HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/19/1989 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 19, 1989 Council Members present: Dawn Collings, Tery McKee, Paul Cassel and Dennis Hendricks. Attorney, Charles Zimmerman and Treasurer/Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor, Richard McGraw. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Tery McKee, seconded by Dennis Hendricks and passed by vote of the Council. Bills and Accounts were approved as presented. Motion was made by Dennis Hendricks, seconded by Tery McKee and passed by vote of the Council. Police Chief John Flinner advised the Council that he attended a class at the Criminal Justice Training Commission concerning executive Management and thanked the Council for allowing him to attend. Chief Flinner said Randy Webley would be back on duty next Monday with his K-9. Bob Goodman said there are some minor things to be completed on the Valley Mall Parkway project. They have been noted and written up and they should be accomplished by the next Council meeting. Upon completion, the City will then be charged for the City's share of the project. Bob Goodman and Chief Flinner were asked by the Council to contact John Baker with D.O.T. concerning signing and striping on the Valley Mall Parkway Project and 9th street as it appears to be a little confusing at this point. Nick Wiltz said he had attended a AWC Conference held in Spokane on Making Meetings Work. He said copies of the material will be sent to members of the Planning and Board of Adjustment and will be made available to Council Members if they wish. Nick said Forsgren and Associates now have a certified plan examiner available and asked if he could use his services rather than send plans out for review and approval as it would speed things up to have the plans reviewed locally. The Council authorized Nick to use this local service and authorized Mayor McGraw to sign any document necessary for those services. Nick advised the Council that Bi-Mart has plans in place and they are in a hurry to start construction. Nick said Earl Cusick is now in the process of obtaining a short plat on property located off Simon Street. Tery McKee said if the Council wished to consider a name change for the City it would be less costly to place it on the General Election Ballot and would have to be submitted to the County Auditor by August 4th. Mayor McGraw said City residents are the only ones that can vote on the issue but he would prefer input from the Greater East Wenatchee Area since most of the residents live outside of the City limits. Mayor McGraw said he would also like input from the East Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce and like to hear from the people. "Shall the Name of the City of East Wenatchee be changed". Bruce Nash submitted petitions for Annexation for the areas, Eastmont on the West, Sth Street on the South, 15th Street on the North and Iowa Street on the East. The Council accepted the Petitions. Mayor McGraw said we want this area in the City and thanked Bruce Nash and others for their efforts. Paul Cassel stated that the areas to be annexed should be looked into to assure that the City is not assuming any liability and also what impact zoning would have on the area. Bob Burke and Nick Wiltz were asked to look into those matters. Also, they were advised that they could retain the services of the Engineer- ing firm if necessary. Bob Burke said he and the Mayor had been discussing and looking into what kind of funds are available as far as a connection path between Grant Road Park and the pedestrian bridge. Bob said he had talked with Chelan County P.U.D. and it appears there are no Exhibit R funds at this time. Burke said there does seem to be some funding through I.A.C. Applications must be in by July 3rd and the funds are 50 - 50 matching funds. After more discussion, Paul Cassel made a motion authorizing the Mayor to make application for the I.A.C. funds before the July 3rd deadline. Motion was seconded by Dawn Collings and passed by vote of the Council. Dennis Hendricks made a motion to move into a workshop with Douglas County to discuss Phase II of the Comprehensive Stormwater Plan. Motion was seconded by Tery McKee and passed by vote of the Council. Jack Bjork with Horton Dennis explained what had taken place in the Phase I study. He said they reviewed all existing studies. Some of the information can be used, some was outdated or not feasible. Tery Mckee said a major detailed study needed to be done before they can fix a cost for maintenance and building of facilities. Jack Bjork said Phase II would determine existing drainage features. Observe problem areas and examine land use, upstream channel conditions storm drains etc., set project criteria, hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, develop alternative solutions, drawings showing best solutions, revise and recombine alternative solutions, produce designs of preferred solutions, determine regulatory requirements, cost estimates and project financing. I Jack Bjork said there is also a lack of street drainage in the urban area and a suitable system needs to be established to address that issue. Tery McKee and Dawn Collings agreed to meet with Commissioners Joan Patterson and Matt Warner, Public Works Director Peter Ringsrud and Planning Director Jerry Litt to identify funding sources available to do a major study and also to make recommendations on whether to form a storm drainage district or to utilize existing utilities as a taxing authority for actual construct and maintenance of facilities. The Committee was asked to come back with funding information by the first meeting in September. Chuck Zimmerman was asked to get together with Judy McCauley and work out an interlocal agreement to be ready for the September 5th meeting. Peter Ringsrud said there is a need for a City/County FEMA (Flood Update). There being no further business, Dawn Collings made a motion that the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Dennis Hendricks and passed by vote of the Council. Mayor, Richard McGraw g1y�C L ,u City CCllerk, Peggy McArthur CURRENT EXPENSE BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT JUNE 19, 1989 1. Richard McGraw June Salary 1 294.86 2. Peggy McArthur June Salary 1 454.81 3. Virginia Kinzel June Salary & May Overtime 1 112.74 4. Len Breckenridge June Salary 510.64 5. Nick Wiltz June Salary 298.33 6. Jeffrey C. Barker June Public Defender Retainer 541.66 7. Do. Co. Dist. Court June Court Services 3 351.25 8. Ma Cristina Buak Replace Lost Check # 8971 120.00 9. Les Young Luncheon Meeting with City Commissioners 13.44 10. McConnell/Burke May Invoice 842.66 11. Quinlan Publishing Co., Inc. Renewal of "Zoning Bulletin" 45.93 12. Forsgren Associates Plan Check Fees (2) 684.27 13. The Wenatchee World Publication of Ord. 11.33 14. Crystal Linen Two Weeks Mat Service 32.52 15. Ogden, Murphy & Wallace June Legal Retainer 2 925.00 16. Pedco Credit Union Payroll Deductions 821.00 17. Security Bank of WA. June Withholding Deposit 3 874.00 18. Dept. of Retirementy Systems June Retirement Payment 808.31 19. In -Print Printing & Computer Paper 270.84 20. Chevron U.S.A., Inc. Gasoline charged on Credit Cards 60.39 21. Nick Wiltz Travel Expenses -Spokane AWC Meeting 14.28 22. AWC Registration Nick Wiltz, Seminar 65.00 23. Kits Cameras 2 Rolls Film g 23 24. GTE Northwest Inc. 1 Month & Long Distance 554.61 19 717.10 STREET DEPT. 1. Robert Goodman June Salary 1 701.83 2. Ron Lannoye May Overtime & June Salary 1 347.43 3. Len Breckenridge June Salary 1 048.05 4. Pedco Credit Union Payroll Deductions 500.00 5. T. W. Spears Construction Due on Arbor Terrace Retaining.Wall 12 533.76 6. Forsgren Associates/P.A. May Statement Engineering Services 3 211.02 7. Dept. of Retirement Systems June Retirement Payment 689.11 8. Security Bank of WA. June Withholding Deposit 694.00 9. Horton Dennis & Asso., Inc. East Wenatchee Flood Review 909.50 10. Sugg's Tire Service, Inc. Tire for Sweeper 102.23 11. GTE Northwest, Inc. 1 Month Service 55.17 12. P.U.D. No. 1 of Douglas Ct. 2 Months Service 1 753.00 13. Eastmont Development Co. Landfill Charges 37.14 24 532.24 POLICE DEPT. 1. John Flinner June Salary 1 104.45 2. Bruce Nash June Salary & May Overtime 2 093.57 3. Michael Schulz June Salary & May Overtime 1 711.16 4. Randy Webley June Salary & May Overtime 1 826.56 5. Shannon Wilsey June Salary 956.81 6. Nancy Lynn June Salary & May Overtime 927.99 7. Ray Yarnell June Salary, Shift & May Overtime 1 967.87 8. Chet Virnig June Salary, Shift & May Overtime 1 861.96 I [IM,T-WA 80'b6£ L 00'OOZ gLPnV agegS Aoj aoLonul IJPd 4413 6uLFeAdS .aoj pnV agegS 92 XPA S pueL aLddV '9Z '1NOO 3SN3dX3 1N3ddn0 00'SL8 L guawSUd Aagaeno puZ neaing u014uanuo0 9 ao4LSLA ea.aV aa404eu9M •L aNnj wlIaV1S b9'09b ZO'9b S,oaNA ZL bnaa-pool L'auggng '9 9L'6ZZ suoggng a.aea 009 ' sde0 a.aea OS 'ouI LaPeN PeC 'S 0£'b LLO '•s40 Z ooexal 4uowgse3 s,AJO •t 00'8Z (4seN aon,ag) saoLAJOS auogdaLLgoW aunC 'M 'N auop LLgoW 'E LO'LZ SpaeO 4LPaJo uo pa6,ae40 auLLoseg V•S•n uo,aAa40 •Z W N L guawagegS LLudV aaeLLeM I kgdanW 'uap60 _L qua 66'9b9 LL V3'LO£ ,aogon,agsuj swueaaLj/6uLuLe,al Laneal suLAaLS aon.ag 'LE 09'b8L JaUU M u4oC wood L940H pund 6uLnLonaa Lane,al aauenpV '0£ 00'098 u4eH PuoddLLO X PJa4l LeoLSA'4d •a•W 'SpueS 3 4aagod '6Z 00'8ZL LLeH figLO og aoLAaaS s4guoW L g0 seLbnoa }o I 'oN 'a'n'd '8Z 99'6£Z saLLddnS aoL;30 snoaueLLaosLW •ALa aLddnS uaagsaM geaag LZ ZL'U s6nua uoLgdL.aaSaad u4eH P-Aod;LLO '9Z 6Z'9LL 4uawaaa6V aouauaguLeW aunp •ouj 'SuoLgeoLunwwo3 Le.agua0 9Z 8E'b9 saLLddnS bn.aa-pooj L'a.aggng •VZ 00'b£8 saOLAJeS 6uL4o4edSLa aunp gdaa s,};Laa4S •o0 •oa •EZ b£'86L 6uLueaLO waojLun ReW 4se3 au0 aLsseLO •ZZ LO'9£ w M 0404d eLgwnLo3 'LZ LS' 9Eb Z guawL'ed guawa,a Lgad aunp SMISRS guawa.a L4ed }o •gdaa 03 EZ'69L LLauaeA ,ced sesuadx3 Lane.al punj Lane,al aoueAPV '6L 96'Z6Z £ aaj 6uLsnoH JauoS-Ud L'eW .aaanseail '00 ueLa40 '8L OL'9ZO 9b 40e.aguo0 a.ALj S4guoW 9 ZH '4SLO 9JLj '00 '00 Ll OL'LLL sseL9 paguLl 16uLaaggal „E .ae0 6-)1 aa40geuaM 3o auLl-wLal '9L L6'8Z w,ao}geLd .ae3 6-N •oO .aagwnl uosgnuN '9L OL'6b 4[un 6-A SaL,aossaooV 'all 'sn6.AV/eueS sel 'bL L8'b96 4uawdLnb3 '•osLW •ouj 'saL.agsnpuI 'H'd'W '£L 00'83 saoLA,aaS auo4daLLgoW aunp M'N auo}aLLgoW 'ZL b8'b98 uoLgonpaa LIO.Aked aauuLLJ •W gaueC 'LL 00'b suoL4onpaO LLOJkPd '03 '•oa I ueLa4O }o •M 'n 'OL L9' St L Z awL4,aan0 kRW I L'ae LeS aunp uoS L a aeH ugOP • 6 'l,NOO 30IlOd