HomeMy WebLinkAbout7/18/1988 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MEETING July 18, 1988 Council members present: Les Young, Tery McKee, Dawn Collings, Paul Cassel and John Pflugrath. Attorney Charles Zimmerman and City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor Richard McGraw. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Tery McKee, seconded by Paul Cassel and passed by vote of the Council. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Dawn Collings, seconded by Paul Cassel and passed by vote of the Council. Bob Goodman asked permission to have an overlay of the driveway by the city shop off of 9th street. Bob said he would get quotes from both asphalt companies and take the lower quote. Bob estimated the cost to be less than 5,000.00. The Council granted permission to have the paving done at Bob's descretion. Officer Bruce Nash gave a brief summary of his trip to Los Angles where he attended a DARE seminar (Drug Abuse Assistance Education) Bruce said it was an excellent program and he felt it was very successful. Officer Nash said 15 attended from the State of Washington. Officer Nash said he is working with Deputy Barnett of the Douglas County ' Sheriff's Office and they will have all of their supplies and movies by the time school starts and will ready to go. Mayor McGraw said Wenatchee was not participating in the program but it should not be a political issue as the program is directed for the youth. Mayor McGraw stated he is sending letters to the Disability Board and to State Officials asking that something be done about LEOFF I disabilities and stated that he hoped to have Council support. He said he was not just directing the problem to Harold Kirby. He said it is just a bad insurance system and he thinks the State should do something to stop disability payments. Mayor McGraw said Kirby's disability is costing the City taxpayers 3,000 a month for six months and those moneys were not budgeted items. Also he stated that the City is paying benefits for two others now receiving disability and he is going to do everything he can to help change this unfair expenditure for Cities and Counties. Mr. Richard Carlsen asked if the Council had agreed to pay Kirby. Paul Cassel advised Mr. Carlsen that the Council had no say in the disability process and suggested he contact Chairman, Wayne Barnhart and direct his questions to him. Tery McKee explained an Interlocal Agreement for preliminary study of area flood control and storm drainage needs for the County of Douglas and City of East Wenatchee and asked that the Council review the Agreement. If the Agreement is acceptable to Douglas County Commissioners and returned promptly, Mr. Mt Kee said the Council can then adopt the interlocal agreement at the next regular council meeting Aug. 1st. Attorney Chuck Zimmerman said Planner Jerry Litt felt comfortable with the language in the agreement and felt the Commissioners would sign the document as presented. ' Bob Dahmer said he had received a Local Agency Agreement between the Department of Transportation, Briar Development and the City for work that will be preformed at the intersection of Grant and SR 28. Mr. Dahmer said the agreement must be signed before work can start. Chuck Zimmerman said he had reviewed the document and felt comfortable with its language. Paul Cassel made a motion authorizing the Mayor to sign the agreement based on the advice of Counsel. Motion was seconded by John 1 1 'Ltounoo a44 So a-4oA Rq passed pup as)IoW Rj aj Rq papuooas °pau.anoCpe aq 6ut4aaw aye. ;e44 Uot40w a apew Lasseo Lned °ssautsnq .aayl.Anj ou 6utaq aUayl Ltounoo ay; 4o aJon A'q passed Pup 44e46nLJd uyoC Rq papuooas seM uot4oW •s6utgaaw AO s6utaeay ptes So aauenpe ut s,anoy bZ (aa433euaM 4se3) asno44Unoo 13tU3st0 k unoo seL6noo pup `(aa433euaM 4se3) aot;;0 4sod 'S'n `LLeH klto ut pa3sod aq oq `s6ut48aw Ltounoo 6ULwo344JOI .AOJ epu06e XJPUtwtLaad a44 pue s6utaea4 6utwo3dn .4o otLgnd ayq. BUL6 t4ou JOS saanpaooad 6utysILgP4sa g-88 •oN UotInLosaa 3dope of not;ow a apew Lassen Lned •Ltounoo 841 }o agon Rq passed pup 6unoA sal Rq papuooas seM uot40W 'b66L 04 686L s.apak ao3 we.A60Jd 3Qaw8no,AdwI not;eqjodsue.Aj AeaA XLS) S-88 uoi4gosaa 3dopp 04 UotJow a apew aBNOW A'aaj 'Jawyea qo8 kq uot4eot;tJeLo pup uotssnostp awos Ja3}y •Ltounoo ay4 10 agon A'q passed pup y4e,A6nLjd BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT JULY 18, 1988 ' CURRENT EXPENSE T. Richard McGraw 2. Peggy McArthur 3. Virginia Kinzel 4. Len Breckenridge 5. Nick Wiltz 6. Jeffrey C. Barker 7. Dept. of Retirement Systems 8. Ogden, Ogden, Murphy & Wallace 9. Pedco Credit Union 10. Dept. of Labor & Industries 11. Employment Security Dept. 12. Security Bank of WA. 13. ICBO 14. Ma Cristina Buak 15. Helen Schultz 16. Do., Co., Sewer Dist. 17. Columbia Photo 18. In -Print 19. Richard McGraw 20. Sheraton Tacoma Hotel 21. Four Seasons Inn 22. Chevron U.S.A. 23. McConnell/Burke 24. GTE Northwest, Inc. '25. Petty Cash 26. Crystal Linen STREET 1. Len Breckenridge 2. Ron Lannoye 3. Bob Goodman 4. Do., Co., Sewer Dist. 5. P. U. D. 6. E. Wenatchee Water Dist. 7. Pedco Credit Union S. Dept. of Retirement Systems 9. Security Bank of WA. 10. Employment Security Dept. 11. Dept. of Labor & Industries 12. The Wenatchee World 13. Forsgren & Associates 14. GTE Northwest Inc. 15. Morrill Asphalt Paving Co. ' 16. Equipment Manufacturing Co. July Salary 739.92 July Salary 1 330.27 July Salary 1 026.17 July Salary 522.49 July Salary 364.84 July Public Defender Retainer 499.92 July ayment 698.81 July Legal Retainer 1 625.00 July Payroll Deduction 1 021.00 2nd Quarter Ind. Ins. Payment 1 537.31 2nd Quarter Unemployment Comp. 133.94 July Withholding Deposit 2 677.00 3 Books, Tax & Postage 35.10 Translator Fee 20.00 Translator Fee 15.00 2 Months Service 14.00 Photo Finishing 15.26 Office Supplies & Printing 150.70 Food Expenses 37.07 AWC Meeting Tacoma Expenses 253.47 20 Brealfast, Room Rent & Food Charges 156.48 Gasoline charged on Credit Card 21.93 June Statement 3 961.28 1 Months Service & Long Distance 432.50 Postage & Car License 160.30 2 Weeks Mat Service 16.52 17 466.28 July Salary 1 068.97 July Salary 1 323.46 July Salary 1 558.01 2 Months Service 41.69 2 Months Service 41.00 2 Months Service 17.15 July Payroll Deduction 325.00 July Payment 639.49 July Withholding Deposit 611.00 2nd Quarter Unemployment Compensation 34.69 2nd Quarter Industrial Ins. 546.47 Publication 6 year road program 21.64 Engineering 1 858.56 1 Months Service & Long Distance 49.78 Hot Mix for Roadway Repair 191.34 Repair Power Steering Unit Flusher 170.59 1 29'6L9 UOL;eOeA sA'e0 9 S L' ObE 9£'ZS u[edab ;ol 6ULI.Aed xLW ;oH 98'69L 4uodue0 aoLLod sLeLua;eW £6'LZL weu6oud 8L' S LL LZ 00'99 sNoo.Aq •wM A'deuag;0P4sd 00'ON UgeH P-Ao};LLO A'deua[4040Xsd 8L'£6 sLeO@O @Lod uaque8 uapuadd0 Len;LgeH Z£'9Eb allLLoseg £6'OZ Z# @LOLgaA Sued LL'9Z saLLddnS LeOLPOVJ 96'6£ *;dap aoLLod uL paueaLO ;adue0 W 99L 6ULueaLO wuojLun ounp ZL'Z6 ;uawaau6y a0ueua;ULeW A'Lnp 09'906 Z saOLAuaS SLnC 00'L6L saOLAuaS 6ULgo;edsLO fipp 00'£b saOLAuaS auogdaLLq% A'Lnp WV9L L ;u@wkPd ALnC bZ'9b A'ueL12S ALnC 98'6£6 A'ueLeS A'LnC 9 uoL;eOeA °A'ePHOH 00'S uoLgonpa0 LLouA'ed Z8'OZS sa6eM RLnC WK6 A'ueLeS 4nC ZZ'L89 t A'ueLeS XLnC 13d64S `awL;uanO aunp £6'80 Z A'ueLeS ALnC S6'LbS L AueLeS RLnC 8 3d64S `awL;uanO aunC LO'6b9 L R.APIPS RLnC 8 ;d64S `awL;uanO aunp 8L'999 L FueLeS A'LnC 9 awL;uanO aunp LS'9b0 Z aneal R;LLLgeSLO RLnC LS'LSO Z aneal A';LLLgesLO aunp SquLN PLoaeH '92 30IlOd 00 6uLAed ;Legdstl LLp.AoW '£ '00 PON 'M '1 Z p upe4ndwo0 L ONn3 ONIOlIng lltlH AlIO 'O'ASd `asauj uaL9 'SZ '0'W `SPUpS '3 ;uagob 'bZ SLe0a0 @Lds@M9 'EZ •o0 kLddnS a6ue.Ag ZZ •OUI '@DLAuaS uo;sLd 'LZ saoLAuaS aueOawOH LeOLP@W 'OZ saOLAuaS LeuoLssa.4oud uapuau8 '6L suasueaLO a;e;S PLW '81 uoL}eOLunwwo0 Leuqua0 'LL •13 ;OLu;sLO '03 '00 '9L 'Idea s,}}LuagS '00 'o0 '9L ;saMg;aoN auo;aLLgoW 'bL swaISSS ;uawauL;aa }o *;dap 'EL S.AadSPC •W aL;eN 'ZL uaMW '3 Aue9 ' LL Rem P@;Lun OL uuXl kDuPN '6 A'asLLM uouuegS •8 Ica LgaM A'pu ea • L UOSLuueH ugoC •9 z LngoS LaegOLVJ ' S 6LuuLA 4ag0 'b gseN aonu8 '£ A'quLN PLOueH 'Z A'qu LN P LoueH *L 30I10d