HomeMy WebLinkAbout2/12/1988 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCity of East Wenatchee ' Council Meeting Feb. 12, 1988 Council Persons present: Dawn Collings, Les Young, and Paul Cassel. City Attorney Charles Zimmerman. Peggy McArthur, City Clerk. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor Richard McGraw. Councilman Paul Cassel recommended that John Pflugrath be appointed to the vacant Council Position. There being no other recommendations, Mayor McGraw accepted the recommendation and administered the Oath of Office for Council Position No. 5 and welcomed Mr. Pflugrath back. Motion was made by Paul Cassel, seconded by Dawn Collings to approve the minutes of the previous meeting and passed by vote of the Council. Motion was made by Dawn Collings, seconded by John Pflugrath to accept the bills and accounts as submitted and passed by vote of the Council. Chuck Zimmerman said he had received a Note for Motion Docket concerning the Shoreline Hearing - SR-28. Each Council member stated they would appreciate a copy. Upon the recommendation of Forsgren/Perkins Engineering, Les Young made a motion to accept the low bid of 25,680.68 from Selland Construction for the West Grant Road Storm Sewer. Seconded by Dawn Collings. Les Young, Dawn Collings and John Pflugrath voted yes. Paul Cassel abstained. Motion carried. A Public Hearing date of March 7 was set to consider adding a new section 17.68.055 to Chapter 17.68 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code, Changing the Procedure for Ammending Certain Chapters and Sections of Title 17 Relating to Zoning. A Public Hearing date of March 7 was set to consider the rezone request of Richard and Elsie Barley. Mayor McGraw reminded the Council of the Legislative Action Conference to be held in Olympia February 17th and 18th. Mayor McGraw stated that he and Tery McKee would be attending and said he felt it would be of interest to all council members. Gordon West, Chairman of Ski the Sunny Side Group, requested $1,000.00 for reprinting of their brochure to encourage winter tourism. The Council agreed that their program is good and that they put out a great brochure but felt that the City had committed most of its Stadium funds for 1988. The Council asked Mr. West to come back the latter part of May or first part of June when they have had a better idea of how the funds are coming in for 1988 as the funds appear to be down from previous years. 1 4-AaLO R,413 °,an oW 966ad JORPW `Me,agoW p.ae La 1 •L�ounoo aqq }o agoA f'q passed pup 6unoA sal kq papuooas u,anoppe oq uo[gow a appw Lassen Lned °ssaULsnq Aa4q,an_4 ou 6uLaq a,aagl BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT FEB. 12, 1988 ' CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Richard McGraw Feb. Salary 739.99 2. Jeffrey C. Barker Feb. Public Defender Retainer 499.92 3. Peggy McArthur Feb. Salary 1 330.27 4. Virginia Kinzel Feb. Salary 1 026.17 5. Lenueal Breckenridge Feb. Salary 522.49 6. Nick Wiltz Feb. Salary 364.84 7. Ogden, Ogden, Murphy and Wallace Feb. Legal Retainer 1 625.00 8. Pedco Credit Union Feb. Payroll Deduction 850.00 9. Do., Co., Dist., Court Feb. Court Services 2 905.50 10. Dept. of Retirement Systems Feb. Payment 712.08 11. Security Bank of WA. Feb. Withholding Deposit 3 243.00 12. McConnell/Burke Jan. Invoice 2 741.12 13. Assn. of WA. Cities Registration Fee Workshop (R. McGraw) 40.00 14. I. I. of M. C. Annual Membership Fee (Treasurer/Clerk) 35.00 15. David Rodstot, Inc. Toner for Copier 29.03 16. WA. Int. for Policey Studies Registration Fee (R. McGraw) 40.00 17. In Print Office Supplies 123.91 18. Crystal Linen 3 Weeks Mat Service 35.70 19. Petty Cash Postage, Registration Supplies, etc. 177.12 20. Grant Road Hardware Miscellaneous Parts & Supplies 14.96 17 056.10 STREET DEPT. 1. Robert Goodman Feb. Salary 1 458.01 2. Ronald Lannoye Feb. Salary 1 405.72 3. Lenueal Breckenridge Feb. Salary 1 248.60 4. Dept. of Retirement Systems Feb. Payment 678.87 5. Pedco Credit Union Feb. Payroll Deduction 425.00 6. Security Bank of WA. Feb. Withholding Deposit 661.00 7. Moses Lake Truck & Auto Wrecking, Inc. Part for Truck #4 268.75 8. Northwest Bearing Parts & Supplies 64.57 9. Wells & Wade, Inc. Materials for Flusher 24.12 10. Forsgren-Perkins Engineering Storm Drain Extention 3 861.60 11. Chelan -Douglas Utilities Council Membership Dues for 1988 150.00 12. Petty Cash Postage 4.87 13. Grant Road Hardware Miscellaneous Parts & Supplies 43.71 10 294.82 POLICE 1. Harold Kirby Feb. Salary 1 870.35 2. Bruce Nash Feb. Salary 1 583.09 3. Chet Virnig Feb. Salary 1 634.96 4. John Harrison Feb. Salary 1 812.97 S. Michael Schulz Feb. Salary 1 621.11 6. Randall Webley Feb. Salary 1 597.51 7. Shannon Wilsey Feb. Salary 938.14 8. Nancy Lynn Feb. Salary 494.54 9. Katie Jaspers Feb. 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