HomeMy WebLinkAbout5/1/1989 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes�,
MAY 1, 1989
Council Members present: Dawn Callings, Tery McKee, Paul Cassel,
Les Young and Dennis Hendricks.
Attorney, Charles Zimmerman and City
Clerk Treasurer/Clerk, Peggy McArthur.
Meeting was called to Order by Mayor, Richard McGraw.
Mayor McGraw announced that the Council would go into executive session
for approximately one-half hour for the purpose of discussing a potential
Mayor McGraw called the meeting back into regular session.
Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was
made by Dennis Hendricks, seconded by Tery McKee and passed by vote of
the Council.
Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by
Tery McKee, seconded by Paul Cassel and passed by vote of the Council.
Chief John Flinner gave a recap of his monthly report as follows:
Child Fingerprinting station in the Wenatchee Valley Mall.
A K-9 presentation and D.A.R.E. advertisements were presented.
The K-9 Fund Drive is just about complete. Officer Webley is
scheduled to leave for Menlo Park, California, on May 29, 1989
for (4) weeks.
Attorney Chuck Zimmerman said there was a matter that falls under the
Police Department matters and involves one of the City's Ordinance
concerning leaving small children unattended in a vehicle. Chuck stated
that his office was asked by the Mayor and Police Department to ask if
the City Council wanted them to appeal the Judge's decision. After more
input, it was the unanimous consensus of the Council for the attorney
to pursue the issue.
Bob Goodman said he had received two quotes for repairing the shop
roof. One quote was in the amount of 2,402.00 and the other 3,100.00
The Council advised Bob to use his discretion and to go ahead with the
project. Bob said the retaining wall at 13th and Arbor Terrace should
be completed in approximately a week.
Tery McKee gave a flood control update. Tery said several things are
coming together on the study. The study done by Horton Dennis should
be done approximately the 5th of May. Tery said he would like to
recommend when the Council receives the study, that a joint meeting
be set up with the County and talk about the alternatives and how to
proceed. Currently there has been some action by the State and the
Federal Flood Assistance Program in Douglas County. Tery said there
has been some federal disaster funds that have been made available.
Tery Mckee said he met the past week with the Sewer District
Commissioners and Manager, Douglas County Commissioners and some people
with the Department of Ecology and the State Coordinator from the Federal
Agency that is supplying the funds. The purpose of the meeting was to
find out what funds are available and what the criteria and any time
constraints is necessary for utilizing those funds. Tery said he found
out there are several hundred thousand dollars available and probably
four different agencies involved.
Mayor McGraw said it was his understanding that the project was a
joint effort and at some point in time it would be on a ballot and the
citizens of the area would vote to do this project. He said although
the City and County have the authority to set up the district and build
a storm center, he would hope it could be done through a ballot issue.
Tery McKee said he feels that the next step should be after receiving
the study from Horton Dennis, would be to sit down jointly with Douglas
County and get some direction on how to proceed. Tery felt a joint
meeting should be set for the following week.
Mayor McGraw stated that Douglas County P.U.D. requested not to be on
the agenda at this time but would probably be on the next agenda
The Council was asked to review the information passed out relative to
setting the Salary Range for the newly appointed clerk's position.
Tery asked that the information be reviewed and if any council member
has any recommendations to contact him or be prepared to discuss it at
the next meeting.
Fran Glessner spoke with the Council about a First right of Refusal
with River City Partnership and she asked if the cost of attorney fees
for preparing the document could be paid by the City and that information
be included in the document and also that a time limit be set for one
year. The Council agreed to the considerations and directed the Attorney
to proceed with what ever is necessary.
Attorney Bill Monnette, representing Peggy McArthur, asked to address the
Council concerning a letter he had passed out to the Council at the
beginning of the meeting. Paul Cassel said he would like a brief
statement of what Mr. Monnette wanted to discuss. Mr. Monnette said he
believed that there may have been an oversight in the Ordinance passed
at the previous meeting regarding the position of an appointed clerk.
Mr. Monnette said it appeared the effective date for the appointment was
April 26th and he said his main concern is that may present some problems
for both the City and City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. He said he just wanted
to make the Council aware of his concerns at this time.
Mayor McGraw said the Council would read and study the letter, and if
Mr. Monnette wished, he could ask to be placed on the next regular
agenda. Mr. Monnette said he wished to speak at the next council
There being no furthur business, Tery McKee made a motion that the
meeting be adjourned. Seconded by Dennis Hendricks and passed by
vote of the Council.
ichard McGraw, Mayor
Peggy McArthur, Treasurer/Clerk
1. Leslie V. Young, Jr.
2. Paul J. Cassel
3. Tereence F. McKee
4. Dawn Collings
5. Dennis P. Hendricks
6. Steve Kaminoff Photography
7. Lori Stanaway
8. Haglund's Plastics
9. In Print
10. City of East Wenatchee
11. The Wenatchee World
12. AWC Employee Benefits Trust
13. Standard Insurance Co.
14. Columbia Photo
15. Nation Fire Protection Assn.
16. McConnell/Burke
17. Kits Cameras
18. Crystal Linen
19. Dependable Disposal
20. Wenatchee Valley Humane Society
21. Cascade A-1 Janitorial Services
22. Ogden, Murphy & Wallace
23. Security Bank of WA.
1. WA. State University
2. Standard Ins., Co.
3. Chamberlin Distributing Co.
4. E. W. Water District
5. Do. County P.U.D.
6. AWC Employee Benefits Trust
7. T. W. Spears Construction
8. Security Bank
1. Kayo's Car Wash
3. Grange Supply Co.
4. Independent Telephone Systems
5. Great N. American Co.
6. Clifford Hahn
7. Mission Vista Group Home
April Salary
April Salary
April Salary & 4 Meetings
April Salary & 1 Meeting
April Salary
Services & Materials rendered
May delivery The Wenatchee World
Badge for Dennis Hendricks
Office Supplies & Newsletter
Street Dept., Labor
Publication Ord. 89-3
May Medical, Dental & Vision Ins.
3 353.69
May Disability Ins.
Film & Photofinishing
1 NEC (looseleaf) & NEC Handbook
Invoice for March 1989
Film & Photofinishing
2 Weeks Mat Service
1 Months Sanitation Services
May Dog Control
April Services
March Statement
5 973.94
April Social Security Deposit
Registration Fee Road & Street
Maintenance School 120.00
May Disability Ins. 44.05
Chemicals for killing Vegetation 594.31
2 Months Service to Shop 24.80
2 Months Service 40.00
May Medical, Dental & Vision Ins. 833.40
13th St., & Arbor Terrace Retaining
Wall less 5% Retainage 33 965.52
April Social Security Deposit 993.61
36 615.69
April Police Car Washes 70.00
Registration Fee Spring Conference 85.00
Gasoline 407.40
Labor & Equipment 155.34
26 Dozen Pens 110.70
Prescription Drugs 57.52
Staff Training Video 71.23
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