HomeMy WebLinkAbout2/19/1991 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE, WASHINGTON ' REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COUNCIL CONVENED MAYOR PROTEM MCKEE PRESIDING FEBRUARY 19, 1991 6:30 P.M. (This meeting was recorded and will be retained at City Hall for a period of six years from the date of the meeting.) Councilmembers Present: Councilmember Hendricks, Councilmember Collings, Councilmember McArthur, Councilmember Cassel, Mayor ProTem McKee, Mayor McGraw excused as absent. Staff Present: Gini Oestreich, Charles Zimmerman, Bob Goodman, John Flinner, Ray Yarnell, Randy Harrison, Nick Wiltz, Bruce Nash. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES: Regular Session, February 4, 1991. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Hendricks, second by Councilmember Collings to approve the minutes as read. , The motion carried, 5-0. CONSIDERATION OF BILLS Vouchers audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to Council. As of this date, February 19, 1991, the Council does approve for payment voucher numbers 11374 through 11411, and voucher numbers 3230 through 3246 in the amount of $23,808.62. There were no payroll vouchers. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember McArthur, second by Councilmember Hendricks to approve the bills as submitted subject to proper audit. The motion carried, 5-0. DEPARTMENT REPORTS Police Department Chief Flinner said the Eastside burglaries had been solved with I the apprehension of a suspect and some of the property had been recovered. Chief Flinner announced that Officer Ray Yarnell had been the number one candidate in the Sergeant's examination and would assume the new position effective March 1, 1991. Code Compliance Mr. Wiltz said he had attended the Washington State Energy Code meeting in Everett. He said the code would be adopted sometime in July and a planned contract would be presented. Street Maintenance Street Superintendent Goodman said the result of the study on the left turn lane from Grant Road to Valley Mall Parkway should be available soon. The PUD was also doing a study regarding undergrounding on Grant Road. He noted an engineering estimate on street lighting in the Manzanal area was being done and added the poles would be regular PUD poles to be cost effective. Mr. Goodman added the department was also ahead of schedule with washing streets and sidewalks. ' ORDINANCE 91-02-03 Second reading of the ordinance adopting the City of East Wenatchee Comprehensive Plan City Attorney Zimmerman wanted to be sure that Council was aware of the new process that had been added to the Comprehensive Plan, before second reading of the ordinance, This was MFR(p) - Multi -Family Residential (planned process). The meaning of this is to allow review of projects in transitional areas. Mayor ProTem Mckee said a lot of thought had been given to the plan, with the process of the Planning Commission, Planning and the zoning ordinance. He added the Comprehensive Plan is a guideline for the City and the zoning ordinance was still being prepared. Council Action: A motion was second by Councilmember Collings ordinance and adopt the City Plan. The motion carried, 5-0. made by Councilmember Cassel, to approve second reading of the of East Wenatchee Comprehensive ORDINANCE NO. 91-1 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE,WASHINGTON, AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 416 AND SECTIONS 17.04.010 AND 17.08.01D OF THE EAST WENATCHEE MUNICIPAL CODE, ADOPTING AN AMENDED EAST WENATCHEE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN DATED JANUARY 16, 1991, CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND APPROVING THIS TITLE AS A SUMMARY OF THE ORDINANCE. - 2 - F, - •lsa,xalUT ;0 10TT;uoa p aq pTnoo uoTssTwwoO bUTuueTd ayl ;O bUTIOA ay1 pup sAjjadoad auop uaaq pEy uOT1E0TTddv auozaz aq-4'Iuow1sE3 woij e aq pTnoM ssaooe !auop uaaq lou py saTpnls aT;;pit 1pgl pappu ' aH •uoTlpxauup ay-4 a.zo;aq buTUoz ay1 g1TM lualsTsuoo aq pTnoys buTuoz aql pTEs 'suaydalS/uT13pW zo; Aau3o11e ag1 'waTN ana1S •zH •buTuoz aql of loa[go pTp ay zanaMOq 'uOTlExauue 9g1 of 1aaCgo 1ou pTp ay pies aH •U0T4ex9UUE aq-4 a.To;aq saa.Tl ay1 anowai of p91JEls ppy ay pips suaydalS .aH *J?9A ISPT ag1 uT ybno.zgl uaaq ppq aq ssaaoad aql paMaTA91 'p.TEgOJO spUaT�3 lsag eqp 'suaydalS •M sawer •iW 'IUEaTjddE ayy •apTs 1saM aq1 uo Teuea uoTlebijiT aq1 pup sapTs OMl uO slTun ATTWe;-TlTnw Pup ATTwp; aTbuTs aJaM aiagl pips aH •dEw buTuoz s,AITO agl uo Apjzano up g1TM Agaadoid aq1 ;o UOTldTsosap a aneb z1TTM 'JW •uETd aATsuaya.TdwoO ayl y1TM lualsTsuoo loU sen buTuoz ayl sp uoTleaTTdde auoza.T ay1 anoiddesTp TTounoo Al TO ay1 1p741 uOTs9Twwo0 buTUUpTd agl ;o U0Tlppuaww00ai ayl sEM 1T pies z-4 JW •psooai 9141 oluT sbuTpuT; pup slae; ay1 ppa.z ay pup gZ Aienupr uo 1aw ppq u0TssTww0D buTuueTd agl pips z11TM =aDTJ3O aaupTTdwoO apo0 w•d 99:9 1p buTspaq oTTgnd aql pauado aaMoW wayoad aoAeW ' •awT1 sTgl 1E alels Os pTnoys zagwaw Auv 'ssausTe; ;o aauezeaddp of sp lsaaaquT ay-4 uT pup 'os ;I uoTsTOap zTagl apadwT AjlaaiTp pTnoo 1pyl squLoTjddE ay1 g1TM UOTssnOsTp Aue pEy .TagwawTTounoD Aup ;T paKsp aagoW wasoid JoApW lsanbai auozai suagdalS/uT1.TpW ayl xo; UOiIEaTTddE up japTsvoa o1 buTzpay aTjgnd V SO-ZO-T6 DNIHVHH OIZgnd 'ONn3 ONIA70A3H 3SN3dX3 gSAVHZ 03JNVAOV 3HZ 30 ZNnOWV 3HI 3SV3H0NI OZ Z-9L NOI,Ln'IOSEd ONIONSHV 33HOSVN3M ZSV3 30 ASIO 3HI 30 NOIS,n'IOS3H V T-T6 'ON NOIlfl'IOS3H '0-S 'palaivo uoTlow ayy •gaTails90 XJRTO AITO Aq palsanbaz se 000'TS o1 00'0S9S woz; pung Tanpzy ay1 aseazauT PUP UOT1nTosaa agl anoadde o1 sNoijpuaH iagwawTTounoO Aq puooas 'TassRo .zagwawTTaunoO Aq apem sEM UOT40w V 'uOT10V TTounoO pung asuedx3 jaAPJL buTATOAaH ayl ;o lunowp aql bUTseazOUT uoTlnTosaz V DO-ZO-T6 I NOIZn7Os3H I The following citizens spoke against the approval of the rezone application: Donald Waugh, 555 15th St, East Wenatchee Mrs. Donald Waugh, citizen Steve Still, realtor Ervin Goydowski, citizen Bob Dollinger, an attorney and resident living in the area, said he was speaking for several neighbors and landowners. He said if the zoning was to be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, it should all be single family residential. Mayor ProTem McKee closed the public hearing at 7:35 p.m. Council Action: A motion was made by Councilmember Cassel to adopt the findings of fact and conclusions of the Planning Commission meeting of February 12, 1991, adopt the findings of the City Council that the rezone application does not conform to the recommended zoning in the City's Comprehensive Plan; and to further adopt the recommendation of the Planning Commission to ' deny the rezone application. A Councilmember Hendricks. second was given to the motion by A roll call vote was suggested by City Attorney Zimmerman. Councilmember Hendricks No Councilmember McArthur No Councilmember Cassel Yes Councilmember Collings No Mayor ProTem McKee Yes The motion failed, 2-3. Councilmember Cassel questioned if three had voted to grant the rezone. Mayor ProTem McKee replied there were three votes to deny the motion. Councilmember Cassel asked if there was a problem with the motion. Councilmember Collings said she still had some confusion as to the zoning. Councilmember Cassel said the zoning was single family residential with the annexation and the new comprehensive plan recommends multi -family residential (planned). He said this would give control over future development and his motion is to deny the applicants request to rezone from single family to multi -family. City Attorney Zimmerman said there was no multi -family residential (planned) when the application for the rezone had been submitted and it is now in the new Comprehensive Plan. Council Action: Councilmember Collings said she understood the zoning and a revote was called for. A first by Councilmember Cassel, second by Councilmember Collings. The motion carried, 4-1. (Hendricks) - 4 - - 5 - .Taznsea l/NiaTo ALTO ' goTailsao •g TuTb3TA M'd s0:s - 'TZ PUP 0Z A.Tenagag eTdmATo uT aallTWMOD anTleTsT6a'T sa7.E1TJ uol6uTgseM ;o uoTleTaossy agl 6uTpualle aq pTnoM aq pTes eaNDH maZoid ioAeH 'TTpq AITo luasazd aql of lxau uoTleooT JO; ueTd aTgTssod e 41TM 6uoTe uoTlewzo;aT PTq pue suoTleoT;Toads lab TTTM goTazlsao H-1aTJ AITD 'sJPTnpom TTas legl saTuedmoo buTloeluoa Aq uTbaq of 33e1s pazTioglnp pup 'snsuasuoo Aq paajbe TTounoD •6uTsnoq Azeiodmal io; ssaoo-Td aql 13e1S of paKse pue 'aATloa;;a 4SOJ lou SUM uoTleooT zagloue buTluas Pup 6uTT9pomaJ ;o lsoo aql 'poob al?nb ATTensn aiaM sJPTnpouw ;o sanTen aTesaz pTes aH •laa; pL Aq laa; gZ ;o azTs agl uT ATgTssod 'ieTnpom a .zapTsuOD of slsa-Talui lsaq agl uT pa.zeadde 1T pTes Tasseo zagmamTTounoa •;;els io; 6uTsnog TpuoTITPPe 6u'EPspba.z aallTulvoD 6uTPTTng agl uo lzodai a aneb aagoH Mayosd .ToALH saivaan QNv slaodsH 'TIJNf1oo