HomeMy WebLinkAbout5/16/1988 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes (2)City of East Wenatchee Council Meeting May 16, 1988 ' Council Members present: John Plfugrath, Paul Cassel, Tery McKee, Dawn Collings and Les Young. City Attorneys Bob Kiesz and Chuck Zimmerman. City Clerk Peggy McArthur. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Tery McKee, seconded by Les Young and passed by vote of the Council. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Paul Cassel, seconded by Tery McKee and passed by vote of the Council. Acting Chief Randy Harrison said there was a lot of traffic durning the Apple Blossom Parade but no great problems. Mayor McGraw thanked Randy Harrison and extended a thanks to all of the officers for the way the Friday night parade was handled. After some discussion, Motion was made by Paul Cassel to call for bids to sealcoat the City Parking lot. Motion seconded by Tery McKee and passed by vote of the Council. Bids will be opened June 20th. Bob Goodman said his crew would stripe the lot. Councilman Tery McKee advised the Council that the promotion and Economic Developement Committee met May llth and had a panal discussion which included the media. It was a very positive and productive meeting he stated. Items discussed were: Update of the City's Brochure to be chaired by Noami Wood. City Flag Development for the Good Will Games chaired by Mary Ann Johnson. Mary Grove, Chairperson for Douglas County Centennial told the Committee that she would like to get the City involved and would like the City to host a Centennial meeting in the near future. Tery McKee said D. J. Price agreed to Chair that project. Tery said there was also discussion on a need for beautification upon entering the City and the Council should work with D.O.T. to improve the signing. Tery said the Committee felt something could be done to exploit the the City's park. The need for a fence ordinance was again discussed and after much deliberation, the Council agreed that back yard fences should not exceed eight feet and that trees and shrubs should be excluded in the ordinance. The Council asked that Nick Wiltz work with the Attorneys and draft an ordinance to present to the Council at the next meeting. Tery McKee made a motion to adopt Ordinance No. 88-4, establishing guidelines for the reimbursement of City Officers or employees for travel and meal expenses. Motion was seconded by Paul Cassel and passed by vote of the Council. Officer Bruce Nash spoke about an 80 hour training program he attended May 2 through 13 in Seattle. The program is called DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) and teaches refusal skills. Officer Nash will start a pilot program at Lee Elementary School for 5th and 6th graders in September. Officer Nash said DARE is totally funded by the private sector and would not cost the school anything. Mayor McGraw stated that the Coucnil would go into executive session for approximately 30 minutes to discuss with Forsgren/Perkins Engineers, the street improvement master ' plan which would include land purchase needed for such improvements. 1 jng4jV3W k66a .4.AaL3 44[o 0 •LLounoo agl }o a}on Rq passed pue 6uno% sal Rq papuooas 'pauanoCpe aq 6uLlaaw aqq qeq; uoLJow a apew aaNOW Vaal 'ssauLsoq uaggjn} ou 6uLaq ajagq pue uoLssas APLnBDj 04UL �oeq 6uLgaaw ago paLLeo mPA93W ,ORQ BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT MAY 16, 1988 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Richard McGraw 2. Peggy McArthur 3. Virginia Kinzel 4. Lenueal Breckenridge 5. Nick Wiltz 6. Jeffrey C. Barker 7. David Rodstol, Inc. 8. In -Print 9. Pedco Credit Union 10. Security Bank of WA. 11. Do., Co., Sewer Dist. 12. Ma Cristina Buak 13. Crystal Linen 14. Central Communications 15. Libke Jones & Mitchell 16. Dept. of Retirement Systems 17. Petty Cash 18. Do. Co. Dist. Court 19. Four Seasons Inn 20. McConnell/Burke 21. Grant Road Hardware 22• GTE Northwest Inc. 23. Ogden, Ogden, Murphy & Wallace STREET 1. Ron Lannoye 2. Bob Goodman 3. Lenueal Breckenridge 4. Dept. of Retirement Systems 5. Security Bank of WA. 6. P. U. D. 7. E. W. Water District 8. Selland Construction, Inc. 9. Do. Co. Sewer District 10. Dennis Automotive Electric 11. Reid Pump & Supply 12. Harrison Auto Parts 13. Petty Cash 14. Chamberlin Dist. Co. 15. Eastmont Development Co. 16. Pedco Credit Union 17. Grant Road Hardware 18. Linear Dynamics Inc. 19. GTE Northwest Inc. May Salary May Salary May Salary May Salary May Salary May Public Defender Retainer Toner for Copier Office Supplies May Payroll Deduction May Withholding Deposit 2 Months Service City Hall Translator Fees (2) 2 Weeks Mat Service Radio Equipment & Maintenance Agree Professional Liability Ins. May Retirement Payment Postage & Operating Supplies May Court Services Conference Room Rent (3) April Statement Parts for Repairs 1 Months Service & Long Distance May Retainer & March Statements May Salary May Salary May Salary May Retirement Payment May Withholding Deposit 2 Months Service 2 Months Service Storm Sewer Construction 2 Months Service B & S Engine Paint Machine Parts Grease & Clamp Propane & Recording Fees Weed Killer Landfill Charge May Payroll Deduction Wood Chisel Parts for Paint Machine 1 Months Service & Long Distance 739.92 1 330.27 1 026.17 522.49 364.84 499.92 58.05 74.22 871 .00 3 250.00 14.00 40.00 23.0 1 019.52 12 678.80 702.13 151.18 2 905.50 109.45 2 894.54 10.63 452.40 6 276.56 36 015.39 1 323.46 1 558.01 1 068.97 639.49 611 .00 34.00 14.00 24 586.65 41.69 255.31 12.26 18.40 15.51 198.02 18.90 325.00 8.99 334.17 50.18 31 114.01 11 9Z'9£L 8L 96'L9b auLLoseO 00'L6L s90LA.aaS bUL434edsLO LeW 8£'S ALudad auLl 60'ZOZ s.aelnoOUL9 e4LOULW "-Ad L 8Z'LS£ ';dap aoLLod ao} jogeq •4da0 ';S 86'£ saLLddnS wLLH Sb' LL saL,aOssassy w,ao}Lug g saLLddnS 00'0Z LLady Aol 6uLueaLO w,a04M bS'LL UOL;Lunuuy bZ'sZ saagsLn6uL4x3 a,aL3 Z aoueua;uLeW LO'Z6 sHu03 pa;uPd 6S'Z8 LaLgaM Lpueb 6UL6p03 S£'6L L8a4M;uL.ad 00'£b aoLAaaS auogdaLLgoW LeW 89'Z as4LL3 LLO 9L'£L saLLddnS bUL;euadO LL'9£8 L ;uawLed LeW 00'Obb u4eH P-Ao};tLO .a03 Lde,a0440PXsd 00'S U0L;onpa0 IIWAed bZ'9b LaeLeS LeW 98'£95 sa6eM LeW bl'8£6 L.aeLUS LeW WOOL L UOL;esuadwoo 4;L4S g L,aeLeS LeW SV9L9 L uoL;esuadwo0 44LgS B L,aeLeS LeW L6'8£S L awL;.aan0 Lpdy g L.aeLUS LeW LS'b6L L L,aeLeS LeW LL'£SS L awL4.aan0 LLudy 'L.aeLeS LeW 8b'9S9 L 4jlgS 9 awL4.aan0 LL.ady `L,aeLeS LeW LS'9b0 Z ;uawLed aneaq JD LS LLddnS abue,ag •6Z *;dap s,j}Lua4S 'o0 '00 '82 ooexal s,AJO 'LZ 4JEW-AeS '9Z aa433euaM •3 JO L;LO 'SZ se.aawe0 s; LN ' bZ sw,ao}Lu0 Ley;uawnLB '£Z s.aaueaLO a;e;S-PLW 'ZZ sung ;o asnOH sAoob ' LZ ;uawdLnb3 a,aL3 AnggayOW •OZ • 00 M -ASOW a41 ' 6 L L94OW LeLaadwI '8L LLddnS 90LJJO aa4o4euaM 'LL 'M•N auo4aLLgOW '9L s;,aed o;ny uosL,aueH 'SL L,aas,anN q awOH 4sua3 'VI swa;sLS ;uawa,aL;ab }o •;da0 '£L •0•W spueS '3 ;aagob 'ZL Lem pa; m ' L L s,aadse(' aL;ell 'OL uuxj xDuPN '6 Lasl M uouue4S •8 ,aaMW L.aeO •L LaLgaM LLePUPd '9 z Lnq:)S Lae4o LW ' S uosL.a.aeH ug0P 'b 6Lu,aLA ;840 '£ 4seN M aoniq Z Lq.a LEI P Lo,aeH • L 30IIOd