HomeMy WebLinkAbout5/6/1991 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes122
MAY 6, 1991
6:30 P.M.
(This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for
a period of six years from the date of the meeting.)
Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Collings, Councilmember
McKee, Councilmember Cassel, Councilmember McArthur,
Councilmember Hendricks, Mayor McGraw.
Staff Present: Gini Oestreich, Charles Zimmerman, Bob Goodman,
Nick Wiltz, John Flinner.
CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES: Regular Session, April 15, 1991.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks,
second by Councilmember Collings to approve the minutes as read.
The motion carried, 5-0.
Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as
required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims
certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a
listing which has been made available to Council.
As of this date, May 6, 1991, the Council does approve for
payment voucher numbers 11704 through 11755, and voucher numbers
3288 through 3296 in the amount of $43,561.07.
Council does approve payroll voucher numbers 10391 through 10441,
in the total amount of $63,088.21, paid May 3, 1991 for the month
of April, 1991.
Payroll voucher numbers 10394, 10406, 10408, 10409, 10412, 10414,
10416, 10420 through 10422 and 10429 were voided.
Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Cassel,
second by Councilmember McKee to approve the bills as submitted
subject to proper audit. The motion carried, 5-0.
Finance Department
City Clerk Oestreich submitted copies
financial report for 1990 to Council.
of the city's annual
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Ms. Oestreich said
Promotions Committee
copy of the letter
thank you letters had been sent to the
members as requested by Council. She gave a
and list of recipients to Council for their
She said a bill submitted
from Scottsdale Insurance
bill was for fees paid to
the Fife vs. City of East
Council where this money
should be taken from the
related to zoning.
Police Department
for payment for five thousand dollars
Company was not a budgeted item. This
Ogden, Murphy and Wallace in 1988 for
Wenatchee claim. Ms. Oestreich asked
should be charged. Council agreed it
Planning budget as the claim had been
Chief Flinner reviewed the department's monthly report. He added
that DWI arrests increased forty percent.
Chief Flinner said an interlocal agreement between law
enforcement agencies had never been instigated, although a
resolution had been approved in 1988 and a new agreement would be
completed. Councilmember McKee asked to see the agreement before
it was signed.
Code Compliance
Code Compliance Officer Wiltz said the residential building trend
was very active at this time. He added that the construction
easements for the Grant Road illuminaires were being completed
and property owners were very impressed and pleased.
Mr. Wiltz said an application for a planned unit development had
been submitted to the department. He said the location was south
of Ninth Avenue, just east of Baker.
Street Maintenance
Superintendent Goodman said the paint striper had been delivered
and all of the streets had been striped. Mr. Goodman added that
the Grant Road lighting project should be started in early fall
and the Manzanal lighting in July.
91-05-01 Resolution to adopt the Regional Growth Management
Strategy with Douglas County
' Councilmember Cassel reported Douglas County had agreed to comply
with the Growth Management Act and would be doing the studies,
such as boundaries. He said there would be no cost to the city;
the County would be funding the costs through a grant of
approximately $75,000. Mr. Cassel added the resolution would
show the city's support; and with the Regional Planning
cooperative being considered, this would be the beginning of
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' Council Action: Council agreed by consensus to go to bid for the
temporary city hall office modular and the subsequent processes,
with the City Clerk keeping Council informed regarding status.
Councilmember McKee said the Solid Waste Advisory Committee had
requested a meeting be called with the Douglas County
Commissioners to have clarification of the budget and the
monetary allocations. He said a meeting was to be called within
two weeks.
In conjunction with Councilmember McKee's report, Cathy Brawley,
representing The Aware Program, an organization promoting
recycling in the community, spoke to the Council about the
program. Ms. Brawley asked Council's support and defined the
different things that can be done in recycling. In response to a
question from Mayor McGraw about recycling, Ms. Brawley said the
city could have it's own composting procedure, for example, and
sell it as mulch.
Peter Ringsrud, representing the Douglas County Public Works
Department, asked council to consider allocating funds in next
year's budget toward completion of the trail system. He said a
Shoreline Design Committee had been formed; and an Interagency
grant application had been submitted for about $300,000 of the
funds. Mr. Ringsrud said the estimated cost of the project was
$771,000, with funding from the Coalition of $150,000, Douglas
County Public Works would be $100,000 and $75,00 from the
Department of Natural Resources.
Mr. Ringsrud said the project would include retaining walls,
parking facilities and would be wide enough for bicycles as well
as walkers. He said eventually the plan was to extend the trail
to the County park. When Mr. Ringsrud said the county had not
considered continuing the trail to the city park at the end of
Grant Road at this time, Mayor McGraw asked the county to
consider this. He said plans and an application had been
submitted to IAC and they would be available to the county.
Chamber of Commerce Director Patti Herres gave a report on the
Classy Chassis Parade, noting she would have the costs compiled
soon. She added the parade was a huge success and things had
gone very well.
' Councilmember Cassel reported on the status of a contractual
part-time planner with Douglas County. He said he had met with
Jerry Litt, Douglas County Planner, and felt this was a good
move, because of the Growth Management Act and the Regional
Planning Cooperative.
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