HomeMy WebLinkAbout7/1/1991 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON ' REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR RICHARD McGRAW PRESIDING July 1, 1991 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Collings, Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember McKee, Councilmember Cassel, Mayor McGraw. Staff Present: Gini Oestreich, Bob Goodman, Nick Wiltz, John Flinner, Bruce Nash, Charles Zimmerman, Bob Burke. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES: Regular Session, June 17, 1991. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Collings to approve the minutes as read. The motion carried, 5-0. CONSIDERATION OF BILLS Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as ' required by RCW 42,24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to Council. As of this date, July 1, 1991, the Council does approve for payment voucher numbers 11879 through 11902 in the amount of $48,365.14. There were no payroll vouchers. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember McKee, second by Councilmember Cassel to approve the bills as submitted subject to proper audit. The motion carried, 5-0. DEPARTMENT REPORTS Finance Department Clerk/Treasurer Oestreich gave a report on the status of the city hall modular. She said cost estimates appeared to be much higher than originally anticipated, and a designed plan would be required for the modular prior to going to bid. Ms. Oestreich gave Council an alternative to the original plan, suggesting a , smaller modular to house the Police Department; leave the restrooms in the park until it is required to remove the storage tanks and let the Capital Improvement Fund grow until then; and the Finance and Planning Department would take over the present Police Department. - 1 - r ' She said this would be a considerable savings to the city at the present time and would temporarily resolve the staff space problem. Councilmember Hendricks suggested it might be better to build a city hall on the Ninth Street property, starting small and planning for later additions. Councilmember Cassel said planning could be done in phases, however, at this time a permanent site had not even been decided upon. Council agreed by consensus to Ms. Oestreich's suggestions, and allocated up to $1500 to have a designed plan for the Police Department modular. Ms. Oestreich is to contact the City's consulting engineers to do the plan. Police Department Chief Flinner reviewed the monthly report. He added that he agreed with Ms. Oestreich's suggestions and felt this would certainly be a temporary solution to the problem. Code Compliance ' Code Compliance Officer Wiltz said five sets of plans had been submitted prior to July is adoption of the Washington State Energy Code. Street Haintenance Superintendent Goodman said the American flags would be in place on Tuesday for the Fourth of July holiday. PUBLIC HEARING 91-06-02 A public hearing to adopt the City of East Wenatchee's Six Year Transportation Plan Superintendent Goodman reviewed the plan for the Council. He said the street light illumination was the only item that had been completed this year. He added there probably would not be funding for widening of Eastmont. Councilmember McKee asked that the Baker Street project be made a priority. Mayor McGraw opened the public hearing at 7:00 p.m. No one spoke and Mayor McGraw closed the public hearing. After discussion Council prioritized the following as major projects for the plan: the alignment of llth Street, the extension of Baker Street to Third Street, and repaving of Ninth Street. - 2 - - £ - •asiMsaglo auoAue o1 iTe; aq 1ou pTnoM IT se zoAeH ;o uotl?sod aq1 io; BUTIT; 01 Totid apew aq 1T puawwooei of palueM aqs abuega a aq of seM ajagl ;F 'ianaMoq pees aqs •pabueg0 uana zo paseaz0ap 'paseazauT aq .ToAeH aq1 3o A.zeTes aq1 legl lsabbns of ueaw lou pTp aqs pies znglzHoH lagwawTTounoo A.TeTes s,joAeH aql uT ebuego aTgtssod a ;o uotlesapTsu0D ZO-LO-16 KOIZVHZGISNOJ 'HIVU SAISOSddS NV DNI113S UNV 5000 11IUVnO HIV HOOGNI UNV NOIIVgIlNSA SZVIS NOIDNIHSVM 3HZ OS ROOD 'IVdIJINnH SSHOZVNSM ZSV3 SHZ 01 STO'SZ'ST NOI10SS 143H V ONIUUV UNV 3000 2LOHM2 SZVSS NOIDNIHSVM T66T SHZ ZdOOV 01 ROOD 'IVdI0INn;i SSHOIVN3M 1SV3 SH1 dO OTO*SZ'ST NOIZOSS ONIONSHV 'NOZJNIHSVM 'SSHDIVNSM ,ZSV3 30 ALIO SH,L d0 30NVNICHO NV b-T6 'ON SJNVNIOHO '0-S paT�zeO uoTlow aqy •apo0 Absaus alegs uolbuigseM aq1 ldope pue aoueuTpio aq1 ;0 6utpeai puooas anoidde of sbuiTToO TagwawTTounoo Aq puooas 'aaxoH iagwawTTounoo Aq apew seen uoTlow V :uoTlOV IT0uno0 apoo Absaug a1e1S uolbuTgseM aql butl0aua a0ueutpio uV 60-90-T6 ' Bulpeaz 1SJT; peas MejooH JOAeH lxal buTU02 99g0leuaM lses ;o A1TO aql buildope aoueuTpso ue ;o butpeaj 1SSTd TO-LO-T6 HDNVNIUHO '0-S paTiav o uoTlow aqy •pagsTTdwo00e ale sa0tlou auozaJ Moq ;o poglaw agl 01 luawpuawe ue g1tM lxal buTuoz aql anosdde of sbuiTToO aagwawU ouno0 Aq puooas 'aaxoH TegwawTTDunoD Aq apew seM uoTlow V :uoT10V T?0ano0 •paATonui suoszad aql paxuegl pue 1oaloid bTq AzaA e ;o uoTleuiwTno aql seM stgl legl p?es TasseO j agwawjTouno0 •buTieaq DTTgnd aq1 pasoTa mPjf)oH zoAeH pue allods auo oN •w•d 0£'L le buizeaq otTgnd aql pauado Me.z00H JOAPH 'buTuoZal pue 16utx.Ted 'sluawdoTanap 1Tun pauueTd 'abeubts 'sloT aql ;o azTs aql pa10a;;e sa5ueg0 a141 ;o awos pTes axing '3H •lxal ATuo 'apew uaaq peg sabuego dew oa pTes 9H •lxal buTuoz eql uT 99bueg0 aq1 TTelap ui pauTPTdxa '1uelTnsU0D buiuueTd aagaleuaM lses ;o Al?J aql 19x.Tng/TTauu000H 'axing qog buTuoz AITo Mau buTp.Tebas buTaeaq otTgnd V £0-90-T6 1 Council discussed finding a method of changing the salary when it was determined necessary. Councilmember McKee said a resolution could administer the salary structures and if needed than it could be modified. An example would be if a City Administrator was hired, then the duties of the Mayor would change. Council Action: Council agreed the present salary should remain as is; and directed the City Attorney to draft a resolution on properly handling any changes to allow council options. 91-07-03 An application for a Cabaret License for Senor Frog's Chief Flinner gave a report on Senor Frog's past year incident reports. He said there was nothing significant to be concerned about; and as long as the restaurant complied with the Washington State Liquor Board requirements he had no objections to the application. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Cassel, second by Councilmember McArthur to approve the application for Senor Frog's cabaret license. The motion carried 5-0. CITIZEN COMMENTS Larry Whiteman, representing the Cascade Loop Association, explained the Fly/Drive Program the Loop was promoting along with the East Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce. He asked Council for Hotel/Motel tax funds in the amount of $2,000 for 1991. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember McArthur, second by Councilmember Hendricks to approve the request from Cascade Loop in the amount of $2,000 for promotion activity. The motion carried 5-0. COUNCIL REPORTS AND UPDATES Councilmember McKee spoke regarding the proposed amount from Douglas County District Court regarding the Bailiff/Interpreter position. Council directed Clerk Oestreich to contact the court and determine what percentage would be the city's share. Councilmember McArthur gave a report on the meeting with Douglas County Parks Recreation Director Jennifer Olsen. She said the costs projected were higher than originally estimated. However, she felt the city should go ahead with the project, pass the resolution; and hopefully, twenty percent of the city's share might be in kind. Councilmember Cassel recommended the city hire an engineer to do a study and authorize the funds of $5,000 for this. Council agreed the Mayor should contact our engineers to begin the procedure. - 4 - r - 9 - ,zainspajj/XsaTl AITD gOia.zgsaO •g VTUTBJTA w'd 0£'8 - imaHmEnorav *IsDJagUT s,AITO aqq uz 3aggaT aqq ubTS pup agTim pTnogs SOApH agg gegg snsuasuoo Aq paai6e TTounol •buTsnog awoout MoT io 'ggbTg UOTIDaS 3o; gsoddns s,Agil aqg io; buiXse quawdoTanaO uegin pup bucsnoH agq woz; gsanba.z a ppg aq ptps Mp.zOoH .ioAeH lHOdHH S.NOAHH HVHDOHd ZNVHD INnOJJH SN3H30NVHN3 SONVI JISHnbV SZDHflOSaH gvHnIVN d0 LN3WI'd Id3G 3lVIS NOIDNIHSHM 3HS H02id 3JNVISISSV 0XIaNn3 HO d A'IddH OZ AZIJ 3HI JNIZIHOHIfIV 'NOLONIHSVM '33HJZVN3M SSN3 10 AIIJ 3HI dO NOIsn'IOSSH V 9-T6 'ON NOIbngOSaS '0-S 'pallapo uotgow agy •ubtsap p buipsebaj wzF; buizaauTbua agg oq pted qunowp aqq uo o00'SS 30 ITmTT e gas oq sXoTipuaH .zagwawTtaunol Aq puoaas 'Tassel zagwawTTounol Aq apew SLIM uotgow y '0-S 'paii3eo uoTgow aqy -spun; aqq aziioggnp pup gsanbas aqq gupzb 'uoTgnTosaz aqq ssed og ingg.zyOH -iagwawTtounol Aq puoaas 'Tassel aagwawTiOunol Aq appw seM uOTgow y :uoigoy jTounol •paTaoupo aq pTnoo uOTgeoTTdde gupab aqq 'awTg JOIvT a qp padOTanap swaTgoid JT pup 'uoTgnTosai aqg 6UTSSed puawwooai pTnoM aqs 'awTg ;o gsaI91UT agg ai 'pFes uasTO •SH •w.z;; papuawwoaaz s,Agunoo aqq goezguoogns ATgTssod pTnoo saaauTbua AgTO aqy Aqunoo aq-4 io; goa[oid U elg agq ;o abpaTMouX ziagq ;o asneoaq )[IoM aqg op og wst; bula9auTbu9 aqq se •auI 'uTTzagwegl pup sbutTTTXS ;o wzi; aqg papuamwoo9i sNjpd Aqunol seTbnoO 'uasTO is;Tuuar