HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/7/1988 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCity of East Wenatchee Council Meeting Nov. 7, 1988 Councilmembers present: Tery McKee, Les Young, Dawn Collings and Paul Cassel. ' City Attorney Chuck Zimmerman and City Clerk Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor Richard McGraw. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Tery McKee, seconded by Les Young and passed by vote of the Council. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Tery McKee, seconded by Les Young and passed by vote of the Council. Chief of Police John Flinner gave the highlights within the police department for the month of October which included training seminars attended, public relations, reserve and officers training, volunteer hours, significant accomplishments. Chief Flinner thanked the Mayor and Council for allowing him to go to Klickitat County and instruct an emergency vehicle seminar. He stated that they put 30 members through the driving course. Tery McKee thanked Chief Flinner for his report and stated it was the best police report that had ever been submitted within his term of office. Bob Goodman said his crew had been hauling sand for the past two weeks and have an ample supply and that all equipment is ready in case of snow. He said they would be ' filling cracks in the next two weeks to reduce damage due to freezing weather and expect to receive the ice melter chemical that has been ordered by the time it is needed. Nick Wiltz thanked the Council for allowing him to attend the I.C.B.O. meeting and said that it was a very informative session. Willis Smith introduced East Wenatchee V.F.W. Commander Emanuel Besel who presented the Mayor with a Prisoner of War/Missing in Action Flag wnd asked that the City fly the flag to let the men know that they are not forgotten. Willis Smith said the Flag can be flown 24 hours if lighted and that the flag will be replaced when worn out. Jerry Litt discussed with the Council a Resolution authorizing the City's Cooperation in solid waste planning. Mr. Litt said this is an update of the 1982 Solid Waste Management Plan. Jerry Litt said there would not be any expense to the City but would take some hours of planning by the City and that the City may want to appoint someone to the Advisory Committee. After more discussion, Tery McKee made a motion to adopt Resolution 88-8 Authorizing City Cooperation in Solid Waste Planning with Local Governments. Motion was seconded by Paul Cassel and passed by vote of the Council. Tery McKee gave a brief summary of the proposed Veterans Day Centennial Celebration set for November 11, 1988. Tery said the celebration would start off with a color guard entrance. He stated the Eastmont High Jazz Band would play, there would be a tree planting, childrens' Choir. Tery stated that at 3:09 P.M. there would be gun salute, flyover and balloon release, that being the time we became a State in 1889. 1 1 unq;,ayoW k66ad I LO �;60 I Me.agoW paPg3LM uoRe L�ounoo ag; do a;on kq passed pue Lassen Lned Rq papuooas pauanoCpe aq 6u.;aaW ag; ;eg; uoL40W a apew aa�oW kAal 'ssau'Lsnq aay;and ou 6uLaq aaay; pue uoLssas o; uL loeq 6uL4aaW Hounoo JP Ln6au aq; paLLeo Me.agoW AOXPW •sa;nuLW ua; RLa;eWLxo.adde aIe; pLnom 6uL;aaW aqq ;eg; paounouue pup R;uadoud do asegound LeL;ua;od ay; antonui pLnoo gOL4M uetd as;sew ;aaa;s aq; ssnosLp o; paLLeo 6UL4aaW aALgnoaxa up aq pLnom auay; ;eg; pa;e;s MeugoW uoLeW 'aLnsdeo aw « ag; uod 6UL4aaW aq; ua;de sawn;DLd 6uLIe; pLnom JJOULW12N ana;S ;ey; paounouue meig oW uoRPW ''Bounoo ay; do a;on Fq passed pue s6ULLto3 ume0 Rq papuooas seM uoL;oW '00.009 0; 00'OOZ Woad £-8L *ON uoi4nLosa8 Xq pags.LLge;sa pund gseg L';;ad L';io aq; 6ULSea OUL 6-88 uoL;nLosad ;dope o; uoL;oW a apew Lassen Lned •W'd 00:8 0; - 00:9 ;e `bL .aagwanoN 'RepuoW aq pLnom dogsl.aom ;abpnq 4SJLI ag; ;eq; paounouue pup ;a6png 4JPULWLLaud sag pa;uasaud me,agoW jokeW BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT NOV. 7, 1988 tCURRENT EXPENSE 1. Richard McGraw 2. Richard McGraw 3. Richard McGraw 4. Richard McGraw 5. Paul Cassel 6. Les Young 7. Terence McKee 8. Dawn Collings 9. W. V. Humane Society 10. Cascade A-1 Janitorial 11. AWC Employee Benefits Trust 12. Standard Ins., Co. 13. C. 0. E. Wenatchee 14. P.U.D. No. 1 of Do. Co. 15. Chelan -Do. Health Dist. 16. Nick Wiltz 17. Dependable Disposal 18. E. W. Water District 19. Security Bank of WA. 20. Lori Stanaway 21. Do. Co. Auditor '2. Evelyn Parks 23. Todd L. Garner 24. Carol L. Nolting 25. Lynn Kellum 26. Kenneth W. Patton 27. Computerland 28. The Ink Plot 29. Libke, Jones & Mitchell, Inc. 30. Haglund's Trophies & Billiards 31. Crystal Linen 32. In -Print 33. Petty Cash 34. Grant Road Hardware 35. David Rodstol, Inc. 36. Ogden, Ogden, Murphy & Wallace 37. The McGraw Co. STREET grange Supply Co. 2. The Wenatchee World 3. Security Bank of WA. '4. AWC Employee Benefits Trust 5. Standard Ins., Co. 6. P.U.D. 7. Shea Construction Inc. 8. Harrison Auto Parts Reimbursement Bulk Rate Newsletter 120.00 Reimbursement Postage Newsletter 79.63 Reimbursement 2 Cashiers Checks Flag Contest 75.00 4 Meetings in Oct. 184.98 Oct. Salary 184.98 Oct. Salary Oct. Salary & 3 Meetings AM? Oct. Salary 55.49 Nov. Dog. Control 375.00 Oct. Services 75.00 Medical, Dental & Vision Ins. 2 536.21 Nov. Disability Ins. 132.03 St., Dept. Labor for Planning & Police 406.56 2 Months Service to City Hall 105.00 4th Quarter Payment 1 526.75 Expenses for Yakima & Pasco Seminars 341.93 1 Months Service 33.10 2 Months Service 29.55 Oct. Social Security Deposit 4 459.30 Nov. Delivery the Wenatchee World 8.75 Registered Voters Labels for newsletter 25.00 Translator Fees (3) 60.00 Witness Fee & Mileage 21.30 Witness Fee & Mileage 17.94 Witness Fee & Mileage 15.84 Witness Fee & Mileage 15.42 Labels for Newsletter & Paper for Computer 58.59 Certificates -Flag Design Contest 48.38 Insurance Premium 15 651.36 2 Plaques -Flag Design Competion 41.76 3 Weeks Mat Service 48.78 Office Supplies & Printing Newsletter 433.30 Cash Expenditures 180.80 Supplies f 37.17 Drum for Copier 258.00 Sept. Statement 5 201.73 Letterheads 403.16 33 613.03 Gasoline 161.11 Publication 94.90 Oct. Social Security Deposit 868.46 Nov. Ins. 488.41 Nov. Disability Ins. 42.15 2 Months Service 1 906.00 Electrical Work Viewpoint 3 784.00 Parts for Sweeper 2.34 i LO'LZ6 £L Z6'b6L E 06'OZ6 0£'ZSZ b£'bb 90'b6 OZ'OES £9' Lbb L6'06 09'Lb 00'SOL 90'86L S6'OLO V I9-66 SL'LZL 96'LbZ 00'080 b8'bbL LL'89L OS'Z9 00'099 00'0£ 9b'6S £L'S£L EL'SLZ LL'66b 00'££ Sb'OZL SL'8b 00'OS LE'8LL 6L'OE Z£'96 00'OL .aalndwo3 puPL.aalndwo3 •S ONN "0018 11VH AIIO luawalPlS .400 ail-An8/LLauuoOoW '8£ 3SN3dX3 1N3m m a Lod 6eLj alau3u03 sloPS 9 L9neJ9 � PUPS aa403euaM 'b alod 6PLj ,404 Lanea3 •ouj 'ala,aouo3 AILLPnb '£ a Lod 6PLj toj Aole,Aado 4 lon,al woo8 'OUI 'OL.aloa D k163 aLddV 'Z a Lod 6PLj ,aogel •lda0 laaUlS •lda0 —4s aa4olPuaM '3 do '3 'L ONnj `'9018 11VH AM SJaloLlS aadwn8 3HVO 009 SULd RVO SZ she Lj Rva £ SJOa DLlS SLLLS bnu0 LIuV 009 sbn.a0 UOLldLaOsa,ad saLLddnS aoL;30 6ULUeaL3 '100 Aq,ALA PLO-APH .aod saoLA.aaS (40ea OL) ap03 a0L}JPul 9 ap03 LPULWL,a3 sasuadx3 LaAe.al kgaLN PLouPH luawlPaal LeOLPaW u4PH PaoddLLO luawlea,al oLaleL40A'sd sl00,a8 •wM luawlea.al 0La4PL40L'sd Sl-AL4S Z saLLddnS g sl.aPd auLLosP9 saL.aossaSSV q sw,ao3Lu0 san0 JeaA L (loPllV 401PM poo4,aog46LaN) s3oogpuPH OSZ UOSL.AJPH u4OP s96,AP43 woos sun6404S Z 6uLUPaL3 (U0L4PLLP4suI Uod %£)'S'I'j'V luawdLnb3 4 SLool LLPUiS U0L4 pnwwV sa4sPM uP3 aOLLod '400 .OUI 'LapPN IOPC .b W10 'E PoL.aawV RV0 'Z 'ouj '6uLSL4J9APV PO4PLOaaddV .L ONAJ gnda U4PH P�AoddLL3 'LZ FLddnS a0Ldd0 4S M44JON 'OZ s.a9uPaL3 a4PlS PLW '6L '0'4d `sdLLL4d PLUL6dLA 8L SM4SkS aOLlsnp 'LL punj 6uLALonaa Lane.al a0uenpV '9L •0•W 'suoA'l 'H LnPd 'SL 'O'W `sPuPS '3 lUagod 'bL '0'ASd 'asa.aj uaLS *Cl do4S do0 a41 'ZL sl,aed olnV UOS La.APH ' L L o3 A'LddnS a6ueU0 'OL sw.ao3LuN LP4luawn L8 ' 6 I'j'3'1'V'V '8 sjo4e0nP3 kgpnoaS UPoLaawV 'L L040H aak1 •9 a6pL.au9300,a8 LPanuaL 'S •4da0 s,4-4L.aa4S •00 uel843 'b k.aas.anN I awOH lsuu3 '£ •ouj 'sl.aodS lsaM,aej 'Z 4seM JP3 s,oAe)l .L '1d30 33IlOd bb'Z68 LL 00'b a6e.APg B do4S 86.AP43 aoLA.aaS kL4luOW •duo3 sPg Le,angPN apPOse3 '£L OL' LE do4S of a0LAa8S S44UOW Z 40L.alsLa as -PM 'M '3 'ZL b9'£b0 OL wnLwaad aoue.ansuj LLa4olLW g sauop 'al%j LL Lb'9LZ .aadeaMS .ao} s4uPd afaauL4oPW u.aapoW 'OL 98'68L ALedaa 0LPPb S3Lu0J40aL3 g 0Lpeb LU03.a0N •6 '1.NO3 '1d3O 133a1S