HomeMy WebLinkAbout9/16/1991 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes' CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR PRO TEM TERY MCKEE PRESIDING SEPTEMBER 16, 1991 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Cassel, Mayor Pro Tem McKee presiding. Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Collings, Mayor McGraw excused as absent. Staff Present: Gini Oestreich, Nick Wiltz, Gil Sparks, Charles Zimmerman, John Flinner. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES: Regular Session, September 3, 1991. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Cassel to approve the minutes as read. The motion carried, 3-0. CONSIDERATION OF BILLS Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to Council. As of this date, September 16, 1991, the Council does approve for payment voucher numbers 12078 through 12123 in the amount of $68,967.62. Voucher numbers 12086, 12087 and 12112 were voided. Council does approve payroll voucher numbers 10578 through 10620, in the total amount of $65,144.52 paid September 3, 1991 for the month of August, 1991. Payroll voucher numbers 10589 and 10614 voided. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Cassel, second by Councilmember Hendricks to approve the bills as presented subject to proper audit. The motion carried, 3-0. DEPARTMENT REPORTS Finance Department Clerk/Treasurer Oestreich said the Washington Finance Officers Association Conference was being held in Wenatchee. She said 450 delegates had been registered and she had been working on the committee since April. Her department employees would be attending payroll, budget and reporting updates. - 1 - -z- ' •0-£ 'paaibe Cup axpw oq ITounOD IgTsoggne •pazTnbai se goa[o.zd aqq 6uTpapbal sabupgo aqq aneg og axTT pinOm aq gegl pappe Uewpoo0 •.zH snsuasuoo Aq paa.zbe TTounoO •wagq 01 gop.zquoo aqq pieMp oq aXTl PTnoM aq pup .zappTq Mol seM ❑Tseg pTes uEwpooO •zH aagogeuaM gseg uT sgaazls 4461a aqq ;o burned sum pTq puooas aqy •o-£ 'gsanbai s,upmpoog .iH oq paaibe TTaunOD •.zagsnT; gaails aqq so; quewdTnb3 AITTT1(1 w03; pTq aqq gdaoop og a)[TT pinoM aq pTes aH •panTaoaz uaaq ppq gpgg spTq aqq ❑o paq,zoda.z upwpoo0 quapuaguTzadnS quamg=pdaa aoueuaquTEH •L aagola0 uo play aq pinoM weiboid dooq aqq agaTdwoO aqq io; UOTgowoid E pTes 'AqunoO selbno0 'uasl0 is;Tuuar •uoos paAlosai aq PInoM ATTn;adog 'sanaMoq 'PagaTdwoo uaaq you peq quomgspg uo sJaupaTD au0 oTsselO aqq ;o quos; uT squawanozdwT aqq pTes ggT'I •=H 'sxoTipuaH sagwawlTounoO wo-T; UOTgsanb a oq asuodsai ul •quawabeupH ggMojo aqq oq ApmAup pagepupw uaaq aneg pinoM Aqunoo a41 'T661 JO; sagemTgsa guawabeueH IEToueUT3 3O 90TJ30 aqq uo paseq pup ;;eqs Aq palpueq buTaq a3aM TTounoo bUTUUPTd TPUOTbaJ aqq pup quawabEupw ggMozb !quasaid ag1 qP sanssT A1TO oq uanT6 buTaq sum awTq 3;eqs ;o quaozad a6seT a !anssT qua.z.zno a sum asn pueT AJVUTwTlaid !sa.znpaoo.zd buTUTI1no pup .zaggaboq buT3[JOM aiaM sguawgipdap aqq pTes aH •goe.xquoo s,AgTO aqq uo hquno0 aqq Aq auop buTaq NioM aq1 ;o sngegs aqq paMaTAas 'iaUUPTd '11TI dz.zar iauueld goeiguoo d1TJ 'quamgieda❑ buTuuuld ,Agsadoid aqg 5UT1e0eA io 'eaze aqq ;;o buTKooTq 'wagq bUTnowaJ 'sdags 9741 bUTXT; se Bans 'waTgoad aqq anTosal 01 uaxeq aq oq spaeu asnpaaozd .zadoad gegM aurwia'Iap TTTM aH •AgTTTgPTT TeTquagod aq-4 sum Uzaouoo sTq pue IT buTpunoisns AgzadoTd aqg Pule AEMSTEgs aq-4 paumO ALTO aqg PTEs 2g1TM 'JH 'JauMo bUTplTnq aqg Aq pasn buTaq sum gegq deM iTpgs aqg ggpau.iapun xUeq Ian; a sum a.zagq PTEs aH •p.zpzeq IPTguagod e se aoTnzaS Al gsTJI oq gxau AP MJTegs aqq pagiodai zgTTM iaOT;30 aoueTldwoo apo0 aoupTTdmoo apo0 •saModuew og sp.zp6aa uT ssal gsoo pTnOM sTgq PUP szauosTid bUTlzodsUEsq bUlJapTsaoo sum quawlapdap s,;;TzagS Aj unoO agq TTounOD pawzo;uT 0slp i9uuTT3 ;aT40 •ga@JIS 4gS PUP 8Z US IS UOT109SJ91UT aqq ;o ❑saouoa s,ITounoo agq bUTPsebaJ quapuaquTjadnS gaaigS 'upwpoo0 qog ggTM 6UTKsoM aq pinOM aq pTes .zaUUTT3 3aTg0 quaml3pdoa aoTTod ' Mr. Goodman said only one bid on the Grant Road illumination project had been received and it again was considerably higher than the engineer's estimate. It was agreed by Council that a decision be made at the next Council meeting. CONSIDERATION 91-08-03 Stimac Planned Unit Development approval as recommended by the Planning Commission Code Compliance Officer Wiltz said all the conditions and recommendations had been met, as determined by the Planning Commission. Council Action: A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem McKee, second by Councilmember Cassel to approve the Stimac Planned Unit Development as recommended by the Planning Commission. The motion carried, 3-0. RESOLUTION 91-09-02 A resolution setting the City of East Travel Policy and Procedure Wenatchee Councilmember Hendricks said the amount allowed for each meal should be a definite dollar amount, instead of a daily allowance. Clerk Oestreich said all meals would require receipts and could not go over the daily amount allowed. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Cassel, second by Mayor Pro Tem McKee to approve the resolution and adopt a travel policy. The motion carried 2-1 (Hendricks). The resolution and policy are approved at September 16, 1991, however, will be ratified by full Council at the October 7, 1991 meeting. RESOLUTION NO. 91-11 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON ESTABLISHING A FORMAL TRAVEL AND EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT POLICY FOR MOST EMPLOYEES. RESOLUTION/ORDINANCE 91-09-03 A resolution eliminating the dollar amount of the City's petty cash drug fund ' Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Cassel to approve the resolution to repeal Resolution No. 88-3 and eliminate the dollar amount in the petty cash drug fund. The motion carried 3-0. - 3 - -v- jainspaay/NiaTo AITO gaTaJjSeO •g eTutblTA w'd SS'L - •buigaaw qxau aqq qp passnostp aq pup Ttounoo Aq paMaTA;)J aq aoueutp.xo pue gae.zquoo aTgeo Iol aqq buipip5ei uoigemao;UT aqg gpgq paXse aaxoH was oid zofeH saaeadn axV S,LN0dau 'IIONnOo 'bUTgaaw Ttounoo qxau aqq qe Agto aqq pup Aqunoo aqq uaaMgaq uoignTosaz pup quawaaibe TeooTsagui aqq auasaid pup wpaboud aqq anosddp og snsuasuoo Aq paasbp Ttounoo •pagsanbai 19TTzea ppq Ttounoo se gabpnq pup wejboid agg pauteTdxa 'aAigequasaida.T wpabozd agseM PTIOS seTbnoa-ueTago 'oobpsa uod •zH •ssaooid gabpnq s,Agto aqq uz ATTngazpo sabuego pup aspasaut aqq zaptsuoo oq Ttounoo paxsp aH •gTnsaz pTnoo gegq saseaJz)ut gabpnq aqq pup Z66T ao; sueTd suoi1eZTUe53o aqg paM9TAaJ 'AgaTOOS upwnH AaTTeA aagageuaM aqg 90 .zogoaJTP ssaAH wpTTITM .iH S,LNHHH0J maZI,LIo a,LVa SAIZoadda NV ONIIISS aNV aNn3 onua HSVo KIISd S,A,LIo SHI aLVNIHI'Ia O,L Ofi0'bZ'S NOILoaS ONIONSHV aNV O9O'VZ'6 NOILoaS aQOo 'IVdI0IMfIH SSHOLVN314 ISVa ONI'IVad3d 'NOIDNIHSVM 'aaHDIVNaM ISVS aO AIIo alll aO aoNVNIa'dO NV 6-T6 'ON aoNVNIGHO 0-E PaTai po uozgow aq,L •aoupuTpio aqq ssed pup buipea.z puooas og ageAaTa 'pun; bn.zp gspo Agqad aqq 5uTgpuiwTTa aaupuipio aqq ;o bu2peaJ gs=t3 aqq anoidde oq sKotlpuaH iagwawTiounoo Aq puooas 'Tasseo TagwaluTTounoo Aq apew seM uotgow V :uoigoV Ttounoo ' aNn3 HSVo .LJ Lad S,.L,LIo aHI 30 INnOHV HV'I70a SHI ONIIVNIHI'IS AflaHSHI E-88 NOISn'IOSSH 30 Z NOISoaS ONI'IVadSH 'NOSONIHSVM 'SSHo,LVNEM ISVa aO A,LIO SHs ao 'IIONIIOo ALIo sHL ao NOI,Ln'Iosad V ZT-T6 'ON NOIingORR i