HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/6/1989 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 6, 1989 6:30 P.M. Councilmembers present: Dawn Collings, Les Young, Tery McKee, Paul Cassel and Dennis Hendricks. City Attorney Karen Wiggum and City Clerk Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor Richard McGraw. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Dennis Hendricks, seconded by Les Young and passed by vote of the Council. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Dawn Collings, seconded by Dennis Hendricks and passed by vote of the Council. Chief John Flinner presented his October monthly report with the following highlights: 159 citations written for various crimes and traffic violations - 27 cases of shoplifting - Eight DWI arrests - Nine investigated accidents. Chief Flinner also reported on training, public relations and significant accomplish- ments. Bob Goodman said he had received chemical deicer, plus regular salt if needed and was ready for winter. Bob said there was a need for their older dump truck, and it has a cracked block and Bob asked if he could purchase a used engine that would cost approximately $1,000.00. The Council advised him to do what he has to do to get the truck in operation. The Council unanimously agreed to have the new poles by Top Foods and Nendels electrified so that Christmas Decorations can be placed in that area. The Cost would be approximately $250.00 per pole and there are six poles. The Council agreed that the price to get the poles ready would increase every year and asked Bob to have the work done and to use the extra Christmas Decorations that the City has for this year. Tery McKee said he had received a letter from some of the citizens living on Simon Street and they wanted to thank the Street Department for the temporary work on the sidewalks and also the striping that was done. I Les Young asked if there was anything that could be done about the Christmas sign by Santa so that it could be read at night. Bob Goodman said maybe it could be moved to a different location. Mayor McGraw said in the past, the Chamber used to decorate. He said he felt the Chamber should remain involved and perhaps through the Promotions Committee, they will be approaching the Chamber to see if they want to get involved again and maybe do some decorating in the City Park. Nick Wiltz said the Planning Department has a Rezone request to be coming up at their next meeting and Nick said remodeling is going on at the Mall as well as a new store, Vanity that should be open in two weeks as well as Aladdin's Castle which is video games. Nick said Bi Mart is about ready to open. Nick said he would have new fee charges for permits ready for the next meeting for Council review. Mayor Richard McGraw read a letter from Lyle Bland, in reference to Community Attitudes Survey into the record. The City of wenatchee has hired a local consulting firm, Matron, Inc., to conduct a scientific survey to determine the level and nature of support for a proposed community and/or senior facility in this area. The results of the survey have an accuracy factor of approximately 95% and will cost the City of Wenatchee $15,400. the Wenatchee City Commission has requested this office contact the East Wenatchee Council to determine if East Wenatchee desires the area within its corporate limits to be included in the statistical survey. Metron, Inc. has quoted an additional fee of $800 for this service. It is my understanding that Jane King has met with the City Council to discuss the nature and process involved in the survey. If the Council desires East Wenatchee to be included and are willing to fund the additional $800, please contact this office as soon as possible since the survey is scheduled to be distributed during the week of November 13th. Mayor McGraw said that Douglas County at this point and time still opted not to become involved in the survey. Dennis Hendricks said he felt an ideal way to find out what the seniors want is the City's news letter. Les Young said he didn't know if the public would respond without face to face contact. Tery McKee said he had a problem with it because its site specific on Walla Walla Point. He said he felt if they are going to poll the City residents, the East Wenatchee Area should be considered for a site. Paul Cassel said he thinks a site has been selected but felt the Senior Citizens on either side of the river would not differ in opinion that much. He said he would like to look at it as a regional issue rather than a Wenatchee, East Wenatchee issue and he was not opposed to the site if the seniors want it. Paul said, he feel since the City residents will be using the facility, he thinks City should know what the seniors want in the facility. Paul said he was willing to spend the 800.00. Tery said he was not sure that the issue was regional. After more discussion, Paul Cassel made a motion that the City enter into a Inter local Agreement with Wenatchee for the Community Attitudes Survey at a cost of 800.00 to the City of East Wenatchee. Motion was seconded by Dawn Collings. Les Voted Yes. Dennis Hendricks and Tery McKee voted against. Motion carried. The City Attorney was asked to draft an agreement. Tery McKee made the following statement: "I would like to take exception to many of the statements that have been made regarding the Council and Mayor. The Council is a legislative body that establishes local laws and policies, consistent with State Law, usually through Ordinances or Resolutions and also exercises general oversight and control over the city finances. We approve the expenditures and our Clerk pays the bills. This Council and Mayor has been duly elected and as public officers are generally accountable for our actions like any other person under civil or criminal law. This council is accountable for every nickel that is spent. We approve the bills. We approve the expenditures. As I can attest to, as I sat in on the exit audit of our recent audit, the State Auditor concurs that we are accountable and that we have a clean bill of health. Its common practice for members of the Council to prepare staff reports. We are short of staff in the City. We are a small city. We prepare many staff reports ourselves. We communicate - One on One - with one another. We update information as information is brought to us. I can contest, that I contact every one of the Council members on a regular basis. I hand carry information to them and I say, that this is a very good practice. It is important to the City that we are prepared and that we know what issues are before us. I just would hope that the people understand what our job is here. We take our job very seriously and I am personally offended by some of the maligning statements made to the media". Mayor McGraw said Douglas County is asking the City to join them as well as Chelan County in a Moderate Risk Hazardous Waste Plan and Grant to meet the June 1990 deadline. Jeff Lewis, speaking for Douglas County Planning Department, said the participation level will be very similar to the Solid Waste Plan. He stated that the planning grant is a 75/25 match with the local government share, approximately $30,000. I Mayor McGraw asked how much it would cost the City. Mr. Lewis said at this time, the County was not requesting financial participation. Mr. Lewis said they will be surveying 500 house- holds and 500 small quantity generators with moderate risk waste. The plan is to educate people of hazardous waste. He stated that the County will be asking for a surcharge and if this does not happen, they will be coming back to the Council for a prorated fee. After more discussion, the Council asked that the Resolution be turned over to the City Attorney so that additional language can be added and the resolution will then be presented again at the next council meeting. Mayor McGraw introduced the new City Clerk, Virginia Oestreich. to the Council. Mrs. Oestreich said she would be starting work November 20th part time and full time starting Dec. 1st. Tery McKee presented Kris Pomianek with a City flag that was made from Kris Pomianek's design. There being no further business, Dennis Hendricks made a motion that the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Paul Cassel and passed by vote of the Council. Richard McGraw, Mayor Peggy McArthur, Treasurer.Clerk r] I :J BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT NOV. 6, 1989 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Les Young 2. Paul Cassel 3. Tery McKee 4. Dawn Collings 5. Dennis Hendricks 6. Nancy Mabes 7. W. V. Humane Society 8. Cascade A-1 Janitorial 9. The Wenatchee World 10. Ogden, Murphy & Wallace 11. Ma Cristina Buak 12. GTE Northwest 13. McConnell/Burke 14. Crystal Linen 13. Dick's Heating & Air Cond. li. AWC Emp. Benefits Trust 17. E. W. Water District 1F. Standard Insurace Co. 19. Columbia River Services 20. Dependable Disposal 21. In -Print 22. Patrick Dull 23. City of East Wenatchee 24. The Columbia Bank 25. N. Central Clerk -Treasurer 26. Grant Road Hardware 27. Harrison Auto Parts Oct. Salary Oct. Salary & 2 Meetings Oct. Salary & 3 Meetings Oct. Salary & 3 Meetings Oct. Salary Nov. Delivery The Wenatchee World Nov. Dog Control Oct. Janitorial Services Publications -Annexation & Employment Sept. Statement Translator Fees (5) 1 Months Service & Long Distance Sept. Statement 2 Weeks Mat Service Thermostat & Service Call Nov., Medical, Dental & Vision Ins 2 Months Service Nov. Disability Insurance Removing Stumps from City Park 1 Months Sanitation Services Newsletter & Office Supplies Property Owners Reearch-Alvin Ct. St. Dept., Labor -Planning & Police Oct. Social Security Assn. 1989-1990 Dues Batteries Parts for Repairs STREET 1. WA. St., Treasurer 2. AWC Employee's Benefits Trust 3. The Columbia Bank 4. Safety Signal Systems 5. P. U. D. G. Consolidated Electrical 7. GTE Northwest E. Standard Insurance Co. 9. Wenatchee Sand & Gravel 13. Cascade Natural Gas 11. E. W. Water District 12. Grant Road Hardware 13. Harrison Auto Parts, Inc. 14. Forsgren Associates/P.A. Depts. 4 55.49 277.47 310.71 310.71 55.49 8.75 416.66 75.00 156.48 528.02 100.00 455.32 685.44 16.26 147.91 393.85 30.25 129.18 175.00 53.76 332.28 60.00 304.00 414.00 15.00 7.61 165.94 16 680.58 Valley Mall Pky./9th St. Project 642.64 Nov. Medical, Dental & Vision Ins. 746.16 Oct. Social Security Deposit 922.53 150W Signal Lamps 350.57 2 Months Service 95.00 Ballast 31.85 1 Months Service & Long Distance 51.66 Nov. Disability Ins. 44.05 5 Yards Gravel 40.58 1 Months Service to Shop & Garage 18.22 2 Months Service to Shop 59.00 Supplies for Shop 56.62 Parts & Supplies 49.16 Engineering Services -Rock Island Road 6 764.50 9 872.54 daplvrlli -ate ZS'b8Z 8£'b£LSP-AL0 'SnO 00'8Z b£'Z £L'8 ZL'SL 95'9£ 69'L£b L saoLn,AaS uoLjPoLunwwo0 •noN 'd 'M '3 9 RVO aoLoO Z WZ •noN S83LAJBS auogdaLLgoW s4oPi s.AauajsPj SSPAB saxo8 Z ,aaSeLd 934assP0 04UPS wua6o,Ad RVO .Aoj saeaa ysnLd suoL3e0Lunwwo3-a Lai s,X'al al � -L_ lINn 6-N •03 meigoW a41 '9 3samg4JON auojaLLgoW '9 ,COew.Ae4d 3uow3sP3 'b 6uL-Ad-uI '£ aao3S bn,A0 ssaL4ed 'Z bn,AO pooj-L'au3jn8 • L ONnj quo o0'SZ JauuLLj uyop-uoLSsaS 6uLPJi uoL4e4sL6ab JdSVM *8L 00'SZ uosLJ.APH u40p •36S L'q pazL,ao43nV aLeoLjL3u80 4169 LLPW L'aLLPA aa403PuaM 'LL L6'6b uoLqdLAOsgnS jo Lemauab 6uL4SLlgnd UeLuLnO 9L Z6'9£ s6naO uo13dLu0sa,Ad XgJLN PLO-APH '9L 9L'Z5 saLAossaOV swAojLun Le4quawnLO ''jL 5L'O£Z zLn40S L9e43LW AaOLjj0 Aoj LP3LSX4d •O•W uop6uoo uop.Aog 'EL 59'96 awL4Aanp q uoL3e0PA X@sLLM uouuP4S 'ZL b9'OL Sued JOP4S oLPeb 'LL bZ'Zb 3uawdLnb3 g sLooi LLewS sung jo asnoH s,L Mb 'CL 08'b �q.AL)l PLo.APH-sa6,Ae43 LeoLPaW O W `suoLl •H LnPd d 00'bL s4uaw3PaAj-SquLN PLoaeH OLuLLO oL3oPAdoAL40 uewaLPPV '3 LZ'Lb saLLddnS g wLLj bn.Aa-pooj kajggn8 'L 85'Lb s6n,AO uoL4dL.aOsa,Ad u4PH Pa014LL3 '9 Lb'09b auLLosPO 4LddnS abue,Ag •S 85'OL 3uawas.angwLab-sasuadx3 L@APJJ .AauuLLj uyop •b 8b'£LL uoL30npa0 LLoaCPd `•SuI aaouP3 •noN aoue.AnssV ajll L'LLwej uPOL,aawV •E 00'OL saysPM JeO aoLLod -400 4SeM APO s,oLeN •Z L9' Sb Sa,ALM 9 s6n Ld 3,APdS 3a Lo.ana40 ape0se3 -L '1d30 33IlOd