HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-01-2024 Facilities Solutions AgreementFACILITIES SOLUTIONS AGREEMI NT Location No._6 _0 _7 ___ _
Contract No . 210563291
Customer No. 16243593
Main Corporate Code ➔ New CC 13218
Date _______ _
Customer/Participating Agency _c_1TY_O_F
:A_:s_T_W_E_N _A_T _C _H _EE ________ ....j... __ _ Phone 509-884-1796
Address 271 9TH ST NE City EAST NENATCHEE State� Zip 98802
• • •
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Item# Description Unit Price X391 CARHARTT FR CVRL $1.030
This agreement is effective as of this date fro TI November 1, 2024 to November 1, 2027 , with a minimi;m term of 36 months. The length of this rental agreement will commence with the actual uni orm rental, not affiliated with the start date of the Master Agreement Any negotiations of price, terms or discounts must be approved by Prince Will am County Public Schools for the Master Agre
nt. Any such changes shall take effect on the anniversary date of the master agreement. Al requests for price changes must be justified and ased upon verifiable criteria which may include the Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price In □ex (CPI-U). Name Emblem $ 2.00 ec • Company Emblem $ J.95 ea Customer Emblem $ NA ec • Embroidery $ s.95 I ea COD Terms $ NA per week charge for prior service (if Amount Due is farried to Following Week) Automatic Lost Replacement Charge: Item ___________ % of lnvfntory _____ $'---____ .Ea . Automatic Lost Replacement Charge: Item . % of Inv !ntory _____ $'---____ E.a. Minimum Charge $ so.oo • r delivery. Make-Up charge $ 1.50 oer garment. Non-Standard/Special Cut Garment (i.e., nor standard, non-stocked unusually small or large s· es, unusualy short or long sleeve or length, etc.) premium $ .20 oer garment. Seasonal Sleeve Change $ s.oo oer garment. Under no circumstances will the Company a1 cept textiles bearing free liquid. Shop towels may not be used to dean up oil or sol\Ient spills . Artv.brk Charge for Logo Mat $._1_2S_.oo_+-------
Siz� Change: Customer agrees to have emi loyees measured by a Cintas representative usin! garment "size samples". A charge
of $ s.oo per garment wi be assessed for employee's size changed within 14 weeks of instalation.
O ther ____________ +----------------+---------------
Bundle* Item# Description Rental Frea. lnventorv Unit Price
X84020 3X10 BLUE MAT WEEKLY ANY $8.424
X84320 3X5BLUE MAT WEEKLY ANY $5.400
X84420 4X6 BLUE MAT WEEKLY ANY $6.912
*lndicat�d bundled items/services
_ D _ Initial and check box if Unilease. All Garments will be cleaned by customer
Cintas LOG. No:6<r?
_ D _ Initial and check box if receiving Lin^n Service. Company wilt take periodic physical iniVentories of items in possession or under controlDate customer, j I
_ D _ Initial and check box if receiving direct embroidery. If service is discontinued for any employee or Customer deletes any of the garments
Date direct embroidery for any reason, o^ terminates this agreement for any reason or fails jto renew this agreement, Customer will purchase
all direct embroidered garments at ^he time they are removed from service at the then current replacement values.
Pjease Sign me_A
By: f^qQf^^ Sc^"4 Please Print Name ^^" ^1^\
_ Please Print Titl^ P^lC ^^5 /1/^^tf<;r
.Email /!^^ ff^^lrJc<\'^<-^ ^^-^^
Omjlia Partners Public Sector Participating Public Agencies Terms
Participating Public Agencies: Supplier agrees to extend the same terms, covenants agrised to under the Master Agreement with Lead
Public Agency Prince William County Public Schools to other government agencies ("t'articipating Public Agencies") that, in their
discretion, desire to access the Master Agreement in accordance with all terms and conflitions contained herein or attached hereto. Each
participating Public Agency will be exclusively responsible and deal directly with Supplier on matters relating to length of agreement,
ordering, delivery, inspection, accept4iice, invoicing, and payment for products and serk'ices in accordance with the terms and conditions of
the Master Agreement. Any disputes l^etween a Participating Public Agency and Supplier will be resolved directly between them in
accordance with and governed by the ^aws of the State in which the Participating Publifc Agency exists.
Master Agreement available at httDS:^ww\v.omniaDartncrs.com/Dublicsector
Supplier General Service Terms Sectioi
3. Prices Customer agrees to rent from Cjompany, and Company agrees to provide to Customer, the Merchandise, inventory and services
described on Exhibit A, "Merchandise }&. Pricing" at the prices set forth in Exliibit A. Thjsre will be a minimum charge ofthil-h'-five dollai-s
($35.00) per week for each Customer location required to purchase its rental services fi-ojm Company as set forth in this Agreement.
4. Buyback ofNon-Standard Gannents customer has ordered fi-om Company a gannent i^ntal service requiring embroidered gannents that
may not be standard to Company's noi^nal rental product line. Those non-standard prodibcts will be designated as such under-Garment
Description in Exhibit C. In (lie event customer deletes a non-standard product, alters th]ft design of the non-standard product, fails to renew
the Agreement, or terminates the Agreement for any reason other than documented qiiality of service reasons which are not cured. Customer
agrees to buy back all remaining non-standard products allocated to Customer that the company has in service and out of service at die then
current Loss/Damage Replacement Vajlues.
5. Service Guarantee: Company guarantees to deliver the highest quality textile rental sen/ ce at all times. Any complaints about the quality of
the service which have not been resol^led in the nonnal course of business must be sent (>y registered letter to Company's General Manager. If
Company then fails to resolve any material complaint in a reasonable period of time. Customer may tenninate this agreement provided all
rental items are paid tor at the then cuijrent replacement values or returned to Company jn good and usable condition.
6. Garments' I.ack of Flame Retardant or|Acid Resistant Features Unless specified otherwise in writing by tlie Company, the gamients supplied
under this Agreement are not flame regardant or acid resistant and contain no special fla^iie retardant or acid resistant features. They are not
designed for use in areas of flammabilfty risk or where contact with hazardous material is possible. Flame resistant and acid resistant
garments are available from Company upon request Customer warrants that none ofth^- employees for whom garments are supplied
pursuant to this Agreement require fla|ne retai-dant or acid resistant clothing. I
7. Logo Mats In Uie event that Customer decides to delete any mat bearing die Customer's^ logo (Logo Mat) from the rental program, changes
the design oftlie Logo Mats, teminat^s this agreement for any reason or fails to renew ^his Agreement, the Customer mil purchase at the
time of deletion, design change or tei^iination, all remaining Logo mats that the Company has in sei-vice and out ofseivice held in inventory
at the then current Loss/Damage Replacement Value.
8. Adding Employees Additional employees and Merchandise inay be added to this Agreement at any time upon written or oral request by
die Customer to die Company. Any si^cli additional employees or Merchandise sliall aiftomatically become a part of and subject to tlie terms
of this Agreement. If such employees|are employed at a Customer location that is thert participating under this Agreement, the Customer
shall pay Company the one-time preparation fee indicated on Exhibit A. Customer sha I not pay Company any one-time preparation fee for
garments for employees included in th^ initial installation of a Customer location. Thefe will be a one-time charge for name and/or
company emblems when employees ai^e added to the program in gaiments requiring erAblems.
9. Emblem Guarantee Customer has requested that Company supply emblems designed etidusively for Customer featuring Customer's logo of
other specific ideiitification (hereinafter "Customer Emblems"). Company will inaintain a sufficient quantity of Customer Emblems in
inventory to provide for Customer's ne^eds and maintain a low cost per emblem through quantit}- purchases.
10. In the event Customer decides to disco^ntinue the use of Customer Emblems, changes t(ie design of the Customer Emblems, terminates this
Agreement for any reason or fails to re^new this Agreement. tlie Customer will purchase at the time of deletion, design change, tennination
or expiration, all remaining Customer emblems tliat the Company allocated to Customer at the price indicated on Exhibit A of this
Agreement. In no event shall the number of Customer Emblems allocated to Customer exceed the greater of (a) twelve (12) months'
volume for each unique Customer Emblem or (b) a quantity agreed to by Company an4 Customer and noted on Exhibit A.
11. TeiTninating Employees Subject to th^ provisions of this Agreement, the weekly rental charge attributable to any individual leaving the
employ of the Customer, or on a temporary leave of absence of three (3) weeks or mor4, shall be terminated upon oral or written notice by
the Customer to the Company but on ly| after all garments issued to that individual, orv^lueofsame at the then current Loss/Damage
Replaceinent Values, are returned to Company.
12. Replacement In the event any Merchandise is lost, stolen or is not returned to Company, or is destroyed or damaged by fire, welding
damage, acid, paint, ink, chemicals, neglect or otherwise, the Customer agrees to pay ft^r said Merchandise at the then current Loss/DamageReplacement Values.
13. Indemnification To the fullest extent permitted by law. Company agrees to defend, indemnify, pay an behalf of and save harmless the
Participating Public Agency, its electee and appointed officials, agents, employees and authorized volunteers against any and all claims,
liability, demands, suits or loss, includijng reasonable attorneys' fees and all other costs |connected therewith, arising out of or connected to
the services provided by Company und^r this Contract, but only to the extent ofCompa^iy's negligence.
14. Additional Items: Additional customer employees, products and services may be addedjto this agreement and shall automatically become a
part of and subject to the terms hereof ^nd all of its provisions. If this agreement is terminated early for convenience, the parties agree that
the damages sustained by Company wijl be substantial and difficult to ascertain. TherejFore. if this agreement is terminated by Customer
prior to the applicable expiration date t^r any reason other than documented quality ot'^ervice reasons which are not cured, or terminated by
Company for non-payment by Custome|r at any time Customer will pay to Company, asltermination charges and not as a penalty based uponthe following schedule: | |
If this agreement is cancelled for convenience in the first twelve months of the temi. Customer shall pay as termination charges equal to 50
weeks of rental service.
If this agreement is cancelled for convenience in montlis thirteen (13) Arough eighteen (18]| oftlie term, Customer shall pay as termination
charges equal to 36 weeks of rental service.
If (his agreement is cancelled for convenience in months nineteen ( 19) through twenty-four ^24) of the term. Customer shall pay as
termination charges equal to 23 weeks ofr^ntal service.
If this agreement is cancelled for convenience after 24 months of service, Customer shall p^y as termination charges of 10 weeks of rentalservice.
Customer shall also be responsible to retu+ all of the Merchandise allocated to such Customer locations terminating this Agreement at the
then cuirent Loss/Damage Replacement Values and for any unpaid charges on Customer's account prior to termination.