HomeMy WebLinkAbout3/7/1988 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes (2)CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MEETING MAR. 7, 1988 1 Council persons present: Dawn Collings, Les Young, John Pflugrath, Paul Cassel and Tery McKee. City Attorneys Charles Zimmerman and Robert Kiesz. City Clerk Peggy McArthur. Mayor Richard McGraw called the meeting to Order. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Les Young, seconded by John Pflugrath and passed by vote of the Council. Bills and Accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Les Young, seconded by Paul Cassel and passed by vote of the Council. Chief Kirby was given permission to attend an administrative class on the Coast that starts Sunday March 13 through Sat. March 19. The cost to be approximately 260.00. Chief Kirby asked if money could be transferred into petty cash drug fund to bring it up to $1,000.00. Also Chief Kirby said he would like the fund to be 2,000.00. The Council directed the Attorneys to amend the necessary Res. to incorporate the additional funds and also the Council stated that Chief Kirby did not have to come before the Council every time that he wants to bring the fund up to its limit. Motion was made by Paul Cassel, seconded by Dawn Collings to adopt Resolution 88-2 for the City to enter into and execute agreements for Mutual Law Enforcement and passed by vote of the Council. Paul Cassel made a motion that the Council adopt Ordinance 88-3 - An Ordinance repealing Title 9 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code governing criminal offenses; adopting a new Title 9 which governs criminal offenses and establishes penalties. Seconded by Tery McKee and passed by vote of the Council. Bob Goodman advised the Council that his crew has been cleaning streets and within the next two weeks will begin striping. Bob also stated that Selland Construction will be starting the West Grant Road sewer project this week or next. Bob Goodman advised the Council that he had issued a permit to the East Wenatchee Water District to correct a problem they have across from 12th Street. He stated that any damage will be repaired at Water District expense to sidewalks, sub -grade or street. He said it has not been determined how much they will have to dig. As no one appeared for against the request of Richard and Elsie Barley to rezone their property located at 1200 Valley Mall Parkway from R-M to C-M and as it does fit within the Comprehensive Plan, Tery McKee made a motion to accept the Planning Commission's recommendation that the property be zoned C-M. Seconded by Paul Cassel and passed by the vote of the Council. The Council directed the City Attorneys to draft the necessary Ordinance. ' Attorney Charles Zimmerman said he had received Committee Reports on SR-28 and asked that the City Clerk make copies of the Order for Consolidation, Notice of Issue and Proposed Order Establishing Hearing Date and Briefing Schedule for the City's records. 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Richard McGraw 2. Tery McKee 3. Paul Cassel 4. Les Young 5. Dawn Collings 6. John Pflugrath 7. Assn. of WA. Cities 8. Olympia's Westwater Inn 9. E. W. Water District 10. Cascade A-1 Janitorial 11. Jerry's Auto Supply 12. General Telephone Co. 13. Do. Co. Treasurer 14. Oak Harbor Freight Lines 15. W. V. Humane Society 16. P. U. D. of Do. County 17. Do. Co. District Court 18. Standard Ins., Company 19. Assn. of WA. Cities 20. Crystal Linen 21. Dependable Disposal 22. Security Bank of WA. 23. In -Print 24. Evelyn Parks 25. Ma Cristina Buak 26. Harrison Auto Parts 27. Wenatchee World 28. Ernst Home & Nursery 29. Michael D. Evans 30. Deborah Coppola 31. Ogden Ogden, Murphy & Wallace STREET 1. Assn. of WA. Cities 2. Standard Insurance Co. 3. Security Bank of WA. 4. Harrison Auto Parts 5. General Telephone 6. Lloyd's Auto & Truck 7. Standard Steel Co. 8. Norris Paint Co. 9. Grant Road Hardware 10. P. U. D. of Do. Co. 11. Cascade Natural Gas 12. North Central Petroleum 13. Grange Supply 14. Modern Machinery 15. Fordsgren-Perkins Engineering 4 Meetings Feb. Salary & 4 Meetings Feb. Salary Feb. Salary Feb. Salary Feb. Salary Registration Fee: McGraw & McKe Expenses AWC Meeting 2/17 & 18, 2 Months Service to City Hall Feb. Janitorial Services Spark Plug Wires City Vehicle 1 Months Service & Long Distance Irrigation Assessments for 1988 Freight on 2 Desks March Dog Control 2 Months Service to City Hall Feb. Services March Disability Insurance March Medical, Dental & Vision I 3 Weeks Mat Service 1 Months Sanitation Services Feb. Social Security Deposit Office Supplies Translator Fee Translator Fee Parts Vehicle Repair 11 Publications File Cabinet, Clock Y Hard Board Witness Fee & Mileage Witness Fee & Mileage Jan. Invoice e Olympia ns. March Medical, Dental & Vision Ins March Disability Ins. Feb. Social Security Deposit Parts & Supplies for Repairs & Mai 1 Months Service & Long Distance Brakes for Flusher Tubing Paint & Beads Parts & Supplies 2 Months Service 1 Months Service to Shop & Garage Solvent & Motor Oil Gasoline & X-10 Additive Parts & Freight for Sweeper W. Grant Road Storm Sewer Extenti ntenance on 184.98 369.96 184,98 55.49 55.49 27.75 120.00 298.41 20.75 45.00 25.20 403.80 416.40 49.50 375.00 365.00 2 905.50 129.71 2 420.13 35.70 39.58 4 014.73 135.92 20.00 20.00 98.99 292.24 76.39 30.38 16.03 3 359.16 16 592.17 488.41 42.15 921.94 65.61 51.66 201 .54 39.04 2 200.36 9.62 1 886.00 146.37 269.61 177.82 16.64 557.21 7 073.98 F-- L-1 1 9V 9£I 0£'8b 6eLj a44 6UL446LI JOI SL12LJ04RW •ouI °apeM q SLLaM 'E ££'£E ILEO aOLAaaS q aLedali fool aooO lope Aa4ua0 431anoaS aLo4A'ay 'Z £8'b9 saALa4S ao; LeLaa3eW 6uLPLoa •00 40ON 'M 'l '1 ONnj 9NIOlIAG IIVH AlIO £S'£££ 9 10,9E s4uaw4e3$ 009 '00 Mea90W 941 ' L L 90'££ saLLddnS 6uLle,49d0 93uno0 4ewou4LnW '91 9L'6L saaPLOH OLPea 9 44Lwsa844e8l `aallLW '0 RLLeM '9L 09'969 sw.aojluq q s.aazlue6.a0 3eaS 'saee aOLAaaS swao.4pn LequawnL8 'bL 8g• ZZ seuualuy ao-4 sued s0 Lu0a40a 13 au Ld LV ' £ L bL'LZ s6naO uoL3dLaOsaad u4eH PaOS4b13 'ZL 98'£Z3 6uLueaLO wao;Luq •qaj s.aaueOLO a3e4S-NW 'LL W tzz aOLAaaS LLALO SuoL4e3Llgnd sawn aL44RDS a41 'OL Z6'Lb S4ULad q 6uLgSiUL}o304d `wllj 0404d " aH I SalLeA aLddtl '6 91'066 Z aaj 6uLsnOH JDUOSL.ad •ue£ aa,ansea.al "00 ueLa40 '8 00,0E sayseM ae0 aOLLOd qaj 4seM ae0 s,ORQN •L OL'9EV auLLoseg "S Le9 69b •00 A'LddnS 96ueag '9 OL'bLL sae0 aOLLOd ao; LW a04OW wnaLoa4ad LP- ua0 44aON 'S 9L'8£L kaeLeS kRNLOH A'aLgaM 'M LLePUeM 'b 69'OL AaeleS AePLLOH zLn4oS '9 Lae4OLW '£ 8L'LbL RaeLeS AePLLOH 4seN •M aonae •Z 69'9L A'aeLeS A'ePLLOH 6LuaLA '9 4940 'L 30I10d