HomeMy WebLinkAbout7/20/1987 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MEETING July 20, 1987 Council members present: Tery McKee, Paul Cassel, Les Young and Dick McGraw. City Attorneys, Robert Kiesz and Chuck Zimmerman. Peggy McArthur, City Clerk. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor Pro-Tem Dick McGraw. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Tery McKee, seconded by Les Young and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Tery McKee, seconded by Paul Cassel and passed unanimously. Bob Goodman said the sidewalk on Valley Mall Parkway had been repaired and said that he had filled out a construction permit for lighting on 3rd St. and the lights will be installed as soon as P.U.D. can work it into their schedule. Mayor Pro-Tem Dick McGraw complimented both street department employees and police department employees on the good job they did with flooding conditions over the weekend. Nick Wiltz said he felt the City should have Sign Permit Ordinance. He stated that the City had adopted the Sign Code but at the present time, has no permit fee schedule. He is now using fees based on valuation of the sign using the fee schedule from the Uniform building Code. Nick assured the Council that his request was not intended to increase revenue. In fact, he stated, most permits would cost less with the schedule he has put together. The Council asked the City Attorneys to draft a Sign Permit Ordinance. Nick Wiltz said the area above Douglas County P.U.D. is now zoned Industrial. He said the area is now residential and he would like to see it zoned medium density. He said he had talked with Bob Burke about the zoning and Bob has no problem with it. Paul Cassel said it might create a problem if the City down zones an area. Nick said he first would contact each property owner in the area in writing for their input. Tery McKee made a motion aht Nick be allowed to persue the zoning issue and if there is no feedback from the residents, it can then go to the Planning Commission for their recommendation. The motion was seconded by Les Young and passed unanimously. Nick said he has not made an inspection as yet of the Eastside Arcade as the application form has not yet been approved by the Mayor. Bob Kiesz said the Eastside Arcade has 30 days after the effective date of the Ordinance to conform. However, he stated, the application form has just been presented to the Mayor, City Clerk, Chief of Police and Code Compliance Officer for review, so there may have to be some flexibility as to time if the inspections are delayed because of City's lack of providing the application to the Eastside Arcade in sufficient time, additional time for inspection and compliance may be appropriate. 'James Barker, Director for Douglas County Parks & Recreation Dept. gave a brief summary of the 2nd quarter expenses and reserves for the park and pool. He also said the district has been distributing flyers welcoming swimmers to the Greater East Wenatchee Area. The ballot issue was discussed by the Council. Chuck Zimmerman said, joining the Eastmont Recreational Service Area for residents of the City will have to be put on laaLO R4L0 `an R668d ' wal-oa aOReW `MeagoW l:)l R L s n 0 W L u e u n `pauanoCpe aq 6uL4aaw ay} 4e44 UOL40W a apew as)13W Raal passed pup 6unoA sal kq papuooaS `SsaULsnq aa44an; ou 6uLaq amyl •MeagoW loLO `wal-oad aogpW Xq UOLSsas aeLn6aa o4UL loeq paLLeo SUM 6uL4aaw a41 •sa4nU[W aau44 fiLa4ewixoadde ale; pLnom 4L 4e44 pup UOL4e6L4LL 6uLpuad a ssnosLp 04 paLLeo aq 6uL49aw aAL4nOaxa up 4ey4 palse LasseO Lned 'a4eP ae49L e 4e passnosLP aq LLLm 41 PUP 9WL4 SL44 4e Uale4 SBM UOL4Oe ON •saLeS 94e4s3 Leaa UO xel 8sL3x3 up 4nd ueo R4uno0 pup R410 a41 'Llej SL44 ssed 4ou S90P anL4e41UL L0a4u00 pooLj a44 Si `6ULpunl Aoj aney k4uno0 pup 44L0 a44 uoL4do ue 6uLuaaouo0 alods aalloW Raal •kLsnOWLueun passed pue Lasse3 Lned kq papuooas seM UoL4oW •4oLLe8 AagWaAON ay4 ao; kpeaa aq upo 4L os paaedaad sluawnoop kaessaoau a44 496 pue 40La4SLO aaLj a44 04UL xauue 04 sa4SLM k4L0 a44 4e44 F4uno0 ay4 kSLjou skauao44H 944 aney 04 uoL4ow a apew as)JoW final `UOLssnosLp awns a94JV •sassauLsnq pue s4uaplsaa S4L JOS 43ea4uo0 auL3 ay4 6uLFed anUL4uo3 40u pLnoo F4L0 a44 paaa6e LLounoO a41 '886L Xq 00'000`OOL$ 4oeau pLnoo pup 00'000`Z8$ SL L86L aol asuadx3 4uaaan0 So ;no k4L0 ay4 o4 4soo a44 anuanab paae4S Leaapaj So asOL ay4 44LM •passnosLP seM 40La4SLO aaLj a44 04UL UOL4exauuy ' •kisnOWLueun passed pup aalloW kaal kq papuooas `6unoA sal kq apew sem uoL4oW (LeL3uaWWo0 04 LeLa4snpui asnoyaaeM woaj s4LWLL k410 4se3 944 Pup keMlaed LLeW kOLLeA `4aaa4S 44anoj `4aaa4S PaL41 uaam4aq X4L0 ay4 UL44LM pa4eooL k4aadOud 10 6uLUOZ a44 6UL6ue40) M *ON aoueuLpaO 4dope o4 pa43pua LLounoO 941 'aLgeLLene aoLS10 d0 44e0 fiaeSSaaau a44 aney 40u VP laaLO 844 se 6u14aaw a44 aa4}e UL uaoms aq pLnoo ay 4e44 wL4 paSLnpe pue uL 4LS 04 sLaaoW •aW pa4LnuL LLounoO a41 •FLsnOWLueun passed pue LasseO Lned Xq papuooas `sLaaoW saweC 4eaS 04 uoL4ow a apew 99NOW Raal `SUOL4euLwoU a944anS ou 6uLaq aaa41 •aoLkel ueLUS Rq pa4eoen fleas LLounoO 844 04 SLaaoW saweC p84euLwou aalloW Raal •kLsnOWLupun passed pup 6unoA sal kq papuooaS •auLL4no s,ZSOL3 qog apnLouL 04 aL4Ll 4oLLe8 a44 4deap Sk9uao44d k4L0 a44 aney 04 UoL40W a apew as)IoW Faal •k4aadoad Leuosaad pue S4uawanoadwL `k4aadoad Leaa S4L `eaay aoLnaaS UOL4eaaoaa 4uow4se3 a44 So dLysaauMO ao UOL4eaado ay4 So 4no asLap kew 4e44 (4LLigeLL LLe pue flue 45ULe6p k4L0 ay4 F}LuwapuL pue WOJJ ssaLwae4 44L0 944 PLO4 LLeys F4uno0 044 4e44 pue 40La4SL0 lied umo s4L wao; pup ;no LLnd ueo X4L0 944 `pupsnoy4 aALI paaoxa pLnoys UOL4eLndod a44 3L pue 6uLpun; kup ao} passasse aq Mm SuaZL4L0 4e44 pue Sneak xLS aq LLeys UOL4eunp a44 `paeo8 a44 uo anaaS s4uapLsau R4L0 OM4 4e44 `aL4Ll 4oLLe8 a44 uL papnLOUL aq pLnoo 4e44 4Saaa4uL So s44[od 4ueoL}Lu6LS ay4 peaa ZsaL)j qo8 `uoLssnosLp aaow aa4dtl 4uawaaa6y LeooLaa4uI a44 UL y4ao3 4as swa84 a44 apnLouL pLnoys aL4L4 4OLLeq a44 4LaJ Pup 4e44 44LM p914SLIPS 4ou seM ay pLes LasseO Lned •4aw uaaq FpeaaLe aney 4e44 s6UL44 apnLouL 4ou o4 paonpaa aq aL4L4 40LLeq a44 pue paySLLgo aq pLnoo k4L0 pup k4uno0 a44 uaam4aq 4uaw9aa6y LeOol aa4uL aq; pLes jon43 •awL4kue 4e ;no LLnd pLnoo k4L0 a44 `pupsnoy4 anLS paaoxa uoL4eLnd0d S,k4L0 a44 .4L pLes wLC •„eaay aoLnaaS LeuoL4e9a3aa 4uow4se3 a44 uLOC 04 4UEM s4uaplsaa k4L3 a44 oO„ IOU ao sak aLdwLs a 4snC `aLglssod se aLdwLs se aq aL4Ll 4oLLe8 ay4 4e44 pa4sa66ns aajaeg wLC •ssaL ao spaom OOZ aq 4snw a Ml 4oLLe8 844 pLes uewaaUULZ lony0 XLnp d0 44LZ ay4 Rq @ M i 4oLLe8 a44 paau Ra44 pLes aalae8 wLC •4oLLe8 aagwa4daS 844 1 1 BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT JULY 20, 1987 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Don Crain July Salary 297.90 2. Peggy McArthur July Salary 1 041.85 3. Virginia Kinzel July Salary 976.75 4. Lennie Breckenridge July Salary 502.64 5. Nick Wiltz July Salary 456.50 6. Ogden, Ogden, Murphy & Wallace July Legal Retainer 1 625.00 7. Jeffrey C. Barker July Public Defender Retainer 499.92 8. Pedco Credit Union July Payment (Payroll Deduction) 950.00 9. Security Bank of Washington July Withholding Deposit 2 799.30 10. Do. Co. Dist. Court July Court Service 2 905.50 11. Dept. of Labor & Industries 2nd Quarter Industrial Ins. 1 281.20 12. Dept. of Retirement Systems July Public Emp. Retirement 593.45 13. Petty Cash Cash Expenditures 158.89 14. Do. Co. Sewer Dist. 2 Months Service 14.00 15. Ma Cristina Buak Translator Fee 15.00 16. Chevron U.S.A. Credit Card Gas Charges (Yakima) 89.19 17. Apple Barrel Bark Co. 6 Yards Red Fir Bark 16.13 18. Grant Road Hardware Parts for Sprinkler System 71.77 19. The Wenatchee World Publication Licensing of Panarams 44.81 20. General Telephone 1 Months Service 392.06 STREET 1. Ron Lannoye 2. Lenueal Breckenridge 3. Bob Goodman 4. Dept. of Labor & Industries 5. Pedco Credit Union 6. Security Bank of WA. 7. Dept. of Retirement Systems 8. Chamberlin Distributing Co. 9. Wenatchee Sand & Gravel, Inc 10. Dale's Cement Finishing 11. Petty Cash 12. Do. Co. Sewer District 13. Forsgren-Perkins, p.a. 14. Grant Road Hardware 15. Grange Supply Co. 16. General Telephone July Salary July Salary July Salary 2nd Quarter Industrial Ins. July Payment (Payroll Deduction) July Withholding Deposit July Public Emp. Retirement Weedkiller 5 Yards Crushed Gravel Sidewalk Repair Cash Expenditures 2 Months Service Baker & Simon Sts. engineering Supplies & Shovel Handle Gasoline 1 Months Service 14 731.86 360.80 005.15 389.00 514.99 300.00 593.70 603.17 14.25 36.82 161.25 25.12 32.59 056.06 18.64 252.65 50.22 8 414.41 1 11 1 SCVLb LL L9'OLL 80•b9£ LL 00'SLS 00.88 9L•8L 99' 09£ 08•b9£ 68'6 SS, £LL 00' 9£ 0£'SLL 6 LVZ 9£•Z8 S6•b £Z'9bZ 00'£b Zb'9b 00.OL 8S• LZL WON 96'96L 88'£Lb L6.OLS Ob•988 b L' L bL bb•ti9b 68'S8S bL'LSL SP.ae3 8xS dDN OOOL UgPH pa0141L3 -ao3 f'duJa4}0404Sd slows -Wm J04 s4uaw4eauj w163 allLLOSPS •3da0 aOLLOd Ao4 Aogel •4da0 '4S saLLddnS aoLd40 ,a Ledab 4 Lu0 .1eped (Xq,aL)I) san0 LenuuV aunC ,ao} aa3 6uLsnOH AaUOSL.Ad s.aa4SLnbUL4x3 @AL3 Z a6aegoab (Rq.ILN) 'suI S4MgeSLO S4Iu014 9 saLLddnS as Ld_4O SOL,aa4-e8 Z 9 'aa.a6V •gULeW aOLn,aaS auoydaLLgoW 4lnC FueLeS X'Lnp (uOsL.a.aeH) UOL4onpa0 LLo.aRed 6uLueaL3 F10 aunC }uawau Load XLnC a3Ln,aaS bUL404edsLO XLnC L'.aeLeS XLnC awL3.aan0 aunC g R-1E LeS XLnC X,aeLeS f'LnC awL4.aan0 aunC B fi-1eLeS 4LnC awL4uanO aunC ' RUeleS fiLnC awL3,aan0 aunC I kaeLeS XLnC X.aeLeS Opp Suedw03 MeigoW a41 'LZ 'O•W `SPUe$ •3 4uagob '9Z OLuLL3 OL4oe,ado.AL40 e4LuenC 'SZ se,aawe3 s4l� •bZ •03 FLddnS a6ue.ag '£Z 9a4O4P uaM 4se3 }o R41) 'ZZ 4UL,ad UI ' LZ 4uawn,a,4sul punoS 3a6nd 'OZ uSSV 3u9wa.ao4u3 Mel •4S •VM '6L .aa.ansea.al •03 uela40 •8L -4uawd Lnb3 a.a L3 An4;,AVOW • L L •03 'suI a}Ll ueLPaeng '9L sauL40 % aOL}}0 uosLaN 'SL OUI 'SUOL4POLunwwo3 Le,alua3 'bl 4saM44JON auO49LLgoW '£L s.aadseC •W aL3eA 'ZL keM pa4 pn ' L L s.aaueaL3 a3e4S-VW 'OL swa4SLS Juawa.aLlab Jo ;da0 •6 •;da0 s}}Lua4S 'o0 •00 '8 f'aLgaM LLPPUeb •L zLnPS L9e4oLW '9 lids L LM uOuue4S ' 9 UOSL,aueH ugOP 'b 6LuuLA 4a40 •£ 4SeN aOnAg 'Z f'q.a LN P LO,aeH ' L 33 I l0d