HomeMy WebLinkAbout2/1/1988 - City Council - City Council Meeting Minutes (2)CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MEETING Feb. 1, 1988 ' Council persons present: Dawn Collings, Tery McKee and Paul Cassel. Attorney Chuck Zimmerman. City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor Richard McGraw. Motion was made by Tery McKee, seconded by Paul Cassel to approve the minutes of the previous meeting and passed by vote of the Council. Motion was made by Paul Cassel, seconded by Tery McKee approving the bills and accounts and passed by vote of the Council. Chief Kirby said Nancy Lynn had been hired as partime records clerk for the police department. Mayor Richard McGraw asked Chief Kirby to give a progress report on the position in six months. Chief Kirby said the new cars are expected March 31st and that the police radios have been ordered. Nick Wiltz advised Paul Cassel that he had some information concerning property on Valley Mall Parkway between 9th st. and the P.U.D. and would contact him during the week about it. Chuck Zimmerman said his office had received Finding, Conclusion and Order of the 'Shorelines Hearings Board in reference to SR-28. The Council asked that copies be made for the Mayor and each Council member. The Council set a Hearing date of Tuesday, February 16, 1988 adding a new section 17.68.005 to Chapter 17.68 of the East Wenatchee Municipal Code, Changing the procedure for amending certain chapters and sections of Title 17 relating to zoning; and setting an effective date. Councilman Tery McKee announced that a meeting with the Soil Conservation District set for Feb. 2nd in City Hall had been canceled as information that was needed for the meeting was not available at this time. He said another meeting date would be scheduled. Dr. Gahringer passed around a layout of an ad that will be placed in the Cascade Loop Brochure for the Council's input. The Council approved the layout and Mayor McGraw authorized the Chamber of Commerce to accept the work order. Paul Cassel made a motion, seconded by Dawn Collings to allow the Barracuda Swim Team to erect a fireworks stand within the City limits as requested by John Rolfs. Motion passed by vote of the Council. Wayne Barnhart, representing the East Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce, submitted a Lodging Tax Allocation Application asking that the Council grant Hotel/Motel tax funds in the amount of $3,500.00 to promote tourism in the form of the 3rd annual classy Chassis parade on May 6th, 1988 at 7:00 P.M. Motion was made by Tery McKee to ' grant the Chamber $3,500.00 to support the Classy Chassis Parade, seconded by Paul Cassel and passed by vote of the Council. 1 ,an44uHoW S'66ad ' I al0 k4L0 MP,A90W PUe4OLd JOR3 'LLounoO a44 So a40A Fq passed pup ' SbULLLOO uMpO Lq papuooas `uunoCpP o4 panow @BNOW kaal 'SSauLsnq ,4a44,an4 ou 6uLaq aua41 942p 6UL4aaw uPLn6au a44 uo sLLP} L'ep s4uaplsaud sp 6uL4aaw LLounoO 4xau a44 Uo} 49s sum 449L •qaj 'R.Aauo14e4s Mau 6uL4uLAd a,ao4aq pue4 Uo ane4 4a44 pea4ua44aL a44 do asn pLno4s s4uaw4uedap a44 4L04 a4 PCPs OSIP pue UOLSLoap a 6uLIPw aAo_4aq aun6L; 4soo P RAL PLnoM a4 pies LassPO LnPd •PP84ua44aL R4L0 JOS 060L Mau a Passauppe aaNOW RJ al •pagdope sPM L-88 *ON a0UPuLPuO 'LLounoO a44 So a40A kq passed PUP s6ULLLO3 uMpO kq papuooas 'LassPJ LnPd X'q apPw UOL40W uod0 '886L `9L 'qaj LL4un pauodgsod seM splq SO 6uLPJPMP 'wn,aonb a 30 IoPL uoj 4saua4uL SO 4oLL3uoo P o4 anp 6UL40A wo,a4 ule4squ 04 aAP4 pLnoM a4 PIPS LassPO LnPd 'UOL43nu4suo0 pueLLaS So pLq MoL 944 uaplsuoo LLounoO a44 pa4sa66ns PUP 99'bb6`£Z do Le404 P J04 II '40S 99'88L`Z I '43S 00'99L'LZ seM a4Pm14sa s,,a9auL6u3 aq4 plus 6uLua8uL6u3 suLIJad 'ua,a6suoj do 'aulPJazLuB 66a.Ag 'S9'bb6'£Z }o Lp4o4 P u04 8£'86L'Z II 'VS - 0£'Z8b`£Z I '4os UOL4onu4suo0 pueLLaS 'Z '9Z'69Z`8E }o LP404 e uod 9Z'68Z`b II '4oS - 00'0L6`££ I '40S UOL4e6LuuI SLea4oLW 'L ' :sMOLLOJ se UOLsua4x3 aaMas wAo4S peon 4UP.40 •M a44 JOS PaALaoa.a a,aaM splq oMl • suoL4sanb ICUP aAP4 L'ag4 4L AO40aAL0 4da0 slAPd a44 4op4uoo pup 4uodau 044 MaLAaJ PLnoM Ra44 4e44 jalue8 -JW paSIAPP LLounoO a41 •4uodab L86L ua4upnp 44,anoj s,4uaw4upda0 a44 6uLuuaouoo suoL4sanb L'ue peq LLounoO a44 }L palse aalue8 •uW ',ao43a.aLa se 4uawaOPLdaA sL4 `LIa4o4LW wLC paonpou4uL 4uaw4upda0 UOL4Paaoaa PUP slJPd L'4uno0 sPL6no0 a44 40 JOj0aJLO 'uaIJ29 wLC BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT FEB. 1, 1988 ' CURRENT EXPENSE T. Richard McGraw Payment for 4 Meetings 184.98 2. Paul Cassel Salary, 3 Meetings & Banquet 343.71 3. Tery McKee Salary, 4 Meetings & Banquet 389.96 4. Dawn Collings Salary 55.49 5. Les Young Salary 55.49 6. The McGraw Co. 500 Letter Head 99.55 7. Richard McGraw Reimbursement for Expenses 31.50 8. Security Bank of WA. Jan. Social Security 3 714.94 9. W. Valley Humane Society Feb. Dog Control 375.00 10. Crystal Linen 2 Weeks Rug Service 23.80 11. General Supply Co. Bathroom Supplies 62.09 12. Standard Insurance Co. Feb. Disability Ins. 108.05 13. Cascade Janitorial Service Jan. Janitorial Services 45.00 14. AWC Feb. Medical, Dental & Vision Ins. 2 142.27 15. Dependable Disposal Jan. Sanitation Services 33.10 16. In -Print Office Supplies 82.50 17. Ma Cristina Buak Translator Fees (2) 40.00 7 787.43 STREET 1. Cascade Natural Gas 1 Months Service to Shop & Garage 241.19 ' 2. The Wenatchee World Call for Bids Publication 96.58 3. Security Bank of WA. Jan. Social Security 936.65 4. General Supply Co. Bathroom Supplies 91.45 5. Standard Ins. Co. Feb. Disability Ins. 42.15 6. AWC Feb. Medical, Dental & Vision Ins. 488.41 7. The Keyhole Security Center Repair Shop Door 68.80 1 965.23 POLICE DEPT. 1. Nancy Lynn Jan. Salary 131.38 2. Kayo's Car Wash Jan. Police Car Washes 70.00 3. Eastside Paint & Glass Paint for Desks 44.25 4. Chelan -Do. Peace Officers Assn. Dues 1988 Firing Range 200.00 5. Grange Supply Co. Gasoline 372.09 6. WA. St. Criminal Justice Traing Com. 7 Sets RCW 135.83 7. Ernst Home Center 7 Keys 8.95 8. Clifford Hahn Prescription Drugs 5.06 967.56 CITY HALL BUILDING FUND 1. The McGraw Co. Display Emblem Council Chambers 266.60 2. Wells & Wade Power Center Council Table 8.35 3. David Rodstal, Inc. Mita Copier, Assessories & Tax 5 987.75 6 262.70