HomeMy WebLinkAbout7/6/1987 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesCITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MEETING July 6, 1987 ' Council members present: Tery McKee, Paul Cassel, Dick McGraw and Les Young. City Attorneys, Robert Kiesz and Karen Wiggum. City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor Don Crain. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved with the following correction. That the limit of $200.00 be lifted on all expenditures incurred by the Council or any elected official and that it not be limited to meeting expenses only. With the correction, Dick McGraw made a motion to accept the minutes. Seconded by Tery McKee and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Paul Cassel, seconded by Les Young and passed unanimously. Bob Goodman was given permission by the Council to have the sidewalk that buckled by Kayo's Service Station on Valley Mall Parkway repaired. The cost to be between $200.00 and $250.00. Bob Goodman also explained that Third Street from Valley Mall Parkway to Eastmont Ave. is in much need of street lights. He said lights could be put on existing poles and the cost should not exceed $600.00. After some discussion, the Council and Mayor Crain agreed that with Northern Fruit personnel working late hours and with McDonalds about to open, it would be wise to have lights on Third. Motion to have Douglas County P.U.D. install street lights was made by Tery McKee, seconded by Dick McGraw and passed unanimously. The Council gave Bob Goodman permission to order a dumpster from Dependable Disposal to be used for trash from the park and City Hall. The cost of a dumpster, when one is avail- able would be 35.00 monthly. Chief Kirby said the police department personnel had very few problems over the 4th of July. Nick Wiltz stated that Douglas County Fire Department Chief had received a letter from Union Oil stating that a sale of their station at the corner of Valley Mall Parkway and Grant road is now being considered and they hope it will be sold in the next six months. Failing the sale of the property, they intend to either reactivate the facility with a new dealer or remove the underground tanks by Spring of 1988. Mayor Crain said a flood control measure would be on this Fall's Ballot and both Council and Mayor stated the flood control bond has their full support. No one appeared for or against the rezone of that portion of the area between 3rd St. and 4th St. and the East City Limits and Valley Mall Parkway. Paul Cassel made the motion to accept the recommendation of the planning commission and that the area be rezoned from industrial to commercial. Motion was seconded by Dick McGraw and passed unanimously. The Council directed the City Attorneys to draft the necessary Ordinance. The Council enacted to adopt Ordinance No. 422 (The licensing of "Panorams", "Previews" "Picture Arcades", or "Peep Shows" with the Council's recommended changes from the last meeting. Motion was made by Dick McGraw, seconded by Paul Cassel. Discussion followed. / !mil// / ` kLsnowIupun passed pue aalloW kAal Rq papuooas 'pauinoCpe aq &<L4aaW a jegq POL40W a qPPW MPAg0W JOLO 'ssauLsnq uag4unj ou 5ULaq auayl •A'Lnp UL 19aM 4seL ay; sL a4ep 6uiLI; a43 4egl paounouue OSLP aH A'lio aq4 6ULAUas Mou sp.aeo8 OM} aqq 40 auo wou; auoawos 40@Las o} 4ueM 146tw LIounoo aq4 4eq4 pagsa66ns aH •auOkue 40@L@s o; upLd 'uanaMo4'4oU sa0p ay PIPS ULP.a3 JOkeW •Juawquiodde aqj ajew uagq ueo JoRPW se ay 'ROUeOeA ayq LLI4 03 OLgeun a,ae LIounoo aqq ;I *kOUEOEA a44 LLI} o} auoawos 40aLas 04 sA'ep p£ seq LIounoo ay; pies uLeu3 AORPW •4au6aJ q}IM uoL;eu6Lsau aqq pa;dao0e Pup JOLRel ueL,a8 luewLjounoo wo,a} paAiaOa.a UoL4eU6Ls9a 40 J8449L a44 peau ULea3 AOSPW •ZZb *ON aoueuLpap ;dope o3 p040A kLsnowtueun 6unoA sag pue MPag0W JOLQ 'Lasse3 Lned 'aalloW F.aal •@40A aqq uo} paAse uIea3 AORPW 'UOLssnOsLp auow aa};y •a0ueuLpa0 ay} Inoge SUOL;sanb Ma; a pa)se apeo,ay apis4se3 aq} 6UL4u@sa.ada,a '}pIwgOs uaaLgge)l •a0uepua44e UL aLdoad ayq. }o .sow ,ao} uewsajods seM sLJJOW •aW •anssL aqj Uo UOl43e awos 6ULje .ao� ��ouno3 ayq �uaw��dwoo o; DIIL pLnOM ay PLes SLJJoW sawep '•suouLw 4oa4oud o; SLoo40s wo,a} 80ue4sLp o} se s}IwLL awns Jas 04 pue awL} auo }e gjooq a u-L sL uosiad auo A'Luo }eyq ainsse o3 pup sy;ooq aq4 UL u0 6Ut06 sL }eqM aas ueo s,ao4euado os sabueg0 awos quell 4snC A'agl •F;Iunwwo:) aq; ;o Ino ssaULsnq 6UL4SLXa a44 aALup 04 4ou seM uoL4U@4UL s,LIOuno) ayq plea Lasse3 Lned •slouTw loeloid of pup esaa aqj uT altntaaa TeuTWT_aa Ta T;uaiod aanpai 'sesTwesd a41 uo pewao;iad 6uTaq sloe Tn;netun Pug PnaT 20; Tet1usa0d a4; ssaappe 01 03ueurp10 st41 6uTloeua 6q TTaunoo AIT7 aql ;o ivaluT Sul sz 1I •paivawaTdwT iou ale suoTleTn6ai aTgauoseai ;T lssouTsnq s41 ;o ewe s4q uT awTaa PaseaaouT pue uo TiniTiaoid lasn 6nip te6s111 io; spuno26 6ulpsaiq awooeq uea PUP SIOUIM 10e111e ssssauTenq ;O e1309 99841 1e141 •saTlunOO pue sailio aaglo ;o anuetladxa aq; uaaq seq 1I •s41ooq a4l uT smpuoo pasn puno; oste pup sanssti uT uawas ;o sitsodep puno; ,STielnBei Pug •60Tnow aul PanaTn suoiled e4l q*T4n uT sgiooq aqj do paueata a4 •autancl letn6ai e ss le4l PelaaTPuT aeAoTdwa aul 'OTO'sE'6 uoTloaS apoJ Ted TounW aa401euaM 4se3 a4l aapun paut;aP se sloe PnaT se pagtiosap ' aq Ptnoa isgi sesiaaid aql aplaut sglaoq agi uTgi Tn noeld x0ol salltnil01T'9961 uT ape01y apTslse3 a4l 1e pa6otdwa sen CJ14 _jdsn3 31 a4 awtl a41 6us2nP 1e40 ape0ay aptsise3 e4l ;o aa6oTdwa iawao; e 6q TTounoo a1t:) aqj ;0 U0Tigaile aqj 01 ig6nO2q uaaq se4 SI puooa.a a43 .ao; quawams pasodoid 6ULMoLIo} a4l peau as-AoW A'.aal BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT JULY 6, 1987 CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Les Young 2. Paul Cassel 3. Tery McKee 4. Brian Taylor 5. Richard McGraw 6. Security Bank 7. Cascade Janitorial Service 8. Wenatchee V. Humane Society 9. Standard Insurance Co. 10. AWC Employee Benefits Trust 11. D & L Spray Enterprises 12. Employment Security Dept. 13. P. U. D. 14. E. Wenatchee Water District 15. Tery McKee 16. Advance Travel Expense 17. Grant Road Hardware 18. Ma Cristina Buak 19. Town Plaza 20. WA. Assn. of Bldg. Officials 21. The Wenatchee World 22. Chelan County Treasurer 23. Ogden, Ogden, Murphy & Wallace '24. In Print 25. Assn. of WA. Cities 26. Grant Road Hardware 27. McConnell/Burke STREET 1. Standard Insurance Co. 2. AWC Employee Benefits Trust 3. Security Bank of WA. 4. WA. State Treasurer 5. Chamberlin Distributing Co. 6. P. U. D. 7. High Country Batteries 8. Emp. Security Dept. 9. Grant Road Hardware 10. Harrison Auto Parts 11. Consolidated Electrical 12. The Standard Steel Co. 13. Cascade Natural Gas 14. E. W. Water Dist. ' 15. Morrill Asphalt Paving Co. June Salary 55.71 June Salary 55.71 June Salary 55.71 June Salary 55.71 June Salary 55.71 June Social Security Deposit 3 121.45 June Janitorial Service 45.00 June Dog Control 333.00 July Disability Insurance 102.12 July Medical, Dental & Vision Insurance 1 734.00 Spraying of Trees in Parks 274.13 2nd Quarter Unemployment Compensation 218.73 2 Months Service to City Hall 89.00 2 Months Service 17,97 Cascade Loop Annual Meeting & Luncheon 16.00 Yakima Seminar 150.11 Supplies Planning Dept. 25.31 Translator Fee 15.00 Yakima Seminar 146.88 2 Books for Building Dept. 5.50 2 Publications 49.44 2nd Quarter Liquor Payment 122.92 Special Services & Criminal Prosecution 4 219.09 Office Supplies 44.55 Convention Registration 121.00 PVC Fittings for Park 3 May & June Statement OA-.* 14 165.11 July Disability Insurance 39.76 July, Medical, Dental & Vision Ins. 425.96 June Social Security Deposit 779.87 9th St. Construction Engineering 2 287.07 Weed Killer for Roadside Vegetation 220.11 2 Months Service 1 829.00 Battery for Pickup 44.08 2nd Quarter Unemployment Compensation 60.57 Miscellaneous Supplies 5.98 Parts for Maintenance & Repairs 45.08 5 Universal Ballasts 139.21 Steel for Trailer Hitch 20.96 1 Months Service 5.47 2 Months Service to Shop 47.30 3.48 Tons Hot Mix 95.39 1 1 00' 000 L L9'60L Zb sa.an400.a8 - 4sanbau 4saM uopuog 60'9L b9' L L Eb' Lb 6L'L£L aunp uL L8'89 ALed@a 00'96 (uoL4onpa0 LLouL'ed) OZ'£ 89'OZ 96'LZ 8 L' Ob0 Lb 00'0£9 00'OL uoi4eo LpaW uoLj pnw V s4LN g sadoLanu3 pled 4ou awL4uan0 RQW ueo aoLLod JOS s4ued 6Lu.ALA aaj dL4suagwaW p,403 uoLsu94x3 pa6ue43 auLLose9 saLLddnS a3L}_40 40e.a4uo3 uoL40a40,ad auLj JLUH 4s.ALj aoLLod uoJ Aoge3 4da0 •4S L'eW sa4seM ue0 a3LLod aunC s.ae3 41pau3 uo LLouno3 4uawdoLanaO OLwou003 •L aNfl3 WflI0tl1S u4eH PuOJJM 'ZL sung jo asnoH s, OOP •LL se,aawe3 s4LN 'OL 6LuuLA '9 4a43 '6 •ouI 's4ued o4ny uosLu.aeH '8 ussy 4uawao,aoSu3 Mel '4S 'tlM 'L fi',aas.anN g awoH 4suu3 •9 'o'J LLO LLa4S '9 •ouI 'sauL4oeW 33LJJO uosLaN •V Z# '4sL0 auLJ '03 -00 'E 80404euaM •3 Jo •3 •Z 4seM ae3 s, of'e)l • L 33I]Od