo aqq p?es aH uo?geTnbaa ubTs ales abezpb alq?ssod e buTp,zpba.z I?ouno0 palTod 3auu?Ta 3aTu0 ' p Pup sub?w s Ipuoiq?ppe bu?Tleg•qyb?T bu?gspT3 su? pup pupTs? up Igo bu?X,zpw !aq?s go auTT aqg bUTAo.TdT aq pinoo waTgoad oT;gpzg aqq anlosaz Og suoTgdo qua,za33?P P?es aH 'SZ HS Pup ygS go uoTgoas.zaquj a qq uo uo?geg.zodsue,zy go quawg.zedaQ ayq qq?M BUT -TOM uaa pappe aH •gzodaz ATgguow s,quawgsedap aqg paMa?naz zauu?g3py g laTyo quamgied9a ao?Tod '(aaxaH) 'I-6 'PaTJJ?0 uo?goH •uo?gezap?suoaas Jog epuabp gxau ayg uo IT aoeTd Pup Ma?naz zaggznl aoI sxaaM oMq soI ap?se ansst ayg gas oq uo?gow p apew lasspo .zagwawT?auno0 'sdpp uag uado uaaq Iley Ag?a Mau p PTTnq oq paqupM aq pup g Aluo ppq P?q aqg poogs.zapun aq :gool a.zenbs p s.zelloP Pa.zpunq auo ax?T paxooT IT P?es sxo?,zpuaH .zagwawT?ounoo 'dwnp p a,zam sao?IIo s,guawq,zpdap ayq gnq 'AlTunwwoo aqg uT AaTT?q?s?n pooh pey guawq,zpdap aqq gpgg Pappp iaa❑?I3 ga?qJ aigei?ene asaM suo?gdo zaggo I? allTWjagap pulp 'anssi ayq hpngs og sXaaM oMq Tpuo?g?Ppe up aney 0-4ax?I pinoM Pup 'ppuabe aq-3 uo uaaq ppq anssT aq-4 Pays?M as?=dzns Aj an seM aq pTes osTp aH •gsoa Jp n ow a .S .ze no? ,zed i P yg T T g 'goaCo.zd aqq ' Pup 'gabpnq aqg go gunowe ayg uo pa)fjpwas Tasseo .zagwawTTounoD 165 BID CONSIDERATION 91-10-03 Set aside bid recommendation for Grant Road Illumination until further notice Mr. Goodman said only one bid on the Grant Road illumination project had been received and it was considerably higher than the engineer's estimate. He asked Council to reject the bid until spring 1992 and then reopen the process. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Cassel, second by Councilmember Hendricks to approve the request and reject the bid for Grant Road Illumination. The motion carried, 5-0. RATIFICATION 91-09-02 Ratifying the resolution which sets the City of East Wenatchee Travel Policy and Procedure. Clerk/Treasurer Oestreich said the resolution had been passed to approve the travel policy at the last council meeting. However, since it had passed 2-1, due to some Councilmembers being absent, she was asking full Council to ratify the resolution and policy for the record. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Cassel, second by Councilmember Collings to approve the ratification. The motion carried, 4-1 (Hendricks). INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT/RESOLUTION 91-10-01 Chelan -Douglas Solid Waste Program, resolution and interlocal agreement Councilmember McKee said his questions regarding the program's budget had been resolved and he felt Council should now pass the resolution to approve the interlocal with the County for the solid waste program. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember McKee, second by Councilmember Hendricks to approve the resolution and authorize the mayor to sign the interlocal agreement. The motion carried 5-0. RESOLUTION NO. 91-13 ' A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON ADOPTING AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH DOUGLAS COUNTY PROVIDING FOR COOPERATIVE SOLID WASTE PLANNING, ADMINISTRATIONS, AND IMPLEMENTATION. - 3 - r -I? ' zainspail/xiai0 AITO gOTaJgsaO •S e uTbaTA w'd LS'L - INSHKHflOfUV •ssaooid gabpnq buTwoodn ayg uT gsTssL oI agpp oI ipaA sa.zngTPuadxa TPITdpo 30 Is -IT p gTwgns oq quawq-Tedap yopa paxsp aaxoH sagwawTTounoO salvadn uNK sluodau Z20Nn00 •sgoaCoad pasodoid ,sjT go awos pagsTT pup ❑eTd zeah aa.zgg e uo buTXIOM spM zagweyo ayq pTes aqS • ;)gwego ayg UT buTzinOOo saTgTnTgoe ayI buTpxebaT gzodax ATzalienb e anpb 'zogOazTp aojawwo0 go sagwpg0 aayogpuaM Ispa 'sassay Tgged •neaznq sogTsTn ayg pup zagwpyo ay-4 ggTM 6uT.z xoM aq pTnoM quawgapdap ayg pTes ayg •eaie ayg agowozd oq pup sized aayogpuaM gspa apnToaT pTnoM goTgM ainyoojq e buTuusTd spM quawq.Tedau sxapd hquno0 seTbnou ayg pTes uasTO •sH ' 0-S PaTJJPO uoTgow ayy •wpzbozd aqq buTgsTTdm000e UT gsTsse oq pup aoaCoad gaa.xlg gguTN ayg 5UTp.1e6aJ uTTzagwpy0 pup sbuTTTTNS Iopguoo oq a3jing/TauuO3OH gsanbai og TasspO .zagwawTTounoO hq puooes 'aaxoH .zagwawTTounoO Aq apew seM uoTgow y :uoTgoV TTounoO 'OSLTS 3o qunowp up Jog buTubTs anTgazd.zaquT ayq Jog xloMgJP pup sogogd jog goaCo.zd aqq op pTnoM lagl pTes ayg •uTTzagwey0 pup sbuT11TNS woz; buTubTs anTga.zdzaquT Jog Isanba.z aaq anozddp og TTounoO paxse ayg •paggTwqns a -Tam suoTgpoTTdde que.zb ayI uayM eTdwATO uT pa.zaqunoaua ssaoozd ayq paMaTnaJ ayg •uoTgeoTTdde qup.zb TTezq agq go sngpgs ay-4 uo gzodai p aneb 'IgunoO seTbnou 'uasTO .za3Tuuaf SS2I0dzu buTppaz gsaT3 ppa.z MPJDDH JodeH •quawdoTanap ayq Jog MOTTe oq dpw buTuoz ayq puawe og AJ2ss a0aU seM aOupuTPIO ayg pTes zITTM IaOT330 aoupTTdwoO apoo quawdoTanau ITun pauueTd OpwTIS ayq buTgeubTsap dpw buTuoz agg buTpuawe aoueuTpzo up go 6uTpea.z gsjTa CO-OT-T6 SONVNIGHO