HomeMy WebLinkAbout2/6/1989 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes1. I N CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES February 6, 1989 Council Members present: Dawn Collings, Les Young, Tery McKee, and Paul Cassel. City Attorney, Chuck Zimmerman and City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor Richard McGraw. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Les Young, seconded by Dawn Collings and passed by vote of the Council. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Paul Cassel', seconded by Dawn Collings and passed by vote of the Council. Street Superintendent Bob Goodman said the street crew would start stripping in approximately two and one-half weeks. Nick Wiltz said the demolition of Wenatchi has been completed, and the material has been removed. Nick also said he would be in Spokane attending a one day seminar February 16, concerning state regulations for barrier free facilities designs and construction standards pertaining to the accessibility and use of all buildings and structures by disabled persons. Chief of Police John Flinner presented the Council with his monthly report. He said the month of January was definitely the month for bad checks. Two people were forging stolen checks for the purchase of cocaine. Chief Flinner said he had appointed a computer committee within the police department. This committee, he stated, is to come up with uniform data entry and retrieval system and to write simplified instruction on how to retrieve needed information by the patrol staff when no one familiar with the computer is in the office. Chief Flinner gave a presentation of K-9 proposal. He said it would not increase insurance premiums, but there would be a need for coverage for the handler and a letter would be forthcoming from the insurance company. He said it would cost approximately $450.00 annually that would come out of city funds for food and vet bills. The cost of the dog will be from donations. The Chief's presentation was followed with a demonstration by Officer Perez with his K-9. Chief Flinner said the City of Wenatchee has two or three K-9s, and that they were at this time available to East Wenatchee if they were not needed by Wenatchee. Chief Flinner said Officer Webb would have to attend a training class with the K-9 for approximately four weeks. Paul Cassel said he would like to hear from Officer Webley at a future meeting concerning the K-9 proposal. Tery Mckee made a motion to approve the expenditure of $3,500. to Cascade Loop Association as recommended by the Promotion and Economic Development Committee and authorized by the Council in 1988 for 1989 expenditures. Motion was seconded by Paul Cassel and passed by vote of the Council. Director Larry Whiteman thanked the council for the contribution and their support. Tery Mckee made a motion to approve a Flood Control Engineering Study Contract between City and Douglas County with Horton Dennis and Associates. Motion was made by Dawn Collings and passed by vote of the Council. Paul Cassel advised the Council that he and Dawn Collings had attended a meeting concerning the establishment of Public transportation Benefit Area. Paul gave a short presentation on the history of public transit in Washington State. Paul said there would be no cost to the taxpayers. He said existing motor vehicle taxes would come back to fund the project. After some discussion, the Council authorized Paul Cassel to draft a letter to the Douglas County Commissioners and Chelan County Commissioners asking that they establish the boundaries for a public transportation area and that the City Council supports the program so the Commissioners can proceed. Dawn Collings made a motion to adopt the Contract for a Flood Control Engineering Study Contract between the City and Douglas County with Horton Dennis & Associates. Motion was seconded by Tery Mckee and passed by vote of the Council. The Council unanimously agreed to change the next regular council meeting to February 17, 1989, at 5:00 P.M., due to the regular meeting date falling on a holiday. Mayor McGraw said that he was notified this date that Peggy McArthur had notified Susan Gillin that the City planned to change the elected position of clerk treasurer to appointed. Mayor McGraw said since there was an article in the paper this evening that he felt it appropriate to bring it up in an open public meeting so that there would be no misunderstanding as to 'how or why' anything effecting the clerk treasurer has or will be done. Mayor McGraw then provided some background what he said it was all about, at least as far as he is concerned he stated. He said the Council is improving the city; and it is just another step in a positive forward looking, and forward thinking manner for our City. Since he has been working with the City and has become Mayor, he stated he has been trying to bring things in to line that are necessary for the City and will be necessary in the future to accommodate growth in the City. Mayor McGraw said he has discovered that the City of East Wenatchee is the only City known in the Code City Category that maintains an elected position. This issue did not just occur in the last few weeks. This issue has been talked about with himself and other members of the Council since last June, he stated, and probably before then. He said his concern and that of the Council is that the position of clerk treasurer will be coming up this November. He stated that his greatest fear is that an unqualified person could run for the position and be elected. Mayor McGraw then asked if the Council had any input as he was leaving the decision up to them. Paul Cassel said he was handed a packet of information that happened in 1981 when Mayor Lannoye was in office and that he had not had a chance to review it. He said he did not think that the Mayor was asking the Council to make a decision at this time. He said there may he some benefits to making it an appointed position and there might be some benefits to leaving it an elective position. He said he was very pleased with the work that the present City Clerk [l I I has done and is a big benefit to this City. Paul said he would not want to believe for one minute that there were any underlying motives. Paul said he would like to discuss it with the Clerk and get her thought. Tery Mckee read some of the pros for making it an appointed position. One point he stated, was that they don't have any guarantees as who is going to be elected to that position. Tery said the City is now in the midst of some change. Tery stated that currently the Council does not have the ability to change the duties of the Clerk Treasurer Office as those are mandated by state law RCW, and it would make the position more flexible for the City to have an appointed position because there might be some administrative duties that the Council might want to require but they can not require them at this time. Peggy McArthur asked why. Tery McKee said that they can not dictate to the Clerk. Peggy asked why the Council would want to dictate to her if she was doing her job. Tery McKee said that he was just making a statement, and that it doesn't have anything to do with the present City Clerk. Peggy informed him that the whole issue was about her position. Tery then said the position would change by Ordinance for appointment by the Mayor subject to confirmation by majority of the City Council. He stated when the City has good quality employees, the Council has the ability to retain them regardless of the outcome of an election. Paul Cassel asked if the City is mandated by law to change the position to appointed. Chuck said one could argue. The Council then asked Chuck Zimmerman to look into it. There being no further business, Tery McKee made a motion that the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Paul Cassel and passed byivo/ee of the Council. Mayor, Richard McGraw LIluYlC..+- City ClLKrV, Peggy McArthur BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT FEB. 6, 1989 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Richard McGraw Reimbursement for Chamber Banquet 20.00 2. Dawn Collinqs Jan. Salary, 4 Meetings & Banquet 367.96 3. Paul Cassel Jan. Salary, 1 Meeting & Banquet 251.22 4. Les Young Jan. Salary 55.49 5. Tery McKee Jan. Salary, 4 Meetings, Banquet, Glasses Food expenses while traveling 391.31 6. Shell Oil Co. Gasoline charged on credit cards 14.87 7. Lori Stanaway Delivery the Wenatchee World 8.75 8. Asso. of WA. Cities Registrations (3) Stormwater Utility 150.00 9. Nendel's Room & Food Charged (McGraw & McKee) 361.24 10. Dependable Disposal Sanitation Services for 1 Month 33.10 11. Standard Insurance Co. Feb. Disability Ins. 138.84 12. AWC Benefits Trust Feb. Medical, Dental & Vision Ins. 3 353.69 13. Crystal Linen 3 Weeks Mat Service 48.78 14. Security Bank of WA. Jan. Social Security Deposit 4 386.60 15. Ma Cristina Buak Translator Fees (3) 60.00 16. Evelyn Parks Translator Fee 20.00 17. Ogden, Murphy & Wallace Dec. Statement 3 906.51 18. McConnell/Burke Jan. Invoice 470.79 19. Harrison Auto Parts, Inc. Miscellaneous Parts 138.84 20. The Wenatchee World Publication 22.82 21. Inland Empire Chapter of ICBO Registration for Seminar 60.00 22. WA. Municipal Treas. Assn. 1989 Membership Dues 15.00 23. W. V. Humane Society Feb. Dog Control 416.66 24. Cascade A-1 Janitorial Jan. Services 75.00 25. In Print Office Supplies & Printing 293.56 26. Chelan -Douglas Health Dist. lst Quarter Payment 1 681.25 27. Petty Cash Postate, Keys, T Shirts & Cleaning Flag 302.33 17 044.61 STREET DEPT. 1. Grant Road Hardware Misc., Parts & Supplies 37.54 2. Grange Supply Co. Gasoline 452.30 3. City of Wenatchee 8.20 Tons of Qwiksalt + PCI 1 056.16 4. Security Bank of WA. Jan. Social Security 991.54 5. Standard Ins. Co. Feb. Disability Ins. 44.05 6. AWC Employee Benefits Trust Feb. Medical, Dental & Vision Ins. 833.40 7. WA. St., Treasurer Dec. Statement Traffic Services 79.74 8. Cascade Natural Gas 1 Months Service to Shop & Garage 207.08 9. Harrison Auto Parts Parts & Supplies 255.99 10. Forsgren Asso. Engineering Arbor Terrace 42.00 �T`1. POLICE DEPT. T. Ernst Home Center Keys & Miscellaneous 15.72 2. Columbia Photo Film & Photofinishing 16.18 3. Knutson Luber Co. Materials for Shelves 15.00 4. Great Western Supply Div. 2 Boxes File Folders 30.12 5. Cascade Chevrolet Cap, Distributor & Rotor 22.55 6. Buttrey Food -Drug Coffee Maker, Towels & Shoe Polish 33.52 7. Port Ludlow Resort Accomodations for Seminar (Flinner) 225.00 I MINIM 82'8L£ Aagl.aosue,al sau140PW aoLJSO LeLo,aawwo3 •E £E'L LLeH fig13 -god s446Ll PooLj Z aaeMPJPH Peoa gue,ag •Z 99'b99 Z sg,aed I s4uauodwo0 `,aagndwo3 PueL,Aagndwo0 •L 0Nni ' 9019 IIVH AlI3 4 09'6 4ino0 Le,aapaj ssau4Lm - dLJq ewLIPA uo pa.aanouL sasuadxa �aoj guawas,angwLaa 4seN •M aoniq '£ LV O L Ioo LPed I A@A aa4ua0 k4 pnoaS a Lo44BN a41 ' Z 90'9 sloo8 6n.a0-pooj L'.aaggn8 'L ONn3 ondd PYf/4:3lib Lb'b9Z 'UPC aoj 6uLueaL3 w.aoi m 4se3 au0 oLsseL3 'SL b8'ZEL saL.aossaooy g swaojLuO sw-A01 O LegquawnLO 'bL 001OL sa4seM saLoL49A aoLLod •uep 4seM ,aeO s,ORPN '£L 00'L6£ auLLoseg •00 A'LddnS abue,ag 'ZL 00'OE (,aauuLLj) a6aLLo3 Puewwo3 aAL4noax3 4uaw8o,ao}u3 Mel 4saM44JON .ao; uoLJeJa SL6ad uLa4sune,a8 uLA.aeW ' LL 60'b£ s6na0 uoLgdluosa,ad u4eH P.ao}3LL3 'OL 9£'bOZ L sgsaA 9 g sg.LnsdwnC 8 sw,ao3LuI s,uewJa4otl '6 LL'E saLLddnS ao13}O A'LddnS aoL330 aa4ogeuaM*8 'L.NO3 " 1d30 33I10d