HomeMy WebLinkAbout4/4/1988 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes (2)City of East Wenatchee Council Meeting April 4, 1988 ' Council Persons present: Dawn Collings, John Pflugrath, Paul Cassel, Tery McKee and Les Young. City Attorney Charles Zimmerman and City Clerk Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor Richard McGraw. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Les Young, seconded by Paul Cassel and passed by vote of the Council. Bills and accounts were approved as sumbitted. Motion was made by Paul Cassel, seconded by John Pflugrath and passed by vote of the Council. Bob Goodman advised the Council that Selland Construction had completed the West Grant Road extension project. Bob also said plans have also been finalized for the view point by top foods and the City's portion would be approximately $18,500.00. Bob Goodman said that prehaps an ordinance should be drafted prohibiting parking on 14th St. between SR 28 and Aurora. He said the street is narrow and any on street parking creates a traffic problem. Chief Kirby said he has talked with the renters but parking on the stret continues. After more discussion, it was agreed by the Council that Chief Kirby again talk with the people and prehaps locate the owner of the duplexes and see if the problem can be resolved without Council intervention and the issued be addressed again at the next Council meeting. Chief Kirby was granted permission by the Council to attend an Association of Sheriffs' and Police Chiefs seminar in Pasco April 25, 26 and 27. Cost to be approximately $225.00. Chief Kirby said the City has been considering a computer for some time and said he felt the time had come that one was needed for the police department. Paul Cassel said he was in favor of a computer but not just for the police department. He stated that he would want a computer that would fit the needs of all departments. After more discussion, the Council asked that Chief Kirby, Nick Wiltz and Peggy McArthur get together and decide what best suits their needs and get some cost figures together and bring them back for the Council's consideration. Bob Barr again asked the Council to support by letter, the action of Douglas County and the Washington State Department of Transportation in their appeal of the State Shorelines Hearing Board's findings and decision concerning the SR2/SR28 highway project. Mr. Barr handed out an analysis of long range benefits of route I (Riverfront Route for SR2/SR28 Corridor). Paul Cassel asked Mr. Barr exactly what he wanted the City to say in a letter. Mr. ' Barr said he wanted a letter from the City endorsing what the State and County are doing in appealing the Shorelines Hearing. Paul said he wanted to know if Mr. Barr was asking the City to take a legal position to intervene in the preceedings. Mr. Barr said he would like the City to write a letter stating that they endorse the actions of the County and the State and feel that the Shoreline Route should be constructed. •gnouang pooh a aq pLnom aaayg padoq pup puagge og pagLAuL aaaM saaUOLssLwwoO •gsLO aa4PM pup saauoLSSLwwoO •gsLO aaMaS 'SaauoLSSLwwoO 44uno0 ayg gPgg pa4e4S aH •W•d OO:Z gP 9861 `bL LLady uuI s,uoseaS anoj ayg gP R60L003 So guawgaPdao aq; g4Lm 6uL4aaw P aq pLnom aaayg gegg peounouup aaNOW A'aal •LLounoO 044 So agon Rq passed pup g4Pa6nL}d u4OP Rq papuooas seM UOL40W •uPLd aALsuagaadwo0 s,X4g 3 ayg gltm a M 4 pdwoo you spm I-M se A'gaadoad pauoz-aa ayg So asn ayg 4p4g 'panoaddp aq pLnoys auozaa pasodoad a44 geyg uLP62 pauLw.aagap PUP OLLgnd ayg woa; RUOWLgsag 1004 `6uLgaaw UOLSSLwwoO 6uLuuPLd yggZ A'aenagaj ayg So sagnuLw ay; paMaLnaa LLounoo a4g aaa4m 144b LLady og panULguoo pue gsLZ 40UPW SO 6uL4aaw ayg wo.a; MOLnaa guapuadapUL s,LLounoo aqg So s6uLpuL4 aq; uo paseq 6-88 'ON aouPULpao gdopy og UOLgow P apew as'AoW Vaal •pa4SLM Aa44 ;L aouPLUPA P sde4aad aol guawgsnCpy So paeog ayg g6noagg uOLgPOLLdde ajew pLnogs Fa41 •SUOLgdo aLay} ssnOSLp og aoeLd ayg you seM 6uL4aaw LLounoo ayg geyg ,Sa_4Lj ayg pasLApe LLounoo ayg'UOLssnosLp aaow aag}y •sao946Lau 6uLpunoaans ay; woa} a6Pao4s aeo aLagg aP14 pLnom geyg sgna4s pup Hem 6ULULPgaa P Aoj pP4 Ragj suPLd LLounoo ayg pamogs pup a)ods a_4Lj •saW •uL paaayje4puea6 aq pLnoo gL aans you sum pup A'gaadoad aLayg uo gsed 944 UL uo paLaaPO uaaq pey ssauLsnq So adA'g gegM wLy og aeaLoun LLLgs sum gL pue uewaawwLZ SaLae40 ygLM osLe pue au aW A'auaoggy S,a}Lj ayg g4Lm gaw ppg ay PCPs LassPO LnPd •panULguoo UOLSLALpgnS s,4je4spuPag ;o auozaa uo 6uLaPaH oLLgnd a41 -passed UOL40W •ou pagon s6uLLLOO umPo pue L8ssP3 LnPd 'Sag pa4OA 4gea6nLdd uyop pup bunoA sal °aaAoW 4aal •agoA aq; ao; passe mpaooW aokeW •6unoA sal Rq papuooas sPM UOL40W •4113 aqg se pooh se gsnC aspo a41 an6aP Mm •l•o•o pup 44uno0 aqg se aspo ayg an6ae og aaayg aq you Mm pue UOLgegaodsue.al So 4uawgaeda0 ayg pup Rquno0 sPLbnoo SO uoLgLsod aqg 6uLgaoddns sXauao44P s4[ g6noa44 pup A'q aaggaL e aLLd Xj[3 ayg gPgg UOLgow P apew a@N3w A'aal •IaPd guoaj AaALa P sde4aad ao UOLgPxauue Uo A'auow S4L 6uLpuads aq pLnoys xjg o ayg gLa; pup 4oaCoad RPM46Lq ayg 4suLP6P aagwaW LLounoo A'ue gaoddns pLnom aq pLes ggaLLLW •aW •S6uLaeaH 844 aaolaq UOLgedLOLgaed sqL paddoap pey 44L3 ayg pLes 448 M W M 9 •paPog 6uLaeaH auLLaaogS ayg SO uoLSLaap ay; as uL ssaooad aPaddP 1e6aL ayg uL uLOC og k4unoo sPL6noo pup •l•o•0 aqg So gsanbaa ayg 04 A'LaAL4Lsod puodsaa og LLounoo aq; pa6an xouual e4tuy •gnduL SCUP pey A'agg dL oLLgnd ayg passe MPagoW JORPW •aeaddp og anP4 you pLnom A'gLo ayg pLes jongo •aangnj ayg uL OP Mm PUP auop ane4 A'a44 geyM uo A'guno0 ' ayg pup •l•o•o ayg 4;Lm 6uLaaa6e 6ULpeaLd a aq A'LdwLS pLnom 4L pLes uPwaawwLZ saLaP40 •asPO ayg uL guPLLadde up sp aeadde A'LLPwaoj pup ssaooad agPLLaddp ayg 04UL sXauaogge s,44g 3 ayg 46noa4g auanaaguL RLLP6aL R413 ayg geyg sL °6uLlSP seM aaPB •aW gpym paaeadde gL pLes LassPO LnPd •A'gunoo sPL6noo pup agegS ayg So geyg og JPBWLs SPM uoLgLsod s,Xjg o ayg geyg 6uLRPS 6uLPPaLd a aLL3 og aneq pLnom k4g 3 ayl •a6pnp ayg og aaggaL 2 uegj aaow alp; pLnom 4L pips uPwaawwLZ saLae40 Lori Shull of 211 Wilshire St. N.W. voiced her concerns about the SR 2/SR 28 Project. She stated that she is concerned about all of the traffic on the ' Douglas County side of the river and asked the Council how they plan to maintain the present highway. She said she couldn't understand why the City Council would jump into the issue when it should be the State and Douglas County. There being no further business, Tery McKee made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Seconded by John Pflugrath and passed by vote of the Council. i City Cl@'vlk, Peggy McArthur 1 1 BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT APRIL 4, 1988 'CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Richard McGraw 4 Meetings 184.98 2. Tery McKee March Salary & 4 Meetings 369.96 3. Paul Cassel March Salary & 2 Meetings 277.47 4. Les Young March Salary 55.49 5. Dawn Collings March Salary 55.49 6. John Pflugrath March Salary 55.49 7. Shell Oil Co. Gasoline Charged on Credit Cards 11.72 8. Standard Insurance Co. April Disability Ins. 129.29 9. W. V. Humane Society April Dog Control 375.00 10. Zellerbach Paper Co. 1 Case Paper Towels 73.65 11. McConnell/Burke Feb. & March Invoices 4 610.30 12. In -Print Office Supplies & Printing 555.20 13. Security Bank of WA. March Social Security Deposit 4 006.61 14. Crystal Linen & Uniform Service 2 Weeks Mat Service 23.80 15. Ernst Home & Nursery Operating Supplies 27.78 16. Dependable Disposal 1 Month Sanitation Service 33.10 17. Grant Road Hardware Miscellaneous Operating Supplies 42.19 18. AWC Employee Benefits Trust Medical, Denatal & Vision Ins. 2 258.67 19. Chelan County Treasurer 1st Quarter 2% Liquor Tax 101.64 20. Petty Cash Postage, Tapes & License 152.12 21. Ma Cristina Buak Translator Fee 40.00 22. Ogden, Ogden, Murphy & Wallace Special Bailling & Criminal 2 964.22. 'Prosecution 23. Cascade A-1 Janitorial Service March Janitorial Services 152.60 24. The Wenatchee World 4 Publications 136.54 16 693.31 STREET 1. Security Bank of WA. March Social Security Deposit 889.62 2. AWC Employee Benefits Trust April Medical, Dental & Vision Ins.488.41 3. Standard Insurance Company April Disability Ins. 42.15 4. Petrolane Gas Service Cylinder Propane 17.80 5. Harrison Auto Parts Parts for Equipment Repair 10.00 6• Zellerbach Paper Co. 1 Case Paper Towels 73.65 7. Grant Road Hardware 1 Wood Bit 2.31 8. Dept., of Transportation Feb. Signal Light Repairs 165.32 9. Cascade Natural Gas 1 Months Service to Shop & Garage 75.40 10. Pacemaker Industries, Inc. 2 Stop Ahead Symbols 65.00 1 829.66 00' 09L L 6L'8L6 8L ,Aagwe43 LL0uno3 Aoj sLaued 446L1 uewan4l ' L ONnj 9NIOlIA G lltlH AlIO 4u9wA'ed Aa4.Aeno puZ neaung uoLZUanuo3 � 404LSLA aa433euaM ' L ONnj wnia -is LO LL zLn4oS ajLW 'VM `Pue14aLa-,4euLwLS 8b'Zb a6eaLLW 81'9L£ OL APO aaLLod 4ajOAAa43 886L 06'Z5 6uNSLuL10404d 'S wLlJ 89'96 ALedad Aa4 pmadXj OL'6ZL s;eoO uLea Z 9 3s9l soL40OJvN 6b'£ s6nA0 uOLgdL.Aosa,Ad bZ'LLZ kq.AL)l PLo.AeH APULWLS sasuadx3 Lb' Lbl 5L' LL OL'OLL W£LZ 8L'£bl L bZ'b0Z b5'LL ZZ'ZL 00'OL .ALedad aLaL4aA ,Ao3 S4JPd 6uL4sLul4040gd I wLlJ wLlj g e,Aawe3 .Aappa.A4S Aaded 4uawdLnb3 suoLleOLunwwoO b3A A?4sPLO9 L owwy WW6 AajSa43ULM sadel b s04SPM AP3 aoLLod 40.AeW punj 6uLALonaa asuadx3 LaAPJj 'LL zLn4oS L9e4oLW '91 •ouI 14aLOAa4O 3aC '9L 0304d eLgwnL03 'bL aoLA.AaS A931,Amadfl s,aneO '£L sw,AOI Lun Le43uawn L8 ' Z L u4eH p.Ao}SLL3 ' LL pun j 6u LA LOAab asuadx3 Lane.al ' 0 L sl.Aed o3ny uOsL.AueH '6 se.Aawe3 s31N •8 4ueW-AeS 'L '03 saweC 'd 'l '9 ouI eLouOloW 'S a,Ao4S bnA0 ssaLAed 'b sung 4o asnoH sA0oa •E saOIA.AaS Aawnsuoo A'puel •Z 4seM Aeo s, 04PN • L 3OIlOd