HomeMy WebLinkAbout4/18/1988 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes (2)CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MEETING April 18, 1988 ' Council Members present: John Pflugrath, Tery McKee, Les Young, Paul Cassel and Dawn Collings. Attorney Robert Kiesz and City Clerk Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor Richard McGraw. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Les Young, seconded by Dawn Collings and passed by vote of the Council. Bills and Accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Tery McKee, seconded by Les Young and passed by vote of the Council. Bob Goodman said he would like Council's approval for design work for the intersection of Grant Rd & Valley Mall Parkway. Bob said that would be his first priority but also would like design work done on widening, resurfacing, grading of Rock Island Road to Simon and widening of Valley Mall Parkway from Third Street to Fifth Street. Mayor McGraw said it was his understanding that Top Foods would doing some work as far as traffic control at Grant and Valley Mall Parkway. Bob siad they could come in with a late comers agreement but he stated that the intersection was long over -due and felt the City should at least get started. ' After more discussion, Tery McKee made a motion authorizing Bob Goodman to communciate with the Engineers to start the preliminary design work on Grant Road and Valley Mall Parkway as first priority, Rock Island road from Grant to Simon, and Valley Mall parkway from Third Street to Fifth Street. Motion was seconded by Dawn Collings and passed by vote of the Council. Parking on 14th Street was again addressed. Chief Kirby said No Parking signs could be placed, as it is illegal to park within 30 feet of a stop sign. Paul Cassel said he had not noticed any parking on the street apparently after Sergeant Harrison spoke with the residents. The Council agreed to drop the issue at this time unless it appears to be a problem. Computers were discussed and all Council members agreed that each department should have it own unit rather than one central unit. Paul Cassel asked Nick Wiltz to get more information on his needs for a computer and asked if he would need additional help if he had one. Nick said he was sure he would. It was suggested by Chief Kirby that Nancy Lynn could be put on full time as she works part time now for the Planner. Chief Kirby said each unit could cost up to $4,500.00, depending on the needs of each department. More information will be forthcoming as each department head researches their needs. Tery McKee said the meeting at Four Seasons Inn April 14, 1988 in reference to the Urban Drainage Study had a good turnout. The purpose of the meeting, he stated, was to get the needs of the City/County and look into Grant monies. He said he would be ' receiving samples of what is being done in other Counties and will share the information with the Council. anggayoW k66a aL0 k'gLo Me,Aoow pae OL AqMw •Lbounoo agg }o agon Fq passed pup ggpa6nL4d ugop f'q papuooas `pauanoCpe aq 6uL49aw aqq gegg UOL40W a apew aDNOW kJ al °ssaULsnq aaggan} ou 6ULaq aaagq pup aapao oq lopq 6uLgaaw apLn6aa aqg paLLPO MeaooW aokeW •sagnuLw SL oq OL uaaMgaq alp; pLnoM gL pagpgs pue uoLge6 M L 6ULpuad a 6uLssnosLp 40 asod.And aq; ao; UoLssas anLgnoaxa up paLLeo MeagOW AOkPW •UOLgeu agg ssoAoe saaaqunLon LLe }o JOUog uL jaaM saaaqunLOA LeuoLgeN se 886L `£Z g6noag4 LL LLady pawLeLooad MpagoW aokeW •S[PLaagew agseM snopaezeq uo gqb RPW aagogeuaM UL APULWaS �'ep auo e puagge pue �'aq oq LLounoo agg Rq palse aaaM RgaLN 4aL40 pup upwpoog qo8 `zgLLM JOLN ' pagLnuL sL OLLgnd aq; geqq pup uuI suospaS anoj qe •W•d 00:1 qe UOLgexauue pup ggMoa6 uo 4g6Lu kepsanl 6uLaaw a aq pLnoM aaagq geqq peounouue MpagOW Aosew •saLgtLLgLsuodsaa pup sg46La ALayg MOUI og sLeLoL3}o oLLgnd 6ULdLag uL 6uL4aaw anL4pwao_4uL kaaA p SeM qL qLa} aqs pup g4ZL LLady uuI suospas anod ge dogs)aoM SLPLOL440 oLLgnd aqq papuagge suosaad 6L N PS s6uLLLOO uMeO BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT APRIL 18, 1988 ' CURRENT EXPENSE Richard McGraw April Salary 739.92 1. 2. Peggy McArthur April Salary 1 330.27 3. Virginia Kinzel April Salary 1 026.17 4. Len Breckenridge April Salary 522.49 5. Nick Wiltz April Salary 364.84 6. Ogden, Ogden, Murphy & Wallace April Legal Retainer 1 625.00 7. Jeffrey C. Barker April Public Defender Retainer 499.92 8. Emp. Security Dept. 1st Quarter Unemployment Compensation 131.92 9. Dept. of Labor & Ind. 1st Quarter Industrial Ins. 1 301.40 10. Pedco Credit Union Payroll Deductions 871.00 11. Security Bank of WA. April Withholding Deposit 3 328.00 12. Dept. of Retirement Systems April Payment 720.76 13. WA. Finance Officers Assn. 1988 Dues 40.00 14. Tuxall Uniforms & Equipment Badges for Council & Mayor 185.00 15. Chelan -Douglas Health Dist. 2nd Quarter Payment 1 526.75 16. The Wenatchee World Publication & 2 Prints 47.38 17. ICBO Plan Check -Top Foods 2 607.75 18. Hartley Beeler Dinner -Public Officials Seminar 6.85 19. Richard McGraw Dinner -Public Officials Seminar 6.85 20. Wells & Wade Parts for Lawnmower 34.41 21. GTE N.W. Inc. 1 Month Service & Long Distance 464.48 22. Ma Cristina Buak Translator Fees (2) 40.00 23. P.U.D. NOI of Do., County 2 Month Service to City Hall 227.00 ' 17 648.16 STREET 1. Robert Goodman April Salary 1 558.01 2. Ron Lannoye April Salary 1 323.46 3. Len Breckenridge April Salary 1 068.97 4. Pedco Credit Union Payroll Deduction 325.00 5. Dept. of Labor & Ind. 1st Quarter Ind. Insurance Payment 563.15 6. Emp. Security Dept. 1st Quarter Unemployment Compensation 36.59 7. Security Bank of WA. April Withholding Deposit 611.00 8. Dept. of Retirement Systems April Payment 639.49 9. GTE Northwest, Inc. 1 Month Service 49.05 10. 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