HomeMy WebLinkAbout7/17/1989 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes1 CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MEETING JULY 17, 1989 Council Members present: Dawn Collings, Les Young, Tery McKee, Paul Cassel and Dennis Hendricks. City Attorney, Chuck Zimmerman and City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor, Richard McGraw. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Dennis Hendricks, seconded by Paul Cassel and passed by vote of the Council. Bills and Accounts were presented as submitted. Motion was made by Dennis Hendricks, seconded by Dawn Collings and passed by vote of the Council. Bob Goodman said there were still a few things to finish on Valley Mall Parkway before construction is final. Nick Wiltz said Bi-Mart had been issued a building permit and ground breaking has started. Nick said he had attended a one day seminar in Olympia concerning flood awareness. Nick said it was very informative. He said the program gave people action to take after a flood occurs, such as people in charge, contact persons, etc. Nick said another workshop is scheduled for October in East Wenatchee. Fran Glessner presented the Council with Grant of Option to purchase and Right of First Refusal with signatures of the 10 owners. The property lies adjacent to City Hall property. Chuck Zimmerman reviewed the River City Enterprise document and the document was then presented to the Mayor for his signature. Pre Annexation Zoning was discussed and a discussion of all outlying area zoning. The Council advised those in attendance, that the City has the option of zoning the entire proposed annexation area single family residential, with the provision that all existing structures not fitting the zoning could come into the City as non conforming uses, or pre determining the zoning of each area. Either way, residents would have the opportunity to propose a zone change. The "Nash" petition for annexation includes property bordered by 15th Street N.E., Eastmont, 8th N.E. and Iowa Streets. Several interested persons spoke concerning the annexation. June Huber said many of the residents were concerned about commercial development. There were concerns about a proposal to put a strip mall at 10th and Eastmont Ave and they wanted assurance that this wouldn't happen if they annexed into the City. No assurance was made by the City Council concerning zoning. Bob Burke said a small neighborhood type center was proposed in the City's Comprehensive Plan at the corner of 8th and Eastmont. However, he said, that is only a plan and not necessarily something that would happen. Dick Carlson suggested that the public hearing on annexation to be held August 7th be held somewhere other than the City Council Chambers as Mr. Carlson said the room would not accommodate the crowd that would be at that meeting. No action on that issue was taken by the Council. Chuck Zimmerman invited all concerned citizens to attend the Public Meeting set for August 7th and anyone wishing to review the City's Comprehensive Plan or Maps were invited to visit City Hall and view them. Les Young advised the Council that he had received petitions with 56 signatures asking that the City Council abolish the sale and use of fireworks within the City limits. Ron Combs, Douglas County Fire Chief, said there were 17 fires between 6 and 11 P.M. on the evening of July 4th and 38 fires since the first of July, many of them attributable to fireworks and asked that the Council at least put some restrictions on the sale of fireworks. The City's current Ordinance does not prohibit the sale of aerial fireworks he stated. Glen Tibbs, City of Wenatchee Fire Marshall was also in attendance and advised the Council that in Wenatchee and Chelan County, their fireworks ordinance is more restrictive than the state statute. City Attorney Chuck Zimmerman said the City would have a difficult time prohibiting all sales and discharge of fireworks because it wouldn't coincide with state law. Tery McKee suggested that the City not issue any fireworks permits for 1990 to allow the maximum days mandated by state law after an Ordinance is adopted by the Council. Paul Cassel agreed to work with Les Young and Chuck Zimmerman and have more information on what the city can and cannot do pertaining to fireworks and have more information at the next council meeting. The Council authorized Chief Flinner to place No Parking signs on the North side of Simon Street from Highline Drive to Rock Island Road, No Parking signs in the area 50 feet back North and South on the North and South corner of Baker and Standerfer and No Parking sign in the area of Valley Mall Parkway and Adams Street. Chief Flinner said he did not think an amended Ordinance was necessary but would discuss the issue first with Chuck Zimmerman. Mayor McGraw asked that the Council go into executive session to discuss a potential litigation that would take up to 10 minutes. Mayor McGraw called the Council back into regular session and there being no further business, Les Young made a motion that the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Tery McKee and passed by vote of the council. 6 Ri/cliard McGraw, Mayor Peggy M Artrthur, City Clerk J 1 1 BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT JULY 17, 1989 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Richard McGraw 2. Peggy McArthur 3. Virginia Kinzel 4. Lennie Breckenridge 5. Nick Wiltz 6. Chevron U.S.A. 7. David Rodstol, Inc. 8. Dept. of Labor & Ind. 9. Employment Security Dept. 10. Security Bank of WA. 11. Grant Road Hardware 12. Columbia Photo 13. WA. Courthouse Supply 14. Forsgren Associated/P.A. 15. Crystal Linen 16. R. L. Polk & Co. 17. McConnell/Burke 18. WA. Asso. of City Planning Directors 19. Pedco Credit Union 20. Jeffrey C. Barker 21. Do. Co. Dist. Court 22. Ogden, Murphy & Wallace 23. Do. Co. Sewer District 24. Chelan -Douglas Health District 25. Association of WA. Cities 26. Dept. of Retirement Systems 27. Apple Valley Senior Services STREET 1. Robert Goodman 2. Ron Lannoye 3. Lennie Breckenridge 4. Do. Co. Sewer District 5. Horton Dennis & Associated 6. Security Bank of WA. 7. E. W. Water District 8. Cascade Natural Gas 9. Pedco Credit Union 10. Forsgren Associates 11. WA. St. Treasurer 12. Employment Security Dept. 13. Dept. of Labor & Ind. 14. Rainbow Metals 15. Dept. of Retirment Systems July Salary 1 294.86 July Salary 1 454.81 July Salary 1 071.41 July Salary 510.64 July Salary 298.33 Gasoline charged on Credit Cards 190.45 Servicing Copier 139.75 2nd Quarter Industrial Ins. 1 947.91 2nd Quarter Unemployment Ins. 147.54 July Withholding Deposit 3 605.00 Parts & Supplies 24.72 Prints & Film 59.11 Ledger Sheets 150.63 Bi-Mart Plan Check 1 541.20 2 Weeks Mat Service 32.52 2 City Directories 151.48 June 1989 Invoice 3 844.02 1989 Membership Dues 25.00 July Payroll Deductions 821.00 July Public Defender Retainer 541.66 July Distric Court Services 3 351.25 July Legal Retainer 2 925.00 2 Months Service City Hall 14.00 Public Health Services 3rd Quarter 1 681.25 Registration & Meal Cost 151.00 July Retirement Payment 813.44 Per Agreement 2 000.00 July Salary 1 754.54 July Salary 1 309.53 July Salary 1 024.97 2 Months Service 16.60 Flood Review 414.65 July Withholding Deposit 738.00 2 Months Service 14.00 1 Months Service 13.84 July Payroll Deductions 500.00 Engineering Services 2 222.34 May Traffic Signal Maintenance 102.24 Unemployment Ins., 2nd Quarter 38.00 Industrial Insurance 2nd Quarter 809.68 1 Oval Plaque 422.49 July Retirement Payment 687.92 96'69 6uL6po1 I pooj 00'009 L 6uLoPjansa8 joeal 00'0£b 0104d LPLaad 00'L8 00'69 qP3 6uL� uPssLN 986L 'suI 00'8Z sa3LAaaS auogdaLLgoW kLnp 8L'8b6 OZ b0'93Z Z 3uawkPd ;uawaaL1aa RLnp 89'6Z s}a6ael � wao}3eLd ao} sLPLaa;PW Z8'£L Z# aL3LPA s4aPd £L'89L aLedab aLoL4aA a04 slaPd 001bE8 6uL433edsLO RLnp 9L'£b s6na0 uo. la3saad 60'Lbb saLedad •dLnb3 g 4uawaaa6y '4uLeW 00'8Z saoLAaaS auo4daLLgoW RLnp £0'96 uot4Lunuuy 9£'bZZ saposaooy 8b'EL saLLddnS 99'06L 6uLueaLO wao}Lun aunp 9L't7U L aunp aaj 6uLsnoH aauosLad L9'ZSL saLLddnS a3L}}0 60'bZ saLLddnS 88'L9b auLLosPO 00'17 suoL3onPa0 LLoaAPd b8'b98 uoL33nPa0 LLoaAPd L6'888 FaeLPS fiLnp 09'800 L 10 aunp I AaPLPS (Lnp 9Z'E69 L RaPLPS RLnp OE'269 L 10 aunp B AaPLPS kLnp £L'688 L 3j645 q 10 aunp 'FaPLPS ALnp Ob'698 L 4164S 8 10 aunp 'RaPLPS XLnp Zb'899 L 4J NS V RaeLPS ALnp LL'Z90 Z 10 aunp g RaPLPS XLnp Lb'6LL L FaPLeS SLnp Z3LLM 'b PIN '8Z 3SN3dX3 iUmn0 90Z# J3La3sLO L0043S luow4sP3 'L ONnj WnI0V1S tl'd/sa3PL3ossy uau6saoj •L ONnj '9019 11tlH AlI3 DUI LLa434LW I sauop `alq[l 'Z 3saM44aoN auo}aLLgoW L snH swa4skS 4uawaaL4aa So 'idea •LZ ouI '6uLss900ad Laa4S 'M'N '9Z s4aPd o3ny uosLaaPH '9Z 4aLoaAa40 apPosPO 'bZ •4da0 s,44 pa4S •o0 •o0 'EZ u4PH P OS.M3 'ZZ suoLIP3LunwwoO LPu4uaO 'LZ 4SDM44JON auO4aLLgoW 'OZ sung 3o asnoH s A 0Od '6L swao}Lun LP44uawnLB '8L 6na0 pooj Faa3}n8 'LL 3se3 au0 3LssPLO '9L aaanseaal k;uno0 uPLa43 '9L 3uLud-UI 'bL 3sua3 '£L •00 kLddnS a6ueag 'ZL saL4unoO sPL6no0 I uPLa43 40 kPM •n 'LL aauuLLj IauPp 'OL uuk] ROM ' 6 XasLLM uouue4S •8 AaLgaM LLPPuPb 'L zLn43S LaP4oLW '9 4sPN aonae 'S LLauaPA kq 'b 6LuaLA 3a43 '£ uosLaaPH u40p •Z aauuLLj u40P 'L '1d30 33I]0d