HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/19/1988 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesI CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MEETING DEC. 19, 1988 Councilmen present: Dawn Collings, Les Young, Paul Cassel and Tery McKee. City Attorney Charles Zimmerman and City Clerk Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor Richard McGraw. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Les Young, seconded by Dawn Collings and passed by vote of the Council. Rills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Paul Cassel, seconded by Les Young and passed by vote of the Council. Police Chief John Flinner said his department's activities would be covered in his monthly report. Chief Flinner asked permission to purchase six chairs for the police department. He said he had received a quote of $662.00 from In Print. The council granted Chief Flinner the purchase with the expenditure to be paid for with City Hall Building funds. Chief Flinner said seven of his officers wanted to take a Spanish course at the Wenatchee Valley College at cost of $52.00 per officer. The classes will start the 1st of January. The Council granted the request and agreed that the money for the classes should come out of the Drug Fund. Bob Goodman advised the Council that he contacted the P.U.D. concerning some of the street lights that out of order on Valley Mall Parkway and they will be repaired as soon as possible. Bob Goodman asked permission to purchase a computer from Computer Land at the cost of $3,082.00. He said they would install the same programs as the computers in City Hall. The Council agreed that the street department should have a computer and said it could be purchased with City Hall Fund monies as it will be part of the equipment of City Hall when the City builds a new City Hall. it The Council authorized Bob Goodman to contract to have additional landscaping completed at the View Point at the cost of $1,250.00. The Council agreed that the additional landscaping would give the area a finished look as well as discourage people from walking down over the bank and perhaps receiving injuries. Bob said some of the planting will have to be placed yet this Fall and that he had received a discount for the Fall plantings. Nick Wiltz said he would have a year end report of building for the Council's review at the next Council meeting. Nick said the Board of Adjustment had met concerning the Wenatchi Building and the Beard had upheld Nick's decision. Chuck. Zimmerman said the owners have 30 days from Dec. 7th t� � commence work. After considerable discussion about the work. the State will doing on Valley Mall Parkway the Council agreed that a signal light at Valley Mall Parkway may not be necessary at this time but they do want the conduit and vaults in place so the street does not have to disturbed later when a light is necessary. Boob Goodman said he did feel that a four way blinking light is necessary and could be installed as the old poles will have to be removed during construction. Bob said a signal light would cost approximately 70,000.00 and the Engineers said four way light would cost approximately 15,000.00. Tery McKee made a motion that Mayor McGraw be allowed to sign the amended contract after it has met the satisfaction of the State, the City Engineers, City Attorneys and Bob Goodman. as the project has to go out for bids by the 9th of January 1989. Motion was seconded by Paul Cassel and passed by vote of the Council. Motion was made by Tery McKee to adopt Ordinance No. 88-20 An ordinance amending the 1988 budget and transferring funds from the contingency fund to the legal, judicial and planning department funds. Motion was seconded by Paul Cassel and passed by vote of the Council. Motion was made by Tery McKee to adopt Ordinance No. 88-21 An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 428. setting the salaries of the Mayor and Council. Motion was seconded by Paul Cassel and passed by vote of the Council. I Motion was made by Tery McKee to adopt Ordinance No. 88-22 An ordinance adopting the 1989 budget. Motion was seconded by Paul Cassel and passed by vote of the Council. Motion was made by Tery McKee to adept Ordinance No88-23 An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 434, establishing salaries for 1989 for City elected Officials and employees Motion was seconded by Paul Cassel and passed by vote of the Council. Mayor McGraw authorized the City Clerk to transfer between individual appropriations within the current expense and street funds for the purpose of balancing said 1988 budget. Paul Cassel made a motion that the first meeting in January be changed to Wednesday Jan. 4th and the second meeting in January be changed to Wednesday Jan. 18th as both meeting dates fall on holidays. Motion was seconded by Dawn Collings and passed by vote of the Council. There being no further- business, Tery McKee made a motion that the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Les Young and passed by vote of the Council. lJ rZA ichard McGrawor d y ML�Rrthur, City Clerk. a I 1 1 BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT DEC. 19, 1988 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Richard McGraw 2. Peggy McArthur 3. Virginia Kinzel 4. Lenueal W. Breckenridge 5. Nick R. Wiltz 6. Ogden, urphy & Wallace 7. Jeffrey C. Barker 8. Do. Co. District Court 9. Security Bank of WA. 10. In -Print 11. Nendel's Four Seasons Inn 12. Kits Cameras 13. Pedco Credit Union 14. Dept. of Retirement Systems 15. Ma Cristina Buak 16. Chevron U.S.A., Inc. 17. Crystal Linen 18. GTE N.W., Inc. 19. Computerland 20. P.U.D. No. 1 of Do. Co. 21. City of East Wenatchee 22. Columbia Photo 23. Webpco, Inc. 24. World Conference of Mayors 25. McConnell/Burke 26. Petty Cash STREET DEPT. 1. Robert W. Goodman 2. Ron Lannoye 3. Lenueal W. Breckenridge 4. Security Bank of Washington 5. Pedco Credit Union 6. GTE N.W., Inc. 7. Forsgren & Associates 8. Dept. of Retirement Systems 9. P.U.D. No. 1 of Do. Co. 10. Grant Road Hardware Dec. Salary 739.92 Dec. Salary 1 330.27 Dec. Salary 1 026.17 Dec. Salary 522.49 Dec. Salary 364.84 Dec. Legal Retainer 1 625.00 Dec. Public Defender Retainer 499.92 Dec. Court Services 2 905.50 Dec. Withholding Deposit 3 735.00 Office Supplies & Printing 163.08 Food Charged Capsule Ceremony 9.68 Film & Photofinishing 10.39 Dec. Payroll Deduction 721.00 Dec. Public Employee's Retirement 730.28 Translator Fees (3) 80.00 Gasoline Charged on Credit Cards 54.11 2 Weeks Mat Service 32.52 1 Months Service & Long Distance 416.49 Training Classes & Labels 81.97 2 Months Service to City Hall 183.00 Street Dept. Labor 464.64 Film & Photofinishing 136.61 3000 Current Expense Warrents 250.11 Contribution 25.00 Nov. Statement 1 502.60 Cash Expenditures 217.26 17 827.85 Dec. Salary 1 558.01 Dec. Salary 1 323.46 Dec. Salary & Nov. Overtime 1 160.95 Dec. Withholding Deposit 653.00 Dec. Payroll Deduction 325.00 1 Months Service & Long Distance 50.77 Nov. Statements 6 827.74 Dec. Employees Retirement 659.93 2 Months Service 1 844.00 Misc., Parts & Supplies 95.49 14 498.35 I 1 b8'bZs 16'LOL saLLddnS g sq,Aed ••OsLW aaeMpaeH peon guea0 •s 00'OL agaaouO sloes Z 'oUI `LeAPJ9 9 PUPS aagOgeuaM •t Z£'Z£Z aogPl •gda0 gaaagS aag33PuaM •3 30 •0 •E OE'Ob aan4xL3 L24@W 'gsLO LPOLA4oal3 P94PPLLMOO •Z LU K Lwoob aa;3o0 sLPLaageW g saLP40 'OLgej AaasanN g awoH 4sua3 •L ONAJ "9018 lltlH AID Ob'9LL Ob'OLs sgaloPp •0 19 •o0 waoj pn asno4446L1 'E 00'OSL 6ULaeaH PzopuaW Paaapuab saOLAaaS sawPp •3 LnPd Z 00'9s aoLAaaS auogdaLLgoW •oa0 B 'AON 'M'N auo}aLLgoW 'L 80'09S bZ 6 L ' Z L WUL Ls'b9 00'08£ L Lb'Zsl sb' LZ 6E'6b 99'89£ SL'SEL 00'L6L ZS'LbL 99'Z6Z 09'9 6£'8bb 80'ZZ8 bZ'9b 6L'L69 bt'8£6 ZO'8L8 OL'L60 s£'bOL LE'96L 89'sZ0 88' Lb6 L6'960 446L1 6ULaP8LO OL43eal g gunoW q aegg4bll 4uawdLnb3 B sLool LLPwS sbel kgaadoad LPgaW 006 s6naO UOLgdLaOsaad figaLN PLOAPH sguawgsPaal saeuLwaS Z 6uLpuaggP OLL4M aauuLL3 u4op ao3 sasuadx3 LOAPal uosLaaeH u4op anp sasuadx3 LaAPal guawdLnb3 LLPwS E a93 6uLsnOH aauosLad •AoN BFPO s uosLaaPH A'Puvb sa6ae40 wood saOLAaaS 6uLgogPdsLO •oa0 guawaaa6y •4ULPW g ALedab OLpeb •a6e4aweN 6ULUPaLO wao-4LuO 'AoN aOLAaaS aLLgoW Z guawA'ed ' oa0 UOL4onpa0 LLOAgPd IiaP LeS • 0a0 sa6eM •000 A'aPLes •oa0 L 4114S B '1'O 'AoN 'A'aeLPS •080 Z 'l•0 •AoN 1 •400 Q A'aeLPS oa0 L gbL4S B '1'0 'AoN •A'aPLPS •080 L gdL4S 9 '1'0 'AoN •AaeLPS •oa0 Z •1•0 •AoN g CAPLeS 'oaO L 1114S q '1'O 'AoN 'k-APLPS •oa0 L A'aeLPS •oaO Bnf 9f1b0 •oUI •saLagsnpul uoswPpy 9Z A'aasanN 9 awoH 4sua3 -93 dao0 agPOMPN Leo-aagsnl 'bZ 4gaLN PLoaeH '£Z •0.4d •sdLLM PLUL6aLA 'ZZ pun3 asuadx3 LeAPal 90UPAPd 'LZ uosLaaPH 'b u4op 'OZ 'ouI M/N aaogS 6na0 ssaLSPd '6L aaanseaal •00 ueLa40 •8L PooM40al8 a41 'LL •4da0 s.ddLaa4S 'oo '00 '9L DUI •suoLgPOLunwwo0 LPa4ua3 •sL saaueaLO agPgS-PLW 'bL 'M'N auOJ@LLgoW 'EL swagsA'S guawaaLgab 10 4da0 ZL aaUULL.3 'W gauPp 'LL saadsep •W aLgP)l 'OL UUkI AOuPN '6 kasLLM uouuegS •8 LLauaPA •H APb 'L gseN a0na8 •9 A'aLgaM 'M LLPPUPb 's zLn4oS '9 Lae4oLW 'b uosLaaPH •b u4op 'E 6LuaLA '9 ga40 'Z aauuLL.3 u40p 'L 30IlOd