HomeMy WebLinkAbout9/18/1989 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutest COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 18, 1989 6:30 P.M. Council persons present: Dawn Collings, Les Young, Tery McKee, Paul Cassel and Dennis Hendricks. City Attorney, Charles Zimmerman and City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Meeting was Called to Order by Mayor, Richard McGraw. Dennis Hendricks made a motion to adopt the minutes as presented with a correction on page two of the minutes to read Ms. King rather than Mr. Motion was seconded by Tery Mckee and passed by vote of the Council. Bills and Accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Tery McKee, seconded by Dennis Hendricks and passed by vote of the Council. Chief Flinner told the Council that there has been some arson fires in dumpsters in the city and he and the fire department are working jointly in the investigation. Flinner also said the suspect in the bank robbery was to be arraigned Tuesday in Yakima. Nick Wiltz advised the Council that he would be attending a seminar Sept. 27, 28, and 29 in Bellevue. Nick also told the Council that a State Farm office was being built on Simon Street and that he had met with the Water Dist., Sewer Dist., Street Dept., Fire Dept., and Police Dept. to discuss a Restaurant that may be built in the near future on Simon Street. Nick said the different entities would meet before any new construction is built from now on so all problems can be worked out and possibly solved before construction. Paul Cassel made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 89-8 advising Douglas and Chelan County Commissioners that the City of East Wenatchee desires to be included as a component City within the Public Transportation Benefit Area under consideration by Douglas and Chelan Counties. Motion was seconded by Les Young and passed by vote of the Council. Tery McKee said he recently returned from Long Beach area on the Washington coast and he said officials there have institued a public transportation benefit area. Tery said it is far less densely populated than this area and is working out, so he said he is looking forward to a public transportation system. J t Paul Cassel made a motion to enable the Mayor to hire someone for the Clerk/Treasurer position immediately or before the 15th of October so that she can receive some training from the present Treasurer/ Clerk before she leaves. Motion was seconded by Dawn Collings and passed by vote of the Council. Mayor McGraw said he was sure there was enough money in the Legislative Budget to cover the appointment. Paul Cassel made a motion to adopt Ordinance No. 89-10 levying the general taxes for the city for the fiscal year commencing January 1, 1990, on all property, both real and personal at the rate not to exceed $3.375 per $1,000 of assessed valuation. Motion was seconded by Tery McKee and passed by vote of the Council. Virginia Green, Manager of the East Wenatchee District Chamber of Commerce announced that beginning September 19th the Chamber would be having a monthly Government Affairs Breakfast at Nendell's Four Seasons Inn. The cost will be $5.00 with a continental breakfast being served at 6:45 A.M. The breakfast meeting will be the 3rd Tuesday of each month. Ms. Greene said the Chamber will continue to hold one luncheon General Meeting monthly on the first Tuesday of each month. Mayor McGraw said as a part of the 1989 Omnibus Drug Bill, the Washington State Legislature directed the Department of Corrections to establish two new 200-bed minimum security work camps during the 1989-1991 biennium and are possibly looking at this area for a camp site. Mayor McGraw said he had received a letter from Jeff Smith stating that Wenatchee and Lake Wenatchee have been selected as the sites for the 1990 Washington State Special Winter Games. Mayor McGraw said he had received a letter from the Eastmont School District thanking the City Council for donations supporting the refurbishing of the high school track. There being no further business, Tery McKee made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Seconded by Dennis Hendricks and passed by vote of the Council. i hard McGraw, Ma or Peggy Arthur, Treasurer/Clerk 0 BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT SEPT. 18, 1989 CURRENT EXPENSE T. Richard McGraw Sept. Salary 1 294.86 2. Peggy McArthur Sept. Salary 1 732.81 3. Virginia Kinzel Sept. Salary 1 071.41 4. Lennie Breckenridge Sept. Salary 498.42 5. Nick Wiltz Sept. Salary 298.33 6. Ogden, Murphy & Wallace Sept. Legal Retainer 2 925.00 7. Jeffrey C. Barker Sept. Public Defender Retainer 541.66 8. Do. Ct. Dist. Court Sept. Court Services 3 351.25 9. Ma Cristina Buak Translator Fees (3) 60.00 10. Pedco Credit Union Sept. Payroll Deductions 900.00 11. In -Print Office Supplies 69.26 12. Security Bank of Washington Sept. Withholding Deposit 3 388.00 13. Cougar Inn Nine Buffett Dinners 202.95 14. Computerland Office Supplies 35.05 15. Dept. of Retirement Systems Sept. Payment 808.13 16. Do. Co. Sewer Dist #1 2 Months Service 14.00 17. Crystal Linen 2 Weeks Mat Service 32.52 18. McConnell/Burke August Statement 5 132.19 19. GTE Northwest Inc. 1 Months Service & Long Distance 507.28 20. Kits Cameras Film 3.76 22 866.88 STREET DEPT. 1. Robert Goodman Sept. Salary 1 710.65 2. Ron Lannoye Sept. Salary 1 309.53 3. Lennie Breckenridge Sept. Salary 997.70 4. Pedco Credit Union Sept. Payroll Deductions 500.00 5. Security Bank of WA. Sept. Withholding Deposit 738.00 6. Pacemaker Industries T-Straping 51.35 7. E. W. Water District 2 Months Service 14.00 8. Dept. of Retirement Systems Sept. Payment 687.92 9. Do. Co. Sewer Dist. 2 Months Service 16.60 10. GTE Northwest Inc. 1 Months Service 49.51 11. Plant Systems Plantings for View Point Park 1 177.13 7 252.39 12. WA. State University 27th Road & St. Maint. 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