HomeMy WebLinkAbout5/18/1987 - City Council - City Council Meeting MinutesTAPED CITY OF EAST WENATCHEE COUNCIL MEETING May 18, 1987 I Council Members present: Tery McKee, Paul Cassel, Dick McGraw and Les Young. Attorneys Robert Kiesz and Chuck Zimmerman. City Clerk, Peggy McArthur. Meeting was called to Order by Mayor Don Crain. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved by Tery McKee with the following correction: "That the plans for the end of Hamilton Street were drated by McConnell and Burke but the cost estimate of $33,000.00 was determined by the City's Engineers". With that correction, the minutes were seconded by Dick McGraw and passed unanimously. Bills and Accounts were approved as submitted. Motion was made by Paul Cassel, seconded by Tery McKee and passed unanimously. Chief Harold Kirby introduced Officer Randy Webley to the Council. Authorization was given by the Council to declare the 1979 Chevrolet Nova surplus as it is no longer used by the police department. Motion was made by Dick McGraw seconded by Les Young and passed unanimously. The Council directed the City Attorneys to prepare an Ordinance involving traffic violations. At this time, the city can only 2 Tte a person with negligent driving for small things such as wearing sunglasses after dark or bumping the back of some ones car. The new citation will be called inatentive driving which is a lesser 'penalty than negligent driving. The Council enacted to authorize the transfer of a surplus 1984 Skylark from the police department to the planning department. Motion was made by Dick McGraw, seconded by Les Young and passed unanimously. The City Attorneys were asked to draft a resolution. Authorization was given by the Council to declare a 1960 four wheel drive street vehicle surplus as it is no longer used. Motion was made by Dick McGraw, seconded by Les Young and passed unanimously. Both the Nova and the Street vehicle will be sold at Northwest Auction Services. The Council granted permission to Bob Goodman to purchase 50 sign posts for approximately $380.00. Nick Wiltz gave out an invitation to attend a short course on Local Planning to be held Saturday, May 30th at the. Thunderbird Motor Inn. The Council determined that the fee of 15.00 or 20.00 would be reimbursed by the City for any City Employee, Council Member, Planning Board Member or Board of Adjustment Member wishing to attend. Nick Wiltz was advised to notify all Board Members of this Short Course. Nick Wiltz said Bob Burke would be in East Wenatchee Wed. to go over some of the zoning problems. The Council authorized that officer Randy Webley start as a 1st Class Officer because of his past experience as a police officer. Motion was made by Les Young, seconded by Paul Cassel and passed unanimously. Jim Barker, Director of the Douglas County Parks and Recreation Dept. requested $11,000.00 from Stadium Fund Monies for a new pool hot water heater as first requested November of 1986. oupL0 9;63 -kLsnOWLueun passed pue 6unoA sal kq papuooaS pauanoC aw ay; ;R4 oL;ow e a ew meagOW JOLa °ssaulsnq aay;an; ou 6uLaq aaayl •6uL49aW ;xau ay; ;P ;I s P aa;;Pw ay; I JOOL o; palsP SPM Z;LLM JOIN •aoua; MULL ULP43 aq; ao; panSSL ;Lwaad R SPM away; aaq;ayM pauol;sanb spm ;L Pup A'L446Lsun 6uLaq ;L 4noge s;uLPLdwoO Leaanas 6ULnLa3aa uaaq ppq A'gaLN ;aL43 PIPS bunoA sal •A'emAuRd LLPW A'aLLPA pue PROM ;uPag ;o aauaoo ay; ;e UOL;e;S 9L UoLup ay; ;nogg uoLssnosLp awns seM aaa41 'L86L `b XeW LLouno3 ay; A'q pa;uPa6 A'LsnOWLueun se 00'SZb$ ;o ;unowe ay; UL A'auow punj wn'LPP;S a0; a0a9wwo3 ;o aagwe43 aa4O;puaM ;sP3 ay; uaam;aq ;uawaaa6y UP u6Ls 04 LLouno9 ay; Xq paZLao4;np SPM uLea3 JOXPW •anaas o; I wLy ao; aLglssod sL ;L dL ;aoddns LLn; sLy seq uewpoog qog ;pq; pa;e;s L9ssP3 LnPd 6uL4aaw ;xau a4; A'q aamsup UP aney pue paPOB Uol;Paaoaa PUP sued pup RgLg ay; uaam;aq ;uawaaa6y ay; MaLnaa pLnom aq PIPS ZsaL)j qog •;uaplsaa F;L3 a aq ;snw uosaad ay; ;ey; 6ULpuP4s -aapun sLy SPM ;L PUP s;LWLL S;L3 ay; UL MALL ;,uop qog pup A'gaLN ;eq; PIPS MPa90W JOLa •qoC auL; P op pLnom uewpoog qog ;g6no4; ay pue paPO9 ay; uo anaas o; PPL6 aq pLnom uewpoog qog ao ay PIPS A'gaL� daL43 •UOL;Lsod ay; ao; puno; aq pLnoo auoawos Wtun anaas o; 9dde4 aq pLnom ay PIPS A'aal •pae08 a4; uo UOL;Lsod puooes ay; ao; 44L3 ay; woa; auoaWOS 6uLpul; awL; Pae4 P BULne4 sPm PaeoB SAJPd ay; PLUS aaNOW ,Caa,L •L'LsnOWLupun passed pup L8ssP3 LnPd Fq papuooas °MPagOW JOLa Fq apPW SPM UOL40W ';aaa;S UOWLS uo A';aadoad ;o uoL;dLaOsap LP6a1 aq; 40 bUL;;eap ay; UL aoaaa s,aauanaaos a o; anp dew 6ULUOZ LPLOL;;o ay; 6ULPuaWe PUP (c,LE 'ON aOUPULpao 6UIPuawP) 6Lb 83UPULpao ;dope o; pa;Oeua LIDuno3 aql •UPLd anLsuayaadwo3 ay; uo Aeai ;sed ay; UL auop pPy Raq; laom ay; ;o LLe ao; MeagOW JOLa Pup aalloW Faal uawLlounoo pajupq; uLPa3 AoXPW '186L `5L fieW onnaH ag UL pLaq •eM ;o •ossy 6ULuuPLd PUP •ossy 6uLUUPLd uPOLaawy ' `aa;dP43 uo46uL4SPM ay; 6uL4uasaadaa as;;Lwwoa spaeMy ;ULOP ay; woa; @ling qo8 o; pa;uasaad seM ;pq; paemy ;LaaW ay; 44IM uLPa3 AoXPW pa;uasaad mPagoW JOLa •;uawnoop ay; 6uLaedaad uo wLy q;Lm laom o; AddP4 aq pLnom ay ;Pq; aaIaPS WIC pLo; LasSP3 LnPd •A'LsnOWLueun passed pup bunoA sal Fq papuooas •sA'auao;;y PUP Llouno3 ay; o; aLge;Ins pa;uasaad sL ;opa;uoO a ;L aan;lpuadxa sLq; mOLLP o; uoL;oW a apPW as)JOW A'aal `uoLssnosLp aaow aa;;y •04a WSLano; ;Oea;;e o; Rpm LPUOL;owoad a UL pasn aq pLnom kauow ;Pq; 6ULM04S sauILapinb q;lm pa;;eap aq 04 aney pLnom 4oPa4Uoo P PLUS ZsaLN qog BILLS SUBMITTED FOR PAYMENT MAY 18, 1987 ' CURRENT EXPENSE 1. Don Crain May Salary 297.90 2. Peggy McArthur May Salary 1 041.85 3. Dannie Kinzel May Salary 977.61 4. Ron Lannoye May Salary 487.39 5. Len Breckenridge May Salary 503.09 6. Nick R. Wiltz May Salary 456.50 7. Ogden, Ogden, M. & Wallace May Retainer 1 625.00 B. Jeffrey C. Barker May Public Defender Retainer 499.92 9. Do. Co. Dist. Court May Court Service 2 905.50 10. Duane K. Breiler Witness Fee & Mileage 18.08 11. Kathy Day Witness Fee & Mileage 15.21 12. Ellen Frazier Witness Fee & Mileage 15.21 13. Standard Ins. Co. May Disability Insurance 89.83 14. Pedco Credit Union May Payroll Deduction 900.00 15. Libke, Jones & Mitchell Public Officials Insurance and Public Employees Blanket Bond 10,888.50 16. The Wenatchee World Notice of Hearing 23.95 17. Security Bank of WA. May Withholding Deposit 2 553.30 18. Dept. of Retirement May Public Employees Retirement 785.46 19. The DOH Associates Refund Plan Inspection Fee 117.33 20. WtJo. Dept. of Public 12 Maps 12.00 21. General Telephone 1 Months Service 398.40 ' 22. Sears, Roebuck & Co. 3 Blades for Lawnmower 33.83 23. Grant Road Hardware Parts for Park Repair 6.79 24. Do. Co. Sewer Dist. 2 Months Service to City Hall 14.00 25. Do. Co. Parks & Rec. Per Agreement 29 000.00 pa Ati, -26. Western Wood Products Assn.l �^^ �9.99 27. In Print Office Supplies 44.19 28. Grange Supply Co. Fertilizer for Park & Gasoline Police 326.29 29. McConnell/Burke Inv. for April 2 710.47 30. Petty Cash Postage 150.25 56 927.85 STREET 1. Bob Goodman May Salary 1 390.57 2. Ron Lannoye May Salary 856.75 3. Len Breckenridge April Overtime & May Salary 1 058.53 4. Pedco Credit Union Payroll Deduction 300.00 5. Harrison Auto Parts Parts, Spark Plugs & Wire Connectors 21.56 6. E. W. Water District 2 Months Service 33.80 7. General Telephone 1 Months Service 51.88 8. Standard Ins. Co. May Disability Ins. 35.07 9. Do. Co. Sewer Dist. 2 Months Service 32.59 10. Security Bank of WA. May Withholding Deposit 539.70 11. Dept. of Retirement May Public Employees Retirement 624.36 ' 12. Kits Cameras 2 Polaroid Time Zero 21.26 13. Petty Cash Cash Expenditure Propane 7.40 4 973.47 00'SZ8 8b'£b6 LL 00'ZZ 6L'ZL bZ'LOZ Ob'Z6l 9Z'6bL 00'SS 00'£b IL'8bZ LO'££ Ob' SL L £ L' £Z SS'LZ9 00'OS9 98'OL 9£'SZ 8£'8Zb S6'96L Z6'6LS 00' 0 L Z b' 9b bZ'L88 LL'OL9 b6' S L6 £Z'9£9 99'099 bL'LSL „auLzP6PW door apvosP3„ Z86L a4; uL 4u9w9sL3.aanpy aO,Aawwo3 }o Aagwe43 aa4OIPuaM ;sea ONnj wniavis Xq.ALN PLO-APH ,a03 s4u0w;P@,Ai 6n.Aa uoLIdLADsaud sumaegL9 waosm s.APO aOLLOd uo A0gPj laa-A4S sj46LL4odS Z sjoo,AB •wM Aoj 4deAa41 aOLA,AaS auogdaLLgoLJ field 6uLuPaL3 w,Aojm LLadtl saLLddnS zLn4OS aILW LeOLsXgd saLLddnS g sassPL9 6uL4004S aaj 6uLsnOH A@uOsLud Lpdy u4PH .AOJ 4dPaa4;043Atsd ue8 aal q dLJIS LLa4S s,ALedab APO aOLLOd ao3 s;.Aed suP3 Mau 03 s.Ae3 PLO w0ul dLnb3 6uLAowaa 9 Juawaa,A6y •JuLPW XPW aOLAJaS 6u14o4PdsLa XPW 4uawa.ALjaa aOLLod AfeW uoigonpaO LL0-AL'ed k-kPLPS ACeW XJPLPS XPW F.APLPS ACeW X,AeLPS Sew L'uPLPS 42W RJE?LeS ACPW k-AP LPS L'PW OLuLL3 0L3Oe,Ad0,AL43 S@LLPA '93 Squ L� P Lo,AeH ' SZ 'OuI 3uL-Ad P'4PO 'bZ aa404euaM '3 10 '3 '£Z Du `LLaMOS-3ua6AVS 'ZZ O'ASd`asa.Aj uaL9 ' LZ 3saM4q,AON au0J@MoW 'OZ s.AasueaL3 94e4S NW '6L ssPL9 18 4ULPd ONS4SP3 '8L OLuLLO A@LLPA aa4O4euaM 'LL sung so asnOH s,A30d 9L .Aa.Ansea,Al •03 uPLa43 9L '0'W `sPuPS '3 gjagoa 'bL 03 laa4S PAepuP4S '£L s4JPd o;ny uosLuuPH 'ZL su0L4P0Lunww03 LP,AluaO 'LL •4daa s}jL-Aa4S '00 '00 'OL 3uawa.AL4ab jo 4daO •6 o3 •oa 9 ueLa43 so •M 'fl '8 saadsep aLgPA 'L A'as L LM uouuP4S ' 9 zLn4OS a�LW 'S uosL,A.APH Apuea •y 6LUJLA 1843 '£ 4seN aonuB 'Z Xq,ALN PLO-APH -L 33I l0d