HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/20/1988 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes (2)CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MEETING June 20, 1988 Council persons present: Les Young, Dawn Collings, John Pflugrath, Tery McKee and Paul Cassel. Attorney Charles Zimmerman. City Clerk Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor Richard McGraw. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Les Young, seconded by Tery McKee and passed by vote of the Council. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Les Young, seconded by Dawn Collings and passed by vote of the Council. Mayor McGraw declared the week of June 20th through 25th as International Training in Communication Week. The purpose of ITC Mayor McGraw explained is to provide education methods, programs, materials and opportunties for improvement of individual members through study and practice of principles and techniques of effective oral and written communication, group leadership, and analytical listening and related subjects. Nick Wiltz stated that the planning and building departments now has a departmental check list and said the form should keep all council members and departments apprised of what is happening in the City. Tery McKee said he would like to have an inter - local agreement with the Sewer and Water districts to insure better communications. Paul Cassel asked if any Sprint lines were located in the City. He said he was very concerned about liability. Chuck Zimmerman said he is working on some clarification concerning that issue. Bob Goodman advised the Council that he and Nick Wiltz drove to Quincy to look at a parking lot of the Mormon Church that was sealed by Pro Asphalt. Bob said he and Nick were both impressed but would like to see the product applied. Bob said Pro Asphalt would be sealing a parking lot in Wenatchee in the near future. Tery McKee made a motion to leave the sealing up to Bob Goodman's discretion and the project not to exceed $2,539.51 plus sales tax. Motion was seconded by Paul Cassel and passed by vote of the Council. Nick Wiltz advised the Council that Top Foods is moving right along and it was suggested by the Council that a meeting be set with Shay Construction Tuesday as Bob Burke would be available to attend. Bob Goodman said the street end beautification should not exceed $20,000.00. Chuck Zimmerman said Nick Wiltz would be watching the project closely. Tery McKee said he had met with Acting Chief Randy Harrison and Mayor McGraw and looked at a sample of surveillance work that could be done with a hand held video camera and was convenienced there is a need for the camera. Mayor McGraw said he felt it would be a strong viable tool. Paul Cassel said the camera would also be helpful for the 'school DARE drug program. Tery McKee made a motion that the police department be allowed to purchase a hand held video camera at the cost of approximately $1,500.00 to be paid for with Drug Abuse funds and used for surveillance work, search warrants execution, training, and other City needs. Motion was seconded by Paul Cassel and passed by vote of the Council. 1 any;u oW �66a aLO X1L3 •LLounoO ay} ;o ajon Rq passed pup as)joW Ru al Rq papuooas 'pau,anoCpp aq 6u14aaw ay} }eqj UOL40w a apew 6unoA sal 'ssauLsnq .aa4;.an4 ou 6uLaq a,aayl ' •a;ep 6uLja9w .auLn6aa aql uo sLLpd 4;b a43 sp •W•d OC:9 1p 886L `9 kLnC .aol a4pp 6uPaaw LLounoO 4xau aqq jas LLounoO a41 •LLounoo aq} ;o ajon Xq passed pup y}e,a6nLJd uyop Rq papuooas 'aa)ioW Vaal Rq appw sem UOL40W •6uL.aeaH a44 ;o saoL;ou .aado.ad gsLLgnd o; pajOaJLp spm AJDLO KILO ay; pup uoPnLosaa 4aa,a4S aeaA xLS s,figQ a4q Joi 6uL.aeaH oLLgnd p aoJ qas sem y48L RLnC r BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT JUNE 20, 1988 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Richard McGraw 2. Peggy McArthur 3. Virginia Kinzel 4. Lennie Breckenridge 5. Nick R. Wiltz 6. Ogden, Ogden, Murphy & Wallace 7. Jeffrey C. Barker 8. Security Bank of WA. 9. Wells & Wade, Inc. 10. Grange Supply Co. 11. Carlson & Drewelow, P.S. 12. Evelyn Parks 13. Ma Cristina Buak 14. Do., Co. Dist., Court 15. Michele Tuma 16. Pedco Credit Union 17. Kits Cameras 18. GRDA Publications 19. Nendels 20. GTE Northwest, Inc. 21. AWC 22. Crystal Linen 23. Dept. of Retirement Systems 24. The Wenatchee, World 25. Petty Cash STREET June Salary June Salary June Salary June Salary June Salary June Legal Retainer June Public Defender Retainer June Withholding Deposit Turn Key for Sprinklers Fertilizer Professional Services/Muse/Purcell Translator Fee Translator Fees Services for June Wenatchee World Paper Tube June Payroll Deductions Camera, Film, Batteries, etc. Design Guide to the 1988 UBC Room Charges 6/2/88 AWC Meeting 1 Months Service & Long Distance Registration Fee & Food 2 Weeks Mat Service June Payment Publications (5) Postage, Car Registration & Keys 739.92 330.27 026.17 522.49 364.84 625.00 499.92 089.00 21 .15 80.63 25.50 20.00 40.00 905.50 3.50 721.00 184.55 39.00 145.96 414.67 121.00 32.52 702.13 278.90 180.84 / ,?Y yy ADA 15 114.46 /&"ii5.1 y4 1. Bob Goodman June Salary 1 558.01 2. Ron Lannoye June Salary 1 323.46 3. Len Breckenridge June Salary 1 068.97 4. Pedco Credit Union June Payroll Deduction 325.00 5. GTE Northwest, Inc. 1 Months Service 48.55 6. Pacemaker Industries, Inc. 6 Traffic Control Signs 126.83 7. Security Bank of WA. June Withholding Deposit 611.00 8. Dept. of Retirement Systems June Retirement 639.49 9. Cascade Chevrolet Co. Door Handle 14.90 5 716.21 POLICE 1. Bruce Nash May Overtime & June Salary 1 670.29 2. Chet G. Virnig May Overtime & June Salary 1 776.47 3. John R. Harrison Chiefs Pay Due April, May & June 2 421.27 4. Michael G. Schultz May Overtime & June Salary 1 726.68 5. Randall W. Webley May Overtime & June Salary 1 626.39 6. Gary E. Miller May Overtime & June Salary 1 940.35 7. Shannan L. Wilsey June Salary 938.14 8. Nancy R. Lynn June Wages 541.09 9. Katie M. Jaspers June Salary 46.24 11 1 65'£LZ 19" 90 U18 6131 Lb* £LL o : .Momfll 00'SZ ZL'Z6 00'L6L 9£' 63 L 09'ZL 8£'S OL' L6L 00'£b OL'8£ LO'LLL 96'080 Z lda0 aoLLod aoJ auoydaLal swaWS auoydaLal luepuadapuI 'L 0Nn "9018 11VH AlI3 spae3 awe1I g spae3 ssaULsnq paluLad suo4ln8 3dV0 009 san0 LenuuV luawaaa6V aoeualuLeW aunp saoLAaaS aunp aLedaa aepea lda0 aoLLod aol Aogel gda0 `•lS aLedad aaLl 6uLueaL3 A'eW aunp Aoj aoLAaaS auoydaLLgoW aLedaa aLoLPA uo Ll LunLumV luawX'ed aunp f'uedwo0 Mea9oLJ ayl 'Z 'ouI LaPeN PPP ' L ONfl3 9nda VM1 ' OZ ouI 'suoL4eoLunwwo3 Leu4ua3 •6L •4da0 s,ddLaayS "03 "00 '8L luawnalsul punoS 496nd 'LL aay0leu9M •3 10 RIQ '9L ooexal luow4se3 s,AaO 'SL saaueaL3 alelS-PLW 'bL *MN auo�aLLgoW '£L epzeW 4aLoana43 apeose3 'ZL ouI °slaodS lsanued ' LL swalsAS luawaaLlaa do '4da0 'OL '1,N00 33I10d