HomeMy WebLinkAbout7/5/1989 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutesr l CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MEETING JULY 5, 1989 Council Members present: Dawn Collings, Les Young, Tery McKee and Paul Cassel. City Attorney, Karen Wiggum and City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor, Richard McGraw. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Dawn Collings, seconded by Les Young and passed by vote of the Council. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Tery McKee, seconded by Dawn Collings and passed by vote of the Council. John Flinner gave a synopsis of his monthly report and introduced the newest member of the Police Department "Dino". Randy Webley introduced the K-9 to the Mayor and Council and Dino was sworn into office by Chief Flinner. ob Goodman said he had met with the City Engineers and it looked like t heCity has a very good chance to get funding for Rock Island Road, from Grant Road to the South City Limits.) Construction would nclude, curb and gutters, sidewalks, surfacing, paving, illumination, storm sewers, signalization, widening and right-of-way. The total project cost would be approximately $448,000. The cost to the City would be $75,000. Bob said it also appeared that there may be funding for Third Street. Nick Wiltz said Bi-Mart still had not been issued a building permit and he said he didn't know where they stand at this point. Nick said he had been verifying signatures and obtaining the number of registered voters in the area wishing to annex into the City. Paul Cassel made a motion to adopt Resolution 89-3 (Six Year Transportation Improvement Program) Motion was seconded by Tery McKee and passed by vote of the Council. Attorney Karen Wiggum, spoke with the Council about having an Ordinance in place, setting a proposed zoning regulation to become effective upon the annexation of any area which might be annexed into the City in the future. Karen said, having zoning regulations in place would save steps and simplify the process. Tery McKee said the City should have some overlay maps that would show atthe existing zoning of areas outside of the City limits and suggested ob Burke and Nick Wiltz get together on such a project. age 1 - Council Meeting - July 5, 1989 Paul Cassel said he was concerned that if the City zoned everything residential light and someone was annexed in and they were commercial in the County, he could foresee some big problems. Karen Wiggum said they could then make application before the Planning Commission if their property was zoned other than residential light. Nick Wiltz said the property would come in as a non -conforming use as single family residential to keep someone from bringing in something the city does not want such as a pig farm. Nick said everyone would have the right to come before the Planning Commission for a zone change if they wished. Paul Cassel recommended that the City Attorney draft a report explaining the procedure so the Council can fully understand what they are voting on. Dawn Collings said she would also like some input from Nick as to what it will or won't do. Karen said she would send out information before the next council meeting. Paul Cassel made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 89-4, authorizing application for funding assistance for an outdoor recreation project to the Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation as provided by the Marine Recreation Land Act. Motion was seconded by Dawn Collings and passed by vote of the Council. Tery McKee made a motion for the City to contract with Eastmont School District No. 206 to spend funds matching the amount of funds paid by the City and others on the tract resurfacing project in the amount of $15,000 from Stadium Funds to be paid over a period of two years. Motion was seconded by Les Young and passed by vote of the Council. Tery McKee said he had received several calljfrom citizens concerned about the sale of high flying fireworks that were sold during the Fourth of July at stands within the City Limits. Tery said Les Young would be meeting with the Fire Chief and discuss what is necessary to put an Ordinance in place to restrict the sale of some fireworks. Les said he would have more information at the next Council meeting and suggested that an Ordinance be adopted as soon as possible. There being no further business, Les Young made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Motion was seconded by Tery McKee and passed by vote of the Council. _ Richard McGraw,b�Kayyyor P�gy'Y�AFriArrthur, CityL Clerk age 2 - Council Meeting - July 5, 1989 1 BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT JULY 5, 1989 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Les Young 2. Tery McKee 3. Paul Cassel 4. Dawn Collings 5. Dennis Hendricks 6. Cavanaugh's 7. Lori Stanaway 8. Standard Insurance Co. 9. W. V. Humane Society 10. Cascade A-1 Janitorial 11. AWC Emp. Benifits Trust 12. Nick Wiltz 13. N.W. Office Supply 14. Kits Cameras 15. David Rodstol, Inc. 16. E.W. Water District 17. Crystal Linen 18. In -Print 19. Grant Road Hardware 20. Dependable Disposal 21. Ogden, Murphy & Wallace 22. Chelan County Treasurer 23. Petty Cash 24. Security Bank of WA. STREET DEPT. 1. P. U. D. 2. E. W. Water District 3. AWC Emp. Benefits Trust 4. Standard Ins., Co. 5. Grant Road Hardware 6. Do. Co. Dept. of Public Works 7. Seco Construction Equipment 8. T. W. Spears Construction 9. Petty Cash 10. The Wenatchee World 11. Security Bank of WA. June Salary 55.49 June Salary 184.98 June Salary & 1 Meeting 231.22 June Salary & 2 Meetings 270.47 June Salary 55.49 Food & Lodging - Richard McGraw 401.85 The Wenatchee World - July 8.75 July Disability Ins. 138.83 July Dog Control 416.66 June Services 75.00 July Medical, Dental & Vision Ins. 3 353.69 Travel Expenses 10.55 Zipster 14.51 Photocopies & Film 7.96 Repairs on Copier 81.70 2 Months Service to City Hall 14.00 2 Weeks Mat Service 32.52 Office Supplies & Stamp 88.25 Parts, Supplies & Small Equipment 339.90 1 Month Sanitation Services 33.10 May Statement for Services 4 706.71 2nd Quarter 2% Liquor Tax 122.94 Cash Expenditures 280.38 June Social Security Deposit 4 525.61 15 450.56 2 Months Service to Shop & Garage 39.00 2 Months Service 16.25 July Medical, Dental & Vision Ins. 675.00 July Disability Insurance 44.05 Parts & Supplies 64.13 4 - 4-way Plaques 49.75 Yellow Upside Down Paint 10.09 5% Retainage due on Retaining Wall 2 447.33 Cash Expenditures 35.15 Publication 6 Year Road Plan 22.82 June Social Security Deposit 930.78 00'2LL aLoLPA 6-N aoueansuI ll84041W B sauoC `ajgLl 'L aNnA lINn 6-N 00'08 ,aoge3 gdaa qS aagogeuaM '3 fo 410 'L aNnl 'jal8 'H 'O 09'£6 aingLap of aoeLLeM g Fgd.anW 'uap6o •L qua 68'OL£ E LZ'98Z sasuadx3 Laneal punj 6uLALonaa aoueAPV LaAe.al '8L 00'VOE ,aogel gdaa •qS aagogeuaM '3 do klLO 'LL b5'bE E# ,APO aol sq,aed s,aogoW aauLagjULJ pal '9L Ob'LE saoLA,aaS j,aoM qeq ugeH p,ao;}LL3 'SL 8£'62 E# -AP) J0J sq.aed •ouI 'a0LAJaS uogsLd 'bL 00'ZS £# -AP) AO-4 sq.aed gaLoaAagO apeoseO 'EL SS'L99 swaLgw3 OOE sw,aoi m LegquawnLB 'ZL 06'LEL L Aow.AV spoe aouegO PU00aS 9 do4S doa aql 'LL 00'SL s9 M s,OOj to Rdoo •ouI '6uLsuaoLq Le,aapaj •oL 68'9 wLLj 8 squL,ad ogogd eLgwnLOO -6 L9'LZ SJPO .aoj sLool g s9xo8 L001 Sjas.anN g awoH 4suJ3 •8 SV'LL saLLddnS 6upe.aado 6n.aa-pooj f'aaggnq 'L 00'OL sagseM aLoLgaA aoLLod aunp gseM ae3 s,04P)l 9 8b'9ZL 'Paa LLo.aked •suI aaoueO RLnp •oO aoue.anssV agLl X'LLwej ueoLaawV •S LO'ZL spaeO gLpa,aO uo pa6.ae40 seg '03 LLO LLagS 'b L8' 6b £ R L# s.aea ao3 sq,aed sq,aed ognV uos L.a.aaH ' E b5'ZOb allLLoseO FLddnS a6ue.ag •Z 00'OOL sana LenuuV SJOL4O aoLLod 9 sll PagS to •ossV 'VM 'L 'ld3a 33I10d