HomeMy WebLinkAbout3/4/1991 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesI CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR RICHARD McGRAW PRESIDING MARCH 4, 1991 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Collings, Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Cassel, Councilmember McKee, Mayor McGraw. Staff Present: Gini Oestreich, Charles Zimmerman, Bob Goodman, John Flinner, Ray Yarnell, Nick Wiltz, Bruce Nash, Gil Sparks. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES: Regular Session, February 19, 1991. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, ' second by Councilmember Collings to approve the minutes as read. The motion carried, 5-0. CONSIDERATION OF BILLS Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to Council. As of this date, March 4, 1991, the Council does approve for payment voucher numbers 11453 through 11493, and voucher numbers 3247 through 3256 in the amount of $103,808.26. Council does approve payroll voucher numbers 10298 through 10350, in the total amount of $68,246.84, paid March 5, 1991 for the month of February 1991. Payroll voucher numbers 10299, 10303, 10323 and 10330 through 10338 voided. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember McKee to approve the bills as submitted subject to proper audit. The motion carried, 5-0. - 1 - r- -z- •buTgaaw gseT aqg ge sagnuTw aqq oqui peat uaaq pey Aaqq pTes TasseO zagwawTTounoO •sagnuTw ayg oquT peas gsenbai auozai suaydags/UTg3eH ayq ;o sbUTpUT; pue sgoe; ayq aKTT PTnoM Aaqq ;T TTounoO paKse zgTTM '=3i •quamgzedaa aoTTod ay-4 UT pasnTdins aq oq aJaM gegg saToTyan ayq ;o .z9y1?a uo yanw ooq puads oq quegTsay seM ay se aTTyMe zo; qT deaK pue aToTyan quesaad s,quamgiedap aqq UT AaUow awns gsanuT og sapT Zaggaq a aq ggb?w IT PTEs zgTTM '3H •sasuaoTT ssauTsnq uo?gedn000 amog so; aseaiouT UT. seM 9Jagg se 'epuabe ayq uo sgTwJad as❑ TeuoTgTpuoO Tezanas RJ9m azagq :xaaM sTyq buTgaaw aq pTnoM quawgsn[py ;o pieog aqq pTes zgTTM 3aoT;;O aoUeTTdmoO apo0 aoueTTdmoO apo0 (aaxoH) 'T-6 'PaTiseo uoTgow ays •spuna aoTgsnr TeUTwTJO ayq ;o amos buTsn pue guawg.zedaa aoTTod aqq JO; aToTyan e bUTseyoind jog gsanbas ayq anoidde og TasseO sagwawTTounoO Aq puooas 'sbuTTToO ,TagwawTTounoO Aq apew seM uoTgow y :uoTgoy TTounoO •pun; agviedas a u-.i azaM pue uT aq oq pazTnbaz a.zaM saTuow aoTgsnr TEUTMTJD ayq pTes goTaigsaO NJaTO AgTO •swagT quamaoiogua MET Mau io; pasn aq gsnw qnq 'spun; uaaMgaq paiia;sue-Tg aq qou pTnoo saTuow aqq buTpuegsiapun sTq seM qT pTes i auuTT3 ;aTgO 'sTyq ;o aieo ' axeg pTnoo quampuame gabpnq a pappe aH *spun; TeuoTgTppe buTpaau magT ue og paz.za;susig aq uagq pTnoo geyq jog pagabpnq qunome aq-4 pue 'uoTgnoesoid TeUTwTso se guns 'sasuadxe quawaozo;ue MeT iaggo zo; pasn aq pTnogs saTuow ayq gTa; ay pTes aaxoH .TagwawTTounoO •zeaA gxau TTqun buTgTeM ;o peagsuT Mou paseyoand seM qT ;T OOZES Aq?O ayq anes pTnoM asego.znd goe.zquoo agegs e pue aToTyan a xo; pasn aq pTnoo saTuow aqq 'lanaMog 'Z66T uT iEo aqq jog gabpnq oq pauueTd peq ay pTes JaUUTT3 ;aTg0 'guawgiedap aqg JO; aToTyan Mau a asegnand oq Aauom pun3 aoTgsnr Teu?mTJO aq-4 ;o awos asn og gsanbaz sTg anoidde oq TTounoO paxse aH giodai ATgquow s,quawgiedap aqq paMaTnas sauUTT3 ;a?q0 quamgiedaa aoTTod •TTounoa oq gzodaa a anTb pTnoM Aaqq paTTdmoo uoTgem.zo;uT asow pey Aayg ❑agM pue !s.zopuan aq-4 oq quasaid og ueTd .zooT; aTgTssod a uo zgTTM )[oTN ygTM bu?KaOm seM ays :anTgewzo;UT Alan SUM qT pTes ays •sjeTnpow uo sopuan aUo ggTM law pey speaq quamq.zedap ayq pTes 14aTasgs90 .zaznseazy/KiaTO AgTO quamgiedaa aoueuTd 91HOdRH INHHZHVdau Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Collings, second by Councilmember Cassel to approve the facts and findings of the Martin/Stephens rezone application as presented. The motion carried, 5-0. Councilmember McKee said the permit fee analysis that had been conducted by McConnell/Burke, planning consultants, should be considered to increase fees. Council requested the issue be on the next council meeting agenda. Street Department Superintendent Goodman said one of the department's employees, Darin Bender, had completed the education for pesticide application, and had done very well. He said this would be an advantage to the city due to the liability. Mr. Goodman said he would like to purchase forty new three foot by five foot American flags to replace the flag banners. He said many were ripped and actual flags would be nicer than the banners. He said he could purchase the flags for eighteen ' dollars each. Council agreed by consensus to fund the request from Stadium Funds. Mr. Goodman said the bids for the illumination system on Grant Road would be opened April 1, 1991. He also said the poles for banners would be included in the bid process as a separate item. Mr. Goodman said he would also like to start the bid process for a new paint machine and paint striper. The items have been budgeted and Council agreed to his request. BUDGET REQUEST 91-03-02 Request to install street lights in the Manzanal area Street Superintendent Goodman said the cost for four poles in the area would be $3,623; the cost would come from the street lighting budget; and Douglas County P.U.D. would do the installation for the city. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember McKee, second by Councilmember Hendricks to approve the request for street lighting. The motion carried, 5-0. ' ORDINANCE 91-03-01 Amending Ordinance No. 327 regarding mileage reimbursement and subsequent resolution setting the amount City Clerk Oestreich said Ordinance No. 327 had not been revised since 1982. She said the average mileage reimbursement in the area was now twenty-six cents a mile and the city was only paying r •lauueTd awT1-lsed e zog Alunoo aql g1TM 5uT10e31U00 UO A1uno0 seTbnoa 141TM buTITnsuoO palsabbns osTe TasseO iagwawTT0uno0 •sauueTd a buTinOas io; ssaoo3d aql auTw.Talap of uoTlewso;uT ainoas o1 pue suoTldTiDsap qof le xOoT 'aauueTd e JO; pe paloaloid a 91ea.I0 01 Z1TT14 Ua0Tg30 90UPTTdwoO apo0 pue aalloH pue ingljVoH saagwawTTounoo g1TM pawiO; seM 9911Tww00 V •UOTlew.zo;uT aaznosaz jo; luawdOTanaQ A1Tunwwo0 ;o luawl•TedaO a1elS uolbUTgseµ bUT1021U00 papu91uw00a1 TasseO jagwawTTounoO pue gbTq 001 pazeadde e3jing .iH Aq pasodoid lsoa aqy sjadPd aT11eaS pue auexodS 'pTIOM aag0leu9µ 9741 se g0ns szadedsMau TeOoT UT spe 6UTuuni passnosTp TTounoO 'T66T 'T .Tagwaldag Aq pazTq auoawos aas of aNTT pTnoM aq pTes aaNOH •1H •apew aq of papaau UOTsTaap a A19WT1 aq of pue sJallaTsMau pue sTeuzno[ buiuueTd TeUOTIeU awns UT �p2 un.T 01 a3ITT pTnoM 'jauueTd 6UT1TnsuoO s,AlTO aq-4 'axing/TTauuoaoH pees aH •sauueTd ;gels-uO s,A1T0' aql buTiTq lnoge XUTg1 01 9wT1 GPM 1T PTes aaNOH zagwawTTounoO SSSVQdn QNV sluoaas 'IIONI100 "ISAVHI AJ,IO Hod Ss'IOIHSA QSNMO AgS,LVAIdd ONISfl S'IVIOIaaO OSSNIOddV (INV GELD= ONV SssAO'IdHa AJ,IJ Hod SOVS'IIH d0 INSHasunHHISH Hod INnOHV SHI ONIHSI'ISVISS 'NOJ,ONIHSVM 'ssHOJ,VNSM SSVS dO UIO SHI d0 'IIONnOJ )J,IO SHI d0 NOI LfI'IOSaH V romir-�i7:aYkIell0trim [b4C►1 S,LVO 3AI,LOS33S NV ONIZSSS ONV � NOIsfI'IOSsiI A8 sJ,ViI sOVs'IIH SHZ dO ONIHSI'ISVSSS ONIZIHOHLfIV !'ISAVdl AJ.IO Hod SS'IJIHSA OSNMO A'ISIVAIHd SSn OHM S'IVIOIddO ALIO OSLNIOddV ONV OSJ.Os'Is ONV SSSAO'IdHs ASIO OS SOVS'IIH dO J,NSH3SHnSHI9H SHI Hod SQIAONd OZ SOOO 'IVdIJINfIH SSHOJ.VNSM ,LSVS SHJ, d0 080'SZ-NOIIDSS ONI'IVSdad ONV OTO'6Z'Z NOISOSS ONIQNSHV n 'NOJ,ONIHSVM 'SSHOJ,VNSM J,SVS d0 AZIO SHI d0 SONVNICHO KV Z-T6 'ON 3ONVNI0210 '0-S 'PaT.T.zea suoTlow aqy panozdde pue passed aaaM UOTlnTosal pue aOueuTpio aql grog •aoTlnTosaz aql anoidde of sbuTTToO iagwawTTounoO Aq puooes 'TasseO iagwawTTouno0 Aq apew seM uOT10w V •aaueuTpso aq1 ssed pue puooas awoaaq of ISJT; 'aaUeuTpzo aql ;0 buTpeaz 1siT; anozdde of ingljVoH zagwawTTounoO Aq puoaas 'TasseO zagwawTTaunoO Aq apew GPM UOTlow V :uoT10V TTounoO •lunowe aq1 1as o1 U0TlnT0sal e Uagl PUP pa:[Tnbai seM aOueuTpiO aq1 01 luawpuawe UP pTes agS uaalgbTa r Council agreed this could be an option and Councilmember Cassel said he would talk with Douglas County Planner Jerry Litt about it. ADJOURNMENT - 7:58 p.m. Virginia V. Oestreich City Clerk/Treasurer F