HomeMy WebLinkAbout9/6/1988 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MEETING Sept. 6, 1988 ' Council Members present: Les Young, Tery McKee and Paul Cassel. City Attorneys Robert Kiesz and Chuck Zimmerman. City Clerk Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor Richard McGraw. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Les Young, seconded by Tery McKee and passed by vote of the Council. Bills and Accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Tery McKee, seconded by Paul Cassel and passed by vote of the Council. Police Chief John Flinner said he would like each month, to submit a progress and activity report of what is going on in the Police Dept. to the Council. Chief Flinner also requested training classes for his officers. He stated he would like to send Randy Harrison, and Chet Virnig to Okanogan for an eight hour class Sept. loth. The cost would be 12.00 for meals. Wants to send Bruce Nash to a one day seminar in Spokane on narcotics at a cost of 48.00 and Chet Virnig to a Tacoma for a seminar on homicide at a cost of 79.00. The Council approved expenditures for the training classes. Chief Flinner presented the East Wenatchee Reserve Officers with plaques for their hours of volunteer service as follows: Bill Davis, Bruce Blevins, Nancy Lynn, ' Bill Franklin, Scott Lemons, Jerry Lynn, Randy Morrill and Greg Barker. Bob Hale was unable to attend. Chief Flinner and the Council thanked them for a job well done. Randy Harrison was thanked for putting the appreciation ceremony together. Nick Wiltz said Top Foods didn't appear to have the traffic problem that was anticipated and they were doing a great business. Nick said he received plans for Big 0 Tire and has been working with the County concerning road approaches. He also said he is working with the County on handling future plans for building when it involves County Roads. Nick Recommended that the Planning Board Members attend a Planning and Zoning meeting in Wenatchee Oct. 28 and 29 at the Wenatchee Center rather than attending the seminar in Yakima Oct. 20 & 21st. The cost to be 60.00 per member for registration. Nick asked for permission to attend a seminar in Olympia Oct. 3rd and 8th and a two day seminar in Pasco on plumbing October 31st the cost of registration to be 250.00 The Council approved the seminars. Bob Goodman was granted permission by the Council to attend a Road & Street Maintenance school in Spokane Oct. 11, 12, & 13th. Bob advised the Council that the striping of the parking lot would be done by the the first of next week. Bob Goodman said the benches at the end of Grant Road came in and look great. He said there is still some planting to be done in the Fall. Bob said he still did not have a cost estimate from the Engineers. Two bids were received for three (3) user local area network computers for Clerk's office,.Planning and Street from Appleland Computers and Computer Land. The Council stated they would like Paul Cassel and the City Clerk to review the bids and perhaps make an award at the next meeting. 6uL4aaw a4; o; aoLad ;L MaLAaa o; awL; agg uale; pe4 Say; dL LLouno3 a4; palse pup sasn Sauow punj wnLpe;s 886L Aol weAoad uoL;owoad 886L ao} suoL;epuawwooaa pauLeLdxa MeagoW aoSPW •LLounoO aq; do agon kq passed pup aalloW 4aal kq papuooas seM UOL40W •saLuow pun3 wnLPPIS glLm 00'09Z`L ao; pe up asegoand A4L3 a41 geq; uoLgoW a apew Lasse3 Lned •pe ag; uL PaoeLd aq LLLM ;egM uo aa44a6o; JaoM JaueLwod SLJN pup MeagoW aokeW 4e4; pa;sa66ns as)IoW Raal •sawe6 LPLUUa;Ua3 as;uLM aq; o; k;LLlq Lssaooe s,k4L3 a43 jo ssauaaeMe agpaao LLLM ;L Se Pe UP 6ULse4oand aaptsuoo LLouno3 k4L3 a4; 4eq4 papuaWwooaa pue uoL;eoLLddV uotgeooLLV xel La;oW/La;oH agg paMaLnaa as;;Lwwoo LeuoL;owoad s,figL3 agg pLes aaNOW kaal •anssL ;e4; aoI pe ue aspgoand F4L3 agg gegg palse a4S •anssl LeLuua;ua3 a4; pauLeLdxa pue uoL;e;uasaad ;a04S a ane6 9ULZP62W uog6uL4SeM aoJ DAL;noax3 gun000V 6uLSL;aanpV 'paoH aunp •LL3uno3 agg jo a;oA Aq passed pup 6unoA sal Rq papuooas seM UOL40W aa4;oue sgangSLP XLLeuoseaaun ;L ua4M aoupsLnu a SL asLou LewLue ge41 aPtnoad o; apo3 LedLoLunW aa4o4euaM ;se3 a44 10 0£L'b0'9 uoL;oaS 6uLpuawV) 9L-88 'ON a3ueuLPJ0 ;dopp o; uoLgoW a apew Lasse3 Lned •LLouno3 agg 10 agon �q passed pup 6unoA sal Xq papuooas ua4; seM UOL-40W •agon a o; spae69a 4;LM aa4goup ao kpM auo paouan LIUL keM ou seM a4 pLes ;nq Foua6V aoupansul pLa L;ue3 ao} Jim aoua;ap op o; anuLguoo LLLM pue spy waL; sL4 4e44 pasOLosLp Lasse3 Lned (uog6uL4SeM ;o UoL;eLoossV aoupansul saL4t3 a44 ;o aagwaw a k4L3 a44 6uL@IPW su;wanooO a;noaxa o; aokeW a44 6uLzLao44nV) 8-88 uoL;nLosaa gdopp og uoLgoW a apew aaJOW Faal 'LLouno3 aqg }o agon Rq passed pue 6unoA sal kq papuooas SUM uoLgoW •pa;;eap xLsnoLnaad se gopa;uo3 a44 }o aoue;sgns a44 UL a6up4o ou aq o; saeadde aaaq; dt suauoLssLwwo3 S;uno3 seL6noO a4g woa} ;L 6uLALaoaa uodn F;uno3 seL6noO pup •ouI `6uLaaauL6u3 uosunW g;LM ;oea;uoO Loa4uo3 poo13 a agnoaxa og JORUW a44 6ULZLao44ne uoLgoW a apew as)IoW Raal •LLouno3 a44 }o agon Rq passed pup Lasse3 Lned Rq papuooas seM uoLgoW (saLoL4aA pauopupgp o; 6UL4eLaa uoLSLAoad 6uLLeadaa 'apo3 LedLounW aag34euaM 4se3 a4g 10 OZ•OL as4dp43 6uLpuawe pue W OL as;deg3 6uLLeadad) 9L-88 'ON aoueuLpaO ;dope o; uoLgoW a apew aalloW Raal •�aaM (uoL4ponP3 aoup;stsaa asngV 6naO) '3'a'V'0 se 886L `4;LL 46noa4; ZL *Ides ;o laaM ag; paWLeLooad MeagoW aoFeW •6uL4aaw ;xaU a44 Lt;un as;;pw aq; PeLge; pue aLod Aa44oup do 6uL;;nd 04UL �ooL og paALosaa LLouno3 a41 •aLod 6eL; pa;xa ou se4 X4L3 ay; se 6eL4 LLews a asp4oand PLnoJ R;Lo aq; pLps sLLLLM 'aW •6eLj UOL40V UL 6uLSSLW/aeM Jo aauosLad e fieLdsLp pue aspgoand o; LLouno3 a4g pa6panooua sapM u6Laaoj sueaa;aA aa4o4euaM 4se3 a4; ;o aagwaw 'y;Lws sLLLLM •400 ;o JaaM ;saL; ag; paReLdsLp aq pLnoM aauupq aql •Lenowaa pup 6uL6Up4 aadoad aansUL og uMoP ;L ajeg pue Aauueq aq; aaeLd pLnoM guaw;aedap ;aaa;s a4; pLes LLouno3 a41 •aal a ;noggLM aauueq agg XeLdsLp o; way; MoLLe pLnoM Fa4; aWt; sL4g ;e aoueuLpaO UP aneq ;ou saop 44L3 a4; aouLS ;eg; paaa6e LLouno3 a41 •saauueq 6uLpae6aa s,,�auao;;y R;LO a4; woal as;;aL e peaa MPJg0W aoReW •aALJ0 pooj SJ04Lean jo ssauaaeMd ao4 peod ;upag ssoaop aauupq ;aaa;s a 6ue4 og uoLsstwaad s,LLouno3 a4; palse uosdwo4l a440Lae43 pue MadaO Xpn£ ' Paul Cassel said he had talked with Bob Parlett and another gentlemen and had sent a letter to Bob Burke stating that if the City was willing to be up some money prehaps the closing ceremonies could be in East Wenatchee and he would like this issue included at the Oct. 14th promotion committee meeting. Tery McKee explained the the recommendations presented to the Council from the Promotion committee were for 1988 stadium tax dollars. The Council unanimously agreed to accept the recommendations for 1988 promotion program as presented. Mayor McGraw announced that the City Council and Key Staff would have a retreat Friday, September 16, to Saturday, September 17 at Cambell's in Chelan. There being no further business, Les Young made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Paul Cassel and passed by vote of the Council. Richard McGraw, Mayor Peggy McArthur, City Clerk 1 BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT SEPT. 6, 1988 'CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Richard McGraw 2. Paul Cassel 3. Terence McKee 4. Dawn Collings 5. John Pflugrath 6. Les Young 7. Richard McGraw 8. Lori Stanaway 9. John E. Gahringer, M.D. 10. Evelyn Parks 11. David Edwards 12. Ma Cristina Buak 13. Inland Empire Chapter I.C.B.O. 14. Do. Co. Dept. of Public Works 15. Nendels Four Seasons 16. Employment Security Dept. 17. Standard Ins., Co. 18. P.U.D. of Douglas County 19. IBM 20. E. W. Water District 21. The Keyhole Security Center 22. Grant Road Hardware '23. Cascade A-1 Janitorial Services 24. W. V. Humane Society 25. Dependable Disposal 26. AWC Employee Benefits Trust 27. The Wenatchee World 28. In -Print 29. Crystal Linen 30. Columbia Photo 31. Security Bank of WA. 32. Ogden, Ogden, Murphy & Wallace 33. McConnell/Burke STREET T. Bowman & Barnes 2. In -Print 3. Certified Laboratories 4. AWC Employee Benefits Trust 5. Standard Ins., Co. 6. Security Bank 7. Basin Asphalt Co. 8. Grant Road Hardware 9. Pacemake Industries, Inc. '10. Cascade Natural Gas 11. P.U.D. #1 of Douglas County 12. Harrison Auto Parts, Inc. 13. E. W. Water District 14. Do. Co. Dept., of Public Works 15. Frances Andrew Inc. 4 Meetings in August 184.98 August Salary & 2 Meetings 277.47 August Salary & 1 Meeting 231.22 August Salary 55.59 August Salary 55.49 August Salary 55.49 Dinner Govenor Gardner 25.00 The Wenatchee World -Sept. 8.75 2 Video Tapes 15.00 Translator Fee 20.00 Translator Fee 40.00 Translaror Fee 20.00 I.C.B.O.-Short Course 195.00 Maps 8.56 15 Breakfasts & Room Rent 207.27 Administrative Expenses 16.72 Sept. Disability Ins. 131.30 2 Months Service 115.00 Typewriter Ribbons & Correction Tape 52.24 2 Months Service 28.00 Service call, Locks & Keys 59.10 Parts & Supplies 20.36 Aug. Janitorial Services 75.00 Sept. Dog Control 375.00 August Services 39.58 Sept. Medical, Dental & Vision Ins. 2 581.27 Publications 166.53 Office Supplies 271.51 3 Weeks Mat Service 48.78 Film & Photofinishing 66.33 August Social Security Retainer 4 054.15 July Statement 4 065.68 August Statement 2 711.44 16 277.81 Miscellaneous Nuts, Bolts & Washers 79.82 Time Cards 14.17 Premalube 137.17 Sept. Medical, Dental & Vision Ins. 488.41 Sept. Disability Ins. 42.15 August Social Security Deposit 868.46 Overlay 4 727.85 West Grant Road Improvement 180.36 Bike Symbol 33.22 Monthly Service Charge 4.00 2 Months Service 1 898.00 Hose for Shop 15.04 2 Months Service 15.35 Street Signs 65.20 Redwood Benches & Receptacles 1 855.00 10 424.20 1 ZO'bb ;uLed •oj pup �ongaom °saeaS '£ Eb'L9 SLaued 34661 9L uewan4l 'Z 8Z'Ol6 l as;uLad g uaaaoS °paeogAaN °wea60ad PupLaa;ndwoo L ONnj 9NIOlIns IIVH AIIO LL'Z66 98'6bL sLLouad 3M ssoa9 OL sLLouad A';LeLoadS 'L 00'L9Z wnLwaad " SuI epzeW bL6L 'ouI `LLa434 M q sauOP `ajgLl 9 08'b8L suossal 3bV0 u04La4S do A;L3 'S cb•EE S;LanoaS awoH 04 apLng a;aLdwoo •ouI suoLsLA 6uLuuLM 'b 08'lL slin0 xaLj I so6ol aoLLod •ouI °s;onpoad aoLLod dnauLl 'E LE'EOL saauues 3bV0 Z su6LS W V 'Z EV U L SLeWLuV 4snLd OL 6na(i-pooj A'aa;4n8 'L ONnj quo a0'EL8 s 09'Zb9 A'gaLN PLoaeH ;uaw;eaal •0•Hd `sdLLL4d eLuL6aLA 'CZ Zq'bL sbna0 uoL;dLaosaad XgaL)j PLoaeH 'ZZ 93' L9 A'gaLA PLoaeH aoj LeoLpaW oLuLLO XaLLeA 'M LZ 5Z' 8Z Swaoj Pa;u Lad A4u* noo 4ewo; LnW ' OZ 09'6E s;aed s3,aed o;nV uoSLaaeH '6L 6Z'6 egnl aaLJ ,aaqua0 aaLl geMyoS sal '8L EO'bL auNd aoLAaaS LLALJ quawas,angWLab saadseC aL;eN 'LL EE'8b saLLddnS 6uL4eaad0 QasanN I awoH 4sua3 •9L LE'908 Z# ue3 aoLLod uoLSsLwsueal aa434eu9M 'Sl 99'LLZ saaLl b aaLJ uawa;L4M 'bL 89' L LE au L Loseg A'LddnS a6ue.ag -E L E9'ZZ s6na0 uoL;dLAOsaAd uyeH pao3}LL9 ZL 0b'ELL swao;LuO •dLnb3 9 sw,ao3Lu0 Ley;uawnLs •LL 6L'bb saLLddnS 6uL4eaad0 bna0-pooj Aaa;;ns 'OL 00'05 wea6oad 6uL;oea4uoo uoL;ea;sLuLwpV Leaauag 40 ;da0 •6 66'EL •LsdP3 LeH eLueALA'S uabea0 Aajoag3 sjon43S •8 00'00Z uoL;en PA3 ;uawXOLdwa-a.ad saoLAaaS LeoL60LOg3Rsd ewL�eA 'L 00'0L sa4seM ae0 aoLLod ;snbnV 4seM ae0 s,oA'eN •9 E5'EL saLLddnS A'oewae4d ;uow;se3 •99 El'9L aaLJ ALedab gemgoS sal •t bL'ZL uoL;LunwwV saLLddnS saa;ooyS s,uossLS 'E 09'ZL ';dap aoLLod ao} aogel 4da0 °•;S aa404euaM •3 40 •3 •Z 96'96b Z aaj 6uLsnoH saauosLad s,A'Ln0 Aaanseaal A';unoo ueLa43 •L 3�IlOd