HomeMy WebLinkAbout1/21/1988 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MEETING Jan. 21, 1988 Council persons present: Les Young, Tery McKee and Dawn Collings. City Attorneys Robert Kiesz and Charles Zimmerman. City Clerk Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor Richard McGraw. Motion was made by Les Young, seconded by Dawn Collings to approve the minutes of the previous meeting and passed by vote of the Council. Motion was made by Tery McKee, seconded by Les Young approving the bills and accounts and passed by vote of the Council. Nick Wiltz advised the Council of a planning meeting Monday January 25th to discuss a Rezone and Ed Dillon Developemnt Plan and an Ordinance for rules governing the Planning Commission. Bob Goodman said his crew finished all snow removal. The Council granted Bob Goodman permission to purchase an electric hoist for the one ton truck at a cost estimate of 1,300.00. Mayor McGraw was asked by the Council to review the Criminal Code as an update in the code is needed and the attorneys are updating other city's Criminal Codes and it would be cost effective for the City to have their Code updated at the same time. Mayor McGraw said there were some Ordinances on the City's books that he does not think should be changed. Mayor McGraw agreed to Meet with Chief Kirby and go over the ordinances as the attorneys said it would not matter if there were only a few that the City wished to keep the same as they are now. Chief Kirby said he and Mayor McGraw reviwed the three applicants scores and Gary Miller, former police officer from Grandview has been hired and will be starting with the City the 5th of February. Chief Kirby stated that he has had nine years experience. Chief Kirby said the part-time person hired to assist in the police department was not acceptable and he wanted permission to hire a lady now working for Ogden, Ogden, Murphy & Wallace. He stated that she is not Pen -tad qualified. Also, Chief Kirby asked that her medical be paid by the City. After some discussion, the Council asked Mayor McGraw to meet with Chief Kirby and discuss the position and they would leave the decision up to the Mayor as the Chief said someone is needed now. Councilman Tery McKee gave a brief overview of the flood control/City-County project meeting that was held January 12, 1988. He said another meeting will be held Feb. 2, 1988 in the City's Council Chambers to discuss Routing alternatives, unit costs per station to determine jurisdictional benefits from Federal Dollars, further invest- igation of Public Works Trust Fund Loans to see how viable the project will be to the City/County. ' Councilman McKee also said the staff will take a preliminary review of land right per alternative routes and talk to the Department of Transportation about using State Right/of/way where possible. Nick Wiltz will be working with the Soil Conservation Dist. and the Dept. of Transportation concerning the crossing of SR 28 to to the river. The area may have to be surveyed and City and County will have to participate in the survey cost if another route is more feasible. 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McConnell/Burke 2. Ma Cristina Buak 3. Evelyn Parks 4. Terence McKee 5. Dept. of Labor & Industries 6. Ogden, Ogden, Murphy & Wallace STREET DEPARTMENT 1. Dept. of Labor & Industries 2. Webpco, Inc. 3. Grant Road Hardware POLICE DEPARTMENT 1. Mid State Cleaners 2. Bee Line Towing 3. City of East Wenatchee 4. Robert E. Sands 5. Whiteman Tire 6. Clifford Hahn 7. Security Bank of Washington 8. Harrison Auto Parts 9. Chelan Co., Treasurer 10. In Print 11. Shell Oil Co. CITY HALL BUILDING FUND 1. City of E. Wenatchee 2. Wells & Wade, Inc. 3. L.W. Koch Co. 4. Sears, Roebuck & Co. 5. Lombard's Hardwood Supply 6. Grant Road Hardware 7. Pay n Pak 8. In Print Dec. 1987 Invoice 742.41 Translator Fees (3) 45.00 Translator Fee 15.00 Reimbursement Long Distance Calls 18.66 4th Quarter Ind. Insurance 1 226.70 Dec. Invoices 3 032.15 5 079.92 4th Quarter Ind. Insurance 632.05 1M Street Fund Warrants 169.27 Router Bit, Blade & Molding 38.43 839.75 Dec. Uniform Cleaning 169.32 Towing Impounded Car 48.38 St. Dept. Labor for Police 110.70 Psychotherapy for Clifford Hahn 500.00 8 Tires Police Cars 441.18 John Alger, M.D. Services 52.00 Social Security & Withholding 93.12 G E Bulb 14.96 Dec. Prisoner Housing Fee 3 368.65 Office Supplies 63.86 Gasoline Credit Card Charges 17.27 4 879.44 St. Dept. Labor Remodling C. Hall 3 396.24 Flag Pole & Assessories 181.55 Materials for Remodling 428.86 Paint 21.48 Materials 70.07 Materials 142.19 Materials 276.61 2 Desks, 2 Returns & 2 Buddy Desk Organiziers 1 047.49 .17iI E,L 00'00L 00'£b 00'9Z 8S'086 L ZL'Z6 00'S 00' S LZ 09'£9Z bZ'9b b L' 8E 6 9Z' 9 LL L SS' £9L L 80'SL8 L L9'£09 L ZO'E6L L SE' OL8 L 8Z' L L8 9 9L'96b L6'LZb L L L' ZLZ L £S'6b 00'bL LL' 689 00' LOL 00'SZb 69' Lb OS' 9£Z L0'89b l 9Z'bZ6 ZL 00' OZ SL'9Z9 L SE'L9 £b'LSE 08'£Z 90'6LL 00'bL L9' LE9 00,5E 00'098 00'SL 00' 9£ L £ Z6'66b 00'SZ9 L b8' b9£ 6b'ZZS SL'Sb0 L LZ'0£E L 66'6£L Sena dL4s.aagwaW 8861 aOLn.aaS auo4daLLgoW •ueC 43P,AguO3 aLLgowogny guawked guawaALgaa *UPC guawaa.Abv aoueuagULPW 'ueC (kquLN) UOL4DnPaa lLOAX'Pd 6u LgU L-Ad XJeLPS .W X,APLes •ueC XueLes 'ueC awL'4.AanO •Oaa I X'APLes •ueC awLg.AanO •Oaa 9 X,aeLPS •ueC awLg.AanO '3a0 g RJPLPS •UPC awLg.AanO •0a0 � X',Ae Les • UPC awll.AanO '0a0 9 SJ PLes •ueC X',APLes •ueC aULLOSP9 awLg.Aan0 'Oaa q X',APLPS 'UPC awLg.AanO '0a0 9 X'.AeLUS •ueC aOLn,AaS s4guoW L aOLn,AaS S44UOW Z guawXPd 4UM&A Lgab • ueC q[sodea 6ULPLO444im 'UPC uoponpa0 L lOJkPd 'UPC aOLn,AaS sgguoW Z auLLoseg RJP LPS 'UPC ganbue8 Aagwe40 guawasAngwLaa guawXed Aal.Aeno 3sL saLLddnS aOLddO a0ue4sLO 6uol g aOLAJDS s44uoW L sbna X,44u3 AOOO slaaM Z SUOLgeOLLgnd b L LPH A LO og a0 Ln,AaS s4guoW Z guawa,ALgaa saaXoLdw3 aOLLgnd Sena 8861 UOLgOnpaa LLOAL'ed 'ueC aa3 d14s.AagwaW 886L g LsodaO 6uLP L04P LM 'UPC .AauLegaa A@pUaSOO aOLLgnd -ueC ,A au LPgaa ueC Rae Les ueC X',APLes •ueC XJPLPS ueC X',AeLes •ueC X'.AeLes 'UPC SdaL43 aoLLod I s,}}Lu04S do 'Ussy 'VM '9L gsaM44,AON auo}aLLgoW 'SL 'wpy uag jo 'gda0 'VM do 'gS 'bL swagsXS guawaaLgab .4o -idea 'EL •OUI `SUOL4P0LUnuluO3 LP.AluaO 'ZL Rem Pa4Lun 'LL '00 MaA9oW a4l 0L X'aLuOD X'OeAl '6 s.aadseC aLgeX '8 X'aSLLM uouue4S 'L L'aLgaM LLPPup2 '9 zLn4S '9 Lae40LW 'S UOSL.A,APH UgOC 't 6Lu,ALA ga40 'E 4sPN aonig •Z kqu p P L Ou eH 'L 30I10d X'LddnS a6ue.Ag ' LL aXbuuPl uoa 'OL a6pL.au910a,A8 aLuual •6 'o0 auo4daLal Le,Aauag '8 43La4SLO Aa4PM 'M '3 'L swagSX'S guaLUBJLgaa }o •gdaa 9 'tlM 10 3ue8 Xg pnoaS ' S UOLUn 4Lpa.AO 0Opad 'b 40L.A4SLO James •00 'Oa 'E X LddnS abue,Ag Z uewpoog qo8 'L ARTS MP.AgOW p.APgO La ' 6 L J0L,A4SL0 44LeaH SPL6noa uPLa40 8L gULud uI 'LL • o0 auo4daLal LP,Aeuag ' 9 L UOULl LPgsXA) 'SL PLJOM aagOgPuaM a41 'bl iDLugSLO AaM9S '03 '00 'EL swagsX'S gUawa,ALgaa 10 'gdaa 'ZL s,AoX'eW go LLOunoO '0 'N ' LL uOtun gLpaAO 00pad 'Ol 'ussy sAa,AnseaAl LPdLOLunW yM '6 uog6u14sPM 3o 3ue8 X'4pnoaS •8 ,Aaj,ae8 •0 X'auddaC 'L aOPLLPM I X'4d.anW °uap60 'uap60 •9 z4LLM •a �OLN 'S abpL,Aua�0a.A8 aLuual 'ti LazuOl eLUL6uLA '£ ,An4g,AyOW X'660d -Z MPJ9OW p,a P40 La • L 3SN3dX3ARM) SUN 886L Page 2 1988 Bills Con't. Jan. 21, 1988 POLICE 17. 18. Do, Co. Sheriff's Dept. Rocky's House of Guns Jan. Dispatching Services Cleaning Supplies 797.00 25.52 19. WA. State Criminal Justice 7 Sets RCW Selected Titles Training Commission 7 Sets Supplement 152.43 20. Grange Supple Co. Gasoline 364.45 21. Ernst Home & Nursery Operating Supplies 29.69 22. Cascade Chevrolet Co. Lamp Assembly 36.42 23. Ted Finkbeiner Motors Parts Police Car 19.08 24. Guardian Life Ins., Co. 6 Months Disability Ins. (Kirby) 82.36 25. Clifford Hahn Prescription Drugs 31.98 15 869.08 CITY HALL BLDG. FUND 1. Alpine Electronics, Inc. Sound System Equipment (only) 4 261.30 2. The McGraw Co. 6 Plaques Council Chamber 129.00 4 390.30 STADIUM FUND 1. East Wenatchee Chamber of Commerce Purchasing Advertising in the 1988 "Destination Washington" ' Magazine Per Contract 1 201.00