HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/4/1988 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MEETING Jan. 4, 1988 Council persons present: Dawn Collings, Les Young, Tery McKee and Paul Cassel. City Attorneys, Charles Zimmerman and Robert Kiesz. Deputy Clerk Dannie Kinzel. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor Richard McGraw. Mayor McGraw read the Oath of Office to Councilmen Paul Cassel and Tery McKee. They were sworn in for an elected 4 year term. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Les Young, seconded by Tery McKee and passed unanimously. Bills & Accounts were approved as submitted. Motion made by Les Young, seconded by Tery McKee, vote taken and passed. Mayor McGraw asked for the Department Heads Reports. Police Chief Harold Kirby asked permission to transfer $1,000.00, of the $5,000.00, budgeted for the Drug Fund for 1988 to checking account. Motion made to transfer $1,000.00, by Tery McKee, seconded by Paul Cassel and passed. Chief Kirby was asked about the condition of the Department's radios and he stated they were still in working order. He informed the Council a new police vehicle had been ordered and would be here on or before March 31, 1988. He further stated a seventh officer's position had been advertised and sixteen applications had been given out. The oral test was scheduled to be held Saturday Jan. 9, 1988, at 9:00 A.M., at City Hall and opened to the Council. Nick Wiltz Code Compliance Officer reported he planned to attend a meeting Jan. 12, 1988, being conducted by the East Wenatchee Water Shed committee being held at Douglas County P.U.D., building at 7:00 P.M. Bob Goodman reported the City's Engineers wanted the authorization to advertise for bids for the storm drain extension on Grant Road, west end. The Council authorized the advertisement to call for bids on the project. Bid opening was scheduled for Feb. 1, 1988. Attorney Charles Zimmerman presented an Ordinance to be studied by the East Wenatchee Planning Commission, adding a new section of 17.68.005 to Chapter 17.68, of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code, changing the procedure for amending certain Chapters and sections of Title 17, relating to zoning; and setting an effective date. Motion was made to ask the Planning Commission to study and adopt the Ordinance, seconded and passed by Council. ' Senator George Sellar presented the Washington State official flag to Mayor McGraw, along with congratulations on the recent remodling of City Hall and especially the Council Chambers. The flag will be placed opposite the American Flag. Mayor McGraw introduced Steve Kaminoff to the Council and asked that they accept a Resolution declaring Mr. Kaminoff the official photographer for the City of East Wenatchee. Motion was made by Les Young, seconded by Paul Cassel and passed. 1 �aa LO dap a17- a okuw *passed pue 6unoA sal Rq papuooas 'bUL49aw 9y4 uanoCpe 04 UOL4ow a apew s6ULLLOO uMep ssaULsnq Aag4anj ou 6uLaq aaayl *passed pup LOSSQ3 Lned Rq papuooas °4uawked aoJ UOL40w 944 apew aalloW Raal •4uads LLam 6uLaq aaaM SaLuow a44 4LaJ pue saoneapua s,neaan8 ay4 44LM patdsL4eS seM ay pajaewaa a8NOW •aW •6uL4aaw LLouno'J L86L `6L '400 a44 4e apew 'sum 40Lym neaan8 UOL4uanuo0 Pup a04LsLA eaay a9404euaM ay; Jo 4sanb9a 044 aou04 04 UoLSSLwaad palse meagoW AoRpW pup UOLSSaS ueln6aa o4UL joeq paLLeO ULebe SeM 6UL4aaW 'u0L4e6L46L 6uLpuad a ssnoSLp o4 UOLssas aAL4noaxa 94nuLw U04 04 BALJ a aoJ pa�Se MPJDOW aoReW awL4 40Lym 4e luolssas JR Ln6aA 04UL Aoeq paLLeO SUM 6uL4aaW 'awL4 SL44 4e ua�e4 sem ssaoa.A 94nuLw Uanas 04 BALI y -passed put) 6unoA sal kq papuooas 'aaNOW kcal 4uLodde o4 UOL40w a apew LasseO Lned '886L aoJ wD4-oad aoReW a Jo bULZULodde a44 aoJ paLLeO mR.AgOW AOXPW -passed pup aalloW R.Aal kq papuooas `886L `0£ Raenuep Rq pa44Lwgns aq o4 awnsaa put) aa44aL aan00 a and asL4aanpe 04 apew seM UOL40W 'UOL4Lsod 4ue0eA a44 asL4a8npe 04 UoLSSLwaad palse meagoW aoReW •SaauLwou a44 woaJ kLuo 4nq 'uewLLoun0o Mau a JULodde pLnoo aOkeW ay4 `paLLLJ uaaq 4ou pey fleas a44 awL4 SL44 4e JI '886L `LE Raenue( kq 40a0s Pup a4euLw0u 04 94Lao44ne sLLounoO ay; SeM 4L p94e4s uewaauwLZ saLae40 Raua044H passnOSLP sem wua4 paaldxaun aeaR oM4 a aoJ meaOoW paeyOLH Rq 4JaL UOL4Lsod uewLLounoO 4UeOL ayl 'p94uea6 seM UoLSSLwaad 'aapao UL seM s,aaumo 94aadoad 6ULpuaJdo awns JO UOL4eaad000 a44 4LaJ ay UOL430S SLy4 anoadwL 04 sueLd aan4an.4 pey k410 a44 aOULS „•saaos aka„ RUM 004 aeJ aaaM aaa44 Sa9440 pue UOLULdo sL4 UI 'SOL4aadoad Leaanas Jo aoeuaeadde a44 6uLAoadwL o4 se kemlaed LLeW RaLLeA 6uoLe " 3 •M 49aa4S y46 woaJ saaumo 94aadoad 4oe4uo0 04 UoLSSLwaad sLLounoO 944 passe LasseO Lned 'Ua44Lam Se pue4s 04 40ea4uo0 •40ea4uo3 044 UL sa6ueyo Rue apew o4 a4ep 4seL 944 SeM `SL flop pa4e4s k4uno0 seL6nop Rq do umeap 40ea4u00 LeuL6Lao a44 UL a4ep DULL -peap a41 'ua44Lam se pue4s pLn04s 40ea4uo0 ay4 `886L `8L '0a0 LL4un paALaOaa IOU seM SOOLAaaS 8861 aoJ 4unowe a44 aseaaOUL o4 4sanbaa 844 aouLS pue 40ea4uo0 a SeM 40ea4u00 a 4LaJ 94 pa4e4s LasseO Lned 'pLay seM UOLssnOSLp y '8861 aoJ Dad aLa44 UL aseaaOUL a aoJ 4sanbaa s,4ano0 40La4SLO k4uno0 sel6nop a44 do 4y6noaq meagoW aokeW BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT JAN. 4, 1988 1987 Bills Paid in 1988 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Les Young 2. Paul Cassel 3. Tery McKee 4. Richard McGraw 5. Dawn Collings 6. Security Bank of WA. 7. In -Print 8. Ogden, Ogden, Murphy & Wallace 9. The Wenatchee World 10. E. W. Water District 11. Cascade A-1 Janitorial 12. Crystal Linen & Uniform Service 13. Employment Security Dept. 14. Dependable Disposal 15. Petty Cash 16. Chelan County Treasurer ' STREET 1. Employment Security Dept. 2. Great Salt Lake Minerals Chemicals Corp. 3. Cascade Natural Gas Corp. 4. The Wenatchee World 5. P. U. D. No. 1 of Do., Co 6. Security Bank 7. Platt Electric Supply 8. Grant Road Hardware POLICE 1. Clifford Hahn 2. Kit's Cameras 3. Kayo's Car Wash CITY HALL BUILDING FUND 1. Floor Factory ' 2. 3. Wells Ernst & Wade Home &Nursery 4. Sears, Roebuck & Co. 5. Petty Cash 6. Huffman Repair Service 7. Grant Road Hardware Dec. Salary 55.71 Dec. Salary 55.71 Dec. Salary 55.71 Dec. Salary 55.71 Dec. Salary 55.71 Dec. Social Security 3 286.98 Office Supplies 72.48 Nov. Invoice 2 695.03 Publications (3) 80.35 2 Months Service 21.93 Dec. Janitorial Service 45.00 Door Entry Rugs 11.90 4th Quarter Unemployment Compensation 224.58 1 Months Sanitation Service 39.58 Cash Expenditures 163.12 4th Quarter 2% Liquor Profits 78.79 4th Quarter Unemployment Compensation 65.67 210 - 80 Lbs. Sacks Coarse Salt 673.65 1 Months Service to Shop & Garage 168.48 Publication 26.27 2 Months Service 47.00 Dec. Social Security Deposit 783.04 Signal Bulbs 124.16 2 Broom Handles 5.59 Prescription Drugs 5.24 Film & Photofinishing 8.08 Dec. Police Car Washes 70.00 83.32 Carpeting & Executive Chairs 6 976.44 Material City Hall Remodling 39.07 Materials City Hall Remodling 136.38 Paint & Painting Supplies 247.02 Fabric for Divider Clerk's Office 15.76 Council Table, Table & Podium 5 000.00 Materials City Hall Remodling 22.78 12 437.45 1 W 6LZ awLgaanO •noN gseN •M aon.a8 •4da0 90LLod L L N L86L 00'OSL L 3uawL'ed Aa4aeno 4SL nea.An8 UOLquanuo0 g ao}LSLA aag03euaM -Z 00'00S £ 30eaIuo3 aad UOLjeLJossV dool apeUseO 'L gNnd whiov1S 99' 0£9 SL'ZV aoueansuj X'ILLLgeSLg •uep •o0 aoueansuI PaePuelS Z Lb'88b aoueansuj LeoLpaW •uep ;snL1 s3L;au@9 a@SOLdw3 OMV ' L 133diS SW 16b E 00'O9Z Pu0e8 LeLOLSJO OLLgnd LLaPIM g sauop `ajgjj ' LL 00'9LE L0agUO3 600 •uep S'4aLOOS auewnH 'A 'M 'OL 6S'bZb 8a3 aOLnaaS 886L saL4l3 "VM do '•ussy '6 00'ZL UOL4dLaosgnS 886L ssaad aaLdw3 aLLLnaa4PM •8 00'06 sang 8861 aoaawwoo do aagweq) '3SLg 'M '3 'L 00'0L sang 886L sLeLOLddO 08DI '9 00'9Z sang 886L 083I do aa4de40 a.ALdw3 pueLul •9 00'SL sang 886L sLeLOLddO '6PL8 do •usstl *VM 'b 00'SZ sang 8861 Sa040eajuo0 6uLLoo3 6UL3eaH-6uLgwnLd }o '•usstl 'tlM 'E WOOL aoueansuj L'4LLLgeSLg •uep '03 aoueansuj p.aepuelS 'Z LZ'L60 Z aoueansuj LeOLPaW •uep 4sna1 s3Ljauaq aaL'oLdw3 OMV 'L 3SN3dX3 1N3a2n S1119 886L