HomeMy WebLinkAbout6/1/1987 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesTaped City of East Wenatchee Council Meeting June 1, 1987 Council Members present: Tery McKee, Paul Cassel, Dick McGraw, Brian Taylor and Les Young. City Attorneys Bob Kiesz and Chuck Zimmerman. City Clerk Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor Don Crain. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Les Young, seconded by Dick McGraw and passed unanimously. Bills and accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Paul Cassel, seconded by Les Young and passed unanimously. Nick Wiltz advised the Council that Forsgren/Perkins Engineering had surveyed Simon Street. Nick also stated that Forsgren/Perkins are planning to take aerial photos with Chelan County, Douglas County and the City partipating. A cost estimate will be prepared for the Council's review before any action is taken on this project. Bob Goodman handed out landscaping beautification proposed draft for the Hamilton Street project. An estimate from Van Wells Nursery would run approximately $5,000.00. Dick McGraw made a motion to accept the estimate , seconded by Tery McKee and passed unanimously. Bob Goodman explained that there would be no charge by the Water Dist. for irrigation during the winter months. Bob Goodman also stated that there is a problem with the signal light at Grant and Eastmont. The Department of Transportation quoted a cost estimate of $4,502.80 to replace 10 loops or they can replace the most important loops only. Bob said the street employees would help with traffic control during repair. After some discussion, Les Young made a motion to have the Department of Transportation repair all 10 loops, seconded by Paul Cassel and passed unanimously. Dick McGraw stated he would like to attend a meeting June loth at 9:00 A.M. at Southcenter put on by Washington State Local Governance Study Commission. Tery McKee recommended that the Council give approval. Les Young made a motion that an expend- iture of not more than $80.00 be allowed for Councilman McGraw to attend said meeting. Seconded by Tery McKee. Paul Cassel vaoted yes. Dick McGraw and Brian Taylor abstained. Motion carried. The Council enacted to adopt Ordinance No. 420 (East Wenatchee Municipal Code Prohibiting Inattentive Driving) Motion was made by Dick McGraw, seconded by Les Young and passed unanimously. The Council enacted to adopt Resolution No. 3-87 (Interdepartmental Transfer of a City Owned Vehicle from Police Department to Planning) Motion was made by Paul Cassel, seconded by Dick McGraw and passed unanimously. After reviewing an agreement between the City of East Wenatchee and the Eastmont County Pool for Stadium Fund monies in the amount of $11,000.00 to be spent by the County for the replacement of a pool tank and heating apparatus and determining that the expenditure would aid in bringing tourists into the City of East Wenatchee, Paul Cassel made a motion that the expenditure be granted, seconded by Dick McGraw and approved unanimously. Nick Wiltz read a memo concerning a fence located around the Union Oil Station on the corner of Grant Road and Valley Mall Parkway. 1 'up LassPO LnPd Fq papuooas `pauunoCpe Jolp °ssauLsnq aagl.an} ou 6uLaq aua41 'RLsnowLueun passed pup LassP3 LnPd Rq papuooas 'MEugoW JOLp afq apew SPM UOL40W (asuadxa 4a6pnq 4dap slupd P sP AuPLPS s,aDROLdwe luawlupdap laauls auo 30 uoL}uod a 6ULgSLLgPIs3) L8—b *ON uoLgnLosab ldopp o3 palOPua LLouno3 a41 -XLsnowLueun passed pup Lasse3 Lned Aq papuooas 'aalloW A'ual kq apPw SeM uoLIOW (sPaue PuPze4 POOLS uL uoL4uana.ad 96ewep POOLS of 6uLIeLaA 88£ 'ON aouPuLp.ap 30 uoL43aS P 6uLLeadai PUP apo3 LedLOLunW 844 SO W S L ua4de48 So suoL338s 6uLlsLxa 6uLpuawe pup suolloas Mau 6uLppE) LZb aOueuLpap ldopp of Pa4OPua LLouno3 a41 •3as Sum E66L 04 886L wP.a6oud laaa}S JQDA xLS a44 JOS 43SL aunC So a3ep 6uLuPaH y •6uL4aaw 6uL4Sa.aa4uL PUP anL;ew.ao3uL I�aaA u SEM JI pajP4S ay PUP p9pua44P OSLP suagwaW p,apog R;.LO OM4 PIPS aH •uuI J040W paLq.aapun4l a43 4P PLa4 °6uLuuPLd LPOOL uo 440E RPW papua4;P pP4 ay 6uL48aw u uO ALP4 4JOgS a anP6 JOIN •aun4uu6Ls S,.aoAeW a44 JOS @Dual a44 JLeda.a pup eaue aq; uPaLo of wa4; 6uLsLnpP dILPB So LIp uoLup 04 ua449L P I}Pup 03 JOIN paIse Llounoo aq4 uoLssnoSLp auow uajJV •80ua4 a43 uLPdau pup uaae aq; do uPaLo 04 paLSLJOu aq aLdoad ay} pa4sa66ns pup aoueuLPup PaaM s,,' I3 944 04 pauaa}au Las5e3 LnPd •6uLssed5au3 wou3 aLdoad daa) IOU pLnom aOuaS 4ouL 8V P PIES uOLXPi UPLJq •04a °spasm lk4 aadoud a44 So aoueueadde aqI 44LM wL4 PassauppP anP4 aLdoad PIPS 6unoA sal •Seaue LPLDaawwoO .ao} aoueuLPup aoua} P ;JPJP of 3ueM (Pw Llounoo a44 gp43 pagsa66ns JOIN •SPa P LPLo.aawwo) uI s843uL 8b Paaoxa 424; SaouaS .aaq o ;no p93uLod PUP SuollPLn6au aoua; ,aod LPLOaawwo3 uL SuoL40L.a4sau ou auP a.aa44 4P44 pagP s aH •apew uoL;oadsuL UP PUP pauLP;qo uaaq pe4 4Iw,aad 6uLpLlnq P PIPS �3LN BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT June 1, 1987 ' CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Les Young May 1987 Salary 55.71 2. Paul Cassel May 1987 Salary 55.71 3. Tery McKee May 1987 Salary 55.71 4. Brian Taylor May 1987 Salary 55.71 5. Dick McGraw May 1987 Salary 55.71 6. Cascade's A-1 Janitorial Services, Inc. May Janitorial Work 45.00 7. W. Valley Humane Society June Dog Control 333.00 8. State Auditor April Invoice for State Audit 3 276.44 9. Ma Cristina Buak Translator Fee 15.00 10. Sears, Roebuck & Co. Part for Lawnmower 77.93 11. AWC Emp. Benefits Trust June Medical, Dental & Vision Ins. 1 734.00 12. Security Bank of WA. May Social Security Deposit 2 941.94 13. The Wenatchee World Publications 74.16 14. In Print Office Supplies 50.29 15. Standard Ins., Co. June Disability Insurance 102.12 16. Nelson Office Machines Toner for Copier 109.65 17. Ogden, Ogden, Murphy and Wallace Special Billing & Criminal Prosecution 3 620.31 18. Kroll Map Company 10 Maps, Tax & Postage 42.86 19. Nick Wiltz Workshop 5/30/87 Land Use 15.00 20. Hartley Beeler Workshop 5/30/87 Land Use 15.00 731.25 '12 STREET 1. Security Bank of WA. May Social Security Deposit 789.36 2. AWC Emp. Benefits Trust June Medical, Dental & Vision Ins. 425.96 3. Traffic Supply Co. Traffic Cones, Tape, Traffic Signs, Vests, Freight and Tax 670.10 4. Dept. of Transportation April Signal Maintenance 57.84 5. Alpine Electronics Antenna for new truck 43.72 6. Up Lumber Co. 50 Posts 387.00 7. Capitol Chevrolet 1987 Chevrolet 3/4 Ton Pickup 11 330.86 8. Standard Ins., Co. June Disability Insurance 39.76 9. Cascade Gas Corp. 1 Months Service Garage & Shop 8.06 13 752.66 POLICE 1. Randy Webley May Salary 822.43 2. Dick's Service Labor & Freon for Recharge of A/C 25.60 3. Rocky's House of Guns Shooting Range Supplies 30.98 4. Blumenthal Uniforms Uniforms 330.15 5. Kayo's Car Wash May Police Car Washes 70.00 6. Chet Virnig Overtime for April & Lunch while traveling 131.30 7. Grange Supply Co. Gasoline 276.16 8. Libke, Jones & Mitchell Premium for 2 new Police Cars 1 718.10 Shell Oil Co. Gasoline charged on Credit Cards 31.84 10. Kits Cameras Photofinishing & Film 10.77 '9. 11. Harrison Auto Parts Parts for Police Car Repairs 22.23 12. Clifford Hahn Prescription Drugs 110.50 13. WA. St. Narcotics Investigators Assn. Fee for Bruce Nash to attend conference 25.00 14. Postmaster 6 Months P.O.B. Rental 26.50 3 631.56